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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Nov 7, 2005 -> 11:10 AM) Glad to see Cano not getting it. Agreed very much here. As much as I wanted to see Iguchi win for sentimental reasons and because of how much he did for us that didn't show up on paper, Street had the better numbers.
  2. I'm quite amazed by the fact that it seems some people here may think that the White Sox have a genuine chance to sign the 2 biggest free agent names on the market.
  3. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Nov 7, 2005 -> 09:57 AM) Hopefully promoting Addington to fill one of Scooter's shoes will make people take another look at these policies. Addington was the lead guy in turning Gonzales' legal opinions into policy. You'd think Cheney would have actually thought to distance himself from that, given that his "I [heart] CIA Torture" campaign seems not to be going over very well. Rather than think what Cheney would have done had he been truly sane, perhaps it would be more informative to take the fact that Cheney did not distance himself from these policies as evidence that Cheney really and truly believes them.
  4. QUOTE(BMac41 @ Nov 7, 2005 -> 09:25 AM) I doubt KW will trade Freddy. There's no reason at all to trade Freddo. Had KW not signed him during the middle of the season, and waited until the end of the year, when people like Derek Lowe were getting $10 million contracts, Freddie might have gotten $11 or $12 million. He's actually relatively cheap based on the pitching contracts from last season.
  5. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 7, 2005 -> 06:59 AM) Here is an example. Right now, United Airlines is worth many hundreds of millions of dollars, just because of the gate rights and flying stock they own. Does that mean they have the cash to spend an extra $20 million on another executive, when they are losing hundreds of millions a year? That hasn't stopped any company in this country from giving those executives $20 million raises.
  6. QUOTE(Confederate_48 @ Nov 6, 2005 -> 06:07 AM) They are cloose to signing Westbrook to an extension according to Comcast. Im sure thats gonna make T.O. even happier when thats all finalized. Westbrook signed a 5 year extension yesterday, btw.
  7. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Nov 7, 2005 -> 09:10 AM) I just saw DJ coming out of the HPER. I hope they're just being extremely cautional w/ him. He was walking really slow with a boot and crutches. Is the MRI still on tap for today?
  8. We do not torture, as long as you use the propogated in those memos by our current Attorney General...we probably don't "torture" people. Remember, according to those memos, it requires: "injury such as death, organ failure, or serious impairment of body functions—in order to constitute torture." As long as people aren't dying (any more) at the hands of our interrogators, by those standards we aren't torturing them.
  9. If Konerko were to leave...that would basically mean the Sox were grabbing and paying Matsui because he would be the best bat remaining on the market. And in my opinion, we'd be paying far too much for him - a bat that is good, but not great. If Konerko were to leave...I would prefer to have "Reinsdorf-salary-cap" flexibility in 2006, when there are far more decent free agents on the market, than to throw our remaining budget at whoever is left available this year, and probably wind up bidding against the Yankees at the same time.
  10. QUOTE(3E8 @ Nov 6, 2005 -> 12:36 PM) Well, at least the Yankees don't seem to be after Konerko...yet...
  11. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Nov 6, 2005 -> 10:47 AM) Podsednik is not longed for this team. IMO he'll be gone in 2 years. I think I agree with Kalapse on this one. Podsednik is not a young man. He is rapidly closing in on 30, and his body may already be starting to wear down a bit - that groin injury cropped up at least 2 different times last year, and it took him months to get over it the 2nd time. Scott Podsednik is a starter because of his speed. If he even loses 1 step, he rapidly becomes a backup outfielder at best. And as you get older, you tend to start to lose a step. With as many young outfielders as this organization has on the way up right now, while Scotty was wonderful this year, he'll start hitting arbitration fairly soon, and at the same time he'll start getting up there in years. And the team will probably wind up better giving time to its young guys. In order to hold onto Buehrle, Garland, Konerko, and eventually BMac, we're going to have to infuse some youth into that lineup, and the perfect place to do it si the outfield, where we have a ton of youth coming up.
  12. QUOTE(Punch and Judy Garland @ Nov 6, 2005 -> 02:36 PM) When a guy is known as Curveball, shouldn't you expect him not to be straightforward???????? It's official...you'd make a better President than anyone currently in the Executive branch.
  13. Here is the NYT Story I alluded to yesterday.
  14. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Nov 5, 2005 -> 07:16 PM) Blalock, quite frankly, wasn't very good this year. There are 2 ways to look at that. 1. Maybe he wasn't really as good as we thought he was. 2. Maybe he had a bad year, and since there are a lot of people thinking #1, his price might drop to where it's reasonable. Take your pick which one you want to believe.
