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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Nov 13, 2005 -> 11:56 PM) We should sign him and than give him Timo Perez's role lol Is there anyone on this page who wouldn't pick Timo over Sosa?
  2. QUOTE(bighurt2719 @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 11:36 AM) the big hurt to the tribe? tears would be shed in both chicago and cleveland on that one. what a stupid prediction. no chance whatsoever of happening! And Cleveland is in such dire need of a DH too...
  3. QUOTE(redandwhite @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 04:44 PM) well thats where the real argument should be and i'm not throwing your opinion out the window, i just tend to value what someone does in close and late situations more than you do, and as far as Ortiz goes there isn't anyone else i'd want at the plate in the bottom of the ninth with two outs down by one. also, as a Red Sox fan, watching him on a daily basis, he's my MVP as a Konerko is to White Sox fans. Actually, while he may have had the best numbers offensively on the team, I think that you won't find any real consensus here at all as to who was our team's MVP. Candidates: Buehrle Garland Contreras Konerko Iguchi Podsednik A.J. Pierzynski Don Cooper Couple more could probably creep in there if you cared enough about defense or bullpen work too. I think Konerko might have a real shot at an MVP award next year if he can avoid his characteristically slow start (last 4 months of the season his numbers were MVP-worthy, but he was hitting .220 at the end of April), but there's so many people who did so many different things for our team this year...that it's really hard to point at 1 single guy like you can with other teams.
  4. I feel damn sorry for that child.
  5. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 05:43 PM) Boo, cause I was hoping somehow someway he'd reach free agency. If I'm booing, it's because maybe he's setting the mark that it will take to get Konerko to sign a little too high. If he's worth $12, then Konerko's worth $15 mil.
  6. Not exactly on this game's topic, but it's the correct state...
  7. QUOTE(Brian @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 05:32 PM) A lead off guy who doesn't walk all that much and a career OPS of .730. I get a kick out of how they are trying to steal the Sox formula for success. THEY STILL NEED A BULLPEN!!! And a healthy set of starting pitchers.
  8. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 05:28 PM) Boo. The Yankees overpaying another guy who's approaching the backside of his career? Yay.
  9. In all honesty, I don't think that saying a guy can play DH and Catch at the same time is really saying all that much anyway. You can take a backup at any position and make them a DH. By having a guy who can DH/Catch, you're basically not gaining all that much. Think about this...if we replaced Everett with Piazza, yeah, we'd get the extra backup catcher, but we'd lose the backup outfielder (and maybe even lose some production). We're not exactly gaining much if all that the guy could do is play catcher. If we felt like we could trust a guy like Piazza to play 1b for 10-20 games, catch for 10-20 games, and DH for some extra games, then that could be helpful, because it could give us a guy who could sub in for 2 different spots in addition to filling the DH role - in other words, we'd be getting a guy to do Blum's job who could also catch. That could be useful. But just remember this...if Piazza plays DH to start a game...he can't come into the field later in the game or the pitchers spot will have to hit. So for him to be useful as a 3rd catcher...you still need another main DH (35).
  10. I don't know if I've ever heard more of a non-announcement announcement in my life. I think Tagliabue announced that both sides agreed on everything to which they had already agreed. Hell, if he's not ruling out the Rose Bowl...he's not really agreeing to anything. And I think that the QB Position really has a lot more talent than you guys are admitting, it's just a question of whether or not teams can do a quality job of developing their guys. I mean, for each place like Baltimore, which is stuck with Boller, how many other places are there like San Diego, where a backup is sitting around waiting for a shot to play? How many more Kurt Warners or Jake DelHommes might be out there who will suddenly pop up and lead a team to the super bowl?
  11. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 04:42 PM) Denying the approval of a morning after pill must reach beyond ethtical issues--right? Is the Bush Administration afraid more women will engage in unprotected sex because of the pill? Just seems like a trivial reason for Congress to establish clout within a company intended to serve the general public. I think that there are portions of the religious community in this country that are afraid of exactly that. They're the ones afraid that if you give condoms (and associated education) to african countries to try to help them fight AIDS it will encourage sex despite evidence to the contrary, etc.
