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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Jan 25, 2006 -> 09:46 AM) I don't know, still trying to figure out yours. Ok...I think we all needa 15 minute time out before all of our minds collapse...everyone...GO DANCE!!!!!
  2. Picture @ the left = me watching the first of this show, whenever it becomes available. http://www.cnn.com/2006/SHOWBIZ/TV/01/25/t...reut/index.html
  3. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 25, 2006 -> 09:40 AM) Not to mention the fact that the US taxpayer is paying to educate the children of illegals as well as paying for their health care. Those 2 alone are enough to offset the positive econoic impact of their presence several times over. But of course, you're missing the key point...it's a very positive impact to the Walmart and the rich celebrity who can employ them...it's negative to everyone else...but since the government still refuses to provide actual strong penalties to the folks who do employ them (except denying them high-level cabinet posts), there's no reason for a business owner not to take advantage of the situation.
  4. QUOTE(Cknolls @ Jan 25, 2006 -> 09:22 AM) Is 72 hours long enough to establish probable cause with respect to a FISA warrant? And if not what then??? Then take those 80% approval ratings in 2001-2002, the ones that got the Patriot Act passed 99-1, and use them to extend it from 72 hours to 2 weeks or whatever number would work better.
  5. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 25, 2006 -> 06:50 AM) I would like to know why Mexico has the money to fund these kind of programs, when they could be using these same pesos to improve the life of people IN Mexico so that they won't feel the desparate need to risk their lives coming to the US in the first place? Instead of developing their own peoples well-being, the programs under Vincente Fox seem to be more interested in turning Mexico into some sort of a minor league feeder system for the US. The answer to that I think is quite obvious...a significant amount of money comes into Mexico through the fact that people do cross the U.S. border, either find jobs or occasionally sell drugs or commit a crime...and then send a significant fraction of the profits back across the border through banks which allow easy money transfers to Mexico. These sort of border crossings pump a lot of cash into Mexico's economy, cash which then recirculates as those families spend it on food, etc.
  6. QUOTE(Wong & Owens @ Jan 25, 2006 -> 07:36 AM) And in other news, the sun rose in the east, Antarctica was cold, and a recent study found that most people thought puppies were "cute." That's all for now, stay tuned for The Maury Povich Show. So based on that second one...in roughly 50-100 years...no one will ever tell a lie again?
  7. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Jan 24, 2006 -> 07:54 PM) Supposedly, the deal could still be on after they talk with him tommorow. The Kings should be as hesitant as humanly possible in those discussions. He better beg to go there.
  8. QUOTE(wilmot825 @ Jan 24, 2006 -> 04:46 PM) I love Frank but (Images not to scale)
  9. The All-Not-Playing-In-The-WBC-For-The-U.S.-of-A. Team. Here's that lineup card: David Eckstein SS Scott Rolen 3B Paul Konerko 1B Barry Bonds DH Gary Sheffield RF Jim Edmonds CF Brian Giles LF Jeff Kent 2B Jason Kendall C Your pitching staff: Randy Johnson, Roy Oswalt, John Smoltz, Chris Carpenter, Mark Buehrle, Trevor Hoffman, B.J. Ryan, Jason Isringhausen, Kyle Farnsworth, Derrick Turnbow, Scott Eyre. And we didn't even mention our bench -- Todd Helton, Travis Hafner, Torii Hunter, Troy Glaus, Khalil Greene, Brian Schneider and Chone Figgins.
  10. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Jan 24, 2006 -> 04:34 PM) I'm saying his comments did influence Sac, but it was Sac's decision. It's not like he went the Ron Seiklay route and said, "I won't report." He said he doesn't prefer to play there. Of course he had influence, I never said he didn't. He was the reason why they 2nd guessed the trade. Yeah, but put yourself in Sac's shoes...if you're about to take on the biggest potential nightmare in the NBA, Terrel Owens plus violent charges into the crowd, that's one gigantic risk. If the guy so much as suggests he has any problems at all with the deal...you pull the plug instantly.
  11. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Jan 24, 2006 -> 04:30 PM) I agree on that count. But it's been sucking considering players like Steve Francis was able to get "drafted" by the team he wanted to and forcing Vancouver's hand. NBA has been a joke for some time. Heck, that's nothing...look at the Vince Carter and Alonzo Mourning messes from last year...where the guys basically just said "We won't play" and forced trades for vastly lower value than they were worth.
  12. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Jan 24, 2006 -> 04:28 PM) BTW, Ron Artest was on the radio not too long ago saying that he would play for Toronto if he had to. Man, they really need somebody to guard Kobe.
