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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 07:40 PM) And stop YOUR BULLs*** saying you know that they were destroyed. No one knows what happened. But people who want to pour water all over the current administration want him to get hung so bad, they keep ginning this s*** up. I also think it's more likely then not that Syria has some of the s***. Not all, but some. There's been other collaborated evidence that there were shipments to Syria before the UNSCOM people were let back in the second time. Coicidence? According to BULLs***, I guess so. I'm sorry, but that is simply wrong. Go read the Duelfer report. Up and down the list, it says over and over...Saddam's weapons were destroyed by a combination of his own regime after 1991 and the UNSCOM team. Saddam was hoping that he would be able to restart something if the sanctions regime fell apart...but let's for a moment think about what the cost would be of maintaining a constant inspections regime in Iraq compared to the $400 billion we've arleady spent and the $1-$2 trillion estimates say the war will cost in total. Mr. Duelfer was not lying when he said we were "Almost all wrong". Saddam kept a few things around to restart the programs if sanctions ever fell apart, but these stockpiles you think are there simply weren't. UNSCOM, UNMOVIC, and the ISG all agree on that singular point. Every single piece of evidence out there other than the garbage deliberately leaked out of Feith's clearly politically driven group has shown exactly the same thing.
  2. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 10:12 PM) Unfortunately, his idea of "serving the Prince of Peace" is appeasing terrorists wherever they live. Well...he was roughly 30 years ahead of the curve in trying to find a way to weaken their main source of funding.
  3. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 09:22 PM) on most of your post. Only thing is that we have no choice but to do everything we can to help Musharaff hang on to power. I shudder to think what might happen if Al Qaeda gets their hands on Paki nukes. Then of course, there's the other side of the token...with Pakistan protecting the man who's probably the single person most responsible for North Korea having the bomb and Iran being potentially on the verge of building one, and probably having the Pakistani government involved in his activities at some level (Khan!). This is one I don't have an easy solution to...if the Bush Admin were to crack down on Pakistan, there could well be a revolution. If we don't crack down on them...then we're proving our own democracy rhetoric to be meaningless. If we do crack down on them, maybe bad people get the bomb, if we don't crack down on them...maybe bad people get the bomb.
  4. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 09:02 PM) Also recall that the previous administration had the government of Sudan offer to hand him over and Clinton refused. Simply untrue on all accounts, according to the 9/11 commission's final report.
  5. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 04:16 PM) Disarmed how? I'll answer that for you. He moved them. Moved them into the hands of the UNSCOM team, which destroyed them. Agreed.
  6. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 05:35 PM) The more you leftists hate Dubya the more I like him. The more you rightists hate Carter....
  7. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 05:43 PM) What has Al Qaeda done since 9-11? Aside from making blustery video tapes they've done a lot of running away, hiding, bleeding and dying. Bush has done more to fight terrorism in 5 minutes than all other Presidents, save Reagan, combined. I dont want to hear it. And blown up a ton of people in Iraq, London, Madrid, Bali, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and a few other places. And watched the U.S. massively increase support for their side in the middle east.
  8. L. Harold DeWolf, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Dissertation advisor, at Dr. King's funeral.
  9. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2006 @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 11:45 AM) Better than the Spurs? No way. Yeah, their d is improved. Hard to get much worse. But the Spurs have been a top 3 defense year in and year out. Unlike the Mavs, the Spurs are proven. Duncan and Manu are a little banged up right now. But I can almost guarantee you they'll be ready to go come playoff time. Which is bad news for the rest of the West. Yes, but it only takes 1 elbow or turn of an ankle to suddenly make it so that the Spurs will be in deep trouble. And even then...we haven't yet seen the best of the Suns, and it's also always possible for an "unproven" team to beat a proven one...by those standards, the Bulls were pretty unproven when they beat the living Hell out of the Pistons in 91.
  10. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 03:14 PM) Saddam was such a nice guy to fully comply with everything. He was a saint and did everything that was asked of him. At least, that is what your research always tells you. :rolly I never said he complied with everything. Resolutions by the U.N. also insisted he stop killing the Kurds, for example. But the simple fact is...after Operation Rommel in '98, Iraq was WMD disarmed. The UNMOVIC team was on the verge of proving it in March of 03, and the ISG confirmed that fact in 2003-2005.
