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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 11:15 AM) You saying we're spending 520 billion dollars annually on Iraq? Methinks that estimate is a touch high. I had read where the burn rate over there is more on the order of 4 billion a month. That seems far more realistic, especially based on the amount requested for Iraq and Afghanistan every year. As for cutting taxes. We've been over this ground before dude. Revenues are still rising thanks to the booming economy. Bloody hell, I meant months, not weeks. Damn units. Bane of my existence.
  2. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 11:01 AM) Im sure you could slice off 5 billion from the defense budget to fund this project. Right now I think a physical border to keep invaders out is a lot better use of funds than a handful of F-22's that can be put off 1 year. I would have said the same thing about rebuilding the Levees around NOLA, but well, we gots to cut taxes, and Iraq's costing $10 billion a week now.
  3. Phrases you don't expect to hear from your Congressperson: "I think you're an ass hole"
  4. QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 10:52 AM) What's the opposition to a fence?? I know this addresses only part 1 of the problem. I just want to hear the negatives to it. Well, I'll give you 1..$$$$$. Do you have any idea how much that long of a fence, including motion detectors, surveillance cameras, people to monitor both, repairs, and so forth would actually cost? Just building the 2 barriers with a road inbetween them would probalby run $4-$5 billion, or more. Add in all that high tech stuff, and we're talking tens of billions. And even in areas where there currently is a fence, it usually is still penetrated with relative ease if you know where to go.
  5. QUOTE(YASNY @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 10:32 AM) Wait. Are suggesting that Bush should select someone that doesn't have the same political point of view? I mean ... Come On! I'm more interested in what it says about Fox News that one of their people is being seriously considered to be the official spokesperson for an administration. No other network would EVER be able to live that down.
  6. So can anyone tell me how amazing it would be for Fox News' Tony Snow to actually take Scotty's job, which according to the NY Daily News Is looking like a fairly strong possiblity? Seriously, what would the Republicans say if Dan Rather or Anderson Cooper was hired as the chief propagandist for a Democratic president?
  7. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 10:12 AM) BRAVO!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.cnn.com/2006/LAW/04/20/immigrat...aids/index.html This is how its done!!!!!!! FINALLY SOMEONE GETS IT!!!!! I'll buy it as more than window dressing when they actually go after Walmart.
  8. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 09:51 AM) Like I have said through out this whole thread... The big picture is to solve this problem once and for all. Making every single illegal alien here a citizen doesn't solve a damned thing for the United States in the long run, and neither does expelling them all. We still have porous borders, 12 million illegals here, half a million more illegals showing up a year, and no reason for them to stop coming. We need to plug that hole right there, and make it so that there is no incentive to come into the United States illegally, and this program doesn't even begin to do so. You can argue the fine points, and ask me as many questions as you want, but it all comes down to that answer right there. See, that's the real trick here, we actually have 2 problems to deal with, not just 1. We have porous borders and a busted immigration system, that's a clear problem, but we also have 12 million people already here, and that's another problem. I think the real reason nothing has been done at the Congressional level is that people get too obsessed with 1 side or the other. So we wind up with guys like Kyl insisting that they won't let anything happen anywhere unless we criminalize those 10-20 million folk who are already her, and that winds up blocking reforms that could at least prevent the problem from getting worse.
  9. They better already have someone designing Frank's statue.
  10. QUOTE(3E8 @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 08:57 AM) Well if Ozzie plans on giving Anderson less than 150 at-bats to figure things out at the major league level then he is a moron. Borchard got more than that.
  11. QUOTE(fathom @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 08:29 AM) Anderson won't have until the All-Star Break if he keeps struggling. If he's still struggling to make contact and not producing by the end of May, we'll be seeing a new CF with the White Sox. KW and Ozzie aren't going to sit around this season waiting for a rookie to try and "get it". If the team is winning and he's playing defense well, I don't see why they wouldn't wait several months, especially if he's working hard and genuinely trying to learn.
  12. QUOTE(fathom @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 08:43 AM) It's going to suck when we can't play Thome on the road in the NL. Yeah, our lineup will only be as good as it was last year then. Another nice thing about the blistering pace Thome got out to? Gave everyone a reason to go buy tickets right at the beginning of the year, just to see that bastard hit the ball 485 feet. I'd pay for that.
