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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. So just out of curiosity...when Tom Delay launches a verbal attack on Ronnie Earle for engaging in "The politics of personal destruction", is he not at the same time engaging in "The politics of personal destruction" except directed at Earle instead of himself?
  2. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 01:53 PM) Then, futhermore, isn't it really interesting that 1- Britian STILL stands by this "yellowcake" claim, and TPM. Long one...worth checking out the whole post. Possibly incorrect on the "Plame pushed like hell" part.MMFA.
  3. QUOTE(Felix @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 01:46 PM) So its someone from Boston or New York. I dont think Chicago has anything to worry about. LOL, using their own logic against them. "It's someone you'd care about" turning into "It's someone from Boston or NY". Hahaha.
  4. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 01:41 PM) I thought they changed the rules on deferred money so now its like only 2-3 years after the contract is over... Here are the words of our friend Mariotti on the offer to Mags...take it with whatever grain of salt you give to whatever that guy writes.
  5. QUOTE(sox-r-us @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 01:32 PM) Would you happen to know how Maggs is feeling right now? I hope his money keeps his ring finger warm at night. Because Paulie's is gonna be feelin pretty damn good. Ozzie's too. Maybe a bit weighed down. By the way...KW, sign Konerko immediately. I don't care if it's judged to be a bad contract a few years from now. Do what it takes.
  6. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 12:38 PM) WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO f***ING HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! PARTY LIKE YOUR A DEMOCRAT!!!! Hypocritical bulls***. Seriously Kip, Kap is right here. Way too many people have been celebrating this. This is literally a disaster for our country. An intelligence operative was brought down. An entire CIA front company was exposed, thereby potentially blowing the cover of dozens of other operatives and maybe even endangering their lives. And 2000+ American servicemen, tens of thousands of Iraqis, several hundred media personnel, 3500 Iraqi "defense forces", and several hundred other coalition soldiers are dead. All because of this. No matter what happens, it's not a time to celebrate. It's a time to mourn. When someone kills your spouse, and they finally are brought to justice...you don't have a party.
  7. Much like when George Bush 1 took on the Simpsons and wound up with a colorful wig glued to his head...this is why you don't go after quality satirists.
  8. QUOTE(jenksd @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 12:59 PM) Only a bandwagoner Journey fan would say that. Hell, I can't stand Journey. But some things are more important than that. Hell, if the Sox had picked a Creed song this year I'd still have listened to them sing it today. I may have shot myself or gouged out my eardrums afterwards, but I'd still be listenin.
  9. QUOTE(DonkeyKongerko @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 12:47 PM) Alot of the previous players have been the Latin guys that accidentally took something or other along the line. I wouldn't be too terribly surprised if it was Vlad. Disappointed because he's one of my favorite players but not surprised. I still don't buy this "Accidentally" took something or other along the line in virtually any case. Every one of them it seems had a good reason to do it. Rincon suddenly found a better fastball 2 years ago. Palmeiro...well...yeah. Alex Sanchez was struggling to stay in the big leagues. And on and on and on. Every one of them blames it on something they took accidentally. Well...at this point, they should know every single thing they're taking and they should at least check with the trainers first. If they don't do that, then if they did take something accidentally contaminated, they still have a recourse; they can sue the company that made the s***. It's hard to do, but it has been done. If you know what you're taking, find out the company that makes it, and if its truly an accident, sue their asses. Even if they don't win, I'd at least be impressed that they're willing to go to the effort and expense of filing the lawsuit - they may still lose on a technicality, but at least they believed it enough to put their money where their mouth is. That's quite literally what it will take for me to believe something is an accident.
  10. Jenks...from now on, you have to edit the Detroit line to say "Born and raised in SOUTH CHICAGO".
  11. QUOTE(qwerty @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 12:52 PM) We are gonna hear an awful lot about thome, overbay, delgado ( who will not be moved), tracy, etc... this year won't we? Here's the big quesiton...in what order next summer will this page morph into Thometalk.com, Overbaytalk.com, or Griffeytalk.com?
  12. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 12:46 PM) I do not believe the Sox have ever had a contract with deferred money in JR's reign. I may be wrong though. They certainly offered it to Ordonez. He'd have been on the payroll until like 2025.
