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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. Just make a Rally Crede sign.
  2. Well...this is certainly more logical than any position he came forward with during the campaign. I'm gonna excerpt a lot of it...if someone thinks I quoted too much, they can feel free to cut off parts at the end. Emphasis mine.
  3. 2 things to remember. 1: Mitre looked good...against the Astros offense, that was a joke for much of the season last year. 2. The Marlins beat up on Andy Petitte...but how many guys have we seen surprisingly torched in the past 3 days? Garcia, Zito, Santana to some extent, etc. Some times people just aren't ready.
  4. QUOTE(T R U @ Apr 4, 2006 -> 07:09 PM) True, but I wouldnt wanna go to Portland.. The Blazers might move as it is.. Portland just doesnt seem like a good place for a professional team San Antonio or Vegas, I think those would be the two best situations for them There have been marketing-type surveys on these sorts of things in cities that MLB teams have considered moving to, and in almost all the ones I recall, Portland comes out as being one of the top candidates in terms of "How interested would the people be" and "How would they support the team". No idea why, but that city seems to really want a baseball team. They really liked their basketball team too...before, well, you know.
  5. QUOTE(SSH2005 @ Apr 4, 2006 -> 07:55 PM) Would be sweet if someone recorded it and threw it up on YouTube. I have it recorded, but only on video, not DVR (I'm cheap, and the fiancee has enough doctor bills right now). If someone were to be in my area and interested and able to put that video online, I'd be happy to help. Best offer I can make though.
  6. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Apr 4, 2006 -> 05:32 PM) Nah I was more thinking of PK. I could be way off base but he seems like a guy that goes through terrible slumps where he is trying to yank everything for a bomb. Then when he is hot he can spray the ball all over. Oh you're 100% right on that one. All he needs to do IMO is hit like 1 out of every 5-10 balls he hits to right field...when he starts doing that, you can tell he's locked in and he's not letting people beat him. That's when the ball starts getting killed off his bat, because he's waiting back on pitches.
  7. Now that makes no sense...how can 1 group have a lower instance of breast cancer than your average population while the other group does not have a larger instance of that? If you were to take the entire population and filter out a group that has 40% lower occurence of a disease, the remaining population would have to trend higher. That means the sample was fundamentally biased, IMO. By the way your link is dead.
  8. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Apr 4, 2006 -> 05:10 PM) Another guy comes to mind that if I bring up I will get crucified. Well, the way I wrote it, I think the only guy on our team it didn't apply to last year was Pods, but Pods was never really trying to do anything but slap. AJ..he tries to pull, he hits .260. Uribe tries to pull everything, he pops it all up. Paul "I am a pull hitter" Konerko of the first 2 months of last season. Iguchi = right field. J.D. has great power the other way. But I'm going to assume you mean Thome, since otherwise you would have said it...and after those 870 feet or so, I could see why you'd hesitate on that one.
  9. Johan had a "Slow" start last year too...in the sense that he occasionally gave up more than 3 runs a game for the first 2 months of the season. I think he gave up like 4 runs on opening day last year or something. Nice catch by Stewart.
  10. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Apr 4, 2006 -> 05:15 PM) It wouldn't have mattered with Collabo at the helm like Petain. Petain didn't take over until the French & British armies were completely whipped.
  11. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Apr 4, 2006 -> 04:53 PM) One thing I wasn't impressed with was Mack in center or Mack at the plate. He tries to PULL everything. Granted this is just one days observations and it takes a while for me to formulate any sort of opinion on how I think a player will do/be. That doesn't sound that surprising to me even though i haven't seen him much either...he's been described in the past as incredibly streaky, and that sounds like the guys on our squad who have a habit of going from using all field to pulling the ball randomly during the season. Crede for example...he tries to pull everything and he hits .200, he uses all fields and hits .500.
  12. Let's go J.C. Here's your chance to get an early lead on MB and JG in that 20 win race.
  13. So wait...you're saying Brownie was doing a heck of a job? Seriously...the worry right now isn't a hurricane...because if one does come towards the mainland...Chertoff, Bush et al. are going to do everything possible to make sure no one's left in the path, just because it would look so damn bad if another one shredded this country. The worry, IMO, is something else...like a terrorist attack, pandemic flu, major earthquake/tsunami, volcanic eruption, etc., because that's where the lack of management experience and the fact that the smaller government/crony folks haven't thought about them as a problem this year will set up another disaster. Of course...if a Hurricane were to go after New York...all bets are off.
