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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(Fingish @ Dec 8, 2005 -> 08:24 PM) why would the O's trade him to a team in their own division? doesn't make sense... If they were getting back a Manny Ramirez...I bet they'd do it. Ditto Boston.
  2. QUOTE(forrestg @ Dec 8, 2005 -> 07:19 PM) wasn't it tejada that Palmeiro said injected him with the steroids ? Tejada admits he gave Palmeir a B-12 vitamin shot, but says that he had it checked out by MLB first and MLB said it was clean. Believe who you will. I don't know if I believe either of them.
  3. QUOTE(Punch and Judy Garland @ Dec 8, 2005 -> 07:07 PM) I mean other articles, quotes from people around the organization. If you base it just on his play, then a lot of guys can be accused of a lot of things that aren't true, thats all I'm saying The WaPo reported that there was an enormous amount of tension in the O's clubhouse last year, including players who were set to go to florida for Burnett, and specifically tension between Sosa and Tejada. That's at least something.
  4. QUOTE(knightni @ Dec 8, 2005 -> 07:05 PM) Were they? I never saw anything on it. I believe that was only the "Soxtalk Hall of Fame" inductions. When I checked the 2004 awards, it looked to me like they happened @ the end of the year.
  5. QUOTE(Punch and Judy Garland @ Dec 8, 2005 -> 06:59 PM) Players have bad halfs, players wear down. Todd Helton had a bad first half. Was it because he quit? I am not familiar enough with the day-to-day operations of the Orioles but unless someone here can find some real proof other than declining numbers or Rotoworlds blurb-then you guys are jumping all over a guy based on speculation How exactly would you prove that other than looking at the numbers? Are you expecting a guy to come out and publically say he wasn't trying hard? (well, could happen, Vince Carter did it, but only after he was out of Toronto).
  6. QUOTE(Punch and Judy Garland @ Dec 8, 2005 -> 06:51 PM) What f***in proof is there that he didn't try in the second half? Because rotoworld says so? THats not enough If he was trying his hardest and still putting up those numbers...then there was something SERIOUSLY wrong with him in the 2nd half last year. Either he was playing hurt or he stopped taking his B-12 shots or something. His numbers are ridiculously bad after the AS Break last year. I believe someone in this thread compared his 2nd half numbers to Machowiak's.
  7. QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ Dec 8, 2005 -> 06:21 PM) LOL, as a side note, I was talking to my Cubs fan about something and brought this up just to hear what he would say, and he said Patterson and Wood should get it done. I laughed. I did post elsewhere that the Cubs will go hard after him, but it's going to cost a lot. Dang, if only we still had Marte, he and Timo should be able to beat that offer!
  8. Flight 1248 from Baltimore in case anyone needed to know.
  9. You know, this junk hitting this wide of an area this early in the season is going to do terrible things to heating prices.
  10. QUOTE(SoxFanForever @ Dec 8, 2005 -> 05:57 PM) 3B could also possibly be Andy Marte right? Quite likely. Boston would, IMO, be silly to hold onto Lowell if they have both Youkilis and Marte who can play 3b, and have a couple other guys (that Paniagua guy who beat us with a HR from Japan?) who can play 1b too. SS could also wind up being Julio Lugo, if those rumors pan out.
  11. Eek, I have an aunt/uncle who live right next to Midway.
  12. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Dec 8, 2005 -> 05:30 PM) The Orioles shouldn't, and better not, trade Tejada unless they absolutely rip off another team. Tell Tejada to shut up and play. Pre All-Star: .329, 19 home runs, .977 OPS, 62 RBI Post All-Star: .276, 7 home runs, .733 OPS, 36 RBI. They can tell him to shut up and play all he wants, but if he doesn't want to try...well, the 2nd half speaks for itself.
  13. QUOTE(fathom @ Dec 8, 2005 -> 05:24 PM) Am I the only one that thinks the Cubs could try and get Tejada? They have a lot of money to spend, an opening at SS, and some top prospects they could trade. I think they "Could", but I don't think they'd meet the asking price. To do a trade like that involving only prospects would be damn hard (obviously Pie plus a couple other guys), and they really don't have anyone at the big league level that the O's would jump on, except probably Prior and Zambrano, and those 2 probably ain't movin'.
  14. QUOTE(fathom @ Dec 8, 2005 -> 05:19 PM) I've seen him get quite a few clutch hits. He's very streaky, and will go through stretches where a 10 yr old girl can throw a pitch past him. However, he's a great addition to this team, and he's a real good guy. So in other words...if we play Crede until he falls into a slump, bench him, play Machowiak until he falls into a slump, revert back to Crede...we can manufacture ourselves a .330, 40 home run guy @ 3rd base?
