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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(Cknolls @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 12:44 PM) I stopped counting at three the number of employees of this non partisan group who previously worked for the AFSCME. (no Agenda there). How about the guy who was Economic Policy Director for Kerry Edwards Campaign?? OOPS!!!! Non-partisan, I forgot... Gimme a break!!!! Because the guy you cited was clearly right down the middle and totally unbiased, like all Heritage people are. Here's the raw CBO data. Tell me which part they changed.
  2. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 12:41 PM) But anyone who claims we cant trade x prospect because x is too valuable is mistaken. Jeremy Reed, Joe Borchard and the rest say Hi. As long as the X is not Brandon McCarthy, I agree.
  3. So, according to press reports this morning, the Department of Homeland Security has decided to enact significant cuts in the amount of anti-terror funds going to New York and Washington, the cities actually hit by the last set of terror attacks. See, now normally, I might not be as annoyed by this one, because it may very well be a sign that the folks in washington and NY were spending the money carelessly in earlier years. But Here's the one that got me. So we're cutting funds to NYC because it has no national landmarks or icons, while Omaha and Louisville do. Heckuva Job, DHS.
  4. QUOTE(beautox @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 12:31 PM) That would make sense except the D-Rays are stacked with OFs between both the MLB and Milb level, Baldelli, Crawford and Joey Gathright all are 25 or under. Then you have Elijah Dukes, & Delmon Young. i would think they would want Fields/Rogo & Broadway or something along those lines. Given who's in front of Rogowski at this point, including him in a deal would be absolutely ideal.
  5. QUOTE(Sox1422 @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 12:23 PM) I was thinking more along the lines of Broadway and Fields. Crawford is signed under a deal that would keep him a Sox until 2011 and never pay him more than 10 million (final year option) I think he make betweeen 2-4 mill now. If we're talking about getting Crawford, clearly including Anderson or Sweeney in that deal becomes a logical move, for exactly that reason. We'd have control of Crawford for 5 more years or so, which would leave us with Sweeney, Anderson, Crawford, Podsednik, Fields, Owens and Dye as potential outfielders for the team for the next few years, with Crawford and Podsednik not going anywhere for a while. We'd have more outfielders than we could deal with, so one of those two guys would be a logical element to include. QUOTE(beautox @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 12:26 PM) i have no problem giving up fields and broadway for someone like Crawford. For every 50 prospects drafted 4%(2players) make it to the show and of those two players how many actually become impact players? What is the number for first round picks?
  6. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 12:10 PM) The payins rise, along with the amount of money they would receive from SSI and Medicare. What it comes down to is that the system projects are made with only so many low income receiptiants in mind. As with every other federal program, the rich pay in more than they receive to fund the poorest within the program. If you add a disproportionate amount of people to the bottom end of the equation, without adding people on the high end, you end up with shortfall. The true income potential of most immigrants is capped because of their educational status's being rather low, which means they can only make so much money in a lifetime. The true income gains for immigrants are made in the next generations of those families as they become mixed into the US society, culture, etc, and begin to acheive the key components of wage potential such as speaking English, high school/college graduates, skills training etc. See, that's the one interesting thing about Social Security though...while 1 higher income earner would pay more into the system than 1 low income earner, beyond $90k a year salary for the high income earner, the percentage of their income paid into SSI declines as their income goes up, because of the SSI wage cap: only the first $90,000 of a person's income is taxable for Social Security. In other words, while a CEO may make 6000x the income of a person making $15k a year, he only pays 6 times as much into the SSI system. This is fundamentally different from the income tax system, in that it is far more regressive. This dramatically reduces the amount of the program that is funded by "The rich" compared to other parts of the tax system, and significantly lowers the level at which people pay more into the system than they get back. Unless that cap is raised (Which has not happened since the Clinton administration), the only way the SSI system grows is if more people pay into it. Furthermore, the exact amount paid out would be a strong function of life expectancy, which I think we all can probably agree is going to wind up being significantly less for a person born in the U.S.
  7. QUOTE(beautox @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 12:13 PM) You Really think they would want McCarthy, personally i would think they would want someone along the lines of Broadway, the clock hasn't started on him. But i digress i too would love to see Crawford on the sox. If they want McCarthy...the conversation ends. That simple. They can ask for anyone else but him.
  8. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 12:07 PM) Didnt the Rays want a boatload for Huff last year? I know there under different ownership, but I have always been under the impression that its hard to get a deal done with the Rays. Crawford would be great, but once again, not the most pressing need. Yes they did ask for a buttload for Huff...but they also let Baez go without getting a buttload in return (which is what they were asking for under the old ownership as well).
  9. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 11:56 AM) Even the Heritage article said that medicare and SSI would be net losers in this transition, meaning even if they are isolated out from federal income tax revenues, they would be making money off of both of those programs as well, right? In the short term I believe the answer is yes...because of the way the program is structured. If an immigrant were to work for 10 years and pay into SSI and Medicare, then retire, they would be eligible for those programs. But, only paying in for 10 years does not pay for the entire cost of an average retiree on those 2 benefits. However...eventually this turns around eventually, as the incomes of people who remain in this country longer tend to rise with time as they gain experience and language skills, and as the people who retire have on average been working for longer and have paid into SSI and Medicare for longer.
