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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Feb 13, 2006 -> 08:29 AM) http://sports.espn.go.com/ncb/news/story?id=2329109 As an Indiana alum...why do I feel jealous?
  2. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Feb 13, 2006 -> 07:16 AM) Usually beasts dont give up double-doubles with 30 pts. How many people have been able to hold Brand under better control this year, with no other inside help?
  3. QUOTE(SSH2005 @ Feb 13, 2006 -> 07:21 AM) Yep... Sosa - steroids + RFK Stadium = disaster Borchard would probably hit more homers in that park than Sosa. Maybe KW can work another fleecing of Bowden. Bowden likes those toolsy players. Maybe KW can pull another Alex Escobar for Jerry Owens type trade using Borchard this time. Borchard would probably hit more home runs in RFK than Sosa would in Coors field without Sosa having his special vitamins which prevent him from speaking English in front of Congress.
  4. QUOTE(kevin57 @ Feb 12, 2006 -> 07:43 PM) Hmm...an "op-ed" used to mean that readers would get differing viewpoints from the paper's editorials (opposite opinion on the page opposite the editorial page). How is this "op-ed" any different from the usual pap from the NY Times? I always thought it was so-called because it was the page "Opposite" the editorial page, and that had nothing to do with the slant of the piece. In fact, our good friend Wikipedia agrees with me. Interestingly, it would appear that FlaSoxxJim is right here...the Op-ed section is distinctly different from the Editorials section of the NYT, and technically I think the thread is mislabeled. The correct way to say it would be "Interesting Editorial in the NY Times"
  5. QUOTE(White Sox Josh @ Feb 12, 2006 -> 04:31 PM) Good Widger should the personal catcher for Vazquez. Give Pierzynski a day off As long as the Widge doesn't catch Jose. For some reason he just never clicked with the Cubans all last year. The Widge also did a dandy job of catching MB last year. He was the catcher for that 1:43 game if I remember right.
  6. QUOTE(The Critic @ Feb 12, 2006 -> 09:14 PM) I'm still a bit concerned about middle relief, and just a touch concerned about the closer. Nothing specific, just a vague worry about the possibility of "the league catching up to Jenks" and a more real concern about the state of Hermanson's back. It's very nice when these are the only real concerns I can come up with. If things line up the way they are now...Middle relief is vastly stronger than it was last year...since we have a long guy. Last year, when we got into an extra inning game or a pitcher had to come out early, we had no innings eater in the bullpen beyond Viz (until Jenks came around) and the most we could get out of Viz was 2.1 innings. Now we have a guy who we can put into the 8th inning who can still be on the mound with a shutout in the 14th without a single pitching change. That's gonna be NICE. There were a few times in the middle of the season last year where the bullpen got a bit tired just because we had an extra inning game and had to use almost everyone. And I still think you can catch up with a 100 mph guy on occasion, but even if that's all he throws, he's still gonna have an ERA under 3.
  7. QUOTE(White Sox Josh @ Feb 12, 2006 -> 08:30 PM) Why isn't George W. Bush on there? I am not sure whether I would vote for him but he has f***ed things up pretty bad for 2 countries. You guys really think there were Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq? What about the CIA agent who had her cover blown because her husband (who worked for the President) discovered there were no Weapons of Mass Destruction and that this was all for oil? The only reason Bush is in office is because his f***ING BROTHER IS THE MOTHERf***ING GOVERNER OF FLORIDA! I'll field this one...George W. Bush isn't up there yet because we're not even close to seeing the end result of his policies. We didn't know how much damage Eisenhower had done in preventing elections in South Vietnam in 1956 for 2 decades afterwards. We didn't know how much damage Reagan had done by funding the Afghan rebels in the 80's or by putting us into heavy debts, and we still don't know how much damage Bush 1 and Clinton have done by cutting off Afghanistan, etc. I don't think it's likely, and I think it's pretty close to impossible, but until Bush 2 is an actual part of history, there's still a chance some of the things he did could turn out right. Say Iraq causes the U.S. to finally develop an alternative energy source to oil? Or Iraq somehow does actually spur democratic movements somewhere in the Middle East. It still is theoreticall possible. On the other hand, it's also possible that some of those radioactive materials that were looted from Iraqi sites could show up along with some looted Iraqi HMX in the middle of Manhattan. We don't know how history will judge people until history is actually written.
