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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. Obama did the same thing in the Senate.
  2. QUOTE(Sox Hustler @ Nov 1, 2005 -> 09:42 PM) Don't forget about Crede either, he opened some eyes throughout the whole playoffs. The sox will get more attention next season. Maybe not as a whole but certain players like Crede and Uribe will have a lot of people looking at them. Crede will need to hit 30 home runs to win a gold glove. It's so much based on reputation that for him to pass chavez in the GG voting...he needs to at least equal Chavez offensively.
  3. Balta1701

    Secret Session

    QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 1, 2005 -> 07:26 PM) When something of substance actually happens, I will be overjoyed. Until then, I'm not impressed. Tex, the action by Reid today forced Frist and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence to stop blocking phase 2 of the Investigation into the WMD mistakes. In other words, it accomplished exactly what it was supposed to do...at least on the surface at least. The Republicans have blocked this investigation from proceeding at all for roughly 1.5 years. Now why would they want to block an investigation, which would happen btw in a committee that they'd lead, into whether or not the White House misused or invented intelligence on Iraqi WMDs? You tell me why they'd want that. Reid won. He stood up and said "they're blocking this investigation" in a way that would actually force the media to pay attention. The moment that the Media started to give any time at all to the fact that the Republicans were totally blocking that investigation, the Republicans caved. They can complain all they want about how it was an affront to the institution (and Mr. Frist, btw, how about that campaigning against the former minority leader...something that was unprecedented at the time). Something of substance did happen today. The Democrats broke what was in essence a Republican filibuster of an investigation. That is massive, given that the Republican Congress has prevented any sort of real investigation into anything this President has done, no matter how many people have died or how much it has cost.
  4. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Nov 1, 2005 -> 08:11 PM) The good Doctor of Journalism -- Hunter Stockton Thompson once quipped: "So much for Objective Journalism. Don’t bother to look for it here -- not under any byline of mine or anyone else I can think of. With the possible exception of things like box scores, race results and stock market tabulations, there is no such thing as Objective Journalism. The phrase itself is a pompous contradiction in terms." As long as I can trust the box scores, I'll be moderately happy.
  5. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 1, 2005 -> 06:07 PM) One step closer to Hammer Time '08 Don't get too excited. When he's convicted this just removes 1 of his appeal options.
  6. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Nov 1, 2005 -> 07:53 PM) Is there ever going to be a year when Derek Jeter DOESN'T win a Gold Glove while he's playing? Seriously? Next year...now that the world has been introduced to the other guy who can win a world series by diving into the stands.
  7. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Nov 1, 2005 -> 05:52 PM) These are all good points. Then again we didn't have any major injuries this season, unless you count Frank. Everything went our way this past season, which is not likely to happen again. Sure, people can improve. But they can also get hurt OR get worse. Couple points...first there are probably some very good reasons why we didn't have any gigantic, season-ending type injuries. One of the major ones is probably the Ozzie Sunday Lineup card...when you're sitting at least 1 day per week, you keep your body healthier, and things may be less likely to snap. You take less of a beating. Your more rested, etc. Secondly, for the most part the core of our team is fairly young. Buehrle, Garland, Crede, Uribe, ARow, Jenks, Cotts, etc. Konerko isn't even 30 yet. But third...we did have plenty of injuries this year. Just look up and down the list. Crede - out for a month after a HBP. El Duque - shoulder Podsednik - 15 day DL stint, plus a nagging injury that seriously damaged his running game for at least 2 motnsh and cost him a stolen base title. Marte - at least 1 DL stint. Crede - Back trouble. Hermanson - Upper back trouble and lower back trouble - cost us our closer at the end of the season. Dye - bug bites. Frank Thomas - foot. Ross Gload - Shoulder What's the common thread through all of those except the Podsednik one? When the guy went down, we found someone else to do the job. Crede - Pablo. El Duque - BMac. Marte - Cotts. Hermanson - Jenks. Thomas - Everett. Gload - Blum. Podsednik - B.A. We had our fair share of injuries, but our organization was good enough to overcome them.
