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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. You know what we really need? We need the Gooch to go around to everyone on the team and tell them that: "YOU HAVE NO MARBLES!"
  2. Anyone else feel right now like they did last August? I sure do. This team needs a good swift kick in the ass. Bases loaded in the 8th and you GIDP. Getting yourself stuck pitching to Sweeney as the lead run. Argh.
  3. If they extend Baker's deal, all they'll end up doing is paying extra to buy his deal otu when they fire him.
  4. The Rally Crede, not doing too much, but getting the job done. Nice. Smart baseball.
  5. So yeah...you guys who were complaining about this lineup... Hell I just hope Garland isn't too cold after this inning.
  6. Mike Sweeney is hitless thus far this season. So, there are 2 ways to look at that. Either he's starting off cold...or he's overdue.
  7. Ozzie said on the pregame that J.D. took B.P. today, he told Ozzie he feels better, he's still day to day but available to pinch hit late in the game, hopefully he'll be back in the lineup in a couple days.
  8. Ozzie said on the pregame that J.D. took B.P. today, he told Ozzie he feels better, he's still day to day but available to pinch hit late in the game, hopefully he'll be back in the lineup in a couple days.
  9. So is there a regular chat running yet, or still www.soxtalk.com/chat?
  10. This thread has morphed into yet another reason why I can't stand off days.
  11. Lineup for KC: Dejesus, CF Grudzielanek, 2B Sweeney, DH Sanders, RF Mientwiewicz, 1B Brown, LF Teahen, 3B Berroa, SS Buck, C
  12. QUOTE(AbeFroman @ Apr 7, 2006 -> 03:04 PM) Hopefully we are approaching the point where both parties should set aside their differences and concentrate on making some progress on the environment issue. If three dollar a gallan gas doesn't force the issue more, I don't know what will Dude, you're forgetting 1 key point...there are very powerful forces in this country who absolutely adore the idea of $3 gas...and I'm not talking about environmentalists who shrug their shoulders and say "well maybe it's a good thing."
  13. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Apr 7, 2006 -> 01:57 PM) Bat the Widge cleanup. With the way Konerko's been swinging...
  14. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Apr 7, 2006 -> 11:45 AM) Well, that's true regarding NIE briefings. Not removing CIA cover though - that itself is illegal period, I believe. And the Vice President does not have the power to declassify unless given in writing by the President. You are, as I understand it, correct. The NIE are classified by executive order, and thus the President should be able to change that by executive order. There is, however, a law which states that exposing the identity of an undercover operative is a crime, and even if Mr. Bush issued an executive order saying the opposite, the law would take precedence.
  15. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Apr 7, 2006 -> 11:46 AM) You're right. Limited airstrikes = full scale invasion. I hope and pray that the folks running State and Defense understand that. Defense Department thinking: Limited airstrikes = Iranian Nuclear program is disabled = Iranian people rise up against Iranian government = Walmarts in Tehran = flowers thrown at U.S. troops. I think they really are willing to try doing this as limited airstrikes, because otherwise there would be ZERO talk about military options for Iran right now, since our army is slightly busy with a population 1/3 that of Iran. President Bush would not keep saying "All options are on the table" and so forth.
  16. I have to leave this thread before I wind up having lunch at 10:00 a.m.
  17. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Apr 7, 2006 -> 09:35 AM) No one is stopping him from moving to another market. I can't speak for him with 100% accuracy, but based on his previous post, I would guess that, like many Americans, the desire to remain employed is something of an impediment. There are many potential others. He can chime in here if he's still here (The "Who's in this room" list still isnt' showing up), but there are a dozen reasons why that could be a problem. Say he's married , and his wife has a job near where they currently live. If they move closer to where he lives, then they move farther from where his wife lives, and their gas consumption remains constant. Or say that they live where they currently do because housing prices closer to his place of employment are simply too high to be affordable. If the choice is living far away and being able to afford a house, or living closer and finding a nice car to sleep in during the night, what choice would he have? (All of this can be taken as a hypothetical by the way, just to illustrate the problems with saying "Oh you should just move closer to your job" to anyone.)
  18. QUOTE(Steff @ Apr 7, 2006 -> 09:27 AM) Boy.. the arrogance smells extra stinky this week. Some people don't have the luxury to do this. Where IWC lives, the market dictates to him. The problem is...in a few years, the oil market may very well leave him no choice. Demand for oil is not going to stop increasing. India, China and the U.S. all keep wanting more, and there simply isn't any more cheap oil to be found. Not in the amounts needed. The one good piece of news I think we can give him is that oil is unlikely to really go past about $125-$150 or so a barrel even when Saudi Arabia really starts to decline, simply because there are other oil sources that become profitable at roughly that level; heavier oils that cost more and take more energy to refine, oil/tar sands, etc. (Of course, the problem with all of those is that they're vastly more polluting that normal Light Sweet Crude, so even though that should put a max on the price, it's still time to really find something to replace the stuff.) I personally have been very surprised that the U.S. economy has managed to survive the first step upwards, from $20-$30 a barrel oil to $60-$70 a barrel. I'm not sure it can do that again.
  19. I hope some of our guys spent yesterday in the batting cages.
  20. As far as I think everyone can tell, what Bush did here seems to be perfectly legal. It didn't follow normal procedures for declassification, but Bush wasn't breaking any law set by Congress. As far as I can tell, he was only violating an executive order, and well, I'm pretty sure that there's 1 person in the country allowed to do that. Anyway, it's fairly amusing to watch them try to spin this, given how much Bush has spoken about cleaning up leaks of classified info out of the White House, like the NSA leak, etc. So, it's not a leak if it helps Bush, it's only a leak if it hurts him. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.
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