  10. QUOTE(beautox @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 11:52 AM) yeah im glad i had the foresight to take him and Verlander for MLB 8 player fantasy challenge. Didn't the twins give up AJ to get Liriano? and if so who else did they get i can't recall. On a side note the ALC is going to have lots of talented young pitching for years to come, god i love the central. AJ for Lirano, Nathan, and a 3rd guy who's hanging around AAA. One hell of a good deal for the Twins, and it's turned into a very good deal for the White Sox too.
  11. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 11:50 AM) I would doubt it. Those are two separate taxes emarked for specific things. They aren't included as federal tax income. I think you're right, although the CBO gobbledygook is some of the worst I've read in a long time at making that clear. Their marginal tax rate may be negative, but they're still paying out into Social Security and Medicare, along with state taxes, so they'd still likely be paying out somewhere around 5-10% of their income depending on the state rates.
  12. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 11:38 AM) I couldn't get past this paragraph. According to the CBO, the bottom quintile of tax payers paid an estimated -5.7% tax rate in 2004, with the second quintile paying a -0.1%. How is adding negative tax payers going to increase revenues? Do those numbers include Social Security and Medicare?
  13. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 11:17 AM) We DESERVE this? What the **** planet are you from? We can't get any better because the corporations, etc. have bought the entire government. You damn hippy.
  14. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 10:25 AM) snore. maybe the cubs had a few more stories because they made a trade yesterday, they have injured players who are on the road to recovery, and people like to b**** and moan? give me one story about a white sox winner, and 5 about a cubs loser, and im happy... get over it. So if this guy posts one of these every day, and some of us are interested to see what the actual numbers are, will there be 5-10 posts every day saying "Yawn, this doesn't matter, etc." If for no reason other than curiosity, I'd say that it's interesting to keep track of these numbers. If people don't care, then they don't have to read the threads. Sound like a fair deal? (Note, not a specific response to Steve, just sort of used his post as an example. No offense).
  15. QUOTE(Cknolls @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 10:04 AM) Exactly. That is why this bill is a piece of doo doo. It is pandering at its highest form. Has anyone seen the study done by Robert Rector? What do you think? Response from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, including estimates of how much the immigration reform act would cost based on CBO numbers and historical evidence.
  16. The Mets acquired righty Dave Williams (2-3, ERA over 7, placed on waivers last week) from the Reds for a minor leaguer. The Reds sent lefty Ben Kozlowski to the Dodgers to complete an earlier trade for Cody Ross. Kelvin Escobar agreed to a 3 year, $28.5 million extension with the Halos. Sauerbeck entered a not guilty plea. Willie Mo Pena needs surgery and will be out like 2 months. Right after they got Coco back.
  17. Kevin Federline (Yes, that one): (Quickly changing my voter registration to Republican....)
  18. QUOTE(vandy125 @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 08:58 AM) LOL, for anyone that has seen it, this reminded me of Major League 2 (I know great movie). When Tanaka tells Cerrano "You have no... you have no... marbles! You have no marbles!" who replies "Marbles? Huevos?" That was sort of the point.
  19. QUOTE(Jimbo @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 08:45 AM) What prospects do you need to give up? There's a guy named Jarred Ball on the Diamondbacks' Double A team. He's only hitting .192. Boone Logan should be enough.
  20. Balta1701


    I haven't been particularly happy at all with my Dell. Lots of parts that just fail to work together.
  21. QUOTE(Jimbo @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 08:33 AM) We need KW to do something to this team NOW What can KW do when a team isn't playing to its own talent level? Adding more talent won't give this team a new set of balls.
  22. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 05:02 AM) I am going to be different and NOT say bullpen. I have been apalled by the complete lack of fundemental baseball over the past few weeks. As a matter of a fact, I will go out on a limb and say the Sox will be on the outside looking in for the playoffs if they keep playing this style of baseball, no matter what is done with the bullpen. I can sum up the 1 thing the White Sox need the most in 1 word. It's not bullpen, shortstop, or Center. It is Balls. This team needs Balls. Right now, they have no marbles.
  23. Our offense is staring at a 2-5 record on this road trip. That's not exactly how you repeat as champs. Jose...we need a savior.
  24. QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ May 31, 2006 -> 06:18 PM) Good for Damon. All that fat bastard (moore) did was complain that people were profitting off the war, when he himself profitted off it more than anyone. He stole clips, stole music, didn't get clearances and didn't get permissions to use what he did, he should pay. One other note...something like 60% of the profits from that film were supposed to be donated to a charity of Disney's choosing. The other 40% was slated to go to the Weinsteins/Miramax. Presumably Moore did all right and got a slice of the Miramax cut, but he didn't rake in the full $100 million Gross.
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