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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(Kalapse @ May 17, 2006 -> 11:22 AM) Someone should really throw at Pierz' head, I mean a lot of people see him as being a mean guy so I suppose he deserves it too. Escobar? Also, there is a difference between throwing at a guy and throwing at a guy's head. You never deliberately go for a head. You hit the arm, fine. Shoulder, ok, if you know what you're doing. But you don't throw at a guy's head.
  2. QUOTE(jackie hayes @ May 17, 2006 -> 11:26 AM) I don't think the lacrosse players raped her, BUT -- let's stop trying to make out these guys as poor, put-upon innocents. There's a lot to suggest that many of the players are just racist, spoiled scum. The email, the broom handle suggestion, the "cotton shirt" comment. The most obvious reason to make the accusations is not money, but as a reaction to the general assholeness of the players. I don't want to see anyone wrongly convicted, but beyond that, f*** them. They're rich white folk, and she's a poor black stripper. It's ok, they're clearly better than her.
  3. Get your head out of your ass Jon, and kick theirs'.
  4. QUOTE(fathom @ May 17, 2006 -> 11:16 AM) There's a lot of people in baseball then who should get thrown at, if that's the parameters. If the pitcher is willing to take the suspension, I see no problem at all with throwing at a guy if you're convinced he was a juicer.
  5. QUOTE(Heads22 @ May 17, 2006 -> 10:54 AM) Yeah, it was something to the effect of the majority of the babies in the US are hispanic.....so "we" need to start having children or whites will be a minority in 20 years. All you need to know? John Gibson is ready and waiting! (Hat tip: Stephen) QUOTE(Cknolls @ May 17, 2006 -> 11:10 AM) Ah 20 years since the last amnesty program. that worked well. Now that's just silly. The reason the last amnesty program didn't work is that we never actually went to the heart of the problem. Reagan's amnesty was supposed to be linked to strong enforcement against employers who hire illegal workers. Unfortunately, that little key part has been ignored more with each passing administration.
  6. Yeah, that's pretty blatant. I'd probably have applauded too, but yeah the guy should be suspended.
  7. QUOTE(YASNY @ May 17, 2006 -> 07:51 AM) Now they are talking about a national database the employers would be required to check before hiring someone. In fact, I think Georgia is trying to implement this right now. So, in effect, that gives the gov't the ability to approve or disapprove of hirings. This is an offshoot of the illegal immigration problem, but easily expandable to include everyone. Such a program already exists at the national level. But thus far, it has only been voluntary, and as enforcement of immigration searches against companies have declined to almost zero in the past few years, there's little reason for companies to participate. QUOTE(Texsox @ May 17, 2006 -> 08:25 AM) Exactly and the control has to be linked to jobs. I wouldn't let them in until there is a job or someone willing to support them. There is no other criteria as important to both parties (immigrant and US) Perhaps let the employers apply for a guest worker permit and then they fill it. There has to be some way to link jobs to immigration. Anything can happen once they are here, companies may close, etc. and we would have to account for that. But from both sides this makes sense. But see, here's the one problem with something like that. If I want to unionize or try to work towards a better salary, or if I want to file a workplace complaint, or something silly like that, I have that right, and if things get really bad I can always just quit and go look for another job. But if a guest worker has a problem with a company, or the company decides it's given out too many raises to guest workers and lets them go in favor of new blood, then those people are stuck without jobs, and if you're only allowed in this country with a job, basically you wind up having to choose between tolerating whatever situation you're in or deportation.
