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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. Detroit already up 1-0 in the 2nd, back to back doubles by Polonco and Thames. Schilling on the hill against Rogers.
  2. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 03:40 PM) See the thing is, I'm not even advocating a trade at this point in time. I'm all for letting some time pass and getting closer to July 31st and see if these current guys can maybe turn it around or simply show more consistancy. If the bullpen is the same near the middle/end of July that it is right now I'll be all for a trade. Unless of course Lidge becomes available anytime soon, then I'm all for giving up some talent for his shutdown ass. Lidge hasn't given up a run in his last 4 outings, so his "Pujolsing" may have passed through his system, at which point he's not moving anywhere.
  3. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 03:39 PM) Thomas and Hriniak were the ones who taught him the leg kick. Another reason why Greg Walker should be canned and Hriniak should be brought back. Walker sucks. I for one think having Uribe spread his legs out and try to steady his head on his swing (a-la the changes andruw jones made before 05) would do wonders to help him see the ball better, but I just haven't seen anything that suggests he's actually spreading his legs out or balancing more at the plate this year over last.
  4. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 03:33 PM) That excuse can work with any distance limitation. Well I just turned the corner and there was the school. Oh and the child in my trunk, he needed a lift, you mean he is 8. He told me he was 18. Is there a difference between driving past a school/driving a block away from a school and actually being stopped next to it?
  5. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 03:18 PM) Well whats an acceptable range then. We have similiar laws in Illinois that keep perverts away from the kids. You have to have a safe haven. So there is no mistake, of well I didnt know that this was really 500 feet. Just because I was on the swingset, that isnt near the school. This makes it absolute. We also have similiar distance limitations for additional penalties on the sale of drugs and the use of handguns near schools or playgrounds. I wonder if the ACLU would represent the parent of a child who decides to spray the brain matter of a pervert against the wall when they catch them hurting their kids. I'm afraid I don't know what an acceptable range would be, it would make sense to me to actually look at a map and see what sort of area that would actually cover. If it's covering all of downtown indy, it's too far. If it covers just a few sparse blocks, then it's fine. 1000 feet does seem a bit far. Or, the law could have been written with a more specific exemption, like allowing travel down interstate highways or something like that. But again, this would be the reason to see how it's enforced. If someone gets lost and drives a block or two away from a school that they can't even see, a cop runs the plates, and the person winds up under arrest for being lost and too close to a school that they didn't even know was there, that just doesn't make much sense. But of course, that's a hypothetical, so who knows whether or not that would actually be enforced like that until the law is actually in place.
  6. Well, the good news is that the "Barry Lynn" you mention is no longer a legislative council for the ACLU. The bad news is that the ACLU every so often does pick the wrong group as a cause. This is a potential such case. Here's the one question you do have to answer though...the ACLU argues that a 1000 foot ban is simply too much, as it cuts across a significant amount of Marion county. If that made just entering the county or traveling down major roads illegal, that'd be a bit much. Not to have sympathy for those folks, but a county just can't ban people from staying inside it if they're not posing a threat, can it? The law as written does sound a bit vague. It'd be nice to at least see how it is enforced first before filing the suit though, as sometimes the undefined temrs can be defined in sensible ways.
  7. Because then the Patriot Act would never have passed, Duh.
  8. Anderson gets the start against the Righty at home. He's 8/24 with 3 home runs against righties at home.
  9. Message #1: A New York Yankee player is going on the disabled list. The player is: Gary Sheffield. Message #2: A New York Yankee missed last night's game due to injury. That player was: Derek Jeter. Message #2: A New York Yankee missed last night's game due to injury. That player was: Mariano Rivera. Jeff Kent hit the 15 day dl.
  10. More good n ews. The #3 man at the Justice Department will have to testify under oath about why the DOJ reduced the settlement in the federal tobacco case from $130 billion to $10 billion
  11. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 11:28 AM) Heh. Nicely done. Perhaps we can hire Colbert to be our bench coach? We'd stand a better chance at sweeping our next series against the baby-bears, I'll tell you that for sure.
