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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ May 18, 2006 -> 10:12 AM) I just think our expectations are the problem. There's too much blame being placed on the hitting coach IMO. I can't think of a team that's knocking on all cylinders for an entire season. The season's long, and unless your name is Albert Pujols, you're going to have slumps to go with the good times. Yeah, but you can't tell me that some of these slumps aren't overdone. A slump is something like what Pods went through to start this season or what Konerko and Dye went through to start last season. But Uribe and Anderson struggling like they are right now, that's a little more frustrating. We're talking about 100+ at bats, instead of the 50 or so for the other guys that really slowed them down.
  2. You know, Walker sometimes just drives me nuts. He works with Uribe in 2004, Uribe goes insane. He works with Crede in 05, Crede goes insane, but Uribe and Rowand both fall apart. Works with Crede, but Anderson can't figure things out, and Uribe gets even worse. Somehow he keeps having these hitters just suddenly make massive improvements, but he just can't keep them staying consistent. ARGH!
  3. So...on the other topic that's mentionned in that article...Albert not really being 26, who the Hell cares at this point? Whether he's 26, 18, 35, 47...he's doing some amazing things with the bat.
  4. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ May 18, 2006 -> 09:43 AM) Yeah possibly, I just had a thought. I didn't say if it was a good one or not, it was just an interesting thought to me. I see where the thought comes from, and if I'm wrong and Congress is playing with the pursestrings too much then it would make sense to have the SecDef able to negotiate with Congress for border patrol funds...but aside from that, I don't know where the benefit would be. As far as I know, the border patrol is already able to use military style resources, moving them to DOD wouldn't suddenly change their training, and it wouldn't suddenly make more manpower available. Plus, there's the downside of again having the Mexicans complain about militarizing the border if suddenly the border patrol is loosely considered part of the army, and for some reason we seem to care about that complaint.
  5. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ May 18, 2006 -> 09:19 AM) This is kinda off the discussion going on, but I was thinking yesterday and heard the border patrol mentioned and thought that it might be a decent idea to make them a new branch of military or put them in the Cost Guard like the Marines are with the Navy. I know there are National Guard troops going down there, and I don't know if it would end up saving money or not, probably not. I just had that thought though. Well, here's your question...where is the "border patrol" less likely to have people screw around with its budget? If its budgeted by Congress, or if it's a part of the Defense Department and subject to the whim of the SecDef? I think it'd probably be much more likely to wind up having a few billion dollars borrowed from it to prepare for random invasions if DOD had control of its pursestrings than if Congress did.
  6. Ok, this sort of thing drives me absolutely nuts. I'm sitting at the Table of Contents for Nature, the volume for May 18th, 2006. There's no paper by that author, and as far as I can tell, no article on this subject.
  7. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 18, 2006 -> 08:19 AM) Winner Threads are great. Bickering like little girls is not so great. Bickerling like little girls in winner threads...priceless.
  8. They're getting better, but they're still quite slow on giving some of the calls. I really hate having to sit around and wait until a play ends for them to tell me what is happening. Just talk me through it as it's going.
  9. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ May 18, 2006 -> 08:56 AM) Dmitri was geting jealous that his brother was getting all the attention, he had to do something in return. Actually, according to the police report, the choking happened before the bat throw.
  10. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ May 18, 2006 -> 07:30 AM) So did the Russell Tice testimony to Armed Services happen yesterday. I haven't heard anything. Beats the hell out of me, there's not a single story mentionning his testimony on Google. Maybe it happened behind closed doors?
  11. Tigers' DH Dmitri Young's ex girlfriend has accused him of choking her. The charge carries a max penalty of 93 days in jail and a small fine. No word whether or not he also liked to throw bats at her.
  12. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 17, 2006 -> 06:58 PM) Its good to see him have a quality outing like tonight but he still is off to a very shaky start this year. Oh yeah he's off to a shaky start, I just get sick of being reminded of it every time he gives up a hit.
  13. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 17, 2006 -> 06:55 PM) B-B-B-B-B-BUT THIS GAME WAS CORPSEBALL!!!! And Jon Garland sucks! No one should ever give up 2 runs to ANYONE! Who cares if they have 2 of the top 10 RBI guys in the AL in their lineup?
  14. Man, I can't believe how much Jon Garland sucks! 2 runs in 7 innings? How ridiculous is that! Seriously, nice work Jonny boy. Good job JD, Bobby, Neal, and a few others here and there as well.
  15. What's Jenks throwing on the gun? Is there a gun tonight?
  16. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 17, 2006 -> 04:34 PM) I think these are amendments which are going into the overall immigration bill working its way through the Senate. I think once this goes to conference we'll get a guest worker program, more fencing and a little less amnesty. Ok, then the big questions will be whether or not Frist ever allows the actual bill to come up to a vote and what happens in Conference, which has been where the Republicans have really done a lot of their nasty stuff the last few years. There and in the middle of the night, take your pick.
  17. QUOTE(fathom @ May 17, 2006 -> 06:43 PM) Like I said, my source sees more Durham games than anyone. Upton is amazingly bad with the glove. Delmon Young likely would have come up later in this season, but now they'd look like assholes if they called him up to the majors in the next few months. Tampa's biggest issue was not trading some of their players when they could have gotten good value, and they held out for ridiculous offers. There you have it. There's no reason on Earth why they didn't trade Aubrey Huff last season, for example.
  18. QUOTE(jphat007 @ May 17, 2006 -> 06:43 PM) Yep. It's all about the $$$$$$$. More LeBron = more $$$$$$$$$ The worst possible thing for the NBA $ wise would be another Detroit/San Antonio finals.
  19. QUOTE(Kalapse @ May 17, 2006 -> 06:40 PM) Considering how bad this team has been for so long, we really should have seen Delmon Young by now and really what is the reason for having Lugo at SS. Even if Upton is f***ing brutal with the glove he could most definately produce for them at SS. Well, that won't be happening for a while now will it? Anywho...the move by the D-Rays actually makes some sense. If you'r enever going to be able to afford to hold onto free agents, you should stockpile your rookies in AAA, keep getting top draft picks, and then unleash them all within a year or two. That way you try to make your team as good as it can be before you start losing them all to FA.
  20. f***ING CORPSEBALL! Jon Garland sucks! All baseball games are decided in the first 3 innings! Oh I'm sorry, I've been in another rom for like an hour, did anything change?
  21. Come on Jon, do not walk the guy hitting .108 in May.
  22. QUOTE(TitoMB345 @ May 17, 2006 -> 05:06 PM) Hmm, any reason for Crede and BA to be out? Or is it just their off night? Off night.
  23. "I got your back like a Chiropractor" - Singleton
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