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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. If there was any chance he would have passed a physical...Bobby Abreu should be in their outfield or Tejada should be starting at short for the Cubs. There's no way they should have held onto him last offseason. I don't care how valuable young pitching is...it isn't valuable in the doctor's office.
  2. Just what baseball needs. Merry X-Mas Mr. Selig. Get your damn act together. Yea, that would look real good for baseball...WADA filling some sort of official complaint about this tourney, after all the good press it's gotten. Pure brilliance!
  3. So...who wants to bet as to the first month Mark Prior will pitch this season? Put me down for July.
  4. QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Mar 14, 2006 -> 04:51 PM) I just don't get why the Cubs do this sort of thing. Is delaying the news a week or two going to make Prior's arm better? Tickets went on sale AFTER that first BP report of Prior having a sore shoulder. They've been on sale for a couple weeks now. That should be all the "Why" you need to know.
  5. As a Bills fan first and a Bears fan second...I hope the Dolphins, Patriots, Packers or Vikings wind up with them. Let them dismantle one of those teams from the inside out.
  6. QUOTE(WCSox @ Mar 14, 2006 -> 02:06 PM) You're right. In fact, an overwhelming loss in the censure motion would do the Dems more harm than good. That's why the majority of Dems don't want to actually vote on it. But they're more than happy to engage in a debate that will generate significant media coverage that portrays the Bush administration negatively. This is a political stunt, not an actual attempt to censure the President. Not necessarily. Politically, Bush is in a horrible spot right now. Even calling for the censure motion on this issue and having it brought to a vote forces people to keep pointing out in the media how the White House has strong-armed the Republicans into preventing any sort of investigation of this matter, whether by the Congress or by any independent source. The same reason that the Dems might benefit from it coming up at all might bring benefit if it goes down...press coverage.
  7. So does that mean he threw at Crede twice? Maybe he didn't like him
  8. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Mar 14, 2006 -> 01:00 PM) I fully expect him to be about there all season. I would not complain about that at all. With his power, that'd basically mean he's replacing almost every run Rowand accounted for last year. If he gets anywhere beyond that, he's got a shot at ROY.
  9. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Mar 14, 2006 -> 12:56 PM) BA with a blast to center off the monster wall Owens scores from 1st. 2-1 DBACKS He's what 1/2 today? That brings his average up to .250 on the spring.
  10. QUOTE(tonyho7476 @ Mar 14, 2006 -> 12:37 PM) I can't find anything on the web to verify. Heard this on Bubba the Love Sponge Show...I know, I know. Sounded legit. Supposedly he died in a para-gliding accident. The wind supposedly blew him off course and into the trees. If anyone sees a confirmation, please post. If so, RIP. Great comedic performer. So, I did a Google search...there's 1 page listed under Will Ferrel which does say he died a few hours ago in a paragliding accident, but the page that is hosting that report appears down/dead so I can't evaluate whether or not it's B.S.
  11. Boston gave Francona a contract extension through 2008. Kevin Millwood faced live batters for the first time yesterday, however Texas Pitcher Josh Rupe is out with some sort of arm soreness. Juan Padilla, 29 year old right handed reliver for the Mets, will miss the season after elbow surgery. Cesar "Trade Bait" Izturis is progressing well in rehab from surgery last year, and expects to be ready to play minor league games at the end of March. No idea where he'll actually play if he comes back. Anyone need a shortstop?
  12. QUOTE(iWiN4PreP @ Mar 14, 2006 -> 10:57 AM) Btw Ryan howard has hit his 8th homer of hte spring training. and Aaron rowand has hit his second. ARow hit .438 with 5 home runs last spring, and had a very disappointing season with the bat. Don't pay attention to the strike zone with him...pay attention to what he's doing with the strike zone. If he's getting ahead in counts, driving outside pitches the other way, and flying that bat through the zone, he'll be in good shape. He wasn't doing any of those things last year during the season.
