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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Nov 8, 2005 -> 03:52 PM) Yet powerlineblog.com has yet to mention anything on Lott. They're slow as hell, are there are any good conservative blogs? But they're Time Magazine's Blog of the Year! They must be quality. I think it depends on your definition of "good". If your definition of "Good" is "to at least mention things that don't always look good for your party"...I don't know about any major ones.
  2. Balta1701


    QUOTE(Mercy! @ Nov 8, 2005 -> 02:29 PM) That's a problem? I always think of the "Politics of Joy" when I think of Minnesota. Just can't help it. It's a problem any time you have people who are essentially unaccountable because of the fact that the office they hold is basically a "safe" office, in that it won't be switching officeholders any time soon. That's how you get people like Delay in power - they feel like they can get away with anything, no matter how bad it is. Both parties have the same problems - think about guys like Rostenkowski.
  3. QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Nov 8, 2005 -> 03:44 PM) Senate leader Frist signs letter on investigation into CIA jail story after saying he didn't http://rawstory.com/news/2005/Senate_leade...er_on_1108.html full story at link I love it when stories move faster than my internet connection.
  4. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Nov 8, 2005 -> 01:21 PM) Reporter: "What have you ever done for TO besides getting him kicked off the Eagles?" Rosenhaus: "Next question." (T.O. is cracking up in the background). There is NO DOUBT that is my new favorite moment in a press conference ever, and it's not even close. Whoever had the balls to ask that question should get some sort of award. Can we get a reporter a post of the month? Hell, can we get this guy promoted to the White House PRess Corps?
  5. Here's 1 person hoping they decide this one before Alito is confirmed.
  6. Out of simple laziness, I'm going to start off by stealing this quote from Atrios: Furthermore...the Duelfer report makes it quite clear that the 1998 bombing campaign was actually fairly important in putting a final kill on Saddam's WMD programs, so the quotes fromm 1998 and before are really unimportant. And finally, let's also point out that the statements from 2001-2003 were basically all colored by the intelligence that the White House was feeding to the Congress. Remember, the White House was getting reports from its intelligence agencies and then selectively deciding what portions to release publically or even to Congress. So those same sections at the back of the Intelligence estimate which were screaming disagreement over the conclusions were often left off for Congress just as they were left off for the White House. It took some real independent work to come to the conclusion that what the WH was saying didn't make a lick of sense. Here's 1 prime example of that, from a couple years ago: Overall, just remember this...George W. Bush was right to use the threat of force to get inspectors back into Iraq. The inspections in the 90's accounted for well over 95% of Saddam's WMD program. But when they were out of the country, we had no guarantee that Saddam wouldn't restart things. Getting them back in allowed us to make sure that he hadn't restarted anything. The inspectors were coming back and saying our intel was garbage. Completely garbage. Instead of listening to them, or even allowing them more time, we forced them to end their job and invaded anyway. That was the mistake.
  7. There is at least a rumor going around that these prisons were discussed at a GOP meeting last week, and at least 1 GOP Senator (Lott) may have gone on TV and suggested it was a Republican who did the leaking, since the info was so close to what was discussed by the Republicanns last week.
  8. The Eagles are insane if they even care what he says any more.
  9. QUOTE(GASHWOUND @ Nov 8, 2005 -> 12:19 PM) Why did Cliff lee get more votes then Mark? I know he had to more wins, but Mark had a better ERA...312 to 3.79 More innings pitched 236 to 202 and was on a division winner..What's the thought process behind that. Even Garland should have been voter higher..had the same amount of wins..better ERA and more innings pitched.. Man, people have a real hard on for the Indians.. What were the numbers for Buehrle + Garland?
  10. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Nov 8, 2005 -> 11:14 AM) borchard is done with the Sox. I have no doubt about. We just don't have the time or the roster spot to wait on him anymore. He might very well "get it" with the next team or he might not. All I know is Brian Anderson has passed him on the depth charts, and there are exactly zero openings for starting OFs as of right now. Borch will not be on the 40 man roster next year. Last year we did basically have 2 backup outfielders...Everett and Timo, both of whom may be gone next year, so I wouldn't say for certain that we don't have a spot open on the 25 man roster...a lot of that may depend on what happens with Thomas and Konerko. I agree with you though, the chances are 95% he's gone at the end of spring training.
  11. Next year...we will have 4 guys in the top 8 in the Cy Young voting unless one of them is traded first. It will be a sight to behold. And Mark will win. I am glad he got it over Rivera though.
  12. This was posted 10 minutes ago...according to this web page, the MRI results on DJ White came back bad. Yes, fractured. Out 6 weeks. Hopefully back in time to start the conference schedule in January.
  13. QUOTE(KansasSoxFan @ Nov 8, 2005 -> 11:49 AM) I remember reading about this when I was a kid. What a bizarre story. Whatever's in the pit is so well protected and hard to get out, I'd think that whatever it was wasn't meant to be retreived. But if not, why not just dump it in the ocean? And who had the time and resource to do all this in the first place? Very, very strange. There are sometimes other reasons for why you would want to bury things in a particular spot. Beliefs/religion can be a major motivating factor. My personal favorite version of that sort of story is the of Emperor Qin Shi Huang Di, the emperor who unified China. It appears that either to protect his burial chamber or as some sort of ritual in the burial, there was an enormous amount of mercury poured out to surround the tomb, maybe even creating a lake/moat originally. That tomb has never been looted, nor has anyone been able to excavate it, because the mercury content becomes lethally high when Burial chamberyou start digging into the tomb.
  14. I still wonder if they'll investigate the legality of the existence of those sites.
  15. QUOTE(SnB @ Nov 8, 2005 -> 10:32 AM) i know exactly what you mean. I'm wearing the locker room hat right now......it's very awesome for an official hat, but just doesn't beat my sox hat i've been wearing for 3 years. I just got my locker room hat yesterday and I thought it felt very comfortable. Of course, my 14 year old Sox hat is on the verge of falling apart (it will now only make appearances during the playoffs as a lucky hat), so that might have something do to with it.
  16. QUOTE(heirdog @ Nov 8, 2005 -> 10:23 AM) I agree if its the same Borchard. I think that something will click and he will be able to consistently hit for power. Maybe a .260 hitter but with 35 HR and 90+ RBIs, I think he could be an upgrade to Crazy Carl as a switch hitter. Sometimes it takes guys longer like Pods, etc. but once they find their niche, they maybe able to do some damage. Would you keep Borchard if you thought you might get 40HR and 150K? Its a trade-off but pop from the left side (majority of the time) might be worth it, especially if we lost Kong. Borchard has always been an enigma in my eyes. Every time he comes up to the big leagues, suddenly his bat totally disappears for anything other than an occasional home run. He winds up hitting like .150 or something ridiculous like that. Then he's sent down to the minors, where he struggles for 2 months. He then finds his swing and winds up hitting like .260 with a ton of home runs, but still a lot of strikeouts. He then comes back up, and the cycle repeats. I don't want to lose the guy, but he still needs to prove to me that he can hit big league pitching, and he hasn't done that.
  17. Reuters has picked up on the Italian story. As has the Rev. Moon owned UPI, although implicit in their coverage is the idea that it was only being used as flares. I'm told that ABC, MSNBC, and the Christian Science Monitor have also at least mentionned the story, although those I cannot confirm.
  18. Balta1701


