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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 11:06 PM) FWIW... Dye 2004 - .265 23 80 .329/.464/.793 2005 - .274 31 86 .333/.512/.846 Finley 2004 - .271 36 94 .333/.490/.823 2005 - .222 12 54 .271/.374/.645 I am going to go out of my way and rule out Dye, since his numbers increased in the first year of steroid testing. Call it shallow thinking, but I just don't see how a player can get off the juice and produce better numbers. Just a small note...Dye's numbers this year did exactly what I was hoping they would do...went up for 2 reasons. 1. He moved from the Oakland ballpark to the Cell. The Cell is a much better hitters park...especially for home runs. 2. He played practically the entire last month or 2 of 2004 with I believe a broken thumb in his hand, which drastically hurt his performance. Given that he was coming from Oakland and Oakland was almost certainly one of the centers of the steroid problem, I had my doubts about him this season and was worried his numbers would go down. They didn't. I was happy.
  2. QUOTE(DonkeyKongerko @ Oct 29, 2005 -> 07:13 PM) That's worse than backtracking. He's practically contradicting statements he made earlier. Now he's saying the appeal he was involved in was "tangential"? And that he doesn't know a name but just has heard rumors?? Sounds like he's saying he doesn't know anything at all. In other words...someone from MLB or someone important heard what he said about the rumor and in some fashion put the smack down on him. Not that surprising...the Bush Administration does it all the time.
  3. QUOTE(sayitaintso @ Oct 29, 2005 -> 10:19 AM) How much does it tower over Millenium Force? I know that you could see it from pretty far away, and the dragster is like 100 ft. taller too. The Millennium is slightly over 300 feet, and hits 91 mph. The Dragster is over 400 feet, and I believe hits 120.
  4. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 04:58 PM) Steroids can make you faster, too. Still...if steroids help you "recover" from injuries, then wouldn't the fact that Pods seemed hurt on the basepaths for well over 2 months be evidence against any potential use?
  5. QUOTE(hi8is @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 02:32 PM) i will be going to arizona again this year. i will be thinking the same thing i was last year, "we will win it all" this time ill just have to add one little word to the end, "we will win it all... again!" i will move to chicago (haha) well, if any of you want to let me sleep on your couch... ill consider it. You're somewhere near L.A. right? Happen to have a free car seat for that trip?
  6. QUOTE(Dam8610 @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 05:00 PM) Is there any chance the Jays somehow don't resign Rios and the Sox end up with him? Also, any chance the Sox get one of the big name releivers? Billy Koch is still available.
  7. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 04:47 PM) Tell me -- what about Jacque Jones' .249/.319/.438 line, or his 99 OPS+, screams "Sign me!"? Haven't the Cubs been crowing about him a little bit?
  8. If Ichiro was eligible, then Iguchi should be eligible. You can't just decide to hold being a Japanese pro against someone in 1 case but not do so in the other because 1 season stood out more.
  9. QUOTE(qwerty @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 01:52 AM) http://www.rotoauthority.com/2005/10/daisuke_matsuza.html 250 innings in a 17 inning high school game. Wait, what? He threw 250 innings in a 17 inning game? My God, the man's invented time travel! Quickly, we must sign this man and steal his secrets.
  10. QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 04:48 PM) Until there is an actual name and a suspension, this thread is worthless. I still can remember around the All-Star break when every insider was 100% certain that 2 MLB players were going to be caught for steriods. Not one player was caught. SB I said that in like the 4th post of this thread. The response everyone is giving is that the source for this rumor seems to be someone in MLB who might actually have some real knowledge, as opposed to the last one, which just seemed to be filtering randomly between unnamed sources on message boards, where everyone heard it from someone they trusted. But yeah, I'm with you...I'll believe it when I see it. I've got my suspicions about a bunch of people (Finley, Sheff, Damon, etc.), but until it comes out, it's nothing more than a rumor fed to 1 person.
  11. And second, several people seem to be leaking this to The AP.
  12. 2 quick update posts. 1...and this comes from the fingertips of Dick Morris, a man who just a few days ago said he "Weeps" at the prospect of a Rove indictment because Rove elected Bush.
  13. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 04:05 PM) Forget that, how will the crowd react to the ring ceremony and the World Series Flag being raised? I think I would actually blow up louder for the song. Seriously.