  11. No matter how many times you say it, that doesn't make it true. The UNSCOM inspection team in Iraq accounted for over 95% of Saddams' weapons. The portion they couldn't account for? Well, there was significant tainting of some of the water supplies, a lot of bombing, and a lot of usage over the years. When UNMOViC went back in, they not only went to the storage sites to see if anything had been moved or used (they weren't), they also looked at the equipment which would have been necessary to manufacture the stuff to see if it had been used since the UNSCOM team was in there. It wasn't. There are a lot of known facts working against this guy. They're simply not going to be right no matter how much people want to invade Syria.
  12. Can we at least specify that they were selling missile technology and not nuclear technology? Their nuclear technology came in significant portion from our good friends in Pakistan.
  13. QUOTE(mreye @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 10:26 AM) Juan Williams is on Fox now. He said it was obviously political and in his opinion, Carter crossed the line. Thank God we have these non-partisan, unbiased members of the King family appearing on Fox to tell us how we should feel.
  14. The NFL is investigating and may consider fining Holmgren over his remarks on the officiating. Yeah, that's smart NFL, the entire country scoffs at the officiating in your signature event, and then you decide to go and give them reason to pay attention for even longer! These guys need to talk to Mr. Rove.
  15. QUOTE(Cknolls @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 08:58 AM) Maybe the family can charge money for copies of the funeral like they charge for their father's speeches. Thank God we're being respectful about her passing.
  16. QUOTE(Yoda @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 07:55 AM) She has a 4-month-old baby!? Where have I been? If you truly didn't know that...in some blissful heaven where many of us can only dream of winding up some day.
  17. Which was William Shatner's finest Star Trek performance? ST II: Wrath of Khan 67.9% ST III: Search for Spock 10.7% ST VI: Undiscovered Country 16.7% ST V: Final Frontier 4.7% Damn straight. Who the Hell are those 4.7% voting for #5?
  18. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 08:52 AM) he will probably rob the Rangers or indians again. It doesnt matter which, one of them will sign him. And if it's the Indians...once again will we hear people saying how this signing might put them over the top in the AL Central, like we did last year?
  19. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 08:40 AM) What exactly is the prof's quote? This web page may be a good start. I think the specific remarks he's being called to task on are these, said about the Iranian president's denial of the Holocaust.
  20. Meanwhile...while GM can't figure out why revenues are going downhill so they go after the Union...Toyota is posting record profits, up 34% or so over last year. And roughly 44% of the cars they sold in north america last year were made in...North America. As a great man once said..."I believe that has some significance for our problem."
  21. Great headline currently on CNN.com..."Bush urges end to cartoon violence". Somewhere, Itchy and Scratchy are crying. Pick a sign...imagine Bush (or Laura) holding it, and just laugh. Marge - I'm protesting because Itchy & Scratchy are indirectly responsible for my husband being hit on the head with a mallet Maggie- Stop me before I kill my father again Homer - Please ban violent cartoons -- next time I might not be so lucky Lisa - Ban Itchy & Scratchy Bart - Ban Itchy & Scratchy {Bart later adds `Don't' to the sign} Some more protest signs: Timothy Lovejoy - For heavens sake -- make them stop fighting Helen Lovejoy - Erase Itchy & Scratchy Maude Flanders - Join S.N.U.H. NOW! Ned Flanders - Save the cartoon animals ~Skinner's mother - Destroy the Violent People Moe - Bring back ``Wagon Train''
  22. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 08:26 AM) http://www.nbc5.com/news/6819489/detail.html I saw the other day where he was complimenting the Irani president for investigiations into the holocaust. :headshake The entire Republican party is responsible for this guy! He's the root of all evil and he controls the party! He begat Mel Gibson's father! He should step aside and take over the RNC! WAAAAA!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Sorry bout that, yeah the guy's a moron...I'm just still annoyed about the other side's obsession with some random, stupid Colorado prof that a specific group of political "analysts" somehow decided was the emblem of their political opposition.
  23. QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 08:17 AM) Which is what funerals used to be about... I never understood the need to televise and make a spectical of a wake or funeral. Because we have 24 hour news networks, something has to fill those 24 hours, and there just aren't enough missing white women.
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