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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(YASNY @ Jan 26, 2006 -> 01:22 PM) What? Are you saying that your leaders are too damn stupid to topple a corrupt, constitution ignoring president? Hmph...I always suspected Yas was part of a new version of COINTELPRO...trying to get us to turn into revolutionaries so the FBI can take us into custody...now I have proof.
  2. QUOTE(Steve Bartman's my idol @ Jan 26, 2006 -> 12:41 PM) Do any of you drive a GM car(s)? Just wondering. I drove a Pontiac, bought new, back when I was in high school and college. Within a year of buying the car, the "Service Engine Soon" light was coming on constantly. We'd take it to the dealer since it was under warranty...they'd hold it for a week, do nothing, and then give it back to us. A month later the light would come back on. Repeat 2-3 times. At one point...they just held the damn thing for quite literally a month, and I can guarantee it spent most of that time sitting on the lot - there were new rain drop spots on the thing when we picked it back up, and it hadn't rained in over a week before that time. The only reason we got it back that day was that my dad called and spoke to the owner. I was this close to including a line in my Valedictorian speech saying "Do not shop at this dealership." I literally said to myself "That line is going in if I don't get my car back today." I got it that day. After that...we did the same song & dance 1-2 more times. But eventually...probably related to the "Service Engine" light...there was a major problem with the fuel injector, which wound up causing something major to go wrong. They finally fixed it, but it starts extremely rough every time (you have to turn the key 2-3 times, with it struggling during each attempt, to get it to run.) Beyond that...the Radiator seals developed a nasty leak, and kept draining the thing. We've had that one fixed a couple of times too, and the leak keeps coming back. Oh, and all of this was with no accidents that I know of either. It'll be a long, long time before I even consider buying another GM vehicle.
  3. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 26, 2006 -> 11:39 AM) Sorry, I just assumd there were more issues than just one. I assume then, in Israeli elections, Palestinians are the only issue as well? Oh wait, could it be they chose Hamas over corruption? Maybe they got tired of the corruption? Nope, the only chance it could be is they all want the end of Israel. BTW, do they elect people or is it just Israel Yes/No on the ballot? Bloomberg It's not just corruption...Hamas has actually in many cases done a lot more to help build people's lives than the other authorities there. I think that the most interesting question left is going to be what this does to Israel's elections later this year...and whether or not Netanyahu can get a major boost from it. If he can...then a lot of things are probably going to blow up, IMO.
  4. I'm impressed they were able to give it a concrete floor.
  5. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jan 26, 2006 -> 10:26 AM) He doesn't shut up about anything. That's why people hate him. I'm surprised Ron Artest isn't on this. And I don't watch golf, but why is Phil Mickelson hated? The only people who don't like Artest are his victims.
  6. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Jan 26, 2006 -> 12:33 PM) If I'm the Bears, yes. It seems like Mushin Muhammed is like a Peerless Price type player in which they would excel at being a #2 WR. Muhammed certainly looked like a #1 receiver 2 years ago when Steve Smith went down for the whole year and Delhomme and Muhammed played catch the whole year.
  7. QUOTE(SSH2005 @ Jan 26, 2006 -> 12:26 PM) True, it would be horrible if he's a bust but it's not like we would be trading a pitcher who is under contract for 3 years. Any prospects we would trade Contreras for could turn out to be busts. But you're also missing the other key fact of prospects...Kenny Williams has a habit of turning those prospects into All-Stars...before they reach the big leagues. Personally, I'd hold onto a couple of guys so that we have a young outfield...but say KW looks around next offseason and sees someone offering another guy of Thome's caliber for Milledge? Even if he has a down year next year (isn't our AA park a hitter's park?), people would still give a ton for him based on previous reputation. Look what the BoSox got for Hanley Ramirez after a down year.
  8. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Jan 26, 2006 -> 12:31 PM) It looked like it last year...... Ditto for Clemens. Just because some guys are able to pitch until they're 37-38 with no problems doesn't mean they won't have a problem pitching when they're 39, 40, 41, 42, etc. People start to break down, and it's hard to guess when it'll happen. Kerry Wood started to break down at age 22. Schilling is a good example...dominant in 2004, 2nd in the Cy Young race...but then his body caught up to him, and who knows what he has left in the tank. Randy Johnson might be another one...he looked last year like he was starting to finally take some steps backwards after a dominant year in 04 for the DBacks.
  9. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jan 26, 2006 -> 12:05 PM) And if one of them goes down? If I had a pitching staff with 6 Johan Santanas, I could feel confident in my pitching staff if one of them were to go down, because the other dominant starter could step into that person's place. But...if I were to run with a team of 5 Johan Santanas, and trade that last one for a Teixeira...I think i'd be in much better shape, even risking the injury. If Milledge is as good as some have suggested and not a product of East-Coast-Hype...he can make our team better and cheaper and help us stay contending for the next 8 years. The question is...are you willing to slightly reduce our chances of winning a world series this year in exchange for possibly increasing it significiantly the next 7 years after this one?