  13. Jenks is not considered a rookie because of service time only, but pitched fewer than the innings requirement. Bobby's #1.
  14. QUOTE(soxhawks @ Jan 24, 2006 -> 04:09 PM) just watching fox sports net, they said the steelers offensive coordinator probably will get the raiders job but believe it or not Jon Shoop will get an interview. God I hope he winds up there...just so Jauron can't hire him in Buffalo.
  15. SI seems to be hearing something the others aren't...
  16. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Jan 24, 2006 -> 03:27 PM) This is why when I was going to post this news, I decided against it and just put my thoughts in the NBA thread. He didn't necessarily stop this trade technically. He was telling people he wasn't going to be happy going to Sac, but he would still report. Sacramento then decided just not to do it afterwards. Want to know when this stops? When Artest gets traded to NY. Only way you don't hear from him. Jim Gray is still using the phrase "Artest turned it down", which suggests to me it was something stronger on Artest's part than him saying "I don't want to play there" and the Kings backing out.
  17. Can someone change the title of this thread?
  18. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Jan 24, 2006 -> 03:22 PM) hmmmm I wonder what happened? Late growth spurt?????? I just can't figure out why those are so common in Hollywood. Some sort of contaminant in the water coming through the Santa Monica Mountains?
  19. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Jan 24, 2006 -> 02:37 PM) He sometimes has his problems, but I really like Riske. Anyone know Foulke's status for 2006? If he came back healthy, at least Boston would have a good bullpen to go with Ortiz and Manny. I don't Schilling will be able to get back to where he was, but Beckett will be great when he isn't sitting out with blisters. I think the Red Sox will be better than a lot of people think. According to SI, Foulke has lost weight and got himself back into shape after surgery on both knees, he'll probably be ready to start ST.
  20. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2006 @ Jan 24, 2006 -> 02:29 PM) Thanks. I think Dumars would be foolish to give up on Darko so quickly. The question is...will Darko have any real playing time before he hits the restricted FA market? If he does, or only plays for 1 season...will Detroit be in a position to outbid other teams that might make a run at him for speculation? And would he even consider resigning there if he became an unrestricted FA, considering that they're not playing him anyway.
  21. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2006 @ Jan 24, 2006 -> 01:39 PM) I can see what you're saying. I mean, there's no exact way to know how players of the past would respond to some of the stuff you have today. Maybe being bigger would actually hurt their games? I have no idea. But nobody can deny that players of today have many advantages that players of 40 years ago simply didn't have. This goes for all sports. Lebron didn't come out the womb lookin like he does now. It's my opinion that a majority of players from the past would benefit with today's training methods, ect. Yes, I'm not saying they wouldn't benefit...but the key thing I'm trying to get across is that it's impossible to say that they would benefit to the point that say a Lebron or a Kobe Bryant has. You can take a very good player and even with proper training discover that he just can't be better than very good, or you can take an average player and with proper training turn him great, just because of the different ways their bodies will react.
  22. QUOTE(YASNY @ Jan 24, 2006 -> 01:24 PM) I'll agree with you on the deficit. That's the one area that most conversaatives have issues with Bush. Not due to too much taxation, but due to too much spending. But this: The Democrats, IF they have ideas should be taking them to the voters. IF they have something substantial to say, say it to the people. All I hear is Bush did this or Bush said that. Those aren't ideas. That's just b****ing and whining. Could it possibly be that the Democrats have presented a fair number of decent policy proposals (to go along with some obvious bad ones), but because of the fact that the media likes to filter things as "he said versus he said" and hates policy points, you just don't hear them?
  23. QUOTE(redandwhite @ Jan 24, 2006 -> 01:26 PM) so if not the red sox, yankees or jays who wins the al east? i also love how the red sox rotation is suspect. usually you say that when five mediocre players are apart of it. curt schilling and josh beckett are far from mediocre, wells and wake were both above average last year, and clement, arroyo, papelbon are more options. again though, answer my original question. Wells also doesn't want to be there. Schilling and Beckett are far from mediocre when healthy. I see no reason right now to believe that they will be more healthy than Mark Prior and Kerry wood next year. Both have significant and recent histories with injuries that just won't go away. Clement has been inconsistent at best. They need a lot more from him before they can count on him at crunch time, which is why they took the chance on Beckett. That rotation is suspect. So is the Yankees. One of them is probably going to get lucky and have it perform and have enough people stay healthy. I don't know wh ich one it will be.
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