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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. Tadahito Iguchi's place should not change in this lineup in 2005. There is absolutely no question. Nor should Willie Harris play in his place. Not this season. Depending on how the lineup looks, next year I may not be averse to moving him down in the order and letting him shoot for bigger numbers, but right now, he's the ultimate team player in the ultimate team player spot.
  2. Wait...didn't Hess give up on the war and fly to Britain and surrender?
  3. QUOTE(hi8is @ Oct 24, 2005 -> 03:33 PM) ee cummings didnt use proper puncuation... neither do i =P Hi8is, I read E.E. Cummings. I knew E.E. Cummings. E.E. Cummings was a friend of mine. Hi8is, you're no E.E. Cummings.
  4. QUOTE(Mercy! @ Oct 24, 2005 -> 02:19 PM) After you're through arguing about Clinton, could we go back and rehash Pres. Carter, maybe Gerald Ford, Johnson and Nixon and the Vietnam War, too? Much more fruitful than dealing with our present problems. I think we've been rehashing the Vietnam war for the last 2.5 years. It hasn't turned out any better.
  5. I'd just like to point this out one more time...just to try again to get it through to people. WE ARE 2 GAMES FROM WINNING THE WORLD SERIES, AND YOU ARE SPENDING TIME COMPLAINING ABOUT A NEWSPAPER COLUMNIST. Think about that.
  6. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Oct 24, 2005 -> 02:23 PM) Did you guys hear the replay of Rowand when Pods hit it out? They had him mic'd and his expression was one of total disbelief as he was saying, "no way...no way...(as it goes out)...NO WAY!!!) I finally found a 2nd quote for my sig last night.
  7. I'm sure it was discussed in the game thread, but as far as I could tell, it would have taken a miracle play for Burke to catch that ball. ARow should at least have had a foot on 2nd if it was caught...especially out in left field where there'd have to be a relay to get the ball to 1b.
  8. If you want to be pleasant and polite and not have any Houstoners throw their beer on you...something like this might work: 1918-2004: Red 1917-2005: White
  9. QUOTE(BigEdWalsh @ Oct 24, 2005 -> 01:59 PM) That was very cool. I think it's also awesome that Anderson, McCarthy, Borchard and I'm not sure who else are getting to be a part of this. It's great! I loved the shot of Anderson and Rowand sitting together watching that fly out that Fox showed a couple times. Rowand's line is now in my sig...Anderson just watched it fly out and then let out a huge "OH MY GOD"
  10. QUOTE(qwerty @ Oct 24, 2005 -> 01:47 PM) You could be the isiah thomas of the major leagues. Small Correction...Kenny Williams has a decent shot of having 1 more ring than Isiah Thomas does as GM.
  11. Hi folks...Was wondering if someone could help me out with finding a particular shot from last night. As Pods is rounding 3rd base, a Fox cameraman pulls in behind him. He starts jogging along with Pods, and there's a view of Pods closing in on the plate with practically the whole team making a semi-circle around Home waiting for him...you can even read the word "Podsednik" on Scotty's jersey. Some clip of this right before Pods hits the plate and is enveloped is what I'm looking for. As far as I can tell none of the still photos anywhere got this shot, including the gargantuan "Pics for Sigs" thread....it was only broadcast over Fox. I can get a crappy version of it by doing a screen capture on the MLB.com realplayer, but I was hoping someone out there might be able to provide me with a slightly better shot...say someone who recorded the game on a DVD-R last night or on TIVO and who can process the image in short order? If no one has it, I shan't start a riot, but if anyone knows where I could find that it'd be great.
  12. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Oct 24, 2005 -> 01:21 PM) I like Konerko as much as the next guy.... but if he wants anything more than 12 million per year Id say sorry thats 2 much tell him it was a pleasure having him as a whitesox 1 month ago I'd have agreed with you. 2 weeks ago I was willing to stretch to 13 or 14. After last night...the dude could ask for a 6 year deal and I'd still want to give it to him.