    QUOTE(kapkomet @ Nov 8, 2005 -> 10:26 AM) I wasn't going to vote for that because I don't feel like it's government's place to tell us whether or not they can be married or not legally.
  19. QUOTE(hi8is @ Nov 8, 2005 -> 10:16 AM) 5 years for maggs Then there's no reason not to offer Konerko at least 5 years. They were roughly the same age, Ordonez had much bigger health questions than Konerko, Konerko just won a ring, etc. If they went 5 years on Ordonez, my money says they'll offer PK 5 years. I would be surprised if they offered more than that, unless the money per year went down.
  20. Balta1701


    QUOTE(WSNS-TV44 @ Nov 8, 2005 -> 10:03 AM) Vote in California? You mean Arnold's time as governor is up? NO, that's next year. Arnold called a "Special Election" this year which is happening today. The fact that he called this election, which is wasting something like $50 million in taxpayer dollars on just a few statewide initiatives (all of which could have waited until next June and primary time) is one of the main reasons his poll numbers have dropped into the toilet. (He's basically at the same level as Bush nationwide). The initiatives on the ballot out here: Prop 73: Parental Notification law for abortions Prop 74: Increase time needed for teachers to reach tenure from 2 to 5 years Prop 75: Requires Unions to get specific permission from all of their members before giving funds to a political candidate Prop 76: Gives the governor dictatorial power over budgeting decisions Prop 77: Places redistricting in the hands of a panel of 3 retired judges, calls for an immediate redistricting in 2006, requires voter approval of congressional districts Prop 78 & 79: Different packages of proposals regarding providing low cost prescription drugs. Prop 79 is supported by some unions, Prop 78 was created by pharmaceutical companies as a response to 79. Neither are very good. Prop 80: Reforms California's energy market, undoes some parts of the deregulation in the 90's. Very poorly written, will likely lead to many lawsuits.
  21. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Nov 8, 2005 -> 10:12 AM) Jim Thome would be the #1 target for me if I was KW, and could get the Phillies to pick up a good chunk of that contract. Even if Konerko comes back, I would go after Thome for the 3 hole. I'll admit, it sure wouldn't seem like a bad idea if we had any confidence he would be healthy. Thanks to his injury and Ryan Howard, he's clearly undervalued. Here's a fun thought although it's not worth 2 roster spots...a platoon of Thome and Thomas at DH.
  22. How long of a deal did the Sox offer Ordonez?
  23. QUOTE(WSNS-TV44 @ Nov 8, 2005 -> 09:39 AM) That's right. Paulie>>>>>>>(infinty)>>>>>>>>>Delgado I don't think I'd have the infinity in there, but PK's definately a few steps above Delgado.
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