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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. Willie Eyre is up for the Twinkies. Yes, they're brothers.
  2. QUOTE(juddling @ May 15, 2006 -> 11:05 AM) When someone shows up at my doorstep wanting to work they stop and ring the bell. They don't come in through my cellar windows, camp in my living room then demand i open the front door for their 39 family members coming up the walk! You also don't hang a help wanted sign up at your door right after the goverment fills your front lawn with razor wire & tries to arrest everyone coming across it.
  3. A grand jury has returned an indictment against a 3rd Duke Lacross player in this case.
  4. Damn. Only 1 out on that bunt attempt. Man, we're off today.
  5. 58 pitches for Baker through 3 innings.
  6. Ed Farmer just figured out where the radar gun is in the Metrodome.
  7. QUOTE(Kalapse @ May 15, 2006 -> 10:46 AM) Has he ever really had a bad week? See, the problem is...a bad week for Pujols right now wins other people "Player of the week" awards.
  8. 1 run. Limit the damage. Not too shabby.
  9. Well, at least we got the out. Did Cuddyer take 3rd?
  10. 36 pitches for Baker through 2. 19 that inning.
  11. Pods's OPS in May just jumped to 1.246.
  12. Reds setup man/closer Kent Mercker is hitting the 15 day DL. It's been 15 days, but Brian Roberts isn't ready to come off the DL yet. Tanyon Sturtze is also hitting the 15 day DL. Julian Perez, an Atlanta Braves scouting supervisor who had been with the organization in 1992, was killed in a car accident early Sunday in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Bobby Cox was inducted into the Georgia Sports hall of fame. Chad Tracy has been given a 4 year extension by the D-Backs. The Indians sold reliever Steve Karsay to the Athletics for an undisclosed amount of cash.
  13. Well, pretty darn long bunt, but it works.
  14. "The key with the bunt is to make sure you put it in fair territory" - Singleton.
  15. Mack raises his average to a smokin' .200.
  16. 10 pitch first inning for FG. 17 for Baker. It's gonna take some effort from our 6-7-8-9 hitters today for them to produce anything, given what they've done thus far this season. Let's see if some of them can step it up.
  17. That's really disappointing. 0-3 with RISP to start.
  18. Come on Paulie. This is why we're paying you.
  19. The batting averages of our 6, 7, 8, and 9 hitters scare me a little bit: Mack: .186 Uribe: .200 Widger: .217 Anderson: .187 Hopefully those will go up a little bit this game. The dreaded leadoff walk.
  20. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ May 15, 2006 -> 10:04 AM) At least this isn't going to be a wall. Troops are temporary, hopefully, until the rest of the pieces can be put in place (real penalties for firms hiring illegals, a guest worker program, more use of technology for detection on the border, etc.). A wall would be a boondoggle financially, environmentally and in terms of effectiveness. For now, troops in place is good, as long as that is followed up with the rest of what I listed. I for one think this is a step in the wrong direction for the creation of a guest worker program. One of the demands of the folks who don't want such a program is for a massively increased presence or a wall along the border. They're being given that in this deal with absolutely nothing in return. In politics, if you want to craft a bill that pleases everyone, it also has to please no one. In other words, you have to get the 2 sides to each be willing to give up on something they consider to be vital. I.e. if the anti-immigration folks want a strong defensive line or a wall along the southern border, well then they have to be willing to accept some measure of legalization for the folks here, or something like that. This is giving them exactly that demand without getting anything in return.
  21. There still wouldn't have been a music city miracle if he'd started that game. Heckuva Career Doug.
  22. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 15, 2006 -> 09:55 AM) Well if we are the worlds largest unemployment office, why are we worrying about Mexico so much, when we could be helping people who REALLY need it, such as the victims of war and genocide in Africa, who would literally kill to be here, or the families torn apart by something like the 2004 tsunami and have nothing left but disease and poverty? If our roll is to help the rest of the world, there are many, many countries in worse shape than our neighbors to the south, including the Central American countries who Mexico refuses to help. Which is why our President should actually be trying to get the Republicans to accept his guest worker program instead of dithering around with the guard on the border. The more I think about it, the more I worry that this sort of effort is exactly the type of behavior that could prevent a real, geuniunely fair solution from being constructed. By putting the military down there, you're basically giving in to one of the demands of 1 side of the aisle without giving anything back to the other side. So now, the people who refuse to accept a guest worker program will have even less reason to negotiate a final settlement this year, as they'll be able to get by with just waiting and seeing how the Guard works down there.
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