  8. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Feb 12, 2006 -> 07:56 PM) Perhaps they couldn't be sure of every gathering Abramoff attended. It was known he attended holiday events, whereas other dates his presence couldn't be verified. It's not the White House's obligation to prove they haven't crossed paths. Let those who are looking for any semblance of a connection collect their proof. If the evidence is located--and not just grainy photos rivaling Zapruda's film--then you have all the material to completely humiliate the administration (even more). So wait 1 second...you're actually telling me that the White House has no idea who is showing up at White House functions? Well, I guess when you let a male prostitute toss you softball questions in the White House press corps, anything's possible, but Jeez, if there aren't records of exactly who's showing up in close proximity to the most powerful man in the world, I'd be very very worried. They sure better know who the Hell is getting through security. Otherwise we ain't too damn secure. Secondly, you're also forgetting that the White House told the press corps that they would provide a full and detailed accounting of all of the times the President met with Mr. Abramoff. They have refused to follow up on that promise. My real question is this one...when the Enron thing broke, the White House was out in front saying "Yes, Ken Lay called for help, we said there was nothign we could do" and "Yes Ken Lay had a nickname but we didn't have a clue they were breaking the law." That is the exact opposite of their response this time. Why is this one so different?
  9. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Feb 12, 2006 -> 04:39 PM) I was the first one to vote for him. Go me Forgot another Truman one...he also integrated the Army. Good man.
  10. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2006 @ Feb 12, 2006 -> 03:29 PM) That was a "Jordanesque" like performance. Did anyone see that 360 in the air layup Wade pulled off in the first quarter? That was an amazing move. You'll see it on SC tonight, that I guarantee.
  11. I just hope Jim Thome is more honest than people here think Bagwell is.
  12. The first photo of Bush and Abramoff in the same room has been published. This photo does not come from any of the holiday parties which the White House was claiming were the only times Bush ever came into contact with Abramoff. Hence, it comes from a meeting they claimed never happened.
  13. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2006 @ Feb 12, 2006 -> 03:41 PM) Pretty good article. Just states what everybody already knew. If all goes well, this is a 100 win team. This team could well be a 100 win team if even if everything doesn't go well....just as long as things don't go TOO badly. If everything goes well, this team could run away and win 105+.
  14. "I plan to take over the state of Texas and turn it into a park where I will hunt the most dangerous game of all. MAN!"
  15. Harry Truman has to be somewhere up there...From the decision to drop the bomb, to the Marshall plan which rebuilt Europe and saved Western Europe from turning Communist, to the outlining or a policy of "containment" as a method of keeping the Soviets from overrunning the world but still avoiding nuclear war, to the massive reorganization of the War Dept. into something which could fight the cold war, to the dismissal of MacArthur over open defiance of the orders of the President, to the Berlin Airlift, the guy did a heck of a lot of good in a very very difficult time when the new post-war presidency was still learning its place. We may very well not have won the Cold War were it not for the way he started it.
  16. QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Feb 12, 2006 -> 10:11 AM) I believe most of Washington's reputation does come out of his presidency. He did not do much, but that's part of his greatness. He did not attempt to stretch his powers, when the exact workings of checks and balances were still being perfected. Noone was really sure what a president would do, and Washington's immense esteem made his model of a limited presidency very influential. He also delivered a prescient warning on partisanship that was immediately and forever ignored. Washington actually I believe stretched his powers hugely, simply because there was no way for the executive branch to function as it was written in the Constitution and Bill o' Rights. Running the DOD, Treasury, etc., there's simply no way one man could do all of that. Look through the initial writing of the constitution...you'll find no mention of the formation of a "Cabinet" of any sort. He came up with the cabinet so that he could manage things somehow, and created the offices. That was a huge stretch of presidential power right there.
