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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(hi8is @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 06:39 PM) none of the starting 5 are going anywhere... no matter what you hear... they arent moving. Assuming by "Starting 5" you're including Brandon instead of El Duque...yeah I agree with you...I'm just not sure it's the right decision...but that's where I have to say that KW has earned just a little bit o' trust to go along with his allowing me to buy a sh*t load of merchandise this offseason.
  2. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 06:38 PM) Thome's great but the Sox don't need the power bat. They need more speed. I pray KW doesn't give up pitching if this deal goes through. Let's not forget why the Sox won the WS. If KW does give up pitching...he'll be giving up pitching at the same time as the phillies will be paying an enormous chunk of that contract in order to get the pitching...thereby making it so that we can afford more pitching down the line. If KW can pull something like this off...I just hope he can get it done soon, just so that we don't find ourselves scrambling late in the market (i.e. the Cubs last year)
  3. I believe each team got to put 1 play in the play of the year list...they had voting on a number of plays from each team about 2 weeks ago (I, naturally, voted for the Rally Crede)...so there's not necessariliy credit due on that one. Kinda sad that Cliffy and Neal are making me split relief pitcher votes too.
  4. QUOTE(hi8is @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 06:21 PM) dont remember where but i read that he was in amazing health... best condition he's ever been in... i believe that was from a white sox offical... try googling up an article... its out there somewhere. Come on dude, that one was too easy.
  5. I used it for a while to check the list of who was leading in posts during the day...but when the real problems with the site loading started late in the season, I stopped checking that since people told me it ate up more server time/bandwith/something than even the search feature. I'd use it again if I thought it wouldn't jam up other people.
  6. QUOTE(hi8is @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 06:01 PM) "But we have to make plans to protect ourselves. And if we can get Paul back, too, it'll make us that much stronger." - KW so... sorry addison and others on here who think its road a or road b.... williams seems to be looking to acuire thome and bring paulie back. If Thome was healthy...oh jesus christ...wow... Who gives a f*** about the speed... Podsednik Iguchi Konerko Thome Dye Pierzynski Rowand Crede Uribe Wow...that's a hell of a lineup...and if Rowand, AJ, Crede, Uribe could take a step forwards next year...good golly.
  7. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 05:50 PM) I think the Sox could pretty much trade Duque and a mid level guy for Klesko at this point so it wouldn't be a bad plan D. I think I'd rather have the middle reliever.
  8. QUOTE(WinninUgly @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 05:46 PM) Disgraced? Where is Raffy's 3,000th hit? It is worse that Rowand is not in it for the Defensive Player, and that Paulie is not in it for the Hitter. No offense to PK, but when you compare his numbers this year to guys like Pujols, Jones, Ortiz, Teixeira, ARod, Lee...he is a step behind them. Those first 2 months where he hit like .220 really do hurt his numbers quite a bit. Along with his numbers with RISP most of the year. If PK can come out next year and avoid having any prolongued, terrible, month long slumps...the guy can challenge for the AL MVP, and maybe even win it. But with that bad start, last year he's just 1 step behind.
  9. I think the problem/concern with Thome is multi-fold...first that he has of late had a tendency to come up with multiple nagging injuries which inhibit his performance during a season, and secondly that he also has some problems, like issues with his back, which may not simply be correctable by time on the DL.
  10. QUOTE(WISOX @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 05:03 PM) I couldn't get it to show all the plays or play any of them. It wouldn't let me vote in Firefox...when i switched to IE it worked fine...
  11. Anywho...I also must say...that's one hell of an incredible highlight to just watch over and over and over and over
  12. LOL...freaking idiots these people are. Anywho...who cares...if we can put Pods in teh AS game...we can get the Rally Crede game on top of the AL West!
  13. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 04:36 PM) Maybe DeLay - Chaney or DeLay - Rove since we can't seem to get Jeb off his ass and run. And interestingly...when you punch those names on your ballot...if you then take that ballot into a church...it will immediately wither and fall to the floor as a pile of ash.
  14. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 04:32 PM) ::Goes to Walgreens and gets a lot of black VHS tapes:: Black?
  15. QUOTE(Frankensteiner @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 04:28 PM) I think, given how it's set up, Trade Winds would be pretty easy to avoid when coming to soxtalk. But it's so bloody fun!
  16. The Phillies know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they will need to eat a lot of Thome's contract in order to unload him, and more if they want to get something in return. Therefore...if we are first in line with a quality package...I would not be surprised if they jump on it. Especially with new management in place. This does fit in well with the KW vs. Eyre reports...Marte on the Phillies would make sense, and Thome (if healthy) would be a great fit on our club...especially if Konerko were still around (just dreaming)
  17. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 04:21 PM) hmmm, who has all the power and money? Maybe we all need to vote DEM and start to even some stuff out again? Except for DeLay - Frist 2008 Um...I think that at least 1 of those 2 has quite the (quasi-legal to extremely illegal) money machine around them... And the other one would better serve humanity if he could put his magical skills at deducing the conditions of patients through edited TV clips to use in helping cure the sick and infirm.
  18. Blum can be our new Carl Everett - trading deadline acquisition every year!
  19. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 03:47 PM) FREE SPEECH FREE SPEECH FREE SPEECH FREE SPEECH... I said it wasn't constitutional didn't I? Look, my point is very simple...any situation where you have to rely on politicians bringing in their own money from outside sources to finance campaigns, you have the situation where either the politicians most willing to help the richest sources find themselves elected, or the politicians make deals to help out the richest sources, to the detriment of just about everyone else. I'd be willing to give up my right to advertise on TV for a politician if I could strip everyone else of that right too.
  20. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 03:18 PM) Actually you are right. The starting lineup has been changed up for tonight. C-Chandler PF-Nocioni SF-Deng SG-Hinrich PG-Duhon Yay! We needed to get Luol back into the starting lineup.
  21. So what happens when a whole crowd starts throwing things? Like happened after the ARod/Slap play where they had to call extra security onto the field and clean it up?
  22. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 03:25 PM) Anyone worried that the GOP has so many IOUs out there from campaign contributors? This is one of the reasons I became a Democrat first...but trouble is...both parties have plenty of IOU's coming from campaign contributors. Tons of them. Stacks miles high. Hell, one Republican congressman from California has snuck a provision into the Budget bill which would allow the government to sell off about 5 million acres of public land to oil, gas, and mining companies at virtually no cost. That doesn't happen for no reason. I don't know that it'd be constitutional...but I'd be fully in favor of some sort of public financing system for campaigns, even if it had to be created constitutionally.
  23. I was really hoping Kim Ng would get that job. Well...guess every organization can't be as progressive as the World Champs in their front office hiring policies. Oh well. Can't blame the Dodgers that much for this...when you're constantly behind another team in your division...it's usually a good move to try to dismantle the organization of that other team.
  24. Hmph...I find this most interesting in that Cameron's name has come up as one of the names in any possible Ramirez to the Mets deal...with Boston considering using him as mainly a defensive replacement for Damon in CF if Damon were to leave. In fact, the rumor over the summer was that Cameron was involved in the previous Manny to teh Mets talk. If this is going down, then that makes me think the Mets may well be out of the Manny sweepstakes. Oh, and given how big the S.D. outfield is, this makes a ton of sense from their perspective.
  25. Does anyone know if this will go out over normal comcast...i.e. if DirecTV will filter the games out, or if they'll allow them to be broadcast? I can get CSN through DirecTV's sports pack, but the sports pack alone does not include the MLB Games. Or, alternatively, does anyone have a customer service number or email at Comcast that I can call and ask?
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