  14. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Apr 4, 2006 -> 03:46 PM) They are a great benefit to relievers, but starting pitchers typically would gain little benefit. They help relievers gain velocity and help them rebound faster. In fact I'd venture a guess that the highest % of users in this league are a combo of relievers and hitters (more relievers than people think were using this stuff). See, I still dislike this sort of posts...where you presume that steroids wouldn't have been as much of a help to 1 guy over another because of some reason. Why? Because there are a lot of steroids out there, and there never as far as I know has been a double-blind study on the effects of heavy use of each particular steroid under each circumstance. You can find steroids like Winstrol, which don't make you explode as much (Palmeiro), or you can use THG (Bonds) and turn into a giant. All we really have are rumors about what steroids can and cannot do for any particular player. For crying out loud, in the mid 90's, you could find plenty of people who would say "Steroids aren't a problem in baseball because having huge muscles won't help you in baseball like it would in football" (See: what people say about basketball these days). For all we know, you could easily find a steroid that would help you get your arm in better shape, or not lose as much stamina during 120 pitches, etc. We just don't know. I for one can think of several guys who are starting pitchers who I really think were juicing a few years ago and have since stopped (and have fallen off accordingly). Freddy, is not one of them IMO.
  15. QUOTE(samclemens @ Apr 4, 2006 -> 02:51 PM) im sorry that you feel the house ethics committee has been ineffective lately. what does this have to do with a congresswoman punching a cop? how is that the republican's fault? Very simple...the same Congresswoman who punched the cop, as shown by the link above (which someone else posted, not me), also spent $1000 to fly Isaac Hayes in to a rally in her state, in a manner which almost certainly is either against House rules or just plain illegal...and the solution to that problem is the House Ethics committee, which has been a shambles since the Republicans tried to rewrite the rules of the thing and the Democrats lost interest in it.
  16. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Apr 4, 2006 -> 02:32 PM) They talked at length about their labor laws on CNBC and Fox today and they brought up some interesting points. Basically France is struggling to hold up the weight of all it's socialist benefits it gives everyone and employers wont hire anyone because they know they'll be stuck with them for life. The French government recognizes this and thats why the laws but since they are totally dead in the water the mobs in the street rule the day and you get what you have here and what happened back in October. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch if you ask me. Well, I do understand the principle of why the government would want this law...but it's also worth noting that the argument that employers won't hire anyone because they can't fire anyone is at least controversial economically. Here, for example, is a study which suggests that high levels of "employment protection" may have only a limited impact on the economy...by ensuring that skilled workers are able to have or keep jobs, these sorts of laws can wind up distributing wealth more widely and avoiding large losses of employment. Several countries have tried moving from systems more like France to those more like the U.S., and have done so without seeing large gains in employment. The data are still in debate, as an IMF study a few years ago found the opposite. France has a few other major problems too, including things like unemployment benefits which last for something like 3 years, which is an even more obvious impediment to job creation, as people can sit around & collect $ from the government without having a need to find a job.
  17. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Apr 4, 2006 -> 02:29 PM) Does it matter if it's legal? This is politics. I think Tom Delay's broken enough election laws...
  18. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Apr 4, 2006 -> 02:25 PM) Can he legally just move the campaign money into a legal defense fund?!? Yup. From the WaPo piece I linked to in that last post:
  19. QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Apr 3, 2006 -> 08:50 PM) Maybe she just punched the cop because she was angry at getting caught being a crook! http://www.wsbtv.com/news/8442213/detail.html You know, if she could somehow do something obnoxious enough to restart the House ethics committee, which has been almost completely shut down by a deadlock on both sides ever since the Republicans tried to change the rules of the committee at the start of 2005 and recanted in the face of public pressure, then I'd be more than happy to escort her out of the Congress.
  20. You know, I would very much bet This has to play into the timing of this. Over the last 5 years or so, Tom Delay's defense fund has raised over $1.5 million...much of which has been spent. Tom Delay's campaign for 2006 has raised $1.2 million...all of which can now be moved to Delay's defense fund. I think it's also worth noting that in a masterful display of, well, something...in order to make sure that there's no Special Election and there's a Republican name on the ticket in October...instead of resigning, Delay is going to register himself as a citizen of Virginia, because if he moves out of the state the Republicans will be allowed to name a candidate to replace him on the ticket, while if he just dropped out...because the filing deadline has passed in Texas, the Republicans wouldn't be able to field anything but a write-in candidate.
  21. Well, I will say this...if I was able to start off as a grad student and not have to worry about finding another position the rest of my life...I'd probably riot to protect that too.
  22. QUOTE(Whitewashed in '05 @ Apr 4, 2006 -> 02:11 PM) Oh yeah I forgot...how the f*** did we let Aaron Boone kill us? Boston fans have been asking that since...Oct 03?
  23. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Apr 4, 2006 -> 01:55 PM) lol. His wife is the biggest whore wife in baseball though, no contest even if Anna Benson gets married again. She's withdrawn the divorce petition from court...so she's still married to Kris.
  24. Small update...some of us are having a wee bit of difficulty figuring out exactly what Freddy was throwing...the CSN gun had him in the mid to high 80's, but the CSN gun seemed to disagree with what the stadium gun was saying when Logan, Cotts, and Jenks were in there. Anywho, Freddy did get hammered, and Hawk & DJ did say he was throwing a bit slow.
  25. Anna Benson has rescinded the divorce petition she filed in court last week, and wants to try to repair her marriage. Time to change the thread title.
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