  17. I'm still sticking with Andrew Jackson.
  18. QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Feb 11, 2006 -> 08:21 PM) Balta, are you saying that domestic spying is ok, as long as there is no law against it? So that would mean that slavery was ok, until there was a law against it? The point I was trying to make is asshat Carter did the very thing he criticized Bush for doing, only worse! Both Carter's and Clinton's administrations defended this very act,but now that it is Georgie-boy doing it, well, it must be the work of the devil! Here's the question you should be asking yourself...was there probable cause in both cases? As far as I can tell the answer is yes...both Clinton and Carter were using wiretaps in domestic situations against a target which would almost certainly have been granted a FISA warrant if FISA was applicable in those circumstances. However, for Carter, it would be extremely difficult for him to have obtained a warrant, since there was no procedure that I know of before FISA to go and obtain a secret warrant to conduct an intelligence investigation consistent with the President's duties as commander in chief. There was no secret court which could be gone to in order to obtain the warrant in Carter's case, and in Clinton's case, FISA was simply not applicable because the law didn't cover the personal search that they did. When there is simply no legal procedure, then there is no way to judge the probable cause criteria, which is why FISA is so important. It creates a method through which the rights granted under the 4th amendment can be protected but where the government can still have the power it needs in order to conduct an investigation. I have no problem with the principle of domestic spying, and in that regard, it is fundamentally different from slavery, as should be obvious to anyone on this board. There is no reason why domestic surveillance is wrong if it follows the guidelines laid out in the 4th amendment to the U.S. constitution - following a probable cause standard. All we're asking is for the President to follow the constitution and the law which allows for it to be applied to these circumstances, or to tell us how to change and improve the law to make it work. That is all.
  19. IU with the deliberate foul on an 89% FT shooter with 1:20 left in the game. Yeah that's some smart B-Ball.
  20. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Feb 11, 2006 -> 10:43 AM) Who knows, he has said Davis is the reason he came to IU, but maybe he'd stay. He'd be dumb to sit out two years straight IMO. Then again, a lot of people do think he'll leave if Davis is gone. I bet if he had a good, healthy year next year he'd declare for the draft, but taking an extra year off, and going into your senior year having not played in 2 years and having that 1 season define whether or not you're a first round pick or undrafted? That doesn't seem like a smart plan to me at all. He transfers and gives up next year, then suffers 1 small injury as a senior, and all of a sudden he winds up playing in Europe.
  21. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Feb 11, 2006 -> 10:37 AM) Best name I've heard. Jay Wright. Hopefully for IU fans, that will happen after this year. I'm sure they'll name an interim coach and then clean house after the year. Worst thing for them will be DJ White transferring, Vaden possibly as well. But it won't take long to turn things around there, even if those guys do leave. I don't think White would transfer...he'd have to give up a year of eligibilty, and after this year's injury, he probably needs that year to prove to the NBA that he can stay healthy and still play. Edit: of course, if it turns out he's in Frank Thomas's spot with that foot and needs another full year off to recover, then he might as well...if he'd be out for the season with an injury anyway, then he wouldn't be playing anyway.
  22. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Feb 11, 2006 -> 10:33 AM) I've heard that the Davis resignation is a done deal from a source. Should happen tomorrow. We'll see if it does indeed. IU has gone from the top 10 to the NIT. That just blows my mind. Well, that would explain his "Flu" today. I just hope they don't just automatically name one of his assistant coaches as his replacement.
  23. Yes, what an asshat. How Dare Jimmy Carter violate a law that wasn't on the books at the time! He should have traveled forward to the time after FISA was passed and gotten a warrant from that court once the procedure for court approval was established, then brought the warrant back in time thus proving he had probable cause! He should be impeached right now! Just send our current Congress back in time to do it!
  24. Man, just sitting here watching Indiana, can't help but feel like this team is on the verge of just giving up on the whole bloody season. They really need a spark somewhere.
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