  10. Here's another option...hold onto Contreras for a few months, and make this trade in June. That way, we can cut down on the innings we put on BMac's arm, we get to hope that one of the Mets' pitchers will go down with an injury (not out of the quesiton with Glavine or Martinez) and maybe drive up their desire...and we get to make sure for several months that no one suffers any ill effects from pitching in the WBC.
  11. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jan 25, 2006 -> 10:35 PM) I heard that JP Losman kid is almost like Cade McNown lol.... in terms of work ethich etc..... Well, those weren't the reports last year, at least not the ones I saw, but then again, I'm also not plugged in to Buffalo that well. He looked at least non-terrible in those few games at the end of the season, and he still had absolutely nothing resembling an offensive line in front of him, and his defense wasn't slowing anyone down and giving him the ball. That's a lot to overcome even if you have a good work ethic. I still look and see a kid who's only played in about 10 games, and done none of it with a strong supporting cast. Give him a decent offensive line...if he doesn't perform then, with McGahee behind him and a quality receiving corps...then dump him. But he should get a chance to start for at least the next 2 years, barring Matt Leinart or Vince Young falling to their pick.
  12. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 26, 2006 -> 07:27 AM) They had better not even think about it. When Mihm can stay healthy and out of foul trouble he's actually quite a good inside presence. Trouble is...those 2 things happen somewhere between rarely and never.
  13. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jan 26, 2006 -> 07:24 AM) If Tyson keeps playing the way he has the last two games, the bulls are in the playoffs, no problem. How were his numbers last night, for those of us 2000 miles away from the UC?
  14. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Jan 26, 2006 -> 09:28 AM) I think Hamas in a Palestinian government will be good for the region. I'll explain when I get free time at work. "Only Nixon could go to China"?
  15. You know...the Mets might be one of the only teams out there that I wouldn't mind dealing with at the trading deadline if it came to that. We wouldn't have to play them unless we got to the W.S., they may very well need pitching, and they've shown a tendency to overpay for trading deadline deals in the past.
  16. QUOTE(Middle Buffalo @ Jan 26, 2006 -> 10:25 AM) It doesn't. I tried. Chaffed a little. So do you get the LAT delivered in Arizona, or did you just use your computer?
  17. Good ol Liberal NBC...pumping up those RNC talking points. I'd hate to see what would happen if they weren't trying to turn us all into socialists. Katie then cited a Center for Responsive Politics study as her evidence, but a look at CRP’s website (here and here) show that Democrats accepted no money from Abramoff.
  18. QUOTE(YASNY @ Jan 26, 2006 -> 09:24 AM) What's the problem with going to the people with it. They convince the people, the rest of the dominos will fall. Isn't that what they're doing?
  19. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 26, 2006 -> 09:18 AM) Funny how you turned the President's questionable (I'd say illegal) actions into somehow being the fault of Democrats. We've slid off into the partisan BS again. I'm still sitting here actually feeling a little guilty on that one...simply because I can't figure out a good way to answer it. The President at least has a legal defense (albiet a flimsy one), which means that the Democrats in the Congress are in no position to declare it illegal - the Congress makes laws, the judicial branch interprets laws. But I still don't see a damn thing they could do to actually put an end to it or even enforce oversight on it.
  20. My question in response would be...what exactly can the Democrats do? They can't launch an investigation anywhere because they control zero houses of Congress and therefore have no subpoena power. They can't get Congress to sue the President for violation of separation of powers, for the same reason - the Repubicans control Congress. About the only thing which can be done is having a private organization, like the ACLU, file a lawsuit on the matter, which they already have done, and try to push to get a fair investigation in a committee, which they're trying to convince Specter to do. Beyond that...I'm not sure what else they can do. This isn't a matter that's being brought up for a vote...so they can't exactly filibuster or shut down the Senate in response.
  21. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jan 26, 2006 -> 09:04 AM) I told you I was in last night, but i think I would have already lost. Nobody knew SB was going to come in. Different thread
  22. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Jan 26, 2006 -> 08:07 AM) LOL, not for the Reds. I can see him being a righty version of Eric Milton in that park. But the Reds will probably do it anyways because they feel they need pitching and want to get rid of Austin Kearns for whatever reason. Clement also doesn't make sense because he's paid a ton. That deal might make sense if cash moves with it.
  23. QUOTE(Al Lopez's Ghost @ Jan 26, 2006 -> 08:53 AM) Has anyone else wondered why Mota passed an exam to be traded to the Red Sox, but couldn't pass the exam to go to the Indians? Who does the exams for the Red Sox, Toronto's old team physician? Something tells me that the only 1 of the Marlins who had to actually "Pass" his physical in that deal was Beckett. I think Lowell and Mota were basically Salary dumps, and Boston was willing to take them to get Beckett.
  24. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 26, 2006 -> 08:57 AM) Malatov threads. Add one seemingly benign topic, mix in one SBIMI, three regular posters, and watch the thread explode. I believe it's spelled Molotov, after the Russian Foreign Minister in the 30's-40's. Once again...Betting is open on number of posts after this one before this thread is closed!
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