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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Nov 3, 2005 -> 03:04 PM) A blown operation is a blown operation. And it's just convenient that it's blown, all in the name of "political correctness"? I know why the law was written. I'm just playing devil's advocate here. Well, let me say this then...if there were law to support going after people for leaking data about an operation, and this qualified as an operation, then there should be an investigation. I do not believe such a law exists, however, but if the law did exist, then it should be investigated. However, it is worth noting that the reason there was an investigation into the Plame matter is that the CIA itself realized that her cover had been blown, so they asked the DOJ for the investigation into who blew it, under the IIPA. If the CIA were to do the same thing in this case, then hopefully there would be a similar investigation. However, as I said above...given that the behavior itself was likely in some fashion illegal...at any number of steps, the government could very easily decide to kill the investigation, and it probably would choose to do so. I wonder if now would be a good time to point out that under the federal criminal conspiracy laws, it is also a felony "to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose." I can point out a few other things I'd love to investigate under that statute.
  2. QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Nov 3, 2005 -> 02:51 PM) Um... Can they call him an AL Playoff outfielder if he was left off the playoff roster? Damn. Sex sells. Actually, if you look back, the direct words from the rumor thread are: "An American League outfielder on a postseason team". Not an American League playoff outfielder or anything more specific. It's splitting some fine legal hairs, but I think that the guy never actually said the guy was on the postseason roster or played in the postseason, he said he was an outfielder on a team that made the postsesason.
  3. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Nov 3, 2005 -> 02:19 PM) Oh, that's nice. Beautiful. So whenever it fits an agenda one way, it's ok, but it's not ok in another? It's the same damn thing. Period. No, when it's against the law, there's an investigation. Find me the law that says its illegal to leak a thing the CIA is doing, not the name of a person. Furthermore...given that what the administration has done may very well be illegal, or at least in violation of the laws of the countries in which the people were held...do you think they'd want an investigation into how it leaked, when that investigation could expose the other things that have been done? (treatment of the prisoners in those faciliteis, for example).
  4. QUOTE(Greg Hibbard @ Nov 3, 2005 -> 02:45 PM) I was under the impression that the entire reason the ankle was re-injured was because he rushed back, and with the proper healing this time around, it would be fine eventually. He says he has no pain. That's why I said "say Frank is healthy". I mean in a Tedy Bruschi "good as never having the stroke" kind of way. Older, sure, maybe a little more prone to injury, but as fit as ever and in great shape.... I wouldn't be against having that option...for that price... Frank had no pain in his foot when he started playing the field in 2004 during interleague games. Then Juan Pierre hit a ground ball to him. He's played in like 20 games since then.
  5. QUOTE(Steff @ Nov 3, 2005 -> 02:41 PM) Yea.. well I'm gonna raise you a screw Pauly and get Sweeney And watch him turn into a .220 hitter...entirely because he won't get to face White Sox pitching.
  6. The next time we should see Frank Thomas at 1b is in his Hall of Fame induction highlight reel.
  7. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Nov 3, 2005 -> 02:23 PM) I don't think there is a chance that he goes to the Mets. Explain why? They have a lot of money - new cable network starting. They need a big bat, and they'd love to fill in that bat at 1b. I wouldn't want to go to NY either, but if they're the only ones meeting his price, which they may very well be...
  8. QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ Nov 3, 2005 -> 02:21 PM) That does seem odd, but two things: A) They still have a fairly good team, so why wouldn't they try that for the first two years? Maybe they though it would be pushing their luck, maybe they knew AJ was gone, leaving them a little more spending room before Beckett/Willis hit FA. B) Setting the deal up like that doesn't exactly increase his trade value. No, but he was coming off a season where he was injured for 1/2 of the season, so in theory, playing healthy for a full season would have worked to increase his trade value. And yes, they do have a fairly good team, but they have a fairly good team that is going to gradually start getting worse if they don't make moves. They're basically at the limit of waht they can spend if not beyond it. Next year they lose Pierre as well, and I don't know when DTrain and Beckett hit the FA Market, but it can't be more than a couple years. They have a bad contract in Lowell. They can build around Cabrera. But they need to start dealing other people to build for the future.
  9. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Nov 3, 2005 -> 02:20 PM) Agreed here, it'll be us or the Angels. I wouldn't count the Mets out just yet.
  10. QUOTE(qwerty @ Nov 3, 2005 -> 02:15 PM) Delgado will not be traded imo. How many players that sign long term deals are traded after their first full season with a team? That is gonna be an awfully short list. They are not in as big of a bine that it is made out to be so i don't think it is needed for him to be moved. When I look at that contract, it really strikes me as the kind of contract you'd sign a guy to if you were hoping to make a run at a title for 1 more season (say, before your starting pitching started hitting the FA Market), and if you didn't make it, you would consider yourself set up to trade him. Why else would they have pushed for such a low first year cost?