  13. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 12:40 PM) Those florescent light bulbs - are they more expensive? I'll have to look into that. Yes, they are more expensive. If you get them on sale, you can get a bulb for somewhere int he neighborhood of $3-$6. At one point last year, I invested like $50 in a bunch of those bulbs and immediately, the next month, saw my power bill decrease by roughly $15 at the time. By my math, they paid for themselves within a few months. On top of that, they last quite a bit longer than normal GE Bulbs.
  14. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 12:43 PM) Not much room to improve really, maybe one more bat, but everything else seems pretty much set. Assuming we keep Konerko. Our biggest goals this offseason should be holding onto Paulie and getting a few guys to ink to multi-year deals. AJ, Garland, Crede, maybe Contreras if possible? Beyond that, it's just a question of who to plug into the DH role...if someone like an Overbay becomes available for a reasonable price he would work, but if not, there's no reason we can't fill it with some combination of outfielders/Dye like we did this year with Everett.
  15. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 12:41 PM) CF is a must, A-row OPS is pretty low for his position, but I hope he can bounce back. I think its proven that 3B is pretty much set, unless you want to take a chance with Mueller. If Joe Crede puts up the same numbers he did this year...along with his defense at 3b, he's a fine guy there. If Joe Crede can avoid those 2 horrific months he had this year...his upside is still 30 home runs and a .280 average. Bill Mueller would cost more...probably be a slight defensive downgrade, be older, and not nearly have the potential upside of Crede. He's not going to win another batting title, he's just not.
  16. QUOTE(BlackBetsy @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 10:54 AM) This is a bit more than a rumor when Will Carroll confirms that he was involved in the appeals process. I just hope it was not a White Sox outfielder. I still say it can't be anyone on the Sox...because Frank Thomas would murder them.
  17. So, when Earle spent his days indicting Democratic politicians, was that the criminalilzation of Progressive Politics?
  18. QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 12:16 PM) I can't criticize an owner that got us a championship. It's that simple. He deserved criticism for about 23-24 years. Today...he just got handed a free pass. As long as he don't try to move the team again...he's ok in my book. He gave me what I wanted.
  19. QUOTE(Mercy! @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 09:08 AM) No serious response to this, either? "What has anyone here done besides complain about gasoline prices? What concrete steps have you taken?" My only transportation the last 2+ years has been my feet or my bike. I'll occasionally take the bus, but that's only if I'm going to a mall. I bike home my groceries. I walk to go shoppping. I've switched all my lightbulbs to those low-energy fluorescent bulbs, which has managed to cut roughly 30% off my electric bills too. I've bought a new refrigerator, which has cut another $5 or so off my electric bill a month (although I did need the new Fridge anyway). Instead of using heat, we mostly use blankets. Have 2 in the living room and a couple of spares in the bedroom. Instead of using AC, we open up the windows and use fans. I trashed the old air purifier and replaced it with an Ionic breeze, which may not do as good of a job with filtration, but uses far less electric. I vacuum a little more to make up for the difference in air quality (only works if you have a Kirby). When I'm not in a room...the lights go off. I often watch TV with no other lights on also. If I do buy a car, it will be a Prius, Civic, or an Insight, depending on what sort of deal people shoot me. During the daytime in the winter, I open up all of the blinds. Either me or my Fiance closes them when we get home. Heats up during the day, holds it in at night. But aside from that, I guess I haven't done that much to conserve energy.
  20. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 09:55 AM) If Iran gets a nuke, they'll do it. I have no reason to believe they won't. Thousands of years of history can't be wrong. No matter what happens...I think MAD still applies. Israel probably has something in the range of 100+ nuclear weapons and the capabilities to deliver them to all corners of Iran. If one goes off in Israel, there's no reason to think that Iran won't turn into a smoking hole in the ground.
  21. Please God let MLB.tv put this on archive.
  22. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 12:01 PM) WGN said a couple hundred thousand. Around 200,000 is what I thought I heard, but that was probably just an eyeball estimate. Considering how many people were spread out along the streets from the Cell to the river...who the Hell knows? That one's got to be impossible to figure out. Most of the time the police estimates are never even close to right anyway, and that's with people grouped all in 1 area.
  23. Just got back from class...Paulie carrying around his kid...Y-ES!
  24. I love this song. And I love it when amateurs sing it. But I hate baseball cards!
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