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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. This is about the level of dislike that it takes to make me contribute during a primary battle.
  2. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Feb 15, 2006 -> 09:25 AM) It doesn't matter. According to you liberals, what is done on PERSONAL time, shouldn't matter. Hmmmmmm. Do me 1 favor...don't clump me in with whatever group you're opposing there. To this day I still think Clinton should have resigned in '98, based entirely on what he did during his "Personal" time, if you can call it that.
  3. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Feb 15, 2006 -> 09:21 AM) No it's not. It's been MADE INTO a big story. If I shot you in the face for a hunting accident, it wouldn't get written on the back of toilet paper. Are you the Vice President of the United States?
  4. QUOTE(YASNY @ Feb 15, 2006 -> 09:20 AM) This Borchard situation will be finalized this spring. Either he shows something worthwhile, or he's gone. I still think that the team will put him in the 4th outfielder (or even 5th outfielder if it comes down to it) spot rather than lose him. I just keep remembering that, if he was the 4th outfielder, his job would be to out-produce a guy who hit .218 last year with 2 home runs. Borchard hits .218, in 150 at bats and he hits 8-10 dingers. That's at least an improvement.
  5. QUOTE(Cknolls @ Feb 15, 2006 -> 09:15 AM) Good Morning America this morning said the story was breaking news. How much more main stream do you need? Get back to me in a week and let me know how much coverage each has gotten. I'll wager these photos become old news before the Danish comics do, and that's even given the fact that the Danish Comics have been around for what, 4 months now, and have been talked about already for like 2 weeks?
  6. QUOTE(YASNY @ Feb 15, 2006 -> 09:14 AM) It's always been that way, and always will be that way .. regardless of which party holds the majority. Which is exactly why you need each party to have control of 1 house of Congress...so that they can check each other and so that they both have subpoena power. You shouldn't trust either of them to do anything that will sabotage their own power, so the only way to make sure there aren't abuses allowed entirely because of politics is to put them at each other's throats.
  7. QUOTE(YASNY @ Feb 15, 2006 -> 09:11 AM) Them bastards are pretty damn smart, aren't they? Except when it comes to, you know, actually caring about doing the right thing for their country regardless of the politics. Which is how most of Congress got in office anyway.
  8. QUOTE(EvilJester99 @ Feb 15, 2006 -> 09:07 AM) Personally, I would have Borch play CF until Anderson is ready. Have Borch do what they planned for Anderson.. bat 8th or 9th with little pressure on him and ask that he play good defense. Hey Joe...could you do us a favor, run a few steps faster than you do right now, and play better defense too. That's pretty easy for you to do, right?
  9. QUOTE(YASNY @ Feb 15, 2006 -> 09:07 AM) Yes, me too. I'm shocked that Congress is not willing to act when there is nothing illegal on which to act. And I'm amazed that the Republicans decided that based entirely on their reasoning skills...which of course told them that a continuing investigation of the President would be bad for their reelection chances.
  10. I think the Danish cartoons have thus far gotten vastly more press than these photos have. Aside from on blogs I haven't seen them anywhere yet.
  11. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Feb 15, 2006 -> 07:23 AM) Why is that Jabroni? Wouldnt a ground out to move the runner from 2nd to third be a productive out that must be achieved by your #2 hitter? Why is his OBP so important? Gooch's wasnt that great for a #2 hitter, but he was one of the best we have seen on the sox. Well, when you're hitting directly in front of 3 guys who may very well hit 120+ home runs between the 3 of them this season, it does raise the importance.
  12. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 15, 2006 -> 08:47 AM) Now that all said, I think he goes over the line (if he really said what is being paraphrased) when talking about indiscriminate rounding up of people, and people being kept in unforgiveable circumstances. For one thing, to use the word "indscriminate" makes the US look like they just rounded up folks who looked Middle Eastern, which is untrue and makes us look like buffoons. And the only people being kept in unforgiveable circumstances are the really bad folks. Well, actually if the widespread reports of how people wound up at Gitmo, most notably the recent piece by the National Journal, are accurate, then that's not extremely far from the truth in that case. I think the actual piece is behind a subscription wall now, but Here's a summary.
  13. Gosh, I'm soooooo surprised by this........
  14. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Feb 14, 2006 -> 06:28 PM) I find it funny that these drunk allegations have begun. If it were true, and there were witnesses present (which is obvious), what's preventing one from leaking information? Or even Whittingson himself? Dude, the witnesses, and the wounded guy, already watched Cheney shoot 1 guy, why in the world would they want to piss him off again?!
