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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(fathom @ Feb 21, 2006 -> 06:15 PM) Where's the Red Sox public relations specialist to spin this? There's some joke here involving a bear suit which is just dying to be made...
  2. Brad Lidge didn't exactly leave the world awe-struck in the playoffs either. Unless you're talking about that pitch that Pujols...well...I think the Hubble is still trying to find that ball. I'll admit, I'm a little worried about Bobby. Probably more worried than I was about Shingo last year. Problem was, I thought Shingo could keep throwing strikes. For all I know Bobby could spend the year struggling with his control. But all i can say about that is...he's got some darn good people to work with in Cooper, Herm S., and our catchers. He's also got guys with closing experience (Hermanson) to drag him along. If he just can go out there and throw strikes with the fastball and the curveball...he'll get beat a few times during the year, but so does Rivera.
  3. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Feb 21, 2006 -> 03:10 PM) Any scientific polls done on this with the American public? I would imagine a rating in the low teens for approving this deal to go through. I doubt there's even been time yet...we only learned about the deal at the end of last week...which btw, seems to be before Rumsfeld knew about it.
  4. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Feb 21, 2006 -> 03:02 PM) The reason that got dropped was because CNOOC was partially state controlled IIRC. So it stands to reason a state owned company would have the same worries and concerns. Just to make sure...you do know that this UAE company is at least partly state controlled? The CEO of that company seems to work directly for the crown prince in that country.
  5. QUOTE(minors @ Feb 21, 2006 -> 03:00 PM) I don't believe he would purposely place us in harms way I think we need to look at this proposal a little more before passing judgement. Which is why I asked if anyone could give me a good, valid reason for why he's so vehement in defending this deal? It sure looks like it would weaken security. I mean, for example, according to Congress, that company's ports have been involved in illegal shipments of nuclear materials to countries like Iran, North Korea, and Lybia...and the ports they would be taking over have shipped roughly 40% of the U.S. materials involved in the Iraq war (ports of ew York, New Jersey, Baltimore, New Orleans, Miami and Philadelphia) And, according to press reports... So the company would even have some significant security related duties at the ports. I can't see any good logic thus far which would tell me why the President responded to the concern with a veto threat.
  6. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Feb 21, 2006 -> 02:57 PM) George Bush made a good point on this fight today. That sounds right Democrat of him actually But the point he's neglecting to acknowledge is that this company is owned by a state that sponsored terrorism. So even though I think he's still wrong - if this is his premise for defending the deal, I think its a pretty noble one. Which is why I can't possibly imagine how that's his only premise for defending the deal. Where was he when CNOOC tried to buy Unocal and was forced to drop the bid after U.S. legislators threatened to block it?
  7. QUOTE(samclemens @ Feb 21, 2006 -> 02:31 PM) and that excuses his idiotic statement how? he's still a public official... Public officials at every level make stupid statements all the time. So do I. Everyone does. I'm sure if we looked hard enough, we'd find more than a few public officials who don't like having to use the same sinks as African Americans. Doesn't mean that I should really care, unless they're working for my district.
  8. So has anyone yet come up with an idea of why exactly it is Bush seems so adamant about this deal going forward, when it certainly doesn't pass the "does this smell right" test if nothing else?
  9. QUOTE(ChWRoCk2 @ Feb 21, 2006 -> 01:46 PM) ^^ If those are the dominicanas then they are gonna win this thing The Dominicans don't necessarily have the pitching to hang with some of the other teams, most obviously the U.S.
  10. Jack Abramoff was paid $1.2 million to arrange a meeting between former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad and President Bush. The Rove connection: Abramoff contacted Karl Rove “on at least 4 occasionsto help arrange a meeting, according to an eyewitness to the activities.” When the meeting was finalized, “Rove’s office called to tell Abramoff personally.”
  11. QUOTE(Cuck the Fubs @ Feb 21, 2006 -> 01:25 PM) Pitchers: Colon and Martinez There are severe doubts about both of their abilities to compete, probably more so with Pedro, who's experiencing pain in 1 of his feet I believe. Colon still sounds like he'll pitch, but the Angels arent' happy about it given his injury at the end of last year.
  12. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Feb 21, 2006 -> 01:32 PM) I think they can get the 2/3s vote. This should polarize them to drop the bipartisanship for a moment. I think the Democrats would happily vote in unity to help overturn Bush's first veto of his term, just a question of how many Republicans the Bush Administration could peel off. It'll never come to that...if Bush doesn't want that bill going through Congress...he'll get it stopped beforehand.