  8. Mike Maroth has an ERA of 2.18. That would win a Cy Young award over a full season. Kenny Rogers has an ERA of 3.23. His career number is 4.20. Nate Robertson, Justin Verlander, and Jeremy Bonderman are all between 3.5 and 3.75. Out of those, the only 1 I think may be able to go down or hold steady is Jeremy Bonderman's. There will be some regression to the mean on most of their parts. Let's also note who they've played: Record 5-2 Vs. Cleveland. 5-2 Vs. Minnesota 3-0 vs. Seattle 3-1 Vs. Texas 4-0 Vs. K.C. 1-1 Vs. Baltimore 2-1 Vs. Oakland 1-2 Vs. LA Angels 0-3 Vs. CWS Out of the teams they've played, the only 2 teams that are above .500 are Texas and the White Sox, and they caught Texas early before Kevin Mench found the right shoes.
  9. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ May 16, 2006 -> 07:27 PM) f*** you, Boone Logan. Get on your bus and don't even come back, s***head. Sorry Boone. We brought you up too early. Head down to AAA, get some confidence, learn to throw strikes no matter who's up, and hopefully we'll see you again soon.
  10. QUOTE(fathom @ May 16, 2006 -> 07:25 PM) I was referring more to him mouthing off about getting playing time, etc. Ugh, this just annoys me...His quote was something to the effect of "I've got to make that play, I don't get that much playing time." It sure sounded to me like he wasn't angling for playing time, it sounded like he was pissed that he blew a play, blew a game, and was heading down to the minors. If he was really whining about playing time, he wouldn't have wound up on the team this year.
  11. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ May 16, 2006 -> 07:24 PM) He needs to be shot in the face Mr. Cheney? Yeah we could use a hand.
  12. QUOTE(fathom @ May 16, 2006 -> 07:23 PM) Gload continues to not produce when given the chance. I still can't believe he's still on the team after last year. Didn't his chance last year equal a whopping 1 game or so?
  13. Seriously...they've seen 4 pitches in our first 2 batters and we're down by 3. WTF?
  14. Oh come on Paul, we need baserunners, take some damn pitches. You can't get 3 with a solo shot.
  15. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ May 16, 2006 -> 07:20 PM) I thought sweaty Joe was their closer. You mean Borowski? Marlins.
  16. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ May 16, 2006 -> 07:18 PM) Who's their closer? Tyler Walker has 5 saves and an ERA over 10. Dan Miceli has 4 and an ERA in the 6's.
  17. QUOTE(TitoMB345 @ May 16, 2006 -> 07:16 PM) SO, we storm back, and Ozzie throws out someone who might ACTUALLY be worse than Logan, over a guy like Cotts. WOOTNESS! Cotts worked his ass off last series. No matter how much we may like it, he's not going to pitch in 140 games.
  18. Tyler Walker is in. 0-3, 10.66 ERA. Given up 1 home run in 12.2 innings. Lefties are hitting .423 against him.
  19. QUOTE(aboz56 @ May 16, 2006 -> 06:40 PM) Personally I'd prefer to never see Logan again. I disagree. I actually like what I saw from the kid. Sneaky delivery, average fastball, but it comes onto you faster than it looks like it should. But he's a rookie pitcher who's never pitched above A ball, and he pitched like it. I mean, today he threw 40 pitches and 20 strikes. That's the hallmark of a guy who's scared of being beaten, and is trying to throw the perfect pitch every single time out. He needs to face some AAA hitters, get some confidence, focus on throwing strikes, and try to get to that point where he thinks "here it is, hit it if you can." He gets his wits about him and he could still very well be a solid pitcher. Just not right now.
  20. QUOTE(kapkomet @ May 16, 2006 -> 05:28 PM) Habla Espanol? Si.
  21. Ok...yeah...it's time for Logan to head down, face some AAA hitters, maybe get some confidence, and practice throwing strikes. Hopefully we can see a better version in a year. I like his delivery and his stuff, but he needs to build some experience if nothing else.
  22. QUOTE(That funky motion @ May 16, 2006 -> 05:40 PM) How many pitches? 81 on the way.
  23. QUOTE(fathom @ May 16, 2006 -> 05:21 PM) I know jphat doesn't want us critiquing negative things, but McCarthy's fastball is 3 mph slower this inning than it had been. He's also up to 61 pitches.
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