  13. QUOTE(drowninginflame @ Oct 24, 2005 -> 01:28 PM) IF we do this whole thing, will it change how you feel about the northside?No...I will just care less about them entirely. If we win, I'll probably wind up doing it a lot more. Virtually all of my friends are Cub fans. They could sweep us in every series for the next 100 years and I'd still have bragging rights.
  14. The moment Frank Thomas is resigned, my jersey will say "Thomas". The moment Paul Konerko is resigned, another one will say Konerko. I think I'll throw in a Guillen if we win 2 more games.
  15. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Oct 24, 2005 -> 01:10 PM) What were the secrets that the Clinton administration hiding? It had to be something incredibly bad if making up a story about a guy working in Los Alamos spying for the Chinese to steal secrets for China was better than the real truth. You don't just make up a story and sacrifice a guys career and life for no reason. Also in the one article you posted, it said the source of the information had to be from higher up than Lee, which is what exonerated him, and that directly contradicts that last piece you put up which basically saids that the Chinese stole the secret years ago, from anyone of 548 people who had the info. Usually the advertising on a site goes to say a lot about who they are targeting as readers of the site. Banner ads about reliving McCarthyism tells me a lot about how respectable they are in my eyes. Here' I think the block of text from that same article that covers the question you're asking.
  16. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Oct 24, 2005 -> 01:03 PM) I think what you mean is stand pat. And i have to wonder why the Sox cant afford to stand pat with a team that is currently up 2-0 in the WS and just won the AL Pennant. The pitching will be back, and probably even better with the full year addition of Brandon McCarthy into the rotation. What sort of move outside of re-signing Konerko would this team have to make? Resigning Garland and Pierzynski such that they do not hit the free agent market after 06. Deciding on what to do with Contreras, who is also a free agent after 06. (A trade could conceivably bring considerable value in the offseason...or a contract extension would help keep our rotation together longer) And most importantly...figuring out what to do with the Designated hitter spot if the Sox decline the option on Carl Everett...which they should. I would love to see the Big Hurt in that spot next year, but I don't want him there without some sort of a safety net, just in case he does get hurt again. That's the biggest question mark IMO...who is our DH next year?
  17. If the Tribune company were to consider this move...genuinely trying to sell that team, it would tell me 1 thing more than any other; the Tribune Company would feel that the value of the team would have reached a temporary peak, and in the near future it would stand a good chance of dropping. Almost as if they think the team on the other side of the city might suddenly be getting more valuable and have the ability to eat into the Tribune Company's fan base. Remember, aside from the quarter where they had to pay Sosa's contract, the Tribune Company brings in serious revenue dollars due to owning the Cubs, and it probably helps them with circulation of their paper in Chicago. So they'd have to be facing a serious decline in teh value of their product for them to sacrifice a lucrative revenue stream.
  18. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Oct 24, 2005 -> 01:02 PM) OK the banner ads about reliving McCarthyism were enough to make me not able to finish that load of crap, so I'll just ask you this instead. If leaking to the press that Lee had given the Chinese secrets for a nuclear bomb, wasn't true, what was bad enough to be worse than that, which needed to be hidden from the public? I'm sorry, I'm afraid I just can't understand what you're asking me there...could you rephrase the question? (The Nation btw is a fairly well respected journal, albiet left-of-center, and probably holds itself to a higher standard than the Washington Times, for examlpe, no matter who's advertising on it, and thanks to Firefox plugins I'm not seeing those ads anyway so I don't have a clue what they even look like).
  19. QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Oct 24, 2005 -> 12:56 PM) FLASHBACK!!! 60 minutes cancelled show on forged Niger documents for Rathergate episode!!! http://msnbc.msn.com/id/6073449/site/newsweek/ http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/10/24/133038/24 more at links What in the f***!!!! What, you didn't hear about that before the election? Yeah, CBS didn't want to run a stoyr about forged documents after being caught using forged documents. It was damn pathetic, but from CBS's business point of view...it was the right decision. It hurt the country by helping Bush stay in office of course, just as the forged documents fiasco on 60 minutes did, but that story's been out there for a long while. People @ Daily Kos have been emailing CBS for a year now, to no avail.
