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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(samclemens @ Apr 24, 2006 -> 08:42 PM) what is this?? everyone except hawk and DJ are the worst in the biz. theres our announcers...and theres everyone else And then there's Farmer & Singleton...
  2. Thrown 99 pitches and Moyer is done? (We hope)
  3. QUOTE(Felix @ Apr 24, 2006 -> 08:38 PM) Homo announcers? They aren't that bad.. pretty nice to listen to in fact. They get annoying on Mariner flyballs, but past that, I have no issues. These Mariner hitters look like Thome when they hit the ball in the air...everything looks like its' going a country mile. Sexson especially.
  4. Come on Brian, time for a good at bat.
  5. 72 pitches for Jon through 5. He holds it together and he'll go 7+.
  6. At least Jon took care of his own mess.
  7. QUOTE(CanadianSoxFan @ Apr 24, 2006 -> 08:26 PM) That is good to hear. He was doing pretty bad in the first couple of innings. I'm still just not thrilled with how he looks out there. Against a team of smart hitters I think he'd be getting shelled. He's going away, away, away, and missing off the corner a lot more than I'd like. Anywho, hard to complain when Ichiro gets himiself on base.
  8. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Apr 24, 2006 -> 08:20 PM) How old is Moyer, 43? 44? 43, turns 44 in November.
  9. 83 pitches for Moyer through 5. It'd be nice if the guys next inning take a few pitches or get a hit or two so we don't see Moyer in the 7th. He's in a good grove right now.
  10. Moyer's really settling down, good thing we made him work hard in the first few innings.
  11. You know, I'm just not that comfortable with the way Garland looks on the mound right now, even though it's working for now. He's behind on too many hitters, he's not working inside at all, every single pitch to Beltre there was low & away.
  12. 72 pitches for Moyer through 4. A little more patience from guys and he won't even finish the 6th.
  13. QUOTE(KWs OK for Me @ Apr 24, 2006 -> 07:55 PM) I'm listening to the Mariner radio feed on XM and they just spent 2-3 minutes talking about how much they respected Konerko for showing loyalty to the team and resigning with them for less money. That was pretty cool to hear on another station. Once again, Konerko did not take less money. The 2 teams who were offering him equal/more money were in states with higher tax rates than Illinois. Unless he could talk Baltimore out of $70 million, he took the best offer.
  14. QUOTE(samclemens @ Apr 24, 2006 -> 04:23 PM) you forgot to mention that he failed his polygraph. that f***ers guilty and ought to be brought up on charges. You can't bring a person up on charges because they fail a polygraph.
  15. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Apr 24, 2006 -> 02:55 PM) Why are they trying to shut them down? Because it's rapidly reaching the point on these 35 and 40 year old refineries that they soon will start breaking down to the point where they are HIGHLY unprofitable. The refiners don't make that much money. True to a point but only on the age issue...but I can't think of any other reason why oil companies might want refining capacity to stay low, can you? Seriously, it's really quite amazing how those refineries always seem to need service at the exact moment that will lead to the largest increases in prices.
  16. Jerry Owens...who is currently hitting a dynamite .224 at AAA.
  17. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Apr 24, 2006 -> 02:45 PM) Hahaha, trying to take a chance. The guy is toast. He shoulda gone under the knife so he missed minimal time. His fault. He got his ring. In hindsight it looks like you're right, but as far as we've been told, the surgery itself is very risky, to the point that if he had it, he may have wound up never pitching again, so it's not like it was an obvious decision at the time. Maybe we'll get lucky, he'll have the surgery next offseason, make a miraculous recovery, sign a minor league deal with the Sox just to see if he can actually pitch, and wind up back in our bullpen actually healthy. (one can always hope blindly, right)
  18. I was too nervous to start a game thread myself, since I'm still 0-for-the-regular-season. Thanks Addy. Come on Jon. We've still not won 9 consecutive in like 25 years, unless you are willing to ignore the end of last season & count game 1 of this year. Step it up big man.
  19. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Apr 24, 2006 -> 02:33 PM) They would need to go 20-1 in their next 21 vs. the Central to match their start against the division from last year. And then they'd have to finish 21-17 against the Central to match last year's.