  8. QUOTE(POTUSChris @ Nov 1, 2005 -> 07:34 PM) Yeah, but GWB is the one who traded Sosa to us. He owes us! Hey, at least we got George Bell out of that deal.
  9. QUOTE(fathom @ Nov 1, 2005 -> 03:27 PM) I don't think I'm in the minority when I say that in order for the success to continue, the offense is going to need better next season. I probably am in the minority on this one, but I think that if we just stood pat except for putting someone else in the DH hole other than Everett...our offense will improve next year just from people not having terrible years. Rowands numbers were way down from 2004 and we can discuss til we're blue in the face which one is the outlier, but either way, if someone spends some time working on his swing in the offseason, he can be vastly better. Joe Crede just needs to shorten the slumps and he'll hit .280 with 30 home runs. Uribe was disappointing for most of last year. If someone ever sits down with him and teaches him to hit, watch out. We all know what he can do for an offense. Iguchi will be in his 2nd year against ML pitching, so he'll know the pitchers a lot better going into the season. This can only help him. And A.J. Pierzynski, a career .287 hitter, hit .257 last year, with his worst OPS and BA since he played more than 10 games in a season. If we hold onto Konerko and he continues to produce, and we can keep a level amount of production from Dye and Podsednik, this team could be far better with the bats than last year. Each of these guys has significant room for improvement, and in fact should be doing a lot better than they did last year. And that doesn't count my dream of seeing a very very tall man in the 3 hole again next year. Oh and by the way...if Konerko could manage to pull a Derek Lee and avoid getting off to a horrible start to the season next year...he could even put up MVP type numbers. From June 1 on, he hit .312, not counting playoffs. His OPS was up over 1.000 in both August and September.
  10. QUOTE(knightni @ Nov 1, 2005 -> 03:49 PM) ...or a sugar-induced coma. Either way...the important thing is that at least we'll know.
  11. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Nov 1, 2005 -> 03:56 PM) #3 - Jack Wilson and Jose Castillo unbelievable play #2 - Ichiro wall climb #1 - David Wright bearhand over the shoulder And it's pretty damn hard to disagree with any of those.
  12. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Nov 1, 2005 -> 03:31 PM) Ask this kid, his buddy Jeremy said that he and Jason both took performance enhancing substances but that they are very very sorry and will never ever do it again. pwamis. I don't care if Jeremy did...Jason Giambi is the one getting the $120 million contract by cheating, and he's the one who still hasn't even admitted he did it.
  13. QUOTE(bulokis @ Nov 1, 2005 -> 03:16 PM) Jenks need to save some for Bmac. That cake could help him win 2-3 more games next year!
  14. QUOTE(iWiN4PreP @ Nov 1, 2005 -> 03:01 PM) Oh man rofl. Giambi = a likeable guy, i mean come on - im serious, he took steriods just like anyone wud take a drug (thinking of the positives and not the negatives) he admitted he did it, and plays it the best he can. Hes truely a GREAT guy, and im happy for him However... He shud be nowhere near comeback player of the year awards, or sportsman of the year. theres much better, fairer, up-and-coming stars rather then him. Ok...I think you're actually being serious here, so I'm going to respond. He never actually admitted doing anything. He apologized in some pathetic legalese. Then walked away to collect the rest of his $120 million contract. Where is any sign of remorse? Where is him donating $10 million to an anti-steroid cause? Where is he actually sitting down an leveling with the Yankees fans? Where is he actually telling us the full story?
  15. QUOTE(White Sox Josh @ Nov 1, 2005 -> 02:38 PM) How many errors did Eric Chavez make? 15. Crede made 10. Crede should get that Gold Glove. Also Buehrle is a much better fielder than Rogers. Hunter didn't even play in 100 games this year. What BULLs***! It is also worth noting that Crede didn't play nearly as many innings as Chavez this year, in part because of Ozzie's rest patterns, in part because of his stint on the DL, so some portion of those extra errors are presumably due to playing time.
  16. QUOTE(rangercal @ Nov 1, 2005 -> 02:38 PM) You know how to use green right? I was just about to reply to it...then I read through it again and said "this can't actually be serious".
