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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. Keep it Rolling Freddy...it's always nice to have a pitcher leading the league in wins.
  2. QUOTE(ChWRoCk2 @ May 26, 2006 -> 10:55 AM) The shutout against Texas isnt all that easy they have a good hitting team. It was also at the very beginning of the year, when Tex was ice cold and Menchie was wearing the wrong shoes.
  3. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ May 26, 2006 -> 10:22 AM) You sure know how to have fun on big holiday weekends my man! 1 long weekend > the amount of thought the White House has spent thinking about the situation on the ground, so at least someone's trying.
  4. QUOTE(Soxy @ May 26, 2006 -> 10:27 AM) I would be pissed at AJ for doing something that merited a 10 game suspension in the middle of a tight divisional race. Depends on the situation. A sucker punch like that one...yeah that'd be pretty bad. If he got suspended like Anderson coming to the aid of a teammate...well, at some point taking care of your teammates trumps your own suspension.
  5. Man, after his experience in Seattle, I bet that was a great thing for Thornton to hear.
  6. QUOTE(Queen Prawn @ May 26, 2006 -> 09:39 AM) I say he should take it now while the taking is good. The Sox start a 3 game set with Torotno today, followed by 4 with Cleveland. For the next month, we're either playing division games or teams with winning records (Texas, Cinci, St. Louis, Cleveland, Detroit). I say take it now so that there's no chance he winds up having to serve that suspension against Detroit.
  7. So here's the question...if you're B.A., do you take hte 5 games now, while Mack is hot and you're ice cold and work on your swing, or do you fight it and risk having a 4 game suspension a month from now right after you actually figure your swing out.
  8. QUOTE(IggyD @ May 25, 2006 -> 10:29 PM) Physics Professor Steven E. Jones I think he knows a little more than you or I. His paper was reviewed by his peers..which means other Physics professors and was accepted for publication. BTW..this is heavy reading...if you want more...check this Site too or this one by Scholars Oh, so this is the same guy who detected some excess neutron emissions and declared that he had achieved cold fusion. Just having read through his page, there's some obvious errors. Like saying that there was some sort of a problem with the fact that the needle of Tower 1 came down first, when that's actually key to understanding how the things were built and what actually caused their collapse. (The towers were supported by their exterior structure, and the floors themselves kept th e outer structure from collapsing inwards. But if the inner floors give way, then the support for the exteroir of the structure is removed, and it would collapse...thus, the first thing to fall would actually be the inside. Interestingly enough, the weakest point in the towers would have been the connection between the inner floors and the outer walls, which was only a single connection at each side, and which just happens to be the exact point that the collapse began.)
  9. So, just for s***s and giggles, I decided to play around with one of those claims...the molten steel part. First of all, there was no molten steel in the WTC., it only got hot enough for the steel to become ductile, but not melt, but that's beside the point. Ok, so first, the composition of the trade center. Some simple math tells us that the trade center by mass was roughly 20% steel. The steel is important, because it's the only thing that could sabotage this calculation. This means that the Trade Center was roughly 80% composed of things other than steel. I bring up the steel specifically, because it is basically the only major component with a high thermal conductivity, roughly 50x that of concrete. This means that 80% of the mass of the trade center was composed of concrete, glass, and other things which are in fact very very poor thermal conductors. Now, here's the fun part. Using the thermal conductivity of concrete, I can estimate given an initial temperature and a final temperature how long it would take for a finite amount of heat to diffuse through a barrier if the 2 sides of the barrier were held at constant temperature. And furthermore, using the Cp of concrete (constant pressure heat capacity) I can also calculate how much energy would be given up by concrete if it were to cool a certian number of degrees. So, given a pile of concrete held at 1800k (rough initial temperature of the Trade Center in the parts which were on fire) and an ambient temperature of 300k, and this idealized circumstance which would maximize heat flow out of the system, guess what timescale we're talking about for cooling? About a month. Greater than the 3 weeks you're mentioning up there. Now, when we start allowing the system to become more complex, we're going to find something remarkable...the way to maximize flow across a boundary is to enforce a vertical gradient across that boundary. In the actual trade center, normal thermal diffusion would have set up. This would actually have the effect of SLOWING DOWN thermal diffusion, for the simple reason that the gradient at any point in the pile would be vastly smaller than the hypothetical infinite gradient we've set up above. And beyond that, one of the worst thermal conductors out there is actually air. It's vastly worse than concrete. When the towers collapsed, all of the concrete, glass, and rock was twisted and broken up, creating a huge amount of air space between the grains. The only thing this is going to do is slow diffusion down immensely, by about a factor of 40 for every unit of air that the heat has to cross. In other words, in the fastest possible setup for this pile to cool, it would still be hot after a month. Under realistic circumstances, you could be talking about keeping the pile hot for many months, depending on exactly how much air was trapped in there in pore spaces.
