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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. I hardly believe a word the Washington Times writes which doesn't have someone else to confirm it, and this is yet another unnamed source which isn't willing to give it's name. There are a thousand reasons why someone might want to leak a lie about Cheney resigning, whether it's to hurt the President's campaign or help someone else in 08, whether or not it had any truth at all. With an unnamed source, there's no way to evaluate the credibility, and we should give this no more credence than Judy "F***ing queen of all Iraq" Miller's NYT anonymously sourced reporting on the WMD's.
  2. So supposedly the Coast Guard doesn't seem to confident about the company.
  3. Vlad the impaler has left Angels camp after 3 of his cousins died in a car crash. Zack "Cy" Greinke has left Royals camp for undisclosed reasons. He's back at home in Orlando. No reports about when or if he'll be back.
  4. QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Feb 27, 2006 -> 01:19 PM) For those of you who say you will give a standing ovation to Frank when he comes back, i believe you are putting a player, Frank, in front of the organization that you are supposed to be a fan of. Sure Frank did a ton for this franchise. However, he just trashed this organization left and right. I'd say that a standing ovation is a slap in the face to this organization because you are putting a player in front of the organization - something i think should never happen, and especially not in this case. What will KW and everyone else be thinking when there is a standing ovation for him? If i'm KW, i'm pissed. There's no middle ground here. Maybe some people think i'm out of line, but so be it. Personally, i'll just sit there and do nothing. Perhaps we just value 15 years of service to the organization more highly than a few months of verbally trashing that organization?
  5. This little nugget appeared in the Washington Post today. Now, as we all know, this sort of thing seems to happen quite consistently, with things like Judicial Watch randomly coming up for an audit every year of the Clinton Administration, etc. But as I understand it, it's pretty darn unusual to be able to draw that straight of a line from a politician directly to an audit of a group criticising that politician. Anywho, at least now I have something to point at the next time people cite Clinton's use of the IRS against his critics as a major problem of that administration.
  6. QUOTE(SSH2005 @ Feb 27, 2006 -> 12:45 PM) True. Iguchi still put up a good OBP while batting second. Who knows if Uribe can actually do that. Productive outs is one thing, OBP is even more important in the #2 spot. Then again, we also don't have a good way right now to estimate whether getting increased power production from Iguchi might make up for a decrease in OBP from the #2 hole, if productive outs were to remain constant.
  7. QUOTE(thedoctor @ Feb 27, 2006 -> 12:30 PM) i don't have a dish, but my cable company offers extra innings if you have digital, which i do have. if you've bought it, what do you think? is it worth the money, and how much does is cost for the season? thanks in advance. I spent I think $149 on it from DirecTV last year. Worth it, but that's in large part because I picked the right year to buy it. They have a habit of not carrying a decent chunk of the Sox games broadcast over that other channel in chicago (Is it still CLTV?) because that channel has some sort of exclusive deal. So on those days, if Extra Innings isn't carrying the other team's announcers, they won't carry the game at all. They also have an obnoxious habit of carrying the big name announcers, like the guys from New York whenever we play the Yankees, regardless of the venue. That said, at least I got to see the team play.
  8. QUOTE(TheBigHurt @ Feb 27, 2006 -> 09:57 AM) PODS If Owens keeps progressing, Scottie's stay here will be pretty short too.
  9. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Feb 27, 2006 -> 09:50 AM) That was my guess too, but I thought NASA invented it for some reason... I think they just discovered it's not a good thing to ignite it in a 100% oxygen atmosphere.
  10. Sheffield has back spasms, and Pavano may start the season on the DL.
  11. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Feb 27, 2006 -> 09:41 AM) OK, try to answer this trivia challenge without going to the Internat for help. Swiss engineer Georges de Mestral invented this product in 1948 after he took a close look at the seed pod burrs which kept sticking to his dog on their daily walk in the Alps. What is the product? Velcro?
  12. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Feb 27, 2006 -> 09:40 AM) Konerko? I keep meaning to buy one of those. Alternate opinion...should I get it in black, white, or road grey? I already have a black replica jersey with no name on the back, so I've been leaning towards the white one, but I don't want to get it dirty and ruin it.
  13. Iguchi is under contract for this year, with an option for 07. Crede is under our control until 08, but there's an obvious replacement for Crede in the minor leagues in a year or so should Joe's name hit the trade market. I might say wait a season and see how each of them wind up with their deals next offseason. If Iguchi goes into the 07 season without a contract extension, odds are he won't be back.
  14. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Feb 27, 2006 -> 09:29 AM) I love it. At least he never corked a bat. Or deflated.
  15. QUOTE(Cknolls @ Feb 27, 2006 -> 09:26 AM) Why isn't it a violation of the Hippocrtatic Oath for a doctor to kill a baby in the third tri-mester? Because they call it a fetus?????????? Your objection to the comparison between the death penalty and abortion, that the unborn are innocent while those on death row are not, does hold some water IMO. However, this comment is fully, 100% open to that line of attack. The hippocratic oath requires, in its fullest form, doctors to take life under no circumstances.
  16. QUOTE(TheBigHurt @ Feb 27, 2006 -> 09:20 AM) Imagine what Crazy Carl would be saying if he was still here This argument with Kenny and Frank isn't mentionned in the Bible, so that means it's not actually happening.
  17. Ok, so auditors look into Halliburton. Auditors suggest about $250 million of payments to Halliburton should be delayed. Governmend decides to withhold $10 million and pay the rest. You think someone has some good lobbyists?
  18. Rick Santorum runs a charity which has donated a whopping 40% of the money it has taken in over the last 4 years. Several people in his Congressional office have received decently large salaries from the charity.
  19. Wow, all this over little-ol me. Ok, on the "On a respirator" issue. I'll agree that the person cannot survive on his or her own in that case. So, what does happen in that case? Well, hopefully, the person has at some point indicated his or her wishes. That is something which obviously cannot happen with an embryo. But, I think an even more interesting line of thought is this one...in the event that a person has not indicated their wishes...if a person cannot survive without life support, to whom does the decision fall as to whether or not life support should be continued? The closest family. So, in some cases, we do make legal exceptions which would allow for the termination of life without the consent of the actual person, when the actual person cannot give his or her consent. Unless of course Bill Frist passes a law giving the woman's uterus the right to challenge its case in federal court.
  20. Whatever it takes to get him 450-500 at bats.
  21. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Feb 27, 2006 -> 04:04 AM) And suprise, suprise (you Bulls fans would be loving this more by the day); Don't you have to find those guys before you can lose them?
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