  14. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 02:29 PM) Maybe they will make Sox/DHL commercials like they did with the BoSox. Instead of Johnny Damon giving up the beard, maybe Crede will give up the mullet or Blum gives up the Don King wig. I still swear up and down that that company "Pods" needs to sign Podsednik. It's a match made in heaven, and we all know it. Not only do they share names, but the guy's a stolen base threat...hence a "Speedy" guy, and the commercials just write themselves.
  15. How did Palmeiro react during his 3000th hit ceremonies?
  16. QUOTE(Nokona @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 03:46 PM) The Sox are poised to really make a run at the Cubs. If Boyer can put together another great PR campaign, which i fully expect him to do, and Kenny can put another winner out on the field I really think we could truely start pulling from that fickle fanbase. Right now Sox Pride is at an all-time high in the city and I could really see it just taking off further if we're in the race next year. Slightly off topic...but how do you think the crowd will react next year the first time that the ballpark plays "Don't stop believing"? My God, I'd scream until I passed out.
  17. QUOTE(Felix @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 03:36 PM) If anything, I think he might have been off the roids in the playoffs. He had a good year, but his postseason was really pretty bad. He had a great September, yet he looked lost in the post-season. One thing that people accept as a benefit of steroids is more rapid recovery from injuries. There were a lot of rumors out here in LA that Vlad might be playing hurt, or was otherwise physically incapacitated during the playoffs, and that was why his performance was so bad. Just putting those out there...
  18. QUOTE(fathom @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 02:56 PM) It's great that he said what he did, but please don't hold it against PK if he goes elsewhere. It's gonna depend on how he goes elsewhere. If he goes in 6 months from handing the ball to JR to bashing the franchise like some other player who I will choose not to name...then it's gonna hurt. Especially given how right now we're bowing down before those same people.
  19. QUOTE(bmags @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 03:26 PM) i still would like to just be able to go to games on a wimb... and i DO think that it makes a diff. when college kids leave, tons of people go to U of I (as seen by the riots), as well as SIU, WIU, NIU, and EIU, bradley, not to mention the out of state schools like iowa and purdue and indiana. The schools in chicago have a rather low amount of students compared to those public schools. The schools did hurt us late in the year...the only time it was really obvious though was during the K.C. series, where we were in the midst of Cleveland's run and the players started complaining about the crowds themselves. If we're in the race...that basically eliminates most of the school problems at the end of the year, because people want to see a pennant race. It sure worked on those Indians and Twins games. If we go deep into the playoffs or win, I think it really will help the opening part of the season...because how many people here would give a kidney to get tickets to the home opener next year?
  20. You know, I haven't said this yet here...but Geoff Blum's hair...incredible.
  21. QUOTE(sircaffey @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 03:24 PM) Gooch isn't on the list because he's 30 w/ years of professional experience. Agree with it or not, I doubt the players see him as a "rookie." Did these awards exist in 2000? Or in 2003? If so, did Ichiro and Matsui get their names on the lists?
  22. Jon Rooney...I'm so damn glad your last "White Sox Winner" call included the phrase world series. I hope he ends up somewhere quality next year. He's as good as there is in the business. I'd love him to end up in LAA. Get a decent announcer on the games I get. I wonder if he'd be tempted to do a "White Sox Winner" call on the few games where the Sox play wherever he ends up.
  23. QUOTE(Felix @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 03:28 PM) I doubt its Vladdy.. he hit, what, 1 ball out of the infield in the ALCS? Well, if you spent a year trying to get it out of your system...we've seen it happen before where people just fall apart.
  24. I think 3 million is possible. Doable? Depends on the team. But I would not rule it out. There is something particularly special about going to see the World Champs play baseball, and we all know it. You put that togehter with a winning team on the field, and you can turn the Sox into something that people just decide to do randomly, like has happened with Cub games or Angels games out here. The key really is putting a winner on the field next year. That team must at least challenge for the playoffs until the last day of the year. If that happens, teh team will keep drawing, because they will be putting a quality, enjoyable product on the field, and people will go there thinking that the Sox have a chance to win. Seriously...If we take today and turn it into a good team for a long time, this can do to our fan base what the 2002 team and subsequent playoff teams have done for the Angels.
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