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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. 10 consecutive strikes from Santana going back to the 2nd. Followed by a 3-0 count on Anderson. Um...boy, it's been a while since Santana's given up a home run!
  2. OMG! One of our guys lasted 5 pitches!!!
  3. So, anyone think we'll be able to get 2 runs off of Santana? After he struck out 3 of our first 6 guys?
  4. Rowand has successful surgery on his nose.
  5. QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ May 12, 2006 -> 04:29 PM) I'm sorry but thats just funny as hell! When you get there as punishment for laughing at that joke, tell us how funny it is, mmmkay?
  6. Pablo is now 13/25 on the season with a home run. I just noticed that. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ May 12, 2006 -> 05:24 PM) Why do the Twins hate AJ? That's what you get for bringing us Joe Nathan! Booo! Twins fans hate that guy! Liriano too! Wow, that inning took Santana exactly 12 pitches.
  7. QUOTE(DePloderer @ May 12, 2006 -> 05:14 PM) Sorry, but no I'm afraid it's real. Apparently the 15 year old boy is now being charged with rape of a minor. Closing gates and bolting horses comes to mind. Does Britain still have those sorts of things?
  8. That's one way to deal with leadoff singles. Man, Mauer only has 1 home run all season. I guess his power hasn't developed as quickly as the twinkies were hoping 10 pitch first inning for JG. I'd be proud, but Santana got through the first in 7 pitches. Slacker.
  9. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ May 12, 2006 -> 05:15 PM) Dumb move, but that looked a lot closer than I thought at first. I hate the lefty shift, it always looks like a base hit at first, but noooooo the shortstop is standing right there. Cmon Garland. You get a runner on 3rd and that lefty shift can disappear ;-). Nice try Pablo. Do better next time. Go get em big Jon.
  10. Truthout.org (TIFWIW): Rove to be indicted, resign.
  11. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 12, 2006 -> 03:51 PM) And we are surprised why? Iran has been trying to build a nuclear bomb since the 70's, and I still haven't heard a good reason to believe them when they say they aren't doing it, other than, they say they aren't doing it. Even if they did come from Pakistan, all that means is they are out on the open market buying from guys like AQ Kahn and his ilk, which doesn't make me sleep at night any better... It still means that Iran is actively pursuing a nuclear program. Under the nonproliferation treaty, Iran is allowed to enrich uranium for energy uses. That, as far as I understand it, is all that people have thus far been able to prove that they've been doing. Even the technology that they imported from Khan's network (which we already knew they did btw) has thus far only been shown to be in use for civilian purposes. We shouldn't be surprised by this...but we should take advantage of it now that we have it. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 12, 2006 -> 03:02 PM) I would agree if I didn't believe the Iranians are using this process to buy themselves time while they charge ahead with their crash program to develop nukes. I dont believe for a second that they are interested in negotiating and resolving this peacefully. If you think the Middle East is ugly now just wait till Iran and their Al Quada cohorts get a hold of a nuke. I agree in principle with you, but I'll add 1 more thing...by all accounts, time is on our side. Iran simply does not have the equipment to do the job faster than within a decade. Even if they have twice as much stuff as we know about, we still have 5 years. If they're not interested in negotiating, then we'll be able to bring a much greater amount of both diplomatic pressure and eventually force in order to force them to back down. But we have to be willing to sit down first.
  12. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ May 12, 2006 -> 04:09 PM) Hawk always mentions he would throw as many lefties as possible against Santana. It takes away his change. This is still a lot better than last year's "9 righty" lineup that we faced Santana with repeatedly. AJ's even in there, which means there's a good chance Garland will be pitching inside tonight.
  13. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 12, 2006 -> 02:56 PM) Rex. You still think its a good idea to dither around and take Iran's bulls*** overtures to heart? Yes. Because this would seriously hurt their negotiating position, and bombing will only strengthen it and weaken ours.
  14. ARow is officially on the 15 day DL.
  15. QUOTE(Kalapse @ May 12, 2006 -> 02:28 PM) You're right, maybe I should start watching the games instead of just pretending I do because you know I'm just pulling all this out of my ass, I'm actually a Dodger fan, don't watch a lot of American league baseball. Come on, get your boys to start throwing at tetrahydrogestrinone's knees!