  13. You know what I can't figure out? Why Podsednik is so damn bad at stealing bases against K.C. In the last 2 years, he's been caught 8 times by K.C. catchers, out of 25 total times he was caught.
  14. At least Pearl Jam's album sounds pretty good.
  15. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 06:16 PM) Since the list is for younger players who will be valuable to their team in the future, it's not really a top 50 list. Still there's some bad errors here. Kendrick over Wood. I'm sure Jason would tell us that's not right. David Ortiz so high (I doubt whether he can produce the numbers he has over the next few years), and B.J Upton at 25 (not like his defense is a problem or anything right)? I think right now there are some people who would put Kendrick over Wood, largely based on the fact that Kendrick has perfomed at a higher minor league level than Wood and has shown very good numbers in batting average, which I think sometimes translates better than power numbers to the big leagues.
  16. Last year, they got into these pointless s***ty distractions in August...Iguchi complaining about days off, people complaining about attendance, and suddenly they looked up and were on an 8 game losing skid. I'd rather them get these distractions out of the way now.
  17. Barry Bonds got a $5000 fine for wearing wristbands that violated MLB's uniform rules, presumably so that HGH could be slowly piped into his skin during at bats. Nomah may be back by Saturday. Bartolo Colon has hit the 15 day DL with shoulder problems.
  18. QUOTE(TLAK @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 06:51 PM) In tonights game relief pitchers Matt Miller and Rafael Bentencourt had to be pulled in the 6th inning due to injury. Now Jason Johnson is receiving some kind of medical/trainer attention on the bench. You know, I almost never enjoy seeing people get hurt, even when they're on teams I don't like. Then again...when they've got a steroid suspension on their record, somehow I just dont' feel as bad.
  19. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 03:55 PM) Sounds like the '05 Marlins and AJ Burnett. And I think anyone you ask right now would say that the Marlins made a mistake in not trading Burnett at the deadline, considering there had to be at least a few teams, maybe even the Sox, making legit offers.
  20. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2006 @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 01:59 PM) I'm with Rowand. The A's are one of about 5 teams in the AL with a legitimate shot at getting to the World Series. If they trade Zito, their chances go down considerably. Sure, he's not the pitcher he was in '02. But he's still plenty good. This is the classic KW type question. The A's have a very good team this year, and may not have as good of a team next year (i.e. Thomas could be gone, Zito gone, etc.) So, they can hold onto Zito and make 1 gigantic run this year. Or they could trade Zito, still try their best to make a run this year, and have some other big name guy to try to make a run next year. Personally, if I'm in Billy Beane's seat, I figure that I missed my chance when both the Yankees and Red Sox had down years, and figure that as long as I don't give Zito to one of those 2 teams without raking them over the coals completely, I'll be better off with some other big time prospect trying to help carry me over the hump the next 6 years than just trying this year.
  21. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2006 @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 02:59 PM) So now we're trading McCarthy because he "might" have arm problems in the future. Only on Soxtalk. Can he get us Pujols?
  22. Balta1701


    QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 02:25 PM) It's amazing because there is never a lapse in the rotation, barring injuries of course. (Knock on wood) You got Buehrle and you feel good, then Freddy, Count, Jon, and Vaz. When you have confidence in all 5 starters like that, that they will go out and give you a solid 7 and a QS, then you know your rotation is the s***. Dude...even if there are those things I won't mention...look what our backup plan can do.
  23. Well, at least Cotts is getting some work in during this at bat.
  24. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 01:26 PM) He's not our #5, Garland is (and no, I don't know or care what that goofy depth chart on the team site says). Javy may be the best #4 in baseball though. Let's put it this way, whoever our #5 starter is, he's better than most #2 starters in baseball. Hell, our #6 starter probably fits that bill too.
  25. QUOTE(rventura23 @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 01:25 PM) radio says first hit wasnt legit, what happened Stupid little check swing roller down the 3rd base line that stayed fair. Swinging bunt basically.
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