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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(SSH2005 @ Mar 7, 2006 -> 02:30 PM) I thought that we were talking about 2008? Of course Anderson will struggle in 2006. It's his rookie season afterall. I'm still hoping he wont' struggle too much. If he's really ready to come up...then maybe he can be a very nice spark.
  2. QUOTE(longshot7 @ Mar 7, 2006 -> 02:27 PM) Who cares? I have no problem with performance-enhancing drugs. Especially since they weren't against mlb rules at the time. Yes they were. There was not an adequate testing program in place in MLB, but they were banned by baseball in the early 90's.
  3. QUOTE(Steff @ Mar 7, 2006 -> 01:19 PM) He was the best player of this generation pre-steriods. Assuming he started steriods in 1998, as per the "proof", he still would have 3 MVP's, 8 Gold Gloves, 7 All Star games, 7 silver sluggers, and 411 homers. No matter what comes out, I still refuse to accept this statement...if a guy is willing to cheat in 1998, why should I assume he wasn't willing to cheat before that?
  4. QUOTE(SSH2005 @ Mar 7, 2006 -> 02:14 PM) I agree with you. I just don't think that Ryan Sweeney will be with the Sox until he shows some power in the minors and that could take a couple of seasons. He's only 21 years old afterall. So, like I said...if Sweeney were to hit 20-30 home runs in AAA this year...would you want him on next year's team?
  5. QUOTE(AbeFroman @ Mar 7, 2006 -> 02:09 PM) If Podsednik gets injured, does owens or sweeney take his place? Whichever one is having the better year at AAA, regardless of speed. If they're both having equally good years...Owens.
  6. QUOTE(SSH2005 @ Mar 7, 2006 -> 02:06 PM) There's no reason to trade Dye at this point. He's dirt-cheap ($5 million in 2006, $6 million team option for 2007). You just keep Dye and give Sweeney two full seasons to develop. Podsednik might be a good trade option because Owens could be ready soon. But when is Pods a free agent? But here's the other side of that token...for the same reason we might want to keep Dye...other teams might be willing to give up something of value for him, especially if he has another healthy season this year. Because he's cheap in 07, if Sweeney has a great year at AAA...Dye could bring us something else fairly useful. There are teams who would happily trade for a right handed bat who plays decent outfield defense and hits 30 home runs a year, if he does so again this year. You won't get King Felix, but you can get something useful.
  7. QUOTE(SSH2005 @ Mar 7, 2006 -> 02:01 PM) I definately think that our 2008 opening day outfield will be: LF Jerry Owens CF Brian Anderson RF Ryan Sweeney And the beautiful thing about it...it will cost somewhere around $1.5 million. Here's the real question. Owens and Sweeney have great years in AAA this year. Do you risk trading Dye or Podsednik and giving them the job in 07? Save some money to resign Buehrle, that's for sure.
  8. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Mar 7, 2006 -> 01:55 PM) Ummm, is there a chance Sweeney could make this team? Even if he could...i'd rather have him in AAA for the year...just trying to make sure he's ready to come up. Unless Dye gets hurt. Sweeney should try to be ready to imitate Anderson next year.
  9. QUOTE(GoSox05 @ Mar 7, 2006 -> 01:29 PM) Something tells me Konerko is gonna have a lot of RBI's this year. 115 - 120 If he just has the exact same numbers as last year...just with Thome hitting in front of him instead of Everett, he'll knock in that many. He gets any better, or avoids that slow start, and watch out.
  10. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Mar 7, 2006 -> 01:05 PM) His first pitch draws a reaction from the crowd. So you're saying he's pitching like Rick Vaughn without the glasses?
  11. QUOTE(Steff @ Mar 7, 2006 -> 12:54 PM) He swore under oath, without immunity from perjury, that he did not use. If they have proof he used.. he perjured himself, no? According to the San Fran Chronicle leaks...no he did not swear that. He swore that he used but did so unwillingly...that Anderson never told him it was steroids.
  12. So...should i vote for the picture or the name?
  13. QUOTE(SoxRock05 @ Mar 7, 2006 -> 12:21 PM) Is Frank playing? If he is, Oakland is insane. He shouldn't walk up to a real plate until July, IMO.
  14. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Mar 7, 2006 -> 12:09 PM) The old philly athletics had the elephant as a masccot. Oakland picked it up as well. Wow. Never knew that one. Thanks.
  15. I'm not sure I'm a huge fan of the concept, but I think it's an upgrade over the "Fund opposition groups and try to arrange the world against them" that we tried in Iraq. It clearly has the disadvantage of giving Iran's mullah's something that they can use as an enemy to direct anger away from their own government..."It's not us, it's the U.S." But on the other hand, I have a bundle of worries about this sort of policy too...First of all, there's no guarantee that even if Iran westernizes some, their government will either change or fall. Look at China...they've westernized significantly, but their government remains just as oppressive as it has been for the last decade, and their added economic clout is making them stronger and stronger on the world stage. Basically, you'd be hoping a number of things would happen here...one, that by removing yourself as a potential enemy for Iran's gov't to demonize, they wouldn't just resume demonizing Israel. You're also gambling that the Army won't stay loyal to the government. And here's the real big one...if Iran's government were to fall...you'd really be gambling on who winds up getting his or her hands on their nuclear program. It's probably better than what we're trying now...but I just don't feel confident in saying that.
  16. The Pirates expect Wells back some time around the All Star Break.
  17. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Mar 7, 2006 -> 12:02 PM) ele..... And that has what to do with Oakland?
  18. The one reason I'd consider King Felix to be very near the top whether or not he's fully proven that he can pitch 200 innings and stay healthy every year is that for the next 6-7 years, he's going to be making vastly less than he would if right now he hit the FA market. He's certainly worth 400k even if he winds up hurt. But this thread asked us to ignore cash. When I ignore costs, I have to go with someone who's proven but still young. Santana fits that mold. So does Pujols. That's why they're my top 2. When I get to ignore $$, they put up better numbers than anyone else I see in baseball right now.
  19. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Mar 7, 2006 -> 11:45 AM) Why, what happened? Let me just say it's been a baaaaad day, and I'm going to leave it at that.
  20. So I guess i have no choice but to ask..."Phants"?
  21. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Mar 7, 2006 -> 11:08 AM) Oh I do too. I just think the term "Post-Jordan Dynasty" is a stretch for right now. God I hope I am wrong, but as for now I wont count on it. Well, part of that could depend on how you define a dynasty. The Pistons have been really good for 3.5 years and won 1 title. Are they considered a dynasty? I don't think so. If we're talking several titles in a short span, probably not. But I'm just hoping we can get to the level where we have a legit shot, like Detroit, Miami, SA, Phoenix, and Dallas right now. And with a quality coaching staff and the players we currently have, I think we're basically 1-2 guys away if we find the right people.
  22. QUOTE(Steff @ Mar 7, 2006 -> 11:06 AM) Aaron. Ruth. Hot dogs and Beer = performance hindering drugs, not performance enhancing.
  23. I'd just like to say...anyone who ever says that America has the greatest health care system in the world has never dealt with America's health care system. That is all.
  24. Sure looks like they have a lot of stuff to back it up.
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