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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ May 14, 2006 -> 01:22 PM) Paul Silas was interviewed by Doug Gottlieb this afternoon on ESPN radio, and he said it seemed like it was a power struggle between Thomas and Brown, and looks like Thomas won. Although, if you walk away with $40 million dollars($50 million counting last seasons pay) you can hardly say you lost... So Isiah is seriously going to pay the entire 5 year $50 million contract for larry brown just to get rid of him? Yowza. Why the Hell can't I get that kind of job? Seriously, the happiest person in the NBA today at this news is John Paxson.
  2. I'll still withhold judgement until the actual indictments come down. Truthout's cute, but anonymous sources at random left-leaning web pages with no documentation to back things up just don't do it for me. Even if he turns out to be right, there's no great reason to trust this source.
  3. One day after the Washington Post poll you mention came out, Newsweek also came out with a poll on the subject, and got results in the opposite direction. It's probably also worth noting that the Washington Post only was able to poll 502 people, as they did their poll in a rush in 1 night. The Newsweek poll is over 1000. That means the WaPo poll is more likely to be either biased or just off by within 5 percentage points by random chances.
  4. The reason you employ Ace pitchers is to keep 3 game and 4 game losing skids from getting any longer. It's time for our Ace to stand up today. Go get em MB. Piss off ESPN by running a 1:50 game.
  5. QUOTE(WCSox @ May 13, 2006 -> 02:13 PM) Ozzie should stick with him at least until the break. Also consider that trading Garland may affect the team's ability to re-sign Buehrle. I have no urge to see JG traded. I just want him to stop costing us games.
  6. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2006 @ May 13, 2006 -> 01:56 PM) Great. Let's move Jon to the 'pen. I'm sure he'd flourish. Maybe just for a couple weeks while he gets his head together, rests up his arm, and works on whatever he's missing? A ton of people here get furious with Ozzie when he loses games with the "Sunday lineup", giving the regulars too much rest, we can't sacrifice a single game, etc. Well if Garland is turning into a terrible loss every other time out, maybe we ought to give the kid a shot.
  7. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2006 @ May 13, 2006 -> 01:43 PM) You don't give out 29 million dollar contracts to relievers. You don't keep McCarthy in the bullpen if Garland can't cut it.
  8. NYT. 2nd lawsuit filed against Verizon. This is going to happen in every single state where these boys operate. It's just a matter of time and local laws. The lawyers will smell blood in the water here...it looks like a pretty good shot at a major class action suit settlement or victory. And I don't think I'll complain one bit.
  9. QUOTE(Drew @ May 13, 2006 -> 01:12 PM) I wasn't so much comparing the two as I was saying that the 18-10 year may be the best we will ever see from Garland. You probably will never see Esteban Loaiza win 21 games in a season again, either. Either way, too early to tell. Even so, 12 wins a season isn't bad for a back of the rotation starter. One key difference though is that Loaiza lost a lot of velocity the year after his 21 win season, Garland is still throwing at the speeds he had last year, he's just not controlling things well or pitching very smart.
  10. Javy, after last night, we could use some jelp. Kick their asses.
  11. I agree that Jon should be so much better than what we've seen thus far, and it's really disappointing that he keeps having these outings where he gets shellacked. Hell, he even had AJ doing the catching for him last night and still got crushed. No more Widger as an excuse. I hate to have to say it, but I'm going to say it anyway...if Jon keeps putting up games like last night...well, it might be time to start looking at the backup option with the incredible changeup. Give Jon some extra rest out in the pen or something like that.
  12. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ May 13, 2006 -> 11:23 AM) Eddie Guardado could actually be an option, depending on what happens with Seattle in terms of Putz doing good as the closer, Hargrove or Bill Bavasi getting fired, and the M's rebuilding. We would still have to give up something fairly good in terms of prospects though. With the way Everyday Eddie has pitched thus far this year, I can't believe people actually want him. Hell, B.A. beat him.
  13. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ May 12, 2006 -> 07:47 PM) JT??? Dude, I'm so drunk I can't even write Thome, and you can't figure out JT???????!!!!!?????
  14. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ May 12, 2006 -> 07:42 PM) You're probably right, but it remains to be seen how much lower. A lot lower. Politte and Cotts and BMac have found semi-grooves, eventually Jenks's fastball will find 100, and so forth. Our bullpen is a lot better than it looks right now, and i'll fall behind the Tigers while saying that.
  15. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ May 12, 2006 -> 07:37 PM) BP ERA's McCarthy 5.21 Jenks 5.52 Cotts 3.14 Politte 6.17 Logan 3.38 Thornton 7.04 Montero 5.40 We all know as well as KW that winning will not continue if these don't improve. I expect KW is working frantically on fixing this. Of course, the bullpen had nothing to do with tonight's loss. Beating Santana is tough. Why is it I feel like the bullpen is so much better than those numbers? Aside from Logan and Mitsubishi, I think everone on that list is below where they'll finish up this seaosn.
  16. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ May 12, 2006 -> 07:35 PM) I would even take a split on the road. The last thing we need is to get swept in a 4 game series and have the Twins sneak back into this race, making it a 4 team race. The odds of Mark Buehrle, Freddy Garcia, and "Almost No Hit" Javier Vazquez all being beaten right now are so remote I can't even fathom them.
  17. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ May 12, 2006 -> 07:30 PM) 10-1 now, wow. As long as we win the next 3, I could care less about how this game winds up. Javy, Mark, Freddo, YOU HEAR ME?
  18. The legend of Boone Logan's ERA just rose by a lot. But at least he's getting work. Javy better jave a good game tomorrow.
  19. QUOTE(Steff @ May 12, 2006 -> 06:38 PM) Her and Laci Peterson will get a weekend pass to take care of OJ and Scott no doubt. The saddest part of that to me is that you can only remember the caucasian females the media decided to popularize rather than the hundreds of others that the media decided to ignore. And it's not your fault that you said that...it says a lot about our media though.
  20. Let me just say this without elaborating on specific situations...in the event that folks do not agree with their progenitors about things like religion, politics, etc., I can understand a desire to keep elders away from their grandchildren. I don't know if it's right or not, and I hopefully won't have to make that decision for a while, but I can understand that decision, no matter what the beliefs are.
  21. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ May 12, 2006 -> 06:47 PM) Just trying to make sense of it all. But in all reality, doesn't make sense comparing. BA: Healthy AR: Injured BA: Sox AR: Phillies JT: 14 home runs.
  22. So...which is higher right now, my BAC after social hour, or Garland's WHIP?
  23. 38 pitches for Santana through 3. 19 of them in the 3rd. Hopefully he'll get a little more wild as time goes on.
  24. QUOTE(quickman @ May 12, 2006 -> 05:41 PM) if anything BA just made him throw some pitches. its our only hope is to get him to throw alot of pitches, otherwise we are done. 17 thus far this inning. Not too bad.
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