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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. Hmph...to all of those who said that Soriano's numbers the last few years were all because of Arlington... His numbers at home this year...11 home runs, 1.122 OPS.
  2. George W. Bush, May 25th. White House Press Sec. Tony Snow, today.
  3. QUOTE(kapkomet @ May 30, 2006 -> 11:49 AM) So, the schedule heavily favors Detroit coming down the stretch. Look, these guys aren't going to go away. Teams that get off to this kind of start are definitely hard pressed to not make the playoffs. The thing is, this year, there's 5 teams for three spots (NYY, BOS, CLE, DET, and CWS). Then you have the last spot going to whoever comes out in the West (probably OAK with around a 85 win total or so). I'd love to know why you put Cleveland instead of Toronto.
  4. From Yesterday's Your World with Neil Cavuto. X-Men was shown on 3,690 and the Da Vinci Code was shown on 3,754 screens. Al Gore's movie? 4 screens.
  5. QUOTE(WCSox @ May 30, 2006 -> 10:45 AM) Definitely, but I don't think it's necessary. Hell, not even Bonds has 3,000 career hits. If he falls short of 3,000, I think that he still has a good shot of getting in sometime down the road. He's the face of the Houston Astros, a 7-time All-Star, has four Gold Gloves, over 400 career SBs, hits for average, and will be close to 300 career HRs by the time he retires. Definitely a borderline HOF career for a 2B. The fact that you said the word "Borderline" only argues my point better. He's over 2800 hits right now...you get taht 3000th hit on his resume, and he'll have that final, big number that HOF voters can point to.
  6. Keep up the good work Mark. You're 2 guys away from the best ERA in the AL right now. (Of course, problem is, 1 of those 2 guys is Jose Contreras...but anywho...Verlander's up next.)
  7. QUOTE(Heads22 @ May 30, 2006 -> 10:22 AM) What do you guys think about Biggio? Wow, as of right now, he's had exactly 10000 at bats in his career. He gets to 3000 hits and he's in.
  8. It's the Hall of Fame, not the Hall of Very Good.
  9. QUOTE(loltrain @ May 30, 2006 -> 08:48 AM) You're absolutely right, most of us are probably still trying to recover from the barrage of Whitesox "fans" last year informing us of such things as: "DETOILET SUX LOLOLOLOL" "U GUYZ SUX LOLOLOL" "DETROIT IS FULL OF (not a nice word for black people) HAHAHAHAHAHA" "WE WIN AGAIN WHITE SOX FOR WORLD SERIES HAHAH U SUX LOLOLOL" and the like. I hope that we are not quite as annoying to you guys. Every site gets people like that. Please don't interpret them as representative of the entire White Sox fan base. We had some really annoying Cleveland Fans showing up here around the middle of September last year. Strangely, they all vanished during the last week of the season. It happens to everyone.
  10. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ May 30, 2006 -> 09:23 AM) I've heard clarification on that, and it was basically still at the informal level, the NFL seeing if he was interested in the position but not a formal offer of the position. And he supposedly said he wasn't interested.
  11. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ May 29, 2006 -> 02:36 PM) I agree, but they just dont look like the same team. IMO the loss of Coco is hurting them the most(I know how bad there pitching has been) They're the #1 offense in baseball. It's not Coco they're missing.
  12. QUOTE(robinventura23 @ May 29, 2006 -> 08:10 AM) Unfortunately, it was bound to happen. Hopefully, we can stop hearing about his every at bat on ESPN and start focusing on Albert Pujols possibly breaking his single-season HR record. And Jim Thome.
  13. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ May 29, 2006 -> 02:22 PM) If they haven't noticed by then, their just plain dumb. But...Brian Anderson! you can't win with a guy hitting .165 in May. You can't. No team in history has ever done that! You can't afford that!
  14. And pretty soon on the list...Frank Thomas.
  15. Starting pitching...3 more of those Good work Javy, Neal, Nelson, etc.
  16. QUOTE(WCSox @ May 29, 2006 -> 02:12 PM) No, how about we wait until the Tigers have beaten some teams that are actually playing well. The Indians and Twins don't fall into that category. We really haven't beaten teams that are playing well either.
  17. QUOTE(Kalapse @ May 28, 2006 -> 09:33 PM) I fail to see how sending down a great defensive player at a crutial position and calling up any 1 of 3 scrubs is going to improve the team. Might not necessarily be Anderson first of all...could be a sign of other roster moves coming, i.e. dumping or trading Gload, trading someone, or even just giving Anderson a few games to work on his swing against live pitching. That note in the Trib makes no sense without saying who it is that is being moved around, so it almost has to be someone casually suggesting something. I'll take this as a sign that somethin's up, and might be happening soon.
  18. The Tribune is suggesting someone's about to be on the move.
  19. Trib seems to think someone's about to be on the move.
  20. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ May 28, 2006 -> 09:13 PM) The creator of the worse nicknames known to man and that lovely sig is responsible for the post above you. I'm just saying...it worked for Dye last year...is all I'm sayin'. At this point, it ain't gonna hurt to toss that sig up for B.A.
  21. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ May 28, 2006 -> 09:02 PM) Look above you. :rolly I'm afraid I don't see what you're talking about, and I just scrolled back like 40 posts.
  22. You know what we need? Someone to make a sig commanding Brian Anderson to rise from his grave to rescue the White Sox.
  23. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ May 28, 2006 -> 08:53 PM) I just don't get the JGINAA thing, since no one's ever deemed him such. He really tried to be early last year. Shame that he couldn't hold onto that.
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