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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(robinventura23 @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 03:37 PM) Not very fond of Frank Thomas His namesake should NEVER be pitched to with the bases loaded.
  2. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 02:59 PM) Has a strange infatuation with a former poster. Joined Soxtalk on my birthday last year.
  3. QUOTE(hi8is @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 02:59 PM) hi8is = hiatus hiatus: "A gap or interruption in space, time, or continuity; a break" anything i do on the internet is under the name hi8is.... its because im taking a break, an interruption from my everyday life.... im a nerd w00t I don't know why, but for some reason I've always despised the way that word sounds.
  4. QUOTE(Yoda @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 02:54 PM) I was getting a bit lonely at the Dagobah System and ever since the Galactic Empire was destroyed, I thought it was safe to come to a place where I could socialize with people. Aren't you dead?
  5. NCC-1701 = Registry number of the starship Enterprise. Balta = a nerd who knows things like the registry number of the starship Enterprise.
  6. QUOTE(RME JICO @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 02:06 PM) Not if I was an NFL coach, because it is tampering to talk to other teams. I understand your point, but I cannot see why they would be ecstatic for only getting a 4th round pick. Because it's better than firing him and having to pay off the rest of his contract while getting no 4th round pick.
  7. QUOTE(Spiff @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 01:28 PM) What is funny is that the first game was much closer than people are making it sound. Car Chi 1st Downs 13 15 Total Yards 238 258 Passing 183 136 Rushing 55 122 Penalties 7-62 9-75 3rd Down 4-17 3-13 4th Down 1-2 0-0 Turnovers 2 1 Possession 29:18 30:42 Chicago's scoring drives: 3 plays 8 yards, 4 plays 3 yards, 8 plays 44 yards. Now, give the Bears those same offensive numbers...except back 1 of the safeties off of the line because they have to guard against the deep pass, and add in another 30+ passing yards for the Bears anyway just based on their QB making better decisions, and what would happen? That game was close because the Bears had a QB who got 122 yards out of his urnning backs but could only convert 3-13 on 3rd down and only threw for 136 yards. When you have a working running game you should be able to do a lot better than that as a QB, especially on 3rd down (which should, if the run is working, be mostly short).
  8. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 01:07 PM) What?? It's about market dictation sir.....the market doesn't dictate the fact you have to pay a guy 12 million a year for 5 years to just play great defense. You pay scorers that kind of money, and get guys who play great defense for MUCH less. I agree defense is VERY important, but it doesn't cost that kind of money, which is why I consider Tyson's contract to be AWFUL. My only question on Tyson's contract is this one...was there any other team prepared to offer him that much last season?
  9. QUOTE(hammerhead johnson @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 12:43 PM) Actually, from everything that I hear nowadays, it's more like 1 out of every 7 or 8. I used to hear that 10% figure all the time back in the nineties. In the case of Cowboys, it's probably something like 33%. Do any of them like pudding?
  10. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 12:54 PM) Well done witesoxfan.....Nolan Ryan has always been VERY VERY overrated due to his longetivity, yet Blyleven is dissed for his. Although Ryan had a million strikeouts too, which is the main reason he's in the hall. And a few no-hitters on top of those strikeouts.
  11. QUOTE(GoSox05 @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 12:54 PM) i tell ya if he fell to like the 4th or 5th round it wouldnt be bad to take him. If ever wises up, he could be pretty good. If not than you wasted alater round draft pick. There's been a lot of talk which says he would probably go on the 2nd day if he did fully pull out of college. Unlike Clarett, he has a long history of this sort of trouble, which could really make any team worried about wasting a high pick on him. At least 1 person I heard on ESPN said it might actually be best for him to just try to transfer to another school and see if he can hold it together for 1 year, just to try to rebuild some value for himself.
  12. On the other hand, Herm's contract with the Jets was up after next year, and they'd made no obvious moves which would suggest they were willing to give him an extension.
