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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. Well, since thus far the only opinion that's been raised here regarding the media is that it's the liberal media covering things like bombings and riots which has led to this decline of trust in Islam...let me just say that there are others out there who might have had a hand in causing people to dislike Islam through their words. Radio Host Jay Severin: "I think the only meaningful gesture we might make to them in that regard would be to cut off our own heads right now as a gesture of good faith. Maybe, they would regard that as an act of friendship." Ann Coulter: "If you don't want to get shot by the police, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, then don't point a toy gun at them. Or, as I believe our motto should be after 9/11: Jihad monkey talks tough; jihad monkey takes the consequences. Sorry, I realize that's offensive. How about "camel jockey"? What? Now what'd I say? Boy, you tent merchants sure are touchy. Grow up, would you?....Or is NATO -- like the conventions of civilized behavior, personal hygiene and grooming -- inapplicable when Muslims are involved?" Catholic League President W. Donahue on Scarborough Country: " Now, in this country, we are civilized. We don't appreciate it when somebody sticks it to you in the name of freedom of speech, sir. We condemn it. But over there, they take the uncivilized approach. And then they wonder why so many people don't trust the Muslims when it comes to liberty, because they will abuse it. In this country, we prize freedom of religion. They abhor it." Coulter again: "But apparently the Koran is like the Constitution: It's a "living document," capable of sprouting all-new provisions at will. Muslims ought to start claiming the Koran also prohibits indoor plumbing, to explain their lack of it. [...] Making the rash assumption for purposes of discussion that Islam is a religion and not a car-burning cult, even a real religion can't go bossing around other people like this. " Oliver North: "And it shows that the words 'Islamic moderates' are -- that's an oxymoron. There is no such thing as an 'Islamic moderate,' or they would be out ordering calm and talking about the consequences of government censorship, which, of course, is what you're going to have under the caliphate if the so-called extremists have their way." Pat Robertson: "Don't you feel it rather interesting that every time you have a story about terrorism, it is linked to Muslim extremists? You don't hear somebody, "Christian extremist killing film producers, Christian extremists blowing up trains." It just doesn't happen. But it's Muslim extremists and, ladies and gentlemen, Islam, at least at its core, teaches violence. It's there in the Quran in clear, bold statements. Well over 100 verses dealing with violence against infidels, and that is what they're taught. " Franklin Graham: "In Islam, there is a lot that I have serious questions about, but the god that I worship doesn't require me to strap a bomb on myself and go blow up innocent people to prove to God that I love him and that is the way I can have salvation. Jesus Christ died for me. I don't have to die for him. God gave his son for me. I don't have to go give my life or take other people's lives to please God." And those are just a small selection from the last year. There are many more statements flying through the media like those, calling Islam violent, evil, bashing them for the cartoons, bombings, etc. Now whether or not you agree with those sentiments is not the point...the point I want to make is that there's many reasons from the "Conservative media" that would also make this country more suspicious of Islam in general.
  2. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Mar 9, 2006 -> 09:03 AM) It might have a little to do, in addition to the War in Iraq, with the spurts of violence in the name of Censorship-Against-the-Danish and God-Knows-What-The-f***-in-France. I know that my view of the Muslim world keeps dwindling, particularly after seeing things like that. You know, they don't have indoor plumbing but have ready-made access to any flag they want to burn, apparently. Dude, if there's a market for an item, someone will find a way to fill that demand. Global capitalism...isn't it a wonderful thing? I'm sure right now there's a company somewhere working on a cleaner and more rapid burning flag to market to folks who really want to put on a good show.
  3. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 9, 2006 -> 07:50 AM) The non-stop violence in Iraq and Israel/Palestine certainly is a big player. I don't believe the media is trying to make Bush look bad, though - I think they are showing what sells: violence and anything spectacular. Unfortunately, that means we don't see the daily camera shots from India, Turkey and any number of other countries where Islam gets along just fine with other religions (isolated incidents aside). So the view is skewed. Definitely sad in any case. I think it's fairly difficult to say that Islam is getting along with other religions very well in almost any country right now. India, which you cite, for example, has had a couple of bombings lately, and just shot and killed one Islamic suspect. Not to mention their border clashes with Pakistan. Turkey has had plenty of problems with its Kurdish population, and just had a suicide bombing today. Let's also remember a couple of other things...most notably, this poll is probably also being taken after weeks of riots over cartoons depicting Mohammed, which by all accounts went over pretty poorly in this country, what with that whole "freedom of speech" thing we have. And we've also seen the election of Hamas in the Palestinian territories, showing support for a terrorist group. And we've seen the outbreak of Sunni/Shi'a violence in Iraq, basically an entirely intra-Islam conflict. These days, the folks who say that Islam is a religion of peace are still right, but there's a lot of people who are dead set in proving those folks wrong. And the numbers of people trying to prove that statement wrong are clearly on the increase.
  4. QUOTE(YASNY @ Mar 9, 2006 -> 08:15 AM) Intolerance of those that are different is what started all of this. And this didn't start on 09/11/01. This goes back centuries ... from all sides. Damn Zoroastrians.
  5. Hmph, according to Kenny, Cintron must be able to play some 1b as well.
  6. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Mar 9, 2006 -> 05:47 AM) Does anyone think that although Cintron, who is being mentioned as a Uribe replacement if he went down, really maybe an insurance policy for Iguchi? The Sox have seen Iguchi really struggle this spring, I know he was working on a different swing, maybe the team is concerned about his current 0-for. I think they're more concerned with the lack of Willie Harris, thus giving us no backup for Iguchi at all. The nice thing about this deal is...it gives us a guy who can play short as well...and hence can do what Harris simply couldn't learn to do last year. Hopefully now we won't be seeing Dye at short again.
