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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(Punch and Judy Garland @ Oct 21, 2005 -> 01:28 PM) That is a loaded lineup but what would they give up for Manny? K-Rod? Santana and someone else? Not sure the lineup could stay in tact if they made a trade. The ANgels just do not seem like they'd have a lot of regulars Boston would want, besides Kotchman . The Angels also have an absolutely loaded minor league organization.
  2. Man...if we win 4 more, I swear I'm going to blow so much money on this junk...
  3. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Oct 21, 2005 -> 12:21 PM) Did the forefathers intend public education for every child in this country through age 16? Some how I don't believe that. I could be wrong, but I think he was talking about local control of public education, rather than universal public education, as being something the Republicans would claim was enshrined in the consitution.
  4. Man, that is f***ing beautiful.
  5. If they could get Manny for a decent price, I think Anaheim would jump at the deal. Although I bet Paulie is still higher on their list simply because he'd be cheaper...but it's become abundantly clear out here that the Angels need another bat with some pop to hit behind Vlad the Impaler, and they're going to find it somewhere.
  6. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Oct 21, 2005 -> 12:07 PM) No doubt they came from a Dem househole Because you know, no Republican in the history of mankind has ever broken the law or done an illegal drug. It's theoretically impossible.
  7. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Oct 21, 2005 -> 12:03 PM) In Asia, Latin America, & Europe, & the CIS most public schools are teaching English in K-9. They don't have time for BS like moral relativism. The public education there is far superior to ours. That's why they are turning out a greater % of engineers & scientists these days. Or B.S. Like Intelligent Design.
  8. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Oct 21, 2005 -> 11:18 AM) boston.com/news/local/articles/2005/10/03/petition_bid_to_ban_gay_marriage_said_to_gain Need: 65,825 certified signatures. Expect: 120,000 signatures. It would appear on the 2008 ballot. No doubt it will play a role in local elections before then. This will only add more fuel to the fire. If you're going to point out the number of signatures, I might as well point out the current polling data. In other words, that amendment right now is already behind by quite a bit in that state. And it's probably almost inevitable that as time goes on and people in that state actually see and meet happily married homosexual couples, and Jesus does not return and throw a lightning bolt at the state...it's going to become harder and harder for that referendum to pass.
  9. QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Oct 21, 2005 -> 10:16 AM) Ed Helms! The 'guns in bars' story is the best I've seen. "If only I had my gun..."
  10. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Oct 20, 2005 -> 10:01 PM) They may also have been due to the Sox not getting the same pitching as the 1st half of the season. If you look at the team's ERA numbers, you would easily conclude that August should have been a very good month for this team, and that July should have been our worst month of the season. Team ERA: April 3.13 May: 3.68 June: 3.45 July: 4.34 August: 3.66 Sept: 3.50 May was a very good month for this team, and we had a worse ERA than we had in August, yet August was by far this team's worst month. It was not the pitching which caused the August swoon.
  11. Balta1701

    Hurricane Wilma

    QUOTE(Steff @ Oct 21, 2005 -> 08:35 AM) http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20051021/ap_on_...WtkBHNlYwM3MTg- Good grief.. Enough is enough.. Welcome to a world of warmer ocean waters which take unnamed tropical depressions and give them the energy to become category 5 storms at a vastly increased rate.
  12. It wasn't Saddam's lawyer, it was the lawyer for one of the guy's sitting next to Saddam in the crib earlier this week.
  13. QUOTE(maggliopipe @ Oct 20, 2005 -> 08:38 PM) True. But I also think Corddry's remote pieces are almost always better than Colbert's. Yes, but in the "sitting down with Jon" part of interviews, or serving as a correspondent being interviewed, Colbert has been the best for a long time. The Daily Show earlier this year dealing with the James Guckert/Jeff Gannon mess still remains the funniest thing I've seen all year. Colbert did the whole thing with a straight face, and Stewart was cracking up so much he couldn't even look him in the eye. "First Jon, in the interest of full disclosure, my name is not Steven Colbert. It's Ted Hitler. No relation. Well distant relation. 2 generations. Directly. I'm Adolf Hitler's grandson.... I killed a panda Jon I admit it! Ling ling. Or the other one. But in my defense, it was dark, I was drunk, and it was delicious. Post away Colbertkilledapanda.com!"
  14. I've found it quite entertaining, although I won't be watching the full thing tonight (long math assignment due tomorrow). The "word of the day" segment has been especially good. The changing words on the right of the screen remind me of the subtitle gags they've done on a few places like SNL or Conan, where the subtitle guy goes nuts and starts typing whatever he wants. I'm just sad we don't get Steven on the Daily Show any more.
  15. QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 20, 2005 -> 07:51 PM) IIRC, it isn't against any rule to be gay, but like heterosexual Priests, they are expected to be celibit. I believe you are not recalling correctly.
  16. When the Rally Crede travelled through time To the year 3010, He fought the evil robot king And saved the human race again
  17. I didn't realize it was the same song that they used in the family guy episode until now. That just multiplies my amusement.
  18. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Oct 20, 2005 -> 05:41 PM) Well he had a great career but me not being a big Cardinal fan im glad he is gone.... although if Rolen comes back next year healthy their offense wont miss a beat. I think that's a very very big if right now. That strikes me as saying "If J.D. Drew comes back healthy".
  19. Why the hell did it take me a full day to realize how well this line suddenly works?
  20. QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Oct 20, 2005 -> 05:11 PM) Mary Landrieu (D-LA), isn't that right? Correct. I stole that list from Club for Growth and I wasn't watching. Will be corrected shortly.
  21. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Oct 20, 2005 -> 04:22 PM) One thing that really bugs me about the Bush Administration is that every time something comes up that we need to take care of ( I.E. Disaster relief this year ) the answer is always..........borrow it. Actually Nuke, this brings up what I consider a very interesting point, in that there are some things that as a nation we would probably actually want to borrow in order to pay off. One of the ideal candidates for borrowing would be in something like disaster reconstruction. If we put $100 billion (give or take a factor of 3) or so into New Orleans, we'd be doing so as an investment, because there's some economic value in having New Orleans exist as it did before, and if it were back, it would generate economic growth and tax revenues which would pay us back. For this reason, a time of a disaster is exactly the time you'd want to consider deficit spending. Think about your average person spending money. If he or she were to rack up an $10,000 credit card bill just doing normal shopping, what would they do if a disaster struck them? A car accident or something requiring a large outlay of cash in order to get through short term difficulties? They'd basically be screwed, because there's only so much borrowing that can be done. The problem here is not the borrowing to pay for Katrina. The problem here is the structural deficit we've created through 4 straight years of record spending growth combined with 4 years of tax cuts. That has led us to the point where our only solution is borrowing...because we've been borrowing for everything else. We've basically been the guy paying his gas bill on his maxed out credit card and hoping that nothing bad would happen. Well, something bad did happen, it's time for some deficit spending, but our credit card is virtually maxed out.
  22. Naturally I disagree with Nuke on the "This country is still overtaxed" principle...but when Nuke and Balta both agree on a bill and Congress won't pass it...eesh.
  23. Help control the thread population, have your threads spayed or neutered.
  24. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Oct 20, 2005 -> 03:47 PM) Can somebody put this thing in Blinking letters at the top of the page that reads "It's right here, stupid" I'm tired of these threads every few hours. kthanx /end rant. Feel free to link to the file or lock this thread or something Mods.
  25. Ugh, I'm so sick of people starting threads asking this that I'm just going to go ahead and host the bloody thing myself. Here it is as an MP3. If I get sued for this, I'm gonna be really really pissed. This file will stay up for a limited time only. GoGoSox.
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