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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. Is anyone else hoping that Tadahito will become a better overall hitter in his 2nd season in the big leagues regardless of where we put him in the lineup? I think one of the reasons why he wound up hitting the ball to the right side was that he discovered early in the season that he was able to do that against big league pitching. I think in his 2nd season (and with a guaranteed gigantic bat hitting behind him), he's much more likely to turn it up wherever we put him.
  2. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Nov 30, 2005 -> 04:19 PM) I haven't seen enough of his play to judge his defense. He seemed a major plus in the championship run out there in 2003. Here's what the ESPN scouts say: His defense remains a huge plus at spacious Pro Player Stadium. His range allowed the Marlins to get by with Miguel Cabrera and Jeff Conine flanking him for the first four months. Pierre's arm probably precludes him from Gold Glove consideration, but he never gives up on balls in the gap and makes his share of highlight catches. His resemblance to a young Mickey Rivers remains eerie. No one is a better judge in the White Sox organization right now when it comes to his defense than Ozzie because he's seen him play day to day. Ozzie has said nothing but good things when it comes to Juan's defense & that goes back to 2003. Still, here's the question...how much talent do we want to risk dropping in a single offseason, especially when the 2nd guy is basically just a rental-player? I say we have talent in Anderson. He probably won't put up the best numbers in history, but it won't be that hard for him to generate as many runs as Rowand did last year...and he could very well generate more of them. He's several million dollars cheaper than Pierre. His arbitration clock has already started. His defense is probably pretty close to where Rowand's was. He's faster than Rowand, and has a better throwing arm. He will likely have more power than Rowand. He'll go through some growing pains if we put him out there, yes, but if we do give him a starting role at any point, we're going to have to live with those growing pains. He won't learn so much in AAA next year that it'll make starting him in the big leagues a risky choice (unlike Owens). I think Anderson is the smartest option around for CF. Especially given that now we aren't absolutely dying for additional run production from center field...just a mediocre performance (Which is frankly what Rowand gave us with the bat last year) but a good performance on defense.
  3. QUOTE(sickness212 @ Nov 30, 2005 -> 04:06 PM) I just saw this, and it made my Day!!!
  4. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Nov 30, 2005 -> 03:39 PM) Kareer OBP Thome -- .408 Kong -- .349 I don't Kare where he hits it, Thome should always be in front of Konerko... Well, PK's OBP last year = .375, although that was the best of his career.
  5. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Nov 30, 2005 -> 01:56 PM) I can respect that viewpoint. Do I get respect if I say that I would have said something very similar, but was at 5 hours worth of lectures/seminars? I think one thing you can actually find within the resolution the Senate passed is something very similar to what Rex said...the Senate asked for timetables, but also gave the White House an out - it also let them give reasons why those timetables could be missed. In other words, the White House could have said "500,000 Iraqi police on duty by such and such a date, but we could miss this if insurgent operations cause such and such or if there is some political shift." Take your pick - you could construct those however you wanted, and as long as you gave them, you'd be able to meet the request of the Senate. However, this is something the White House ardently refuses to do. When they are asked to do this, even by the Senate, they respond with the president is “determined to stay his course.” Furthermore, they've gone and done something else which is basically slight of hand in this document...in September, General Casey testified before the Senate that the number of Iraqi battalions who were ready for combat had dropped from 3 to 1 over the last year, without giving any real explanation (that's about 700 men per battalion). That is based on a 4 point chassification scheme drawn up by the military. On the other hand, the document released today says, several times I might add, that over 100,000 Iraqi troops are now "In the fight" without ever defining what "In the fight" actually means. In other words, the Senate asked for specific metrics or timetables or something by which they could evaluate the progress of the war. The White House responded by saying that they don't do timetables, and then went on to give statistics without telling us what they mean. Right now, I see the reality as this; the President refuses to retreat or cut and run from Iraq in defeat. However, he has defined the U.S. pulling out of Iraq without "Defeating" the terrorists and establishing democracy as a defeat...without ever telling us what "Defeating" the terrorists actually means. Therefore, any pullback of U.S. forces would constitute a victory for the terrorists based on what he's told us, and consequently, we have to keep U.S. forces there until "victory" is achieved or we lose. What the Senate I believe is asking for is some definition of "victory", when the President hopes we could have "victory", and a few guesses as to what would constitute victory. Something measureable that they can take back to people like me so that they can say "Here, shut up Balta, we've accomplished x and y and if z happens we can begin to withdraw q number of troops." If something like that was actually given to the public, it would shut a lot of this criticism up, and it would give proponents of "Staying the course" something to challenge Representative Murtha with. Without that, however, the plan looks to be "Just keep doing what we're doing until victory is in hand", and given that what we're doing keeps costing lives without seemingly moving us closer to "defeating the terrorists", it makes pulling out look like a much more appealing option. If you give me the 2 options of "Stay the course until "Victory"" and "Pull out immediately", I'd have to choose the latter since I don't have a huge amount of confidence in the magical appearance of Victory. But if you gave me a defined plan for victory combined with gradual pullouts associated with that victory...if the plan was well done and actually made sense, then it would immediately be the preferred option.
