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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Oct 27, 2005 -> 11:15 AM) Tehnically yes, in a PnL sense, the effect would be negligible. For all practical purposes the refinary products would hit in the 4thQ, and the effect of the destroyed platforms is 6 months after they shutdown production. First, what does PnL mean? If the refinery repair costs don't really hit until Q4, which is probably a fair thing to say unless they started rapidly budgeting for those costs (which they probably didnt) when Katrina first hit. But isn't it also fair to say that the Katrina-related gas price spike and whatever profits were associated with it are in fact probably included in those numbers?
  2. Carl Everett and Frank Thomas have team options/buyouts which will not be picked up. AJ and Garland are arbitration eligible. Not a chance they won't be here next year...and if KW is smart, they'll get 3 year deals (or more for JG)
  3. QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ Oct 27, 2005 -> 11:10 AM) The Sox had a lot of contributions from a lot of different players throughout the season. With the possible exception of Konerko, no one player made this team drastically better than it should have been. Did anyone else make such a massive contribution that we couldn't live without them? I don't think so. I think that you could pull just about any piece out of that team and it would fall apart completely. Where would we be without Uribe, Crede and Rowand's defense? AJ's pitch calling? Konerko and Dye's bats? Pods's legs? Iguchi's everything? None of them did what suddenly inserting David Ortiz would have done. But I'll bet you that if you pull any 1 of those cogs out, suddenly we'd have only won about 90 games. Each and every person on that lineup found a way to save this team at least 10-20 times this season.
  4. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Oct 27, 2005 -> 11:03 AM) Waiting on a trip to Grandstand this weekend.... Do they have a web site?
  5. Oh goodness...great Idea...I should be done with classes that I'm not TAing by then, so I should be able to move things around. I'm interested!
  6. QUOTE(robinventura23 @ Oct 27, 2005 -> 10:24 AM) That picture reminds me of Jordan getting his first trophy. Opening Day, 2006. Here's hoping that Frank is the DH, batting in the usual 3 spot when they have the ring presentation. I bet you even the folks here who think that Frank's career/time with us is at an end wouldn't complain 1 iota if that were to happen.
  7. I was in a hotel room in Barstow, California on the night the Marlins won, on a field trip to look at the Manix Fault. I stepped out of dinner at a cheap restaurant early in order to step back upstairs and watch the end of the game. Twas a hell of a thing to watch you guys show the Yankees who was boss. They got a fist pump from me that night. Not as big as the ones I let out last night, and am still letting out, but I think that's to be expected. Thanks sir.
  8. QUOTE(robinventura23 @ Oct 27, 2005 -> 10:13 AM) I can now use this emoticon: Oh yeah, and I forgot to make use of it.
  9. Oh for crying out loud...just go find a spot outside Midway and wait the 3 hours. You know full well it'd be worth it even if it was the later time. I'd be there if I wasn't a plane flight away.
  10. I will say 2 things about that list. Right now, I think in the 4-5 spot, is right where this team belongs. But more importantly...if you put this team against any of the other ones in a 7 game series...I would like our chances against each and every one of them.
  11. Eddie the Eagle? I thought it was Everyday Eddie.
  12. Blum. That was the only point this postseason where I thought we were in trouble. I thought that game was lost. And then Geoff Blum stepped to the plate.
  13. Personally, the best moment I saw last night was the whole group sitting in the locker room chanting "JERRY JERRY JERRY" when JR came in with the trophy. That and Frank getting his hands on the thing. But yeah, that one was nice too. I've never enjoyed sitting around listening to Queen, ACDC, and Journey as much in my life.
  14. Frank is already in. Maybe not first ballot, but he's guaranteed a slot in there. And now he has a ring to show for it.
  15. Started silently pumping my fist while sitting in class (had Gameday open). When Class stepped into the Hallway...I went running down the hall, jumped into the air, pumped my fist, and screamed "YES!"
  16. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Oct 27, 2005 -> 09:08 AM) If Garcia senses a pitchers duel, he morphs into an incredibly crafty and unpredictable pitcher. His problem is now and will always be the "big-game" stigma. if he feels the game isnt as important, then we seem to get the stinkers. If it means something, then we see all of the talent and execution. When my 4th or 5th starter can come out and win 14 games and absolutely dominate in "Big Games"...there's very little more I can ask for. Here's to rising to the occasion Freddy!
  17. I'm gonna wait just a couple days so that I can make sure I see what selection everyone has and how they're doing on deliveries. (And hopefully get a Konerko Jersey as soon as we sign him). Then I'm gonna go f***ing nuts.
  18. QUOTE(Linnwood @ Oct 27, 2005 -> 12:12 AM) I guess there is no need to die trying now... Live and let Dye....(enter Slash on guitar...)
  19. Does anyone know if Ozzie got a call from Chavez? Does anyone know who called first, Bush or Chavez?
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