  20. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Apr 24, 2006 -> 02:01 PM) Yes, that may be true - but as a percentage of "profits" they are not getting anymore then other industries. And furthermore, THEY (oil companies) DO NOT SET THE PRICES! I'll tell you who is setting the price. That assbag from Iran. Every time he opens his mouth, oil goes up AGAIN. Saudi Arabia ain't saying anything. Iran is loving it. And the Democrats LOVE this because it gives them another talking point about how bad Bush is... even though their party is largely responsible for blocking any new refineries, etc. For there to actually be new refineries built, the oil companies would actually have to want to build new refineries, instead of trying to shut them down (while still profitable, btw.)
  21. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Apr 24, 2006 -> 01:57 PM) I'm surprised by Kong's average. If Konerko hadn't had that 1 gigantic slump last year, he would have been a .315 hitter. Yes, he's above that now, but it's not like he can't hit well over .300 for a season.
  22. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Apr 24, 2006 -> 10:58 AM) Morneau isn't quite hitting yet. Here is his line - .215 .271 .415 wow, didn't realize he was doing that bad, i've already seen him win a couple games for them with home runs.
  23. QUOTE(SoxAce @ Apr 23, 2006 -> 10:14 PM) Alot of athletes have made a mistake in their lives on something that could had changed their careers in some way even though noone could really blame them cause eigher it was for $, striving to be the best, or had a bigger ego/cockier (Tyson Chandler not going to college, Palmeiro taking steriods maybe costing himself the HOF, Drew Henson playing baseball instead of football etc.. etc..) Borchard will probably be included in this list when it's all said and done. Palmeiro didn't cost himself a chance at the HOF with steroids. He built himself a 15 year career with the steroids and gave himself a shot at the HOF with the steroids.
  24. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Apr 24, 2006 -> 09:35 AM) That's a good point because right now we can't find any innings for these guys at all. Eventually we're obviously going to need a few of them but I really don't think it's going to be that much. Almost everytime out there we're going to get at least 7 innings out of our starters and with Bmac being able to go 2 when needed, we're hardly ever going to need the 5th and 6th guys in our pen to pitch in high pressure situations. Hell..so far this year we've only really needed 2 guys. That was one of the big things I was saying going in to this season. Last year, the biggest times we needed the bullpen were: Starts by El Duque, Starts by Jose Contreras in the 1st half of the season, and 14 inning games. Mark averaged almost 8 innings a start IIRC, Garland about 7, Freddy just under 7, and JC in the 2nd half was about 7. We replaced El Duque with another 200+ inning guy. There just isn't going to be a monstrous need for the bullpen this year, especially given that when a 14 inning game shows up, we have 2 guys who are ex-starters in the pen who can throw long innings. We can quite literally afford right now to sit on our hands and wait for Cotts and Politte to work out whatever problems they're having, and it's just not going to cost us a lot of games, because there's just not a lot that they can do. We could run with a 10 man pitching staff right now and get away with it as long as our starters don't go down. Last season, Politte had a couple of rough stretches over the summer. None as bad as this current one, but he certainly was off for a few weeks. Hopefully he'll work things out. And remember, they all still get to work with Coop and AJ. If he can turn around Jose, Thornton, Garland, etc.,
  25. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Apr 24, 2006 -> 09:08 AM) Anyone other than me think that a balanced budget amendment is a good idea? As for overspending and undertaxing versus overspending and taxing for it, I'll take the latter, thank you. I am tired of this administration, and this Congress, indebting us into oblivion. Balanced budget should be the model, but between the two evils, better we cover our bills than increas our debt. The problem is...on paper, a balanced budget amendment is just an absolutely awful idea. Both this country and the world's economies are stronger because of the fact that the U.S. government can run deficits at a time of heavy need, such as during a war or to rebuild something after a crisis (i.e. Katrina). But practically, I could even find a way to support one right now, because thanks to the recent administrations whose names I will not utter, suddenly instead of using deficit spending to finance things which are short-term high expenditure events, we've gone and decided to fund regular portions of the budget using deficit spending.
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