  16. Texas to get nation's largest wind farm.
  17. QUOTE(Kalapse @ May 12, 2006 -> 02:23 PM) Yes, he was a pitcher which doesn't mean a lot. Arm strength is a very subjective thing and I'm not really sure where you've seen Anderson throw from deep in the OF. I don't remember him getting many oppertunities to do that. The couple of times I've seen him make throws, he's been pretty darn close to where you want the ball to be about as fast as you'd hope it would get there. But he's been around so little time that he could have a bunch of Vlad-terrible throws waiting in the pipe and we wouldn't have a clue. He also hasn't had a chance to pile up assists from out there yet, or get people scared to run on him. If he can keep putting out throws like the ones he's done thus far, then within a couple of months the scouting reports will start saying not to test him.
  18. Only in America. Or in this case...not in America.
  19. So, if this leak is true, and it stands up to the barrage of tests that whatever sample they have will be put through, then this is a very significant development in the Iran nuclear case. Thus far, the U.S. and the IAEA have had absolutely no physical evidence they could present to anyone which would prove that Iran has begun enriching uranium for purposes other than energy (enrichment which is allowed under the nonproiliferation treaty). The only argument the U.S. has had to use is to say that it makes no sense for a fossil-fuel rich country to build nuclear technology for anything other than weapons purposes, but a circumstantial case here certainly is not a solid one. If this is true, and the IAEA has found traces of uranium in Iran enriched by beyond the few percent necessary for civilian purposes, then the U.S. will have actual proof, verified by the U.N., of Iran possessing a military nuclear program. They're still going to be 10 years away from a bomb, but that sort of evidence could very easily create allies for the U.S. and back Iran into a corner. Russia and China, for example, would have a harder time blocking U.N. resolutions to stop Iran's nuclear program if the IAEA had that evidence in hand. Finally, while this is potentially important, we also shouldn't jump the gun here...traces of highly enriched uranium 235 were found previously in Iran, but they turned out to have come from Pakistan. Further tests will decide that issue definitively, which is probably why there has been no official statement thus far.
  20. QUOTE(Kalapse @ May 12, 2006 -> 02:06 PM) The reason players like Anderson and Kotsay get over hyped defensively while guys like Rowand and Hunter get underrated is through peer pressure. It's a lesser form but still very appearant, one person says Kotsay is the best defensive center fielder in the AL, Rowand gets s***ty jumps and Torii Hunter has lost a step and suddenly people start latching on to this while ignoring the blatant visual evidence that proves otherwise. So you're saying that Anderson is overhyped defensively? I'm not sure yet who I want catching the fly ball to center with 2 outs in the bottom of the ninth, him or Rowand, but he's sure a damn good center fielder thus far, so I don't see how he's "over hyped".
  21. QUOTE(SnB @ May 11, 2006 -> 08:54 AM) college is half over College never ends.
  22. QUOTE(qwerty @ May 12, 2006 -> 01:41 PM) Going by these two stats means very little when things are said and done. Rowand will have more win shares.... will have more fraa and the majority of baseball fans know who is the better fielder currently, even though anderson has potential to be a better fielder... if he stays in the league with his bat that is.... So, yeah, you're right that the stats ESPN gives on defense don't tell the whole story, but I think the criteria you give by which to judge the two aren't much better either. The majority of fans know Rowand as the better fielder? Sure, after his display at Yankee Stadium last year, that's the truth, but Anderson's had a month to catch up to years fo work by Rowand. More win Shares? I don't even see how that matters...I'll bet you Anderson and Thome combine to have more Win Shares this year than Rowand, Gio, and the other guy we traded. So what? Going by any of the criteria either of you have mentionned thus far only gives you a cursory means of figuring out which of the 2 is better.
  23. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ May 12, 2006 -> 01:37 PM) Adkins had a 0.00 ERA in 12 innings at AAA....how the hell did that happen? And thanks to the Cubs, his ERA at the big league level this season has now dropped below 10!
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