  12. QUOTE(GreatScott82 @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 05:03 PM) Wow, im surprised with all the negative Damon response? I think he's an awesome offensive threat. YES, he would be a downgrade in RF defensively, but he would be an awesome #2 hitter. I was simply just throwing it out there just in case Pauly walks. Ozzie wants more speed at the top of the lineup. He wants Iguchi lower for offensive production reasons. Hmmm Ozzie wants more speed. JR/KW want alittle more power- WWKD? (What will Kenny Do?) Its going to be hard to keep the team together if the want to fulfill those wishes. If Pauly leaves- we lose power, and JR and KW want more power?! Somethings got to give here? If Pauly leaves- trades WILL be made. I think that the negative Damon response has a number of different sections, but here's the key for me: other than AJ Burnett, I think that the player on the FA Market who is going to wind up this offseason with the most bloated, overdone, too-expensive contract is Johnny Damon. I mean, seriously, how many players are there that could spark a literal bidding war between the Red Sox and the Yankees? The 1 thing I keep thinking about w/respect to the FA Market is this...2 seasons ago, we paid over $40 million to Konerko, Ordonez, Lee, and Valentin. That was I believe over 60% of our total salary that year. NO TEAM IN BASEBALL paid that high of a percentage of its total salary to only 4 guys. No other team. And Throw in Thomas getting a nice chunk on top of that. We won in part because we spread our dollars out. It's nice to be able to have some to spend, but it's not always the top-dollar guys who build championship teams.
  13. QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 04:56 PM) Oh, God, please tell me they are going to trade Felix Pie for Juan Pierre. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee. This would make my freaking day. The Marlins will have to throw in Matt Karchner to finish off the deal.
  14. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 02:50 PM) Arod >>> Ortiz. Lets not forget that Arod plays gold glove defense (even if he didn't win the award). Are you kidding me? This year, he played non-terrible, slighly above average defense. He was not a gold glove defender. He has a long way to go before he deserves to have those words said about him. Just in terms of fielding the ball, Crede and Chavez are far ahead of ARod.
  15. QUOTE(qwerty @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 03:17 PM) So one or two series defines what kinda player he is? That seems very unfair. Actually, I'd say 1 at bat can do it...if that at bat costs you a shot at a championship.
  16. QUOTE(qwerty @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 02:56 PM) There is not another player i rather give that amount of money to ( if i had to choose) other than pujols at this point. Players cannot be at their best every single series or every single game of the season... i know it is hard to believe... but it's true. Yankess fans want him gone at this point. If they want they can trade him to us and he can hit his 65 home runs here. You cannot be at your best every single series or every single game of the season, but your team needs you to be at your best in the playoffs. Your team needs you to be at your best in game 5 of the division series. If you're the highest paid player in baseball, and you come up in the 9th inning of game 5 with a runner on 1b in a close game, you cannot GIDP. That has nothing to do with not being your best. That has something to do with not being the worst.
  17. QUOTE(ottawa_sox @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 03:05 PM) I saw him play a few games this year and I completely agree with this assessment. One thing about his hitting - he had trouble with low and away breaking balls (who doesn't at this stage of their development). And he didn't show any inclination to shorten up his swing with 2 strikes. He impressed me as being supremely confident and did not want to give up the chance to 'park one' with 2 strikes. I thought he showed a very quick bat though. I don't think he is far off. That sounds like an exact description of how people were beating Uribe and Crede most of last season. Rowand somewhat also. Is that something you see in a lot of organizations, or might our guys just be learning from a bad teacher somewhere along the line?
  18. QUOTE(SoxPhan7 @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 02:56 PM) I love arow, but it seems like now his stock is at its alltime high. I dont know what we should get for him but I would love to see Brian in center next year. I just like the cut of his jib. I don't know about his stock being at an alltime high...defensively yes, but in terms of offense, this was a very bad year for Aaron, and there are quite a few here who think that he will never put up 2004-type numbers again. If he were to come out and put up 2004 type numbers at the plate, along with his defense, next year, then yes, he would have his stock at an alltime high.
  19. By the way, this quote must appear in any thread on the MicRib: "The animal we made them from is extinct." "The cow?" "The pig?" "You're way off... think smaller... think more legs!"
  20. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 01:59 PM) Jack in the Crack?! OMG that place is horrible. The first time I visited Caltech, I stopped at a Jackinthebox for lunch. I have not eaten there since. Not only was their food not good, but their advertising is as obnoxious, annoying, and in many cases as offensive as any other company on the air.
  21. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 02:08 PM) The only stat Ortiz beat A-Rod in is RBI's, everything else A-Rod is ahead.... so tell me how did Ortiz get shafted... Close and Late AVG OBP SLG OPS Ortiz .346 .447 .846 1.293 ARod .293 .418 .520 .938
  22. QUOTE(robinventura23 @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 01:21 PM) There goes our chance for repeating Well...I guess the good news is that now he can't come into games for us.
  23. Jeter on 1st. 0 outs, bottom 9th inning, game 5, ALDS, Angels up by 1. ARod GIDP. He can have all the MVP awards he wants, but that ground ball made more of a difference in their season than every other home run, single, double, triple, RBI, and walk he had this season combined. If Ortiz could have played the field he would have won. Konerko's winning this thing next year.
  24. Ok, I just read through over 1/2 of this thread, which appeared while I was gone, and I just have to toss in this little bit...the ol' details of his contract. Has anyone in this thread, or in that article, suggested he would be willing to waive the no trade clause I didn't see anything that said he would.
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