  15. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Feb 14, 2006 -> 01:22 PM) In a nutshell this is exactly what is wrong with American politics. There is no choice by the voters anymore, at all, in either party. We don't even get to choose canditates early in the process, because we have the parties filtering out canditates behind the scenes. And they can control all of these things because they control the purse strings through our discriminatory campaign finance laws. The party has all of the money because of the hard caps regarding what you can give directly to a canditate so they control what we hear about canditates almost completely. We have zero choice. You might as well have the politburo putting together the party slate, because right now the only difference between us and the communist states of prior days is that there are basically two politburos who have to fight it out, instead of just one. This system is a complete joke and needs to be completely blown up and replaced with something where all canditates stand on equal ground. Dollar vote does not equal free speech. Free speech equals free speech. Hear Hear!
  16. QUOTE(Cknolls @ Feb 14, 2006 -> 01:12 PM) Why didn't they compare the first terms under both Pres? Very simple...Lexis Nexis starts to have a large number of holes in their data when you start pushing back into the 1st term of Clinton. They didn't have any way to access the data to compile a complete story.
  17. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Feb 14, 2006 -> 12:59 PM) I don't buy it. He didn't have money, and they told him that he couldn't win, so 'back off'. I think Kap looks like he's more in the right based on what reading I've done. Here is an actual post from Hackett @ TPMCafe. If you look carefully, you'll notice something is missing...any sort of endorsement by Hackett of his opponent, which is usually a sign of some sort of gracious acceptance. Oh, and then there's this: And then there's This Here's a more detailed piece looking at some of the Problems Hackett was having, and looking at what will need to be done to bring out more people like Paul in the future.
  18. QUOTE(Cknolls @ Feb 14, 2006 -> 01:01 PM) DeWine will be re-elected and so too will Schmidt. You supported your argument with so much detail, so much thought, so much amazingly grand brilliance that I am finding it impossible to challenge your belief, oh wonderous one. Some day you must take an apprentice so as to teach others your masterful skills in this milieu of rhetoric.
  19. So Media Matters has an interesting and thorough report on the Strong Republican slant in Sunday Morning Talk shows running all the way back through the latter years of the Clinton Administration.
  20. Is anyone else sitting here trying to figure out why that name sounds so funny and yet appears to be totally un-funny?
  21. The one thing I keep hoping is that Uribe will have to learn to do what Iguchi learned to do last year...be patient and drive the ball the other way. Uribe was doing terrible last year when he was swinging at every pitch and trying to pull everything. When he got hot, he added that leg lift, took a few more pitches, and had his timing better where he could drive the ball to all fields instead of just trying to pull everything. Last year, because Pods was on base so often, Iguchi got used to hitting everything to the opposite field so that Pods could get himself from first to 3rd on a hit, and he wound up taking some extra pitches so Scotty would get the chance to run. With what we've seen from Uribe before, if he could focus on doing those 2 things (Maybe with some adjustments to his swing and batting stance, i hope), then he might be able to really have success in that slot. And oh yeah, hitting before JT won't hurt. He could be a miserable failure too, but I'm just going to hope for the best.
  22. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Feb 13, 2006 -> 09:58 PM) And, since I don't think I'm really entitled to give a well-rounded opinion on the subject, what everyone's thoughts on FDR? Good, bad, otherwise? I think FDR has his good points and his bad points. Good points...i.e. fixing a lot of the major problems which drove the economy into the depression. Things like the FDIC, The National Labor Relations Act, Social Security were all some very good programs. On the other hand, there were quite a few wasteful programs as well, such as the WPA, which did a lot of good infrastructure work but also was wasteful as all Hell. Economically, he built the foundations which would allow for the growth of the latter half of the 20th century, but his efforts also struggled to end the depression and may have in some ways made it worse. Aside from that, you have to look at the war, which of course has its good parts and its bad parts again. You have great moves like taking people who weren't the most obvious choices for the roles and giving them to people like Marshall and Ike, who turned out to be incredibly good choices. You have FDR's move in 1940 or so to start a major armament program in the U.S. military, thus giving us ships rolling off the line in '42 right when we needed them. On the other side, you have his work at Yalta, where he practically gave up Eastern Europe in order to get a pledge from the Russians to declare war on the Japanese, possibly because his health affected his negotiating abilities. Like I said, some good points, some bad points. I guess maybe what matters most is that he turned out to be a very good leader during some of the most trying times this country has ever faced or will ever face.
  23. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Feb 13, 2006 -> 07:03 PM) Haha, that would keep me on the "keep Davis bandwagon". They move corpses in bandwagons these days? I was saying "Give Davis 1 more year" at the end of last year. I'm not saying that any more. That says something, I think.
  24. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Feb 13, 2006 -> 07:01 PM) Hence, the coaching change. And starting all over. Indiana would have no problem getting there again. This isn't Harvard and Yale dominating in the early 1900s and never regaining that. We hope.
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