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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(knightni @ Dec 5, 2005 -> 10:48 AM) I'm surprised that Philly hasn't made a play for him. They could use a WR. If Philly spent the money on a wideout right now...how would that help them? They have no QB to get the ball to the wideout. They've basically written off this season. Why should they spend the money this year, when they could maybe just hold onto it and do some fancy cap maneuvering to find themselves more space for next year?
  2. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Dec 5, 2005 -> 10:42 AM) Id love to see Peerless on the Bears. Hopefully they can snag him before someone else does. If the demand he showed when he was released by Atlanta is any indication...the Bears may well have some time to sleep on it. You think if he signed with the Colts, being rejoined with Peyton could help rejuvinate his career? Hell, if he was smart, he might have his agent give the Colts a call at the end of hte season and not the other way round.
  3. QUOTE(RibbieRubarb @ Dec 5, 2005 -> 10:31 AM) Willie Harris not doing it for you? Not if Pablo spends significant time either playing the outfield or starting at 3rd because of Crede's back. Our other outfield options are Timo (Please God let him go) and Borchard (gigantic question mark) so Pablo may be needed out there...and Harris is just not enough to backup every other infield spot.
  4. Well, considering the most interesting storyline for baseball right now is whether or not 1 of the top 5 hitters in baseball will remain in Boston next season or what Boston will get in return, I don't think I'd mind too much if the coverage focused on Boston. The White Sox are already done doing most of their damage...now we just need to start locking guys up and finding 1 fairly cheap backup infielder to go along with Pablo. Now we get to see what our competition does to try to catch up with us.
  5. He was still very good a few years ago in Buffalo when he was alongside Moulds as a 2nd receiver and deep threat for Bledsoe. The offense was great teh year they had him, and went into a tailspin the next year (albiet that wasn't all his fault...the O-line has been garbage for a couple years now)
  6. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Dec 5, 2005 -> 05:04 AM) I don't know. I thought there were 2 spots on our schedule, where we had a legit chance to lose: JAX and Seattle. However, that was before Leftwich went out. I wouldn't underestimate the Chargers game either...there's a good chance that the Chargers will be fighting like Hell to hold onto that 6th playoff spot at the time, and Indy may very well not care that much. That said, if the Colts do try to make a game of it, I think they'll shred the Chargers, just because the way to beat the Chargers each of the last 2 seasons has been to challenge their secondary, which is the weakest part of their defense...and the Colts are moderately good at the passing game.
  7. Well, here's my First attempt at posting something under the new rules. Feel free to savage me without remorse for it. Here we go...(By the way, that's an AP piece...registration is probably required at the particular link)
  8. QUOTE(Jenks Heat @ Dec 5, 2005 -> 08:47 AM) sammy is the epitome of what is wrong in general with the media on a larger scale. I am reading a biography on Ted Williams, Jimmy Foox is next, and the media treatment of Williams seems to parallal that of Frank Thomas. Although Williams was much more vocal in his hatred for the media, the fact that the fans seemed to have a very different perspective of Williams than the media mirrors that of Thoams. Then you have sammy sosa. The coverage of this guy was sickening the negative press was ignored while everything that Thomas did was focused in a more negative light. Imagine if sosa lost the MVP to an admitted steroid user. The media would have run with this. Now that sosa is in that same grouping he finally gets ignored. I'm sure Sosa lost a couple of MVP's to Bonds.
  9. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Dec 5, 2005 -> 06:22 AM) Way to get off on the right foot with prospective students. What a moron. Would you expect a lot of "Christian Fundamentalists" to take a course "Debunking Creationism and Intelligent Design"?
  10. QUOTE(mr_genius @ Dec 5, 2005 -> 07:07 AM) uhhhh, I think he's already signed for 2 more years. you want to sign him to an 8 year deal or something? lol Depends on the amount per year.
  11. We can sign Damon just as soon as JR decides to bump the payroll up to $200 million.
  12. Balta1701

    Mark B

    I can't say I'm going to be furious if Garland isn't resigned to a multi-year deal this offseason, solely because right now we don't really know what the market will be for him, and so we might have to overpay quite a bit to resign him. We could very well do with Garland exactly what we did with Konerko - let him test the waters, then match the deal he gets offered from others. But if there's any way to make sure Mark Buehrle doesn't hit the FA Market until he's 35, I would not care what it cost us.
  13. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Dec 4, 2005 -> 01:37 PM) He made us look silly in the playoffs. This doesnt make me happy..... Folks...don't forget, Byrd made us look bad...but since then, we've added one HELL of a left handed bat to our lineup.
  14. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Dec 4, 2005 -> 08:58 AM) The Simple S-mbo thing came from a blog. Look it up. He doesn't need to look it up...the original post is right up there.
  15. Why would the Orioles need a catcher? Something else happen to Lopez that I don't know about? Btw, I will still say that whatever team ends up with Hernandez will be getting a bargain.
  16. There are reportedly something like 10+ teams that have expressed interest in Pierre, so it won't necessarily take him going to the Sox to have the Cubs look bad. The Cubs want him, they'll have to overpay. Any team wants him, they'll have to overpay, because with that many teams involved, someone will.
  17. Well, Buehrle is wearing 56...maybe that had somethin' to do with it. Beats me.
  18. Thanks to the joys of Google, Here is the original post that the Fox News piece is referencing without linking to (very rude of them btw). Here's a second post he wrote talking about the response to the first one. Brief excerpt... Go read the rest if you want to evaluate the guy on your own.
  19. Well, it does say that the guys who dug up his credit record have resigned...presumably that means they were told to clean out their desks and they'll be allowed to call it a resignation if they get done in like 20 minutes. Who the Hell thinks that it's a good idea to spread around a candidate's credit record?
  20. Is the "Democratic leader in the State Senate" an African American himself?
  21. Ok, so I'm watching Saturday Night Live tonight, it's not a terrible show tonight, but I'm just sitting here wondering 2 things: Who the hell is this host? Who the hell is this musical guest? I've never heard of either of them...host Dane Cook, Musical Guest James Blunt? Where'd they find this pair?
  22. If his body gets incinerated...does his soul burn with it? Cause I bet that'd be painful. Hope it was slow.
  23. "Think of the children, oh please, won't someone think of the children"
  24. Well, i guess the good news is that there's not going to be any BCS Mess this year.
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