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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. 2 points. First...how f***ed up do things have to get when people actually start caring about what sort of things wind up in military training manuals, which is basically what this is all about. I'm not sure if I should be uninterested or appaled. How much do people in the armed forces actually pay attention to those anyway? 2nd, this is exactly what Bush said he'd do in the signing statement he issued when McCain passed his last attempt at a "torture ban" bill a few months ago. Bush said he'd ignore it, and voila, the DOD is ignoring it.
  2. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Jun 5, 2006 -> 09:28 AM) Burning moats stocked with fireproof crocodiles!! At least it keeps the black knight at bay.
  3. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jun 5, 2006 -> 09:05 AM) I know it's Republicans that are proposing this. And they are flat out wrong. When you can bring together Kap, Northside, Iggy, and Balta all on the same side...wow.
  4. QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Jun 5, 2006 -> 08:45 AM) This is where a phone database comes in handy. So, there's something stopping the Federal Government from subpoenaing that information?
  5. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Jun 5, 2006 -> 07:57 AM) Are you effin' kidding me? Draft Roy AND get Channing Frye while dumping Gordon? GET IT DONE PAX!!! Yeah...that would be a pretty darn good deal. Loaiza for Contreras good.
  6. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 4, 2006 -> 07:52 PM) Oddly enough Jose Contreras has never had Widge catch for him. The 2 Cubans were terrible when working with Widger last year, and by June Ozzie had basically figured out that he couldn't have the Widge catch them.
  7. QUOTE(fullcollapse @ Jun 4, 2006 -> 07:13 PM) as far as buehrle is concerned, he does much worse when widger is catching this year ip er era w l nd aj 50 8 1.44 6 0 1 (no decision was opening night, includes sunday night game in minnesota) cw 31.2 23 6.54 0 4 1 i did this myself pretty quick, but it should be pretty accurate. also i don't know what the stats were last year, or what any of the more usefull stats are, and yes it is a small sample size, but it suggests maybe buehrle just doesn't pitch as well with widger behind the plate. it would make some sense, since buehrle rarely shakes off pitches. perhaps aj calls games better for buehrle? Widger's CERA was actually quite a bit better than AJ's last year...mainly because Widger and Buehrle were working together a lot and doing quite well at it.
  8. Oh great, just what we need, another sign of the collapse of this season.
  9. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Jun 4, 2006 -> 06:51 PM) Just like last year, Marte's WHIP is through the roof, but his ERA isn't too bad. In the second half it caught up to him, and with the way Ozzie handles this bullpen, I imagine the same thing would happen if he came back here. Get rid of Politte either by DFA, or some kind of DL stint. Give Lopez a shot and wait to see what comes available at the deadline. The Yanks are going to need some BP help, Oakland needs help, and the National League is filled with .500 teams making few sellers. The remarkable thing about the wild card is this; .500 teams and even .450 teams are still considering being buyers at the trade deadline as they still can in some cases be 1 player away from a playoff run (Think the Astros). Literally, the only teams that are going to be sellers at the deadline in the next few years are going to be teams that are really out of it, Kansas City/Pittsburgh out of it at the deadline. And the prices are going to be through the roof. Think about the NL west right now....all their teams are winning...all of them will be looking to add, and not subtract. The Cubs will be out of it, but they still won't subtract. And so on. Interestingly...a few weeks ago, the Yankees had by far the best bullpen in baseball. Now they're falling back towards the middle of the pack. Hmm...maybe bullpen performance can be a bit streaky. Also another interesting note...our bullpen coming into today had pitched 129.1 innings. That's the fewest innings pitched by any bullpen in the big leagues...by 15 innings. That's 20 innings fewer than any team in the AL. You know what? If we can get our starting pitching to be just a little bit more consistent, i bet our bullpen concerns will dry up pretty quick. But yeah...something needs to be done with Clifford.
  10. QUOTE(That funky motion @ Jun 4, 2006 -> 06:31 PM) I agree. Leave him out there and let him work out his batting. Especially now that Mack is over his brief hot streak, I agree. Once again I ask...what the f*** is Greg Walker being paid for if this kid can't hit .200?
  11. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Jun 4, 2006 -> 04:46 PM) I just wish Amare would've been able to play in these playoffs. They Suns played great with all of those injuries. They're going to be very good next year aswell. A lineup of Stoudamire, Diaw, Marion, Bell, and Nash will be sick offensively. I wouldn't be surprised if Tim Thomas left, he's going to make a few million more since it's his contract year. Barbosa is going to be a great player aswell. I still think people underestimate how big of a factor Kurt Thomas was for the Suns early in the year and how much his injury hurt them. Compared to last year, he gave that team the ability to actually get the occasional defensive stop , and even more so, he was a strong rebounding force, both of which allowed the Suns to start off on the break. Losing him really hampered their defensive abilities and their ability to get on track when they were slumping with the jump shot. Before Thomas was hurt, Phoenix was near the top of the league in defensive efficiency (points given up per 100 possessions), after he was hurt, they started getting a lot worse.