  13. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Mar 13, 2006 -> 09:18 PM) In that case, then, life imprisonment with no parole is just fine for me. But, if this were a guilt vs. innocence phase, you're damn right I'd be pissed off if this slime ass got off because lawyers screwed it up. Usually, if a lawyer screws up in this manner in the guilt vs. innocence phase, it winds up in a second trial, not necessarily in a release...at least based on the cases I've seen.
  14. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 14, 2006 -> 11:33 AM) I suspect you haven't known enough US attorneys Seriously, attorneys at all levels try to push the boundaries of conduct all the time. These prosecutors are meant to be bulldogs, and they are, but sometimes they cross the line. I have seen it happen before. It's happened in literally a majority of the terrorism prosecutions the government has attempted since 9/11. This case, The Lackawanna case...even the Brooklyn Bridge blowtorch guy is challenging his conviction based on the statements that the Bush administration didn't obtain a FISA warrant in his case.
  15. The front page of the entertainment section of the LAT this morning said that Tony was in fact dead, and won't be back. I couldn't believe he didn't get the silent count either.
  16. San Diego will rue this day. I think Leinart is a Jet now.
  17. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Mar 14, 2006 -> 10:57 AM) Did I hear 2nd-round pick? Yes, you did. For a second rounder...getting a guy 2 years removed from one of the best QB seasons in football history is a decent gamble. If it pays off, then the Dolphins are in the playoffs (especially with Chambers at WR). If it doens't pay off...then they've sacrificed some cap room and 1 second round pick, and they can come back & try a different QB in a year or two. They just better make sure they have a backup. Reports when he got hurt said it might be mid-season 06 before he returns. They've probably changed recently, but who really knows when he'll be back.
  18. Reportedly Frist is actually going to let this come to a vote today...which means that it's not just going to lose, it's going to lose badly.
  19. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Mar 13, 2006 -> 01:10 PM) "Come on, prospects arent worth s***, trade em all Kenny" (Picturing quickman as a little devil on KW's shoulder...)
  20. QUOTE(JimH @ Mar 13, 2006 -> 01:04 PM) There will, IMO, be a fair amount of wheeling and dealing come the end of March. I wouldn't mind if it happened a little sooner than that, just so that whoever else we wind up with has a few minutes to get acclimated to the team.
  21. QUOTE(hi8is @ Mar 13, 2006 -> 12:54 PM) single up the middle for spanky Mike LaValliere?
  22. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Mar 13, 2006 -> 12:51 PM) This is a perfect example of why these people should be tried by military tribunals. Before I go on, refresh my memory - is Moose an American Citizen? Why, so that the government can do whatever it needs to do to convict because we already know that they're guilty and should die? And he's a french citizen of Moroccan descent. He would be the first French citizen ever to face the death penalty in the U.S. if it goes that far.
  23. You know...that could be really bad for a water heater.
  24. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Mar 13, 2006 -> 11:51 AM) Highway 30 is your best bet if you hit at rush hour. It'll be busy, but not nearly as bad as traffic on 80/94/90 will be. I would take 65 south to 30 and jump on it there, as the construction starts soon after I-65, and really continues for 10-15 miles between the work they are doing in IN and in IL. Also it is always a good idea to jump on AM 780 as you approach that areas for the traffic on the 8s to hear if any one route is messed up or not. That might save you some grief and headaches. And finally, good luck girl, you are going to need it. If I-65 doesn't look good, there are 2 exits in-between 80/94 and 30, both of which can be used. If you're heading south on 65, immediately after you get off, there's an exit on to Ridge Road, which i mentionned earlier. You can take that west and make good time on most days. After a few more miles, you'll come to 61st avenue in Merrillville...that exit works too if you're trying to get to 30...take 61st going West, and you can make a left onto Broadway and go to 30, or if you prefer stop signs to stop lights, you can take 61st, stay on it until it ends...make a left hand turn onto 55, and that will take you up to route 30 while still bypassing a ton of stoplights.
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