  11. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Nov 3, 2005 -> 02:14 PM) But notice how he recused himself without having to be forced into it. Is that all that surprising? The removal of the first judge set the precedent that the 2nd guy felt he had to follow.
  12. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Nov 3, 2005 -> 02:01 PM) That doesnt warrant the mention of Ross Gload, the black sheep of the White Sox organization. Seriously, I'm still waiting to hear exactly what it was he said that turned this whole organization against him. The only thing I remember hearing was him b****ing after he made that error in a game against K.C. when he said "I only play every x days, I've got to make that play." or something to that effect.
  13. QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ Nov 3, 2005 -> 01:48 PM) Good point, and you're right. He isn't a FA until after the 2008 season, meaning if need be we could just go arbitration until then. That sounds good to me, but I'm sure they'd want Garland or Buehrle, which obviously doesn't make as much sense. Don't underestimate how good Contreras was. And his contract for a pitcher is still very very cheap. Toss in Marte with it and they're also upgrading their bullpen. Toss in a prospect or two and you just might be able to pull it off. On the other hand, I still don't think Texas would pull the trigger...simply because Texas has needed to trade offense for ptiching for 2 years and they haven't pulled the trigger. Soriano should have been out of there and at least headed to somewhere like Minnesota as of the trading deadline this past year. The fact that he hasn't yet been moved really suggests to me that Texas is just too reluctant to piss off any of its fans to try to make a deal that would really help the team (i.e. the Carlos Lee deal).
  14. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Nov 3, 2005 -> 01:49 PM) I just hope this Gload bandwagon ceases to exist in threads like this. Is it as much a bandwagon as it is reluctantly admitting that PKs price might be too high?
  15. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Nov 3, 2005 -> 01:47 PM) Some people forget how bad our offense was during the season. I know they performed great during the post-season... but in the regular season especially the first half our offense was weak as hell.... now someone is suggesting we replaced Gload/Rogo with konerko..... All I can tell you is go look at the twins this season because thats what we would be next season. Great pitching and no offense. Just because we might be forced to downgrade offensively at first doesn't mean we can't upgrade offensively at DH.
  16. $80? Christ almighty, not worth that to me.
  17. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Nov 3, 2005 -> 01:32 PM) I had a feeling things were going to go south for this guy quick when he was so defiant and laying blame on everyone but himself during his public shaming errr investigative probe into his actions. I had a feeling things were going to go south for this guy when President Bush said he was doing a heck of a job.
  18. QUOTE(Drew @ Nov 3, 2005 -> 12:30 PM) Funny, but also foretelling of how the Astros seemingly gave up on Brad Lidge in the postseason. Yeah, like in game 2 when they put him in with the game tied in the 9th. Or in game 4 where he came in with the game tied in the 8th.
  19. Thank Goodness that we can trust the Bush Administration to put quality people in positions of authority.
  20. QUOTE(sec159row2 @ Nov 3, 2005 -> 12:51 PM) will there be an investigation into who leaked information about secret CIA prisons around the world... or is it OK to leak info that stains the bush administration? There would only be an investigation where there was a law that was broken. The Intelligence Identities Protection Act is a law that refers specifically to 1 type of leak; leaking the name of a CIA agent under cover. If you can point me at a law that would cover this circumstance, then yes there should be an investigation. Although, usually there aren't laws regarding leaks that point out that the CIA is doing something damn near illegal.
  21. "you just have two more months"
  22. QUOTE(Chisoxrd5 @ Nov 3, 2005 -> 12:17 PM) So by you're plan for the offseason, our payroll will drop from last seasons $75 million? I'm sure that will go over well... If we were to spend more in 2006...when there's an acutal quality and competitive free agent market...yeah it might go over well.
  23. QUOTE(fathom @ Nov 3, 2005 -> 12:16 PM) And there's a reason why Thome has such a lower price tag. Besides for the emergence of Howard, they know that Thome is a huge health risk the rest of his career. If the Sox are making a trade to acquire their 1B for the next few seasons, then they might as well aim to get someone who can actually play 1B. Offer Anderson, Duque, and Marte, and see what they say. If the Marlins said yes on that deal I'd take it, but I can't see the Marlins seeing those names and figuring "Yeah, that's something I'll take". For all I know they'd ask us to absorb Lowell's contract as well, and that's one I want like the plague.
  24. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 3, 2005 -> 12:08 PM) Daigle spent 25 games at AAA. Not enough time for his stats to mean much. But like I said, i didn't see him in person. You can call Gload whatever you'd like, prospect or not, but I still think he could be very good at 1B at the MLB level. I think Gload may be able to be a very good 1b also...but I would be very, very, very, very nervous in having a guy who's entire claim to fame is 1 month in 2004 where he hit above .300 and a few good months in the minors start at 1b for the defending world champs without some other major upgrade in our lineup to replace Paulie. I like what Gload could bring to the table based on his late 04 performance, but I'm still far from sold on him. Hell, and we also have reason to worry that he might not be fully healthy - that was a pretty injury plagued first half last year.
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