  17. QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Nov 1, 2005 -> 02:16 PM) Hypothetical Situation. If Clinton had resigned or the Democrats booted him and replaced him with Gore, would Gore have won in 2000? Yes. 100% yes. Which is 100% now the reason why I hold Bill Clinton as part of the cause of this administration/disaster/whatever you want to call it. I was furious with Clinton for not resigning in 98. Had the Republicans run a decent candidate, I might be a registered Republican right now. I'm only a Democrat because I thought George W. Bush was so incredibly bad, and I saw him getting the nomination early because of all his fundraising.
  18. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Nov 1, 2005 -> 02:15 PM) I guess you can miss a month or so and still win a gold glove. How the fock did hunter win one. Hunter missed a lot more than a month.
  19. Well, I guess Rogers needs a gold glove...he's going to have to give it to that cameraman when he ends up settling that lawsuit. Some of those are just f***ing insane. Hunter? after playing 1/2 of a season?
  20. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Nov 1, 2005 -> 01:57 PM) That would be f***ing stupid. I don't give a s*** what you think of Bush, you can't honestly want this team to Venezuela a be pictured with Chavez. As opposed to visiting the White House just as every other major sports champ has done. I'd love to see Ozzie and the trophy pictured with Chavez, politics aside it'd be great for baseball and great for our team. There's a whole new country filled with potential fans or even potential future players. I wouldn't mind Jose and Duque getting a parade around Cuba either, but something tells me they'd be arrested. No matter how much I dislike Bush...I'd still enjoy seeing that team on the lawn. That was one Hell of a team.
  21. Back in the late parts of September, Don Fehr and Bud Selig again took the stand before the Senate to talk about steroids. In that hearing, Fehr said plainly that they hoped they would have a stronger steroid punishment policy in place by the end of the world series. If the world series took 7 games, it would have been over Sunday. And the Senate doesn't seem too thrilled to have been jerked around. The Senate has introduced steroid legislation similar to that in the house...calling for a 2 year suspension for a first offense. As soon as Reid lets the Senate turn the lights back up, I say go ahead and push for it. Baseball's had long enough. They should not be allowed to d*ck around any more.
  22. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Nov 1, 2005 -> 01:25 PM) None of these ephedra statements surprise me. Ephedra can give you very similar symptoms to what Eddy experienced in his final pre-game warm-up as a Bull. I'm not familiar with the side effects...so is it possible for there to be any real long term damage? Something that might cause an irregular heartbeat or some other heart problem?
  23. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Nov 1, 2005 -> 01:40 PM) i had to send an email to the useless info dept and let them know. Not that they care You might actually be Surprised, I've always liked stark, he always seems to actually care about the facts he's putting into those.
  24. Uribe will deserve to win it next year. He didn't start off the year with either much name recognition at short or, more importantly, much experience at short, and I still think it showed for the first month or two. Next year his defensive stats could be incredible. He made a lot of silly errors in the first couple months while just getting used to things. Now he's acclimated. Crede is just ever so slightly below Chavez right now. Just barely. He's more reliable when he gets the ball (fewer errors, etc.), but he also doesn't get to every single ball Chavez does. But it's very close. Crede could very well be better than him next year. Mark and Aaron deserve those damn awards this year.
  25. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Nov 1, 2005 -> 12:52 PM) Judith Miller got Bush his war almost single-handedlhy. Ok, I'm as big of an opponent of Miller's Iraq work as anyone, but even I'm no where near willing to go so far as to say that Judith Miller got Bush his war single handedly. She was a nice cog, but that was a major machine they had built up there. Up and down the list, virtually the entire Republican media apparatus was turned for an entire year to the task of hyping up Saddam's WMD's to the point where the American people would feel there was no other option. Miller was nice in that she got front page NYT scoops. But go read the WaPo editorial page. Go watch some old Fox News. Go watch some old CNN or NBC Nightly News when the Republicans were lashing out at the inspectors. Go listen to Rumsfeld openly lie on Meet the Press ("we know where the weapons are. They're around Tikrit and Baghdad"). It was so much more than Miller. Without Miller, that war still would have happened. They would have just found someone else to be their shill.
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