  6. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Nov 30, 2005 -> 03:03 PM) I just had a vision .. a dream really. Is our new CFer going to be Ichiro? While I want BA in CF next year myself for the defense and occasional power, I'd sacrifice that for Ichiro. That said, I can't see that happening for several reasons; 1. Seattle doesn't want to trade Ichiro - they make a ton just from having him on their team from the Japanese fans (same Reason Matsui is making PK Money in NY). Secondly, Ichiro has never been willing to switch to CF in Seattle, which is why he's still playing RF despite the fact he'd be their best defensive center fielder.
  7. QUOTE(redandwhite @ Nov 30, 2005 -> 02:47 PM) eh... konerko is an average hitter at best outside of us cellular field. Last year he still put up 17 home runs and an .863 OPS outside of the Cell (and that's not counting the fact that he hit 3 postseason home runs on the road), so he's a better hitter at the Cell, but last year he was still pretty darn deadly on the road. 52 RBI at Home, 48 away for PK too.
  8. QUOTE(Steve Bartman's my idol @ Nov 30, 2005 -> 02:30 PM) I think I'd bat Dye in the #3 spot , Thome 4th, Konerko 5...(R-L-R) I want Konerko's OBP before Thome comes up, and I want 1 of them coming up in the first inning, such that even if there's 2 outs, we can still pull off the "Walk, boom, 2 run lead".
  9. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Nov 30, 2005 -> 01:21 PM) I agree... I think we're closer to 90.5 - 92 when all is said and done. All these luxury seats we're selling out certainly doesn't hurt our chances of getting there iether.
  10. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Nov 30, 2005 -> 12:30 PM) I know both are important but I really hope they get Garlands done as the priority of the two. I read someplace a week or so ago that it's been about 10 years since the White Sox have gone to arbitration with anyone.
  11. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2005 @ Nov 30, 2005 -> 01:16 PM) It's pretty close. It depends on where Ramirez ends up. If he stays in Boston, then you have to go with him and Ortiz. If he goes to the Angels, i'd probably go with he and Vlad, barely. Don't forget that we spent last year watching PK crush the ball withotu good protection in the order and with a nasty slump in May. You put Thome behind PK and PK may challenge for the MVP next year. Ditto if you reverse the names.
  12. QUOTE(redandwhite @ Nov 30, 2005 -> 01:09 PM) until ramirez is traded, i'd go with ramirez and ortiz. not that it matters. And given that the Angels still need a bat, I'd say "Until" is actually the correct word now. They'll find a way to get that done. And then Thome/Konerko will have to compete with Vlad the Impaler/Manny.