  15. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Nov 5, 2005 -> 06:31 PM) Well if they could get Furcal, I'm sure they would no matter what the payroll is. You're right in saying no way should 25% of your payroll go into one player (Maggilo Ordonez people), but the Royals are so desperate for upgrades, I'm sure they wouldn't care. I'm sure they wouldn't care either, but it would just consign them to another 5 years of losing until they were finally able to trade him with 1 year left on the contract. The only way the Royals are going to build a winning team is to do exactly what Cleveland did this year...develop people, trade them away, constantly get younger, draft well, stockpile talent, and then at the last moment, sign the 1 or 2 guys who will help you get over the top. It's a long process, but it can be done. Look at Milwaukee.
  16. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Nov 5, 2005 -> 03:54 PM) It amazes me how you find a story about every f***ing thing on here that's posted refuting anything we say. It's almost like *GASP* there's a story for EVERYTHING, key word, STORY. Either that...or the facts are currently lining up supporting one side, and those on the other side are left having to disagree with the facts and call them "Stories" without good reason to disbelieve them other than ideology.
  17. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Nov 5, 2005 -> 04:39 PM) Yeah, well the Eagles will definitely be drafting another WR very high in the upcoming draft, but they've got some good young WR's in Greg Lewis and Reggie Brown (I think that's his name), who deserve some playing time. The interesting thing is that it looks right now like they will in fact be drafting fairly high in the draft...given that their QB is a battered wreck who's throwing passes 80% of the time and now their best WR got himself suspended. Oh yeah, and Westbrook is pissed off about his contract situation too, and I get the feeling he won't be back with that team next year either.
  18. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Nov 5, 2005 -> 02:24 PM) First of all it was not our money. Second of all, there is no evidence included in their report, just accusations. Third. Halliburton was punished by Congress and forced to pay fines when they got caught overcharging. This report is total nonsense. Just going to respond to the first point, since the first point is the most blatantly wrong. When we took over that country, we grabbed all of the funds Iraq had. The oil-for-food accounts, the money we could find that Hussein had looted, etc. We took that money and supposedly were going to put it towards the reconstruction. Billions upon billions of those dollars have disappeared. This is 1 of the black holes that they've disappeared into. Roughly $10 billion is unaccounted for under just the CPA...probably more overall. Now, every cent that Iraq had when we went in is long past gone. But...the reconstruction isn't complete. We still need more funds to pay for that reconstruction. Where are those funds coming from? They're not coming from taxing the Iraqi people, I can tell you that much. The funds that disappeared from the Iraqi accounts are being made up for in those repeated supplemental appropriations that we keep seeing. Every Iraqi dollar that disappeared instead of going to reconstruciton is being replaced by the U.S. Treasury department. And that doesn't even take into account the fact that these sort of "disappeared funds" created dramatic delays in reconstruction due to the facts that things weren't getting done, and those delays helped fuel the insurgency. So yeah, it is your tax dollars that are going to replace the stolen funds. So you should care. Because right now, the only funds the Iraqis have left are your tax dollars.
  19. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Nov 5, 2005 -> 06:45 PM) So it's been a good week for Bush hasn't it. They brought each and every one of these on themselves.
  20. QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Nov 5, 2005 -> 02:46 PM) Maybe Kofi's son and the others should repay their money first, as a sign of good will. Any other companies they care to name, or just the ones that can somehow be used to try and hurt our efforts over there? While it's certainly not a great looking story, and Kojo Annan did use his father's name in inappropriate ways, based on the Volcker report, there's no reason to say that Kojo Annan got any money out of the Oil For Food program itself. WaPo.
  21. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Nov 5, 2005 -> 02:40 PM) My friend is majoring in Athletic Training, and by the way we saw him running in the first half, she immediately thought stress fracture too. That was the initial reports too. Hopefully this is just a Mark Buehrle break, and it's just not as bad as anyone thought. We'll soon find out. Buehrle's wasn't actually a stress fracture. They still don't have a clue waht it was, but it wasn't a stress fracture.
  22. I promise...this is my last new thread for a while! The U.S. House voted overwhelmingly thursday to apply penalties to any state which uses the "Kelo v. New London" Supreme Court decision earlier this summer to seize private land. Lots of issues I think worthy of discussing here...is this a case of the Congress attacking States' rights? Should Congress be in the business of punishing states like this? Can the states be trusted to regulate themselves with regards to that decision? When the Supreme Court originally made that decision, the majority argument was that while public entities seizing private land for use by other private companies was not necessarily a good thing, but that didn't make it unconstitutional. This bill would serve to certainly make it seem like even less of a good thing. Assuming this bill is legal, I like the idea.
  23. He reportedly did not apologize in private to the team, and that's why the Eagles took that action.
  24. QUOTE(Rex Hudler @ Nov 5, 2005 -> 02:12 PM) I'm sure those reports are more recent. The Indy Star story was done after last night's game for this morning's paper. I'll still hold my breath a bit, but that is encouraging to say the least. The 2 week report is certainly more recent. I am still personally troubled though by the fact that the word "Inconclusive" is still being used abotu the stress fracture. MRI scheduled for Monday.
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