  12. QUOTE(WCSox @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 10:09 AM) Barring injury, B-Mac will be at least as good as Garland's career average. That combined with his low cost definitely make him untouchable. If the kid stays healthy, Garland will be damn jealous. Garland's career average should be BMac's low side if he's healthy.
  13. Somebody play some f***ing baseball, I'm sick of this s***.
  14. So...supposedly, D-Wade is quite under the weather this morning, is dehydrated, and quite ill. Either this is the best news the Pistons could possibly get...or Wade will really do a Jordan impression and drop 50 on the Pistons tonight, like Mike seemed to every time he got sick.
  15. QUOTE(Wedge @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 09:34 AM) So my question is, why is McCarthy still an untouchable? Let's look at the following: McCarthy does us no good right now coming out of the pen McCarthy might not be a capable staring pitcher for the Sox, both considering his own production and the possibility there is not spot in the starting rotation open for 2007 (all current starters are under contract for 2007) McCarthy is very highly regarded as a young pitcher Maybe I'm an idiot, but given these facts McCarthy appears to have a low value for the team for this season and next, assuming his poor play out of the bullpen (for whatever possible reason: no defined role, he's just a bad pitcher, etc.) continues. Considering these facts, wouldn't McCarthy be a valuable chip in landing a stud reliever or SS or CF? That's why I question if he is "untradeable" Think about this...in 2000, Mark Buehrle was pitching out of the bullpen. He wasn't as highly touted as McCarthy IMO, but what would have happened had we decided to go all out in 2000 and traded Buehrle for a veteran starting pitcher? Well, we might have won a game against Seattle, for one, but beyond that, we a.) wouldn't have had a very cheap starting pitcher for several years, b.) we wouldn't have won the world series last year, and so on. Brandon is untouchable because right now he is the best talent this team has, he's making the league minimum for the next several years, and he's going to be in the starting rotation before long. And furthermore, I can hardly see anybody out there who would give me equal value for a potential lights out starting pitcher who makes the minimum and is under our control for 6 more years.
  16. Some actual good news: A federal Judge has allowed the first set of NSA lawsuits to go forward. In March, the administration asked the judge to dismiss the suits on the grounds that having them go forwards would jeopardize national security, a nasty little trick they've used quite a bit over the last few years.
  17. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 09:06 AM) Bullpen pitching and defense. Incorrect. The correct answer to what they're missing is: "Balls."
  18. QUOTE(beautox @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 08:58 AM) I feel the same way, i think hes having a hard time getting a feel for his pitches(esp his change-up and curve) when he has been used sporadically. If we want McCarthy to work as a reliever this year...and ozzie isn't going to put him out there every other day no matter what (Make it a mission) then BMac should be in AAA for 2-3 weeks pitching every day or every other day out of the pen. We're trying to turn a starter into a reliever for a season, and still having him work every 4th or 5th day? That's a recipe for disaster.
  19. I actually don't mind the government having the power to look at library records, I just want them to have to go before a judge to do it, and allow Congress to know when and how the power is being used (so that if any administration abuses that authority, Congress will have the ability to take it away). As I understand it, very little of that has happened thus far, which is the one thing that disappoints me. It'd be a dynamite law enforcement tool though, if handled the right way.
  20. QUOTE(YASNY @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 11:56 PM) I believe when this group immigrated, they didn't break any immigration laws. So, much like those Europeans, the Native Americans issued them work Visas?
  21. It sure doesn't look to me like he spread out his stance at all. He's still diving forward on every pitch.
  22. QUOTE(Wedge @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 04:23 AM) we're settling for Governor of California. I'd vote for him.
  23. QUOTE(daa84 @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 04:51 PM) sounds like some work for brandon He needs it, that's for sure
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