  12. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jun 4, 2006 -> 05:59 PM) Not sure I agree. Not one of BA's better defensive games this year IMO. Actually Tony's probably right...even though Anderson had 2 bad plays out there, missing the cutoff man and not backing up Pablo, he also had a couple of good running/diving catches today, at least 1, if not 2 of which Mack simply wouldn't have even been close on. And Mack probably wouldn't have been in position to back up the diving Ozuna on either of those doubles, just because he wouldn't have gotten there.
  13. QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 4, 2006 -> 04:25 PM) With the way that Buehrle pitches, we need our best defense on the left side of the field. Against a lineup stacked with righties, there's going to be a lot of hits towards the left side of the infield. It's the same reason why you need your best infield in the game when Garland is pitching. Trouble was, we had our best defense today on the left side of the infield, and I can think of at least 3 balls that wound up in the outfield after just barely getting past Crede and Uribe, 2 of the doubles and a hit past Uribe. Gload had one skip past him real fast also IIRC. 2 of the other doubles were just out of Pablo's diving range, so that hurt our left side defense also. We got really really unlucky on where those doubles wound up today...they were all about a foot from someone's glove.
  14. The soreness was in the left foot also, the same one he's had the surgeries on.
  15. The next time you hear a media member complain about how the Dems are just making the environment more partisan by gunning for Lieberman, take a note of how much you hear about the challenge the Republicans base is making against 2 of their representatives right now. Both of whom are probably in hotter water than Lieberman right now.
  16. QUOTE(South Side Fireworks Man @ Jun 4, 2006 -> 03:46 PM) There is some validity to your point. The Sox traded the poster boy for "Grinder Baseball" the prototypical grinder if you will, for the prototypical slugger. That prototypical slugger took the place of another "grind it out" type of guy at DH. I'm not knocking any of the Sox offseason moves. They are all great moves on paper. But sometimes what's on paper doesn't necessarily translate on the field. I'm still expecting the Sox to gel and wind up even better than last year. But I'm not shocked that so far it isn't happening. You lose a lot of edge and intensity when you take away an Aaron Rowand and a Carl Everett from any lineup. See, that would make sense to me if they were trading for a Jason Giambi, or an Alex Rodriguez, Tetrahydrogestrinone, etc. Guys who are poster boys for being selfish players, guys who don't work with their teammates, guys who get things naturally/chemically, etc. But Jim Thome has never struck me as one of those guys. He's worked as hard as anyone on this team. He runs harder on ground balls than anyone else on the team. He hits the ball a long way, but he sure as all hell grinds as hard as he can. He grinds a lot harder than Everett, that's for sure.
  17. So the Republicans are in favor of charter schools, as long as they do the exact same thing public schools do except cheaper. Guess maybe people should have thought of things like bad management before they came up with the whole idea, eh?
  18. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jun 4, 2006 -> 01:31 PM) Surprised they didn't give the kid a shot at the CG. Threw only 94 pitches....about a total of 15 in the last 3 innings combined. I don't know who sucks more right now. Us or the Tigers? Cordero's struggled this year, I'm sure they'd like to get him some more work to just get him back into a groove.
  19. QUOTE(mr_genius @ Jun 4, 2006 -> 01:20 PM) haha, she's the perfect replacement for Rather She's on the air what, 5 days a week, 50 weeks a year or so? I have no idea how much vacation time she got. Probably well over 200 shows per year. And they pull together like 6 or 7 quotes per year, which clearly proves she's a bleeding heart liberal. Yeah, there's some logic. Because I'm sure it'd be impossible for someone to sit down and come up with 20 times as many statements from the other side (Navy seals Rock!), or from the same side. And I'm sure she didn't read any of those off of a telestrator. And some of those are just really really stupid choices anyway. Like the only people who are annoyed with paying $3 a gallon for gas are Democrats, I'm sure.
  20. QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 4, 2006 -> 01:24 PM) Why do we need Gload? Can't that be Konerko at first base, and then use someone like Mackowiak at DH? And what do we do when Konerko needs time off?
  21. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jun 4, 2006 -> 01:22 PM) Montero not looking too shabby so far. It's hard for you to have worse timing than that.
  22. QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 4, 2006 -> 01:20 PM) I think it's good to give him rest, as he's going to be our primarty righty set-up man vs the Tigers. The Tigers don't have many lefties, so McCarthy's going to be needed in the series. He has an off day tomorrow, and he hasn't exactly been sharp lately. At this point, the only way he's going to get better out of the pen is to work out of the pen.
  23. QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 4, 2006 -> 01:20 PM) Yeah, I don't think we have enough time to count how many times we've said that we need another outfielder on the bench. There was a perfect opportunity to try and spark the bottom of the order, and have Ozuna DH and bat 9th today. He'd be the perfect table-setter for the top of the order. So just out of curiosity, now that we're seeing where Gload actually can be useful, given that it's sort of hard to expect Thome to play 150 games a season right now, do we really have a roster spot we could fill with another outfielder?
  24. If we want BMac to get acclimated to the pen, he should be in right here.
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