  15. I suggested this in ATH so I'll suggest it here...Manny for Tejada along with a few dollars changing hands?
  16. You have to wonder whether the mess that their club house turned into after Palmeiro was suspended and then blamed Tejada in the press could be a major contributor to this. Ya also have to wonder if the Sosa trade also helped. Here's an idea...Manny for Tejada, Boston pays the salary differences?
  17. I think This result of the hearings desreves a bump of this thread.
  18. QUOTE(fathom @ Dec 8, 2005 -> 04:54 PM) I'm so sick of everyone b****ing about not having 2 lefty relievers in the pen. Do people not forget that we have the best lefty closer in the history of the playoffs? Ok...I'll bite...Huh? Ah wait, just got it.
  19. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Dec 8, 2005 -> 04:43 PM) $2.4 million "isn't even close" to $3 million? One.... two... three... ??? I think you originally said $3 million a year, he's getting $2.4 over 2 years, which comes out to $1.2 million a year.
  20. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Dec 7, 2005 -> 05:22 PM) See: Rage against the Machine. Pick a song. Pearl Jam has a couple..."Do the Evolution", "Bushleaguer" come to mind immediately.
  21. QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Dec 8, 2005 -> 04:29 PM) someone gets shot at an airport, I want to know. I would imagine the airlines want this to be news as well. It shows that crazy people are detected and removed from the passanger list, and in some cases removed from the life list. If I only heard rumblings and rumors of someone being killed on an american airlines plane, you can bet the already fragile market would take a plunge. it's called PR. something happens and everyone scrambles to make themselves or the companies they represent look clean as possible. I'm not really asking why the guy being shot is news...that's clearly a news story - first time the air marshalls have done anything lethal since 9/11, yeah. But I'm asking why CNN is putting stories up suggesting that there's doubt as to the motives/propriety of the actions of the air marshalls when there really is no logical reason at all to doubt their actions.
  22. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Dec 8, 2005 -> 04:25 PM) With my blog getting more and more hits lately, I've heard there's problems with it displaying on Windows. Anyone here good with Blogger templates that would be willing to help me out? I ran a blogger-based-blog for a couple years before I finally lost interest in regular blogging earlier this year. I can try to take a look if you'd like.
  23. QUOTE(SSH2005 @ Dec 8, 2005 -> 03:13 PM) Mackowiak will be our fourth outfielder or starting third baseman if Crede misses time with his back. Ozuna can also play the outfield. And Jerry Owens could possibly make the 25-man roster for all we know. We shall see what happens to Borchard. The piece @ Whitesox.com strongly suggested that Owens was in line to get the official "4th outfielder" spot. It didn't even mention Borchard, although it did say that KW was in line to trade for at least 1 or perhaps more than 1 promising lefty reliever that could hopefully give us what Marte brought a few years ago. That really made me think that Borchard was going to wind up sent off, possibly to drag in a young lefty reliever or two. The fact that his name wasn't anywhere in that article has to mean something. It at least said that Harris and Perez would probably be non-tendered. It also didn't mention Gload's future at all. I'm wondering if Gload and Borchard may well be the pieces KW decides to deal to grab a few young relievers from someone. Btw, if this does mean the end of Timo...that means we're replacing a guy who hit .218 wiht a .562 OPS with a guy who hit .272 with a .726 OPS. Yes, he may not be as "Clutch" as Timo, but over a couple hundred at bats, that's got to account for a few runs, right?
  24. I loved some of the articles last season about how Womack was having basically the worst season for a Yankee outfielder in like 100 years.
  25. I got out of high school a few years ago. I had, well, I would say 3 teachers who probably ever mentionned politics at all during class. One of them was a Chinese teacher who would post copies of a few comics and the day's Chicago Tribune for people to read during passing periods/in class while waiting in line for something. I'd say it was at a minimum during that class. The 2nd, my government teacher...well that class was basically a joke anyway. Half the class consisted of making videos/cute little handouts explaining how the government worked. And that was during the impeachment trial. Yippee. The third class was a U.S. history class. Loved the class...very opinionated professor. Lots of good discussions on a wide variety of topics. He had his opinion on almost everything and tried to get it across. Was he overly political? Well, let me just say for an example that he made no bones about the fact that he thought Truman did a wonderful job as president, but he also thought FDR was one of the worst presidents we've ever had. Is that partisan? beats the hell out of me. I really didn't even start leaning to the left until I got to college, got access to the internet, and saw the Republicans nominate George W. Bush.
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