  7. Sometimes they just make it too bloody easy. Well, that's one way to move the corruption out of the halls of Congress. Move it down the street.
  8. QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Mar 8, 2006 -> 11:25 PM) Just imagine this lineup with everyone in it being healthy: I just can't imagine that Ken Griffey Jr. is ever going to be healthy enough again to justify his contract. And I can't see the Reds dumping him for nothing and also picking up a portion of his salary. And I can't see KW trying that again after the reds screwed him around last year.
  9. Another day, another bill out of Congress which is bad for people, good for industry. So, not only does it overrule much more stringent state protections, especially in California, and potentially denies consumers access to any information that a company with a good lobbyist doesn't want them to have (think that approval process will be fair, nonpartisan, and unbiased, with the singular goal of protecting the public?), but it's also going to cost taxpayers $100 million dollars. Something for everyone, except people who don't like cancer or taxes, I guess.
  10. QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Mar 8, 2006 -> 11:05 PM) Well to be fair US Cellular field is hardly the hardest place in the league to play CF... Hell he'd be better then Carl Everett was when he was our starting CF... Somehow adding another potential 40 HR hitter in the lineup just makes me want to cream my pants... Griffey feels the same way. Unfortunately, last time he felt that way, he wound up on the DL for 6 weeks with a hamstring pull.
  11. QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Mar 8, 2006 -> 10:57 PM) Ohh well either way... Is anyone else hoping that KW now just says payroll be damned and swings a trade with the Reds for Ken Griffey Jr and say Kent Mecker.... Griffey and Mecker for Borchard, Any outfield prospect not named Anderson or Sweeney, and one of our top pitching prospects... If KW did that then I think I would just cream my pants on the spot... We could have the best team of 1996!
  12. AJ will be representing the Sox @ Puckett's memorial. Also in attendence will be former Twins like Jacques Jones, Doug Mientkewicz, etc.
  13. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 3, 2006 -> 07:02 PM) Chris Matthews...from that liberal bastion of MSNBC...blames the church burnings today on "Liberals." This man really seems to admire O'Reilly. Wow. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Feb 6, 2006 -> 05:45 AM) Pardon this interruption for a brief Indie comment. Bwroooooaaaaah Bwroaaaaahhhhh Bworaaaaaahhhh..... "liberal" church person and "liberal" politically are two different things. VERY different. We now bring you back to your regularly scheduled Dem only thread. bweeep bweep bweeep. /carries on NYT I'd say the gap between liberals and liberal church people is smaller than the gap between a few college students with some sort of amazingly insane prank and liberals motivated by conservative churches. Although, they were theater students...
  14. QUOTE(q\/\/3r+y @ Mar 8, 2006 -> 09:22 PM) Btw balta, how can you say gload is behind two first baseman this year? It's been said repeatedly by our management folks that JT will play 1b once or twice a week this year, with Konerko either DHing or getting the day off. That's 2 first basemen. I don't want Thome there full time obviously, but the extra rest for Konerko will probably do wonders for him. Sure helped when he got offdays last year.
  15. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Mar 8, 2006 -> 08:32 PM) Is it ok for me to say Ben Gordon would actually be an ok fit for the Magic considering the alternatives (DeShawn "I can't hit a layup to save my life" Stevenson)? I suppose at least with him, you don't rely on him to put up numbers in rebounding etc. like you do with Eddy Curry which is why Bulls fans hated him so much. Howard for Gordon? I'd do that.
  16. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Mar 8, 2006 -> 07:23 PM) I reiterate, just because he was a 1st rd pick doesn't mean they will get value for him. Everyone knows they will either trade him or release him, especially considering the cap problems the Skins are having. Plus Ramsey hasn't done anything under Gibbs and the guy took the beating of his life under Spurrier. The Skins cap problems got a heck of a lot easier to deal with today.
  17. C: "I approached Mr. Bonds about these latest allegations." J: "How did that go?" C: "Not well Jon. He ripped a phone book in half and tried to f*** a Coke machine." Jon Stewart and Rob Corddry
  18. Noc 1 point off his career high (set last night) and 1 rebound from a double-double.
  19. QUOTE(rangercal @ Mar 8, 2006 -> 06:57 PM) Bulls fans definately have a bitter/sweet relationship with that guy. Hopefully it's just a sophomore slump, and he can learn to fix some of those problems before next year.
  20. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Mar 8, 2006 -> 06:56 PM) Ben Gordon is a mother f***ing idiot Of course...that's how the game ends this year with this team, for some reason.
  21. QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Mar 8, 2006 -> 06:50 PM) It was just slightly catastrophic, yes. Story of my life.
  22. QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Mar 8, 2006 -> 06:48 PM) No actually I am arguing: I can not make a good argument on the evidence unless I actually can see the evidence myself. How anyone in here can claim anything is beyond me. But in my experience I doubt that any criminal charges will come from it. That is just my gut feeling. I would also doubt that any criminal charges will wind up coming from it, simply because most of the evidence presented in the book comes from things dug up by prosecutors, and because Victor Conte's plea deal meant that none of the accused ever had to testify in court about their full involvement with him. That basically meant they would need to have turned either Conte or Anderson in order to have someone to testify against Bonds, and both of them struck plea deals which made it so that they didn't have to do so. I believe that in the links early in this thread however, a significant enough portion of their sourcing was presented so as to allow for a full case to be made. As much of stenographers as the press are these days...there's no reason to assume that whoever wrote those articles outlining the accusations and the sources included evidence which wasn't presented in the book.
  23. QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Mar 8, 2006 -> 06:41 PM) Sorry, but for someone usually pretty careful about his wording... Yeah, that one was a bit off kilter, wasn't it?
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