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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 12, 2006 -> 10:17 AM) What are you basing that on? Range? Errors? Arm? I don't see him very often at third, but I did watch him a great deal when he was with the Rangers and thought he was solid at SS. I assume he hasn't dropped off that much at 3rd and in NY. He's solid, but he's not great. His range isn't as good as Crede's or Chavez's. For example, if you believe Zone Rating and Range factor tell you anything, Crede and several other 3b's beat ARod by quite a bit.
  2. QUOTE(vandy125 @ Apr 12, 2006 -> 10:14 AM) ^^^^^^^^^^ Jeter's glove is overrated IMO Jeter's glove is approaching terrible. He makes a few easy plays look great because his range is so poor. Uribe makes outs Jeter would never dream of.
  3. QUOTE(Allsox @ Apr 12, 2006 -> 10:11 AM) Hate to say it but Joe's not going to win it with Alex Rodriguez and Eric Chavez at the same position.... And considering that ARod isn't that great of a defensive 3b, that tells you all you need to know about how that award is chosen.
  4. QUOTE(Brian @ Apr 12, 2006 -> 10:12 AM) Do we have any sac bunts this season? Seriously can't think of any. Iguchi Bunted Pods to 2nd in game 2 of the season. The Indians proceeded to walk Thome, and Konerko hit into a double play. All the bunt did was take the bat out of Thome's hands.
  5. Way to turn yourself into an out Scottie. Undoing all the good you did with that double. Seriously, as good as he was at stealing 3rd last year, why the hell was he still at 2nd there? Scott Podsednik, YOU HAVE NO...MARBLES!
  6. Joe Crede has far more competition for the gold glove from Chavez than our shortstop does from anyone. If you ever wanted evidence that the gold glove is a joke, go ask Derek Jeter.
  7. JC...stick a fork(ball) in those bastards! Detroit lineup: Granderson, CF Polanco, 2B Rodriguez, C Ordonez, RF Guillen, Ss Shelton, 1B Infante, DH Monroe, LF Inge, 3B
  8. 1. Sox repeat. 2. Indiana B-Ball 3. Buffalo Bills Super Bowl 4. Indiana Football 5. Chicago Bulls (would be higher up, but we're just a little too spoiled here). 6. Actually having my side win a major national election.
  9. QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Apr 11, 2006 -> 09:05 PM) Does this mean that there was DNA evidence from someone other than a member of the lacrosse team? If so, that is where the DA should be looking, not at trying to win an election by going after rich white boys. We don't know what it means, that's the problem with this case...a lot of people are spouting off without knowing what the investigation's looking at. For all we know the alleged victim originally testified that the accused used condoms during the incident and there wouldn't have been any DNA evidence. For all we know there is another witness. Or for all we know the DA is just trying to win re-election. Until we see charges filed, at this point, it's time to presume that nothing happened, and wait for the DA to prove his case. If he has more, he'll show his cards when he thinks he's ready. I for one think he has to have something other than her testimony, which would never hold up in court on its own against the testimony of a dozen other people, otherwise he'd have already ended the investigation simply because the alleged rapists have enough money to afford good lawyers.
  10. I would take Torii Hunter if the price was right...in the sense that he wasn't about to score big $ in FA. But this season, if they want to trade him, that means he's a 1 year rental, and given that, i'll go with B.A. Baracas.
  11. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Apr 11, 2006 -> 01:45 PM) Konerko's OPS+ the last four years -- 123, 85, 123, 136. Lee's OPS+ the last four years -- 131, 135, 114, 177. Those numbers do include 1 abberation on the part of each of them...a sky high year by Lee, and the year that started off with Konerko recovering from a Broken foot.
  12. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Apr 11, 2006 -> 10:24 AM) Thome's going to break the Single Season Home Run Record. Actually, somewhere last night I read an article on some blog from a Phillies fan begging Thome to break the Single Season HR record because they thought he was the only one who could legitimately do it and they were badmouthing McGuire, Sosa and Bonds as phonies. I thought it was kind of nifty how people put their hopes in their player like that and write an "open letter" to them begging them to do that. I believe Jayson Stark (or at least one of the other ESPN guys) wrote something like that before the 2005 season asking Thome to try to hit 50, just to prove it could be done without steroids.
  13. QUOTE(striker62704 @ Apr 11, 2006 -> 09:08 AM) If Cliff Polite throws 1 pitch inside, JUST ONE!!!, there's no way Sweeney homers. Cliff was on the outside corner the whole time, Sweeney cheated and hit it out. I just hope Polite reads this message board! Most of those pitches were called from the dugout. AJ was looking over to get the signs that AB before each pitch.