  13. THANK YOU KW! I must go to a talk, but I'll be back later to purchase my new #14 Jersey.
  14. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Nov 29, 2005 -> 10:49 PM) George Bush is set to give an important speech tomorrow. A couple things are probably going to happen. He's going to declare mission basically accomplished and he's going to announce plans for a drawdown of forces in Iraq. Both are good for one reason. As much as he says he's doing what's right, he's finally listening to people that are offering a dissenting point of view. That's encouraging. What worries me is that this is purely a political solution. One that "gets us out" without actually fixing the problem. And that will lead to a bigger problem down the road. I believe he did neither of those. Furthermore, I believe that the resolution passed by the Senate 2 weeks ago or so calls on the President to provide: President Bush and the document released this morning simply refuse to follow that resolution passed overwhelmingly by the Senate. You'll note that the Senate resolution left an out - they could give reasons why they would be unable to meet whatever schedule they gave, but the WH refused the demand entirely.
  15. QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Nov 30, 2005 -> 07:04 AM) Imagine that...some good news from the front! Our Troops Must Stay By JOE LIEBERMAN Time magazine Baghdad bureau chief Michael Ware on Morning Sedition yesterday morning:
  16. QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ Nov 30, 2005 -> 09:11 AM) I seriously doubt that the Sox could have worked out something for Abreu if that's the going rate. It's pretty obvious that Pavano is the most important part of the deal, and he represents something the Sox aren't going to give up: a major league starting pitcher. I think another key part of this sort of a deal, if it happens, would be the Yankees eating a large portion of the Pavano and Posada deals. Based on his health problems last year and the size of his contract, I can't imagine the Phils would want him as the key part of a deal for one of their biggest bats IF the Yankees weren't going to make it so that Pavano was an even bigger bargain for the Phils than Thome was for us.
  17. QUOTE(tonyho7476 @ Nov 30, 2005 -> 09:02 AM) I'm getting nervous. I bet you he stays if the Sox show him our facilities! We should put in an air hockey table. That'd keep him!
  18. Cal Eldred, who went 10-2 in 20 starts for the White Sox in 2000 (and who followed that up with a series of injury plagued seasons before landing a relief pitching role with the Cardinals) has retired. Thanks for your help with the division in 2000 Cal!
  19. QUOTE(Wong & Owens @ Nov 30, 2005 -> 07:38 AM) Nuke, I'm just guessing here, but I think that anyone who has a different opinion than you regarding the current administration and its effects would point to those links and say, "well, it's Fox News, of course it will say things like that." I dislike Fox News as much as anyone, but dude, seriously, go look at the pages Nuke referenced...4 out of the 5 are direct newswire stories from Reuters, and the 5th says at the bottom "Reuters contributed to this report". That stuff is actually hard news - it's a wire service story reporting actual numbers. Doesn't matter if it comes from Fox or the World Socialist Web Site....if it's a wire service story then it's a wire service story. If you have a problem with Reuters for some reason let me know.
  20. QUOTE(Frank the Tank 35 @ Nov 29, 2005 -> 09:12 PM) Sonofa... so we couldn't swing a little extra to get Abreu instead of Thome? If this goes through, I'll be irate. Abreu has a strict no-trade clause as did Thome...which would mean that Abreu would have had to be willing to waive that clause for him to come to us. No guarantee he'd be willing to do that.
  21. All I can add to this is that my personal economy has improved dramatically of late...fiance finally got a job 2 months ago that pays well, and finally got her health insurance card 2 days ago, so she can finally afford to make that doctor's appointment she's desperately needed for like a year now but couldn't afford.
  22. QUOTE(Confederate_48 @ Nov 30, 2005 -> 08:46 AM) Isnt this just him going through the free agent process like he said he was gonna do or does it mean something else ? It's him doing exactly what he said he'd do...but it does mean that we better get our asses together and make him a quality offer if we want to keep him.
  23. QUOTE(bschmaranz @ Nov 29, 2005 -> 10:16 PM) Ricciardi = Drunkin Sailor In the division they're in, can you honestly blame them?
  24. Man, I'm sad we didn't learn about This in advance...we could have gotten 5-10 of us together, put on Sox Jerseys, slapped a few "Please don't leave PK" signs together and sat outside of the Big A chanting "Paulie Paulie Paulie" yesterday.
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