  13. QUOTE(bmags @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 11:01 AM) what in the??? he was saying unfortunately for the poster that the facts don't back up that claim... That would be what I was saying, the unfortunately was not directed in any way at religion, only at the content of the post, which I believe is unsupported by the facts. I apologize if that came across wrong.
  14. QUOTE(robinventura23 @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 11:27 AM) Gonna be tough for the holdovers next year with Ripken, Gwynn and McGwire on the ballot. It's good that another reliever gets recognized, though. You're right on the whole tough part, but I think next year will be more interesting than any other year, because we have no idea how many HOF voters will be willing to talk about the past.
  15. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 11:37 AM) How does Sutter make it and not Gossage????? Not saying it's correct, but Sutter did have a Cy Young award I believe.
  16. QUOTE(samclemens @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 09:56 AM) it shouldnt make a sifference. whether he authored to opinion or not, he felt strongly enough to agree with another's opinion. judges that are higher ups usually will write a concurrence even if they agree, but have other reasons for agreeing. if alito signed onto an opinion, it means he felt that way. Yes, but the poster is calling Kennedy a liar and a drunk, and if the author is going to do that, he better make very sure he's right in his post. It does make a difference also, because a judge's writings are what you look for to express a Judge's beliefs most clearly. If Kennedy's looking for those from a Judge, and he can't find any over 20 years, he's at least going to be disappointed, and he might have reason to ask why that judge hasn't written anything at all on that topic. For example, with Justice Janice Rogers Brown, who was filibustered in the Senate after nominated to an appeals court position, it was specifically her writings, which were often very abrasive, which got her into trouble, far more than just her votes. Similarly, Harriet Meirs's writings, which were often described as childish, were some of the key parts in the downfall of her nomination. Writings just contain vastly more detail than a simple vote.
  17. QUOTE(Wong & Owens @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 09:45 AM) And we won't, eventually: http://news.yahoo.com/s/usatoday/20060109/...nA2BHNlYwM3NDI- Think that won't happen here at some point? Got news for you, it already is, right or wrong. Unfortunately, the statistics don't agree with you there...while Christianity sure seems to be on the wane in other countries, church attendance is on the rise in this country, according to the most recent census data.
  18. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 12:24 PM) That and the market is probably nil with all of the people who have bought cars in the last few years at 0 interest or with huge incentives. Ok, according to the AP, I was 1/2 right on that stat. There's 2 things going into it...1 low automobile sales in the last 2 months (as expected given that the manufacturers pumped up sales over the summer at the expense of winter with those discounts), and second people are still moving debt into home equity loans, which is not counted by that survey. Link
  19. Hmph, the GOP called a Pro-Alito witness from the National Association of Women Lawyers, an organization which ruled that Alito was unqualified.
  20. QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 07:22 PM) Let's see. Kennedy claimed "In an era when America is still too divided by race and riches, Judge "Alioto" has not written one single opinion on the merits in favor of a person of color alleging race discrimination on the job. In fifteen years on the bench, not one." I guess he is never one to let facts get in the way of a good soundbite. Or maybe it was the alcohol talking.... http://committeeforjustice.org/contents/al...liberties.shtml Just out of curiosity, did he actually author any of those opinions, or did he just sign onto opinions written by others? Your post lists 2 which says he just signed on, and 2 which don't say explicity whether he wrote them or not.
  21. Hmph, Senator Lindsey Graham, one of the members of the Senate Judiciary committee, was part of a practice panel to allow for coaching of Mr. Alito before these hearings.
  22. The Texas Court of Appeals today refused to throw out the remaining charges against Delay. That's the elected Texas Court of Appeals. 9 Republicans.
  23. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 03:14 PM) I definitely associate avatars with some posters. For instance, every time I see or hear of Mike Caruso, it reminds of Kalapse. And any Family Guy references bring Balta to my head. Victory is mine!
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