  14. I don't think Lee will be able to put up quite the numbers he did last year, but even if he does...Thome gets to play in the Cell. I think Konerko will outproduce Thome in RBI, probably batting average, but I think Jim will take the home run number, simply because he's so bloody strong.
  15. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Apr 11, 2006 -> 08:34 AM) But I completely agree about the economic disparity in Mexico. I just read that the richest 35 families in Mexico are worth as much as the poorest 15 million people. Having just checked my calculator...I think you could almost certainly say exactly the same thing about the U.S.
  16. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Apr 10, 2006 -> 11:05 PM) DLee can actually run as well. Usually, the rough %age that the stat guys tell us you have to hit in order to have your steals help a team instead of hurt it is about 75%. DLee has only beaten that number 1 time in his career. What year? You guessed it. Frank Stallone. Wait, that's not right. He did it in 2005.
  17. QUOTE(T R U @ Apr 10, 2006 -> 09:13 PM) As long as the do the right thing and trade out of the #1 spot and get D'Brick they should be able to turn the ship around fast.. I am praying they dont take Bush If someone offered them the #2 and #3 picks, I think they'd still probably take Bush.
  18. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Apr 10, 2006 -> 09:35 PM) I'd personally take Lee over Konerko. That's not to say I don't like PK, I just think the Lee is the better overall player. I think you're short-changing Lee's pre-2005 years a little bit. He's always been a pretty damn good hitter, especially his 2002 and '03 seasons (131 and 135 OPS+s in those two years). What I guess I'm saying is, I don't know how one can be a fan of the Konerko contract while disliking the Lee contract. They're very similar contracts, other than the full NTC in D-Lee's. I think Derrek Lee, though, is the better player (IMO), and I think the contract is reasonable. Not a bargain, but not grossly overpaying either. If DLee does for the next few years what he did last year, then yeah, this deal is a bargain. If he was hitting FA with 2 batting titles (or close to that), 2 years of 45 home runs, and as many Gold Gloves as he's earned (unlike Jeter, he's earned whatever ones he has)...He could break the bank in Boston or NY. On the other hand, his 3 years before that, he put up numbers that were good, but not great. OPS about 875 or so, never knocked in 100 runs, 27-32 home runs. You give me the choice between Konerko and that Lee, even given Lee's better defense, and I probably take Konerko. And anywho...I still think PK's primed for a dynamite season this year, so if he does what I think he can do...this whole discussion might be rendered moot.
  19. QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ Apr 10, 2006 -> 08:49 PM) My bad, thought Pujols signed for 10 years at $100 mil and these years were less money. Obviously it's structured differently. They did a "Cleveland" style deal with him...big deal, up-front money, in exchange for dropping arbitration and giving the Cards an additional three years before he hit FA if I got the details right. He played his first 3 seasons for the league minimum if I understand the facts right. 7 years, $100 million. And worth every damn penny.
  20. Whatever you do...just don't strap it on. (10 second pause) We got another email here...
  21. QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ Apr 10, 2006 -> 08:19 PM) Comparing contracts and performances doesn't really work. Not every superstar is making what he is worth (Pujols, Santana), and on the other side a lot of guys are overpaid (Beltre, Sexon, Beltran). If you really want to use that approach though, let's come up with a more relevant comparison. Is Lee really that much better than Paul Konerko, the guy who was the team leader on a champion, was the top FA on the market, and signed for 5-60? The Derek Lee of last year? Absolutely. He was the best player in baseball last year, all around. If you could guarantee Lee could repeat last season with the bat, he'd be worth $18-$20 mil, or >$20 mil if he went to the Yankees. But as others have pointed out, the Lee of last year was vastly above the Lee of previous years. I for one still don't know how he can expect to repeat last year's numbers, simply because last year he was just that good.
  22. Here's what we need to see sometime before we die: Kyle Farnsworth plunks Bonds, Bonds charges. Actually, given all the armor Bonds wears at the plate, Jenks could probably pelt him and it woulnd't even give him a bruise.
  23. So, after the mess his career has become since he left Buffalo, why not take another chance on Price. He was very solid in Buffalo before being stuck with Vick, he doesn't have to be the #1 option, he at least has some veteran experience in waht is a fairly young receiving corps, and the price is fairly cheap. Hope this one works out well. The Bills could use a break or two.
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