  20. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Oct 24, 2005 -> 12:48 PM) That doesn't surprise me, I have seen the sources you read So basically what you posted said that a Clinton administration high ranking official leaked the name of a federal employee who was working on top secret nuclear weapons information of some sort in order to cover up someone who was most likely a higher level offical who leaked vital nuclear weapons information to an enemy of the United States, knowing full well that this guy wasn't involved in the situation? Boy if I didn't know any different, I would swear something remarkably similar was going on right now... So how did the investigations go into who leaked the name of Lee? How did the invesigations go into who ACTUALLY leaked the nuclear secrets to the Chinese? Who was being covered for? And this is supposed to be better than what we have now? Oh I forgot, it was "just a blowjob". GMAFB. As far as the information I'm reading...I agree with you on the "Did Richardson leak the name" part...but in terms of secrets falling into Chinese Hands...I'm going to directly quote This piece, which I'd suggest you read, as it covers all the angles I can see - including why the Clinton Administration may have hung him out to dry to cover their own arses.
  21. Indy sox fan...we've crunched the numbers around here repeatedly, and even with those things coming off the books, the fact that Garland, Pierzynski, and a few others will be getting raises this year basically means that we don't have an additional $7 million to give Konerko a raise unless we significantly increase our total team salary next season. I think that's truly the case...we can't afford Konerko if we don't significantly increase the total team salary, probably by at least $10 million next year beyond what we're paying this year. I think that doing so, also, is a hugely important step...and for that I cite the example of Anaheim. A few years ago, that team was clearly 2nd in the LA market. Then, in 2002, they put together a great run and created a winner. Then Moreno bought the team. What did he do? He realized that he had a winning team...and if he kept that team as a winning team, the fan base for that team would grow exponentially, as would his revenues. So he spent some extra money. Brought in guys like Vlad the Impaler and Bartolo Colon, and suddenly the Angels were at the top of the AL West every year and selling out that stadium constantly. Even if the White Sox never overtake the Cubs in terms of numbers of fans...now's the perfect time to make a run at them. We had a huge attendence boost this year...we'll absolutely have another one next year unless we turn into the Royals. If we spend the money now on players, and maybe even mortgage some future revenues, simply through the fact that we're putting a winning team on the field, we will be able to build the entire franchise. The value of the team will go up, the value of the tv/radio contracts will go up, ticket prices will go up, more merch will be sold, and even if we never get this far again, if we spend the money now to hold this team together and maybe improve upon it, the return on the investment will be maximized entirely due to the timing. In other words...we need to resign Konerko at any cost...because we can't afford bad press right after this if we want to grow this team and turn it into the Yankees.
  22. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Oct 24, 2005 -> 11:40 AM) we were having Chinese spies stealing our nuclear secrets in Los Alamos... oops. Except, as far as everything I has read tells me...We Actually weren't. (feel free to give me better sources if you have them, but as far as everything I've read tells me, Wen Ho Lee became an attempted scapegoat who was falsely accused of just about everything.)
  23. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Oct 24, 2005 -> 08:15 AM) Thank you CNBC... They are reporting that former board governor Ben Bernanke will be named to succeed Greenspan... LET THE SMEAR CAMPAIGN BEGIN! Tyler Cowen: "An excellent choice and a first-rate economist." Gives him an overall grade of A-/B+. Max Sawicky: Not bad. Better than Martin Feldstein, anyway. Larry Kudlow (National Review): "A good choice." Better than Donald Kohn, that's for sure. Brad Delong: "A very good choice." Reportedly, as chair of the economics department at Princeton, he brought in an economist named Paul Krugman who was working at MIT at the time (let me know if tha tlink doesn't work)
  24. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Oct 24, 2005 -> 04:28 AM) Was this the same Washington paper that reported Cheney was resigning after being indicted the next day? I think that was like US News or something like that, but you should consider the Washington Times to be on the same credibility level...which is why so many Republicans cite it so heavily in their bloggity pursuits.
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