  13. Now This certainly inspires my confidence in this deal. Donald Rumsfeld, in a press briefing today: If Rummy is not lying here, not only is it disturbing that they didn't bother talking to the SecDef about this...but it's also worth noting that the SecDef sits on the Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States, which unanimously approved the deal. So in other words, he voted for it without knowing about it. I'm confused. Bush is reportedly threatening to use the first veto of his administration on any bill which would block the sale.
  14. QUOTE(YASNY @ Feb 21, 2006 -> 09:56 AM) I don't have a problem with diversity within our borders. I do, however, have a major problem with our educators presenting a jaded view of the US, which has been happening throughout our educational system for decades, and increasing exponentially as time goes by. Do you have evidence of that claim, or is it just an opinion?
  15. QUOTE(bmags @ Feb 21, 2006 -> 12:11 PM) seriously, can't we just punish all the corrupt politicians regardless of party lines? Do you think for a second i would want a corrupt democrat in office over a noble republican? Gimme a break. Abramoff worked native americans for millions! Put this guy in jail! He's going to jail, for a long long time. The only question is who all is coming down with him. He's gotten a slight reprive on his jail time to spend more time working with prosecutors to bring down more folks with him. I will admit...that analysis is quite disturbing, and I shan't be using the study by TAP until I see a valid response from them.
  16. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Feb 21, 2006 -> 10:42 AM) And it begins once again. If you're talking about a backup QB, he's probably right.
  17. QUOTE(Cuck the Fubs @ Feb 21, 2006 -> 10:38 AM) He ahsn't had any serious injuries so far. Until last year...neither had Thome.
  18. QUOTE(iWiN4PreP @ Feb 21, 2006 -> 10:32 AM) His hair will look amazing come the second of april! Book it! As long as his batting average looks equally amazing....
  19. QUOTE(YASNY @ Feb 21, 2006 -> 09:26 AM) See, that's the difference. Evolution is science, and it's real. Most religious conservatives believe that. However, they don't accept it as the only explanation for the beginning of life on this planet. It is something that looked as a way for life to evolve and survive, but not as the answer to beginning of all life. Even beyond that...eventually science will come up with a plausible, fully consistent mechanism for the origin of life on earth. Dozens have been proposed but not proven. But even when that happens, that doesn't explain why the universe is here. That doesn't explain why the constants of the universe fall where they do, that doesn't explain how the universe started. For those who choose to believe in a higher power, even with a scientific explanation for the origin of life on earth, when one finally does gain acceptance, there is still plenty of room for people to hold those beliefs without contradicting science.
  20. Just an update for Those who are interested:
  21. Kevin: Magic Mirror, how can I look like a douchebag today? Peter as Mirror: Well Kevin, I would say first of all don't shave or shower. Ok, I won't And you just got out of bed right? Yea I would say just go ahead and wear that tanktop all day Um, ok Alright, so we've covered the hygiene, no collared shirts... Oh yea, don't forget to walk around with an undeserved sense of accomplishment.
  22. Who cares about how many years left he has on his contract? The question isn't how much longer he'll be paid, it's when his body starts breaking down and suffering nagging injuries.
  23. QUOTE(The Critic @ Feb 21, 2006 -> 08:43 AM) Yep, the Mack Daddy will be one bizzy muthaf***a!!! Infield glove? Check. Outfield glove? Check. First baseman's glove? ....maybe.... Depending on how many pitchers we carry and how many outfielders/catchers we carry, it's possible there will be room for Gload also on the roster, which would cover the 1b glove. But who knows at this point. Depends on how a lot of people perform. Anywho, with both Thome and Konerko, we're in far better territory at 1b than we were last year, where PK played 158 games.
  24. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Feb 21, 2006 -> 06:36 AM) Are there any other quality QB FA's this offseason? I really have no idea, but I imagine Brees would cost an arm and a leg if he were the only legitimately good QB on the market. Not sure if the Bears have the cap room or the desire to spend that money to go after him. There's a couple, like Carson Palmer's backup John Kitna or potentially Chad Pennington, who could do some good work in the right circumstances, but Brees is basically head and shoulders above all of them, if he's healthy enough to play. There's a couple decent ones who might show up on the trade market also, like Vick's backup Matt Schaub or Culpepper...but I think the odds right now say that if you want an actual quality starting QB, your best bet is the draft unless you get Brees.
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