  10. QUOTE(maggliopipe @ May 25, 2006 -> 09:21 PM) Of course we're a tough team and us beating up on these bad teams has some bearing on their relative s***tiness, but it can't entirely account for this. We have played a very easy schedule. So have the Tigers. Well, 3 of our n ext 4 opponents have winning records, and the 4th is the Tribe, so it is closing in on time for that to change. Happily, our pitching staff looks like it's sinking towards a groove right now, so we'll see what we can do now.
  11. QUOTE(maggliopipe @ May 25, 2006 -> 07:31 PM) According to ESPN, the Tigers have played a tougher schedule than we have. In fact, according to ESPN, we've played THE easiest schedule in all of baseball so far this season based on SOS (30/30). The Tigers' schedule hasn't been too tough either at 26/30. the link: http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/stats/rpi?sortColumn=sos You know, it's really hard for the top teams in baseball to have a difficult strenght of schedule...because they never get to play themselves. You know why the Royals are so high up on that list? Because they've had to play what, 7, 8 games a piece against the top 2 teams in the league.
  12. QUOTE(samclemens @ May 25, 2006 -> 05:55 PM) interesting to bring up clinton. most people here seem to forget that he straight up perjured himself in front of a grand jury and walked. meanwhile liberals in soxtalk squabble over ambiguities to say that president bush has lied. i see no definitive statements, including all of flasox's quotes. no one, including me, is ever going to deny that the president is corrupt. but where is the acknowledgment towards (literally) ALL presidents being just as corrupt? thats the hypocrisy of nearly every liberal argument i hear these days. Bill Clinton should have resigned in 1998. George W. Bush should have resigned when the Duelfer report came out.
  13. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ May 25, 2006 -> 02:28 PM) "Take over Monty...I'm...in the bag." "Fly ball...caught."
  14. 13 in a row now? When's the next time we see these guys? Think they'll have won by then?
  15. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ May 25, 2006 -> 01:48 PM) Ok, who's the bastard that banged a chimp? Her. (This one is so damn mean I'm just linking to it, not putting it in the post)
  16. QUOTE(illinilaw08 @ May 25, 2006 -> 02:05 PM) With regard to the article in question, it seems the books are required reading in upper level high school classes... what will these parents say if these books come up on a college reading list? Callk the professor and protest? Dude, they just go to places like Liberty University and never have to worry about such problems.
  17. This just proves that chimps are out to destroy mankind. First they develop this virus. Now they're sacrificing themselves to bears to addict bears to Primate meat. It's only a matter of time before the bears eat their way up the evolutionary chain, as they are godless killing machines.
  18. QUOTE(RockRaines @ May 25, 2006 -> 12:42 PM) Where the f*** is Zack Greinke? Arizona, working himself back into shape after missing ST.
  19. QUOTE(WCSox @ May 25, 2006 -> 12:41 PM) He hasn't really had time to build up strength in his arm this year, so that may be part of it. I'm not convinced that he'll be maxing out at 85 for the rest of his career. So you're saying that 3 games from now when he needs his next surgery his velocity will have returned?
  20. You know what's really going to be the test for this Tigers team? Eventually they're going to hit a losing skid. The question will be what they do when they hit one. Last year, the Sox hit a 7 game losing skid, and followed it up with an 8 game winning streak, and then after a few more losses, surged to the crown. Last year, when the Tigers hit their losing streak after the Sox swept them without mercy, the whole team seemed to quit. Right now they're firing on every cylinder they can fire on. The question is going to be how they handle it when a few of those stop firing. Bobby Keppel in to make his major league debut for the Royals pitching. And he gets Guillen out to end a threat.
  21. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ May 25, 2006 -> 12:25 PM) What the hell is Sampson doing in Kuwait? Making recruiting phone calls.
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