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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. It's also worth noting that a lot of the names on those lists might be people like Carl Everett...where the teams can hold an option to pick up the player's contract for another year.
  2. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Oct 10, 2005 -> 11:33 AM) I dont think its totally unrelated. http://geology.er.usgs.gov/eastern/plates.html The african and australian plate are pushing against each other, and it runs up through the Indian and Australian plate. Just because 2 events lie on the same plate does not imply that they are in any way related. In fact, the African plate most likely really isn't doing all that much pushing. The dynamicists keep telling us that the main driving force in plate tectonics is slab buoyancy...in other words, the fact that old oceanic lithosphere becomes more dense than the mantle it sits upon and then drags itself downwards. This is what is happening in Sumatra...the "Australian Plate" is composed of oceanic crust that is sinking into the mantle beneath Sumatra. In Northern India however, the slab which originally dragged India up against Eurasia is long sense broken away and subducted. However, India still is pushing up against Eurasia, and in fact, portions of the Indian continental landmass may be trying to follow the slab down and subducting underneath Tibet. It's actually quite the fascinating story and I don't think the dynamics of it are fully understood. But back to the general question of "if they are related"...the Pacific Plate is subducting under Alaska, Japan, and the Marianas, among other places. It is also sliding past the North American plate in California and Canada. If there were an Earthquake in the Aleutians...it would be on the Pacific/North American plate boundary. If it were followed by 1 on in California...they would be on the same plate boundary. However, they would not be related in the least...the 2 events would be totally independent of each other. They would not have triggered each other. Each could just as easily have happened independently 200 years apart, and it was only random chance which made them happen in a nearby time span. On the other hand, we can take a look at the 2 recent gigantic earthquakes in Sumatra for an example of 2 large quakes that are related. The first quake hit in December and broke along a very long portion of the Sumatran subduction Zone. When this fault broke, it placed added stress on the portion of the fault immediately next to it. A few months later, that segment itself ruptured, producing another nearly magnitude 9 event. In fact, the areas which seem to have slipped are separated by only a few kilometers. These 2 events are related, in that the motion on 1 portion of the fault placed added stress on another portion of the fault, and that added stress was enough to cause a second rupture nearby. The earthquake in Sumatra would have produced absolutely no net change in the stress balance on the fault lines in Pakistan, India, China, or almost anywhere else except for the faults right along that subduction zone. When these faults slip, we're talking about displacements on the order or 5-30 meters depending on the magnitude of the event. If you then ask how much change that will cause 1000 kilometers away, you're talking about 30 meters over 1 million meters, or a change on the order of 10^-5 in the strain on that plate. That is not nearly enough of a change to have any sort of triggering effect anywhere else along the plate boundaries.
  3. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Oct 10, 2005 -> 09:22 AM) The fault line that lies throughout the Indian ocean up through India and Asia is the most active fault line/continental plate in the world right now isnt it? With all of the recent, chaotic, and violent activity on that fault line, its pretty scary to think that the Tsunami and earthquake are only the start of something pretty big. There is FAR MORE than 1 fault line running through there. This one is totally unrelated to the events in Sumatra.
  4. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Oct 6, 2005 -> 12:45 PM) Gee, just what we need. Actually, if we want to understand the mutations that created it...yeah it is just what we need.
  5. Well...the good news for me thus far is that on Ebay, a single ticket for an Angels ALCS game is going for less than $100. Man...if we win 1 more game I'm snapping one of those up.
  6. QUOTE(Punch and Judy Garland @ Oct 5, 2005 -> 10:39 PM) I really think Joe's backk must be wrose than is thought. That might explain the bouncing of balls to first and he just didn't seem to get down enough on Damon's hit. As far as Mark goes, man was the gamethread just brutal on him. I'm glad he stepped it up and a lot of people have happily eaten their crow tonight as we all look forward with tons of anticipation to Friday afternoon. It will hopefully be much different than our last Firday afternoon Game Three and Freddy Garcia's job is to make sure that doesn't happen I don't think it's his back unless it's worse than it was last week...he's been making bad plays, but only in these last couple games...he's been making just as many good plays before that as he usually was making. I think it's the playoff pressure just getting to him...he's trying to do too much, throwing the ball before he catches it (game 1 - that was obvious), and it's just hurting him a little bit.
  7. After Mark got out of the 3rd inning...something just clicked in his head. He threw 11 pitches to get the next 6 outs in the next 2 innings. David Wells threw nearly 50 pitches in those same 2 innings. You did what we needed you to do MB. You outpitched David Wells.
  8. Christ...I thought our fans were pretty quiet in the 1st inning...we were already down 2 runs. And I'd love to know how exactly he judges that we aren't intelligent.
  9. Well...now we would like to see the teams again split the 2 games in NY, just to start wearing on their bullpens. That's probably about what I'd expect for that series...it'd be hard for the Angels to shut down the Yankee bats multiple games in a row, but it'd also be hard for the Yankee bats to get to Angel Pitching several days in a row.
  10. I don't remember who's description it was, but I thought it was apt. White Sox fans aren't rich. They're not loaded with cash. These are working class folks. A trip to the ballpark is expensive for those sorts of folks. I know it would be for me. You can't attend every game when you don't have a fan base that's loaded with people who buy up all of the luxury sweets. These sorts of people want to see a good product. I know I do. They put a winner on the field...they get some of my hard earned. I don't consider that to be a bandwagon fan...i consider that to be the way to be a fan when you're not earning 6 figures. If I'm a fan of a team winning 70 games, or that's not going anywhere any year...I don't have much fun going to the ballpark and watching them lose, and I'm not as proud when I wear my hat/jersey/brand new T Shirt that MLB refuses to ship. But when they win...they've earned it.
  11. So...did anyone else other than me not realize until just now that we're now in the middle of a: f***ING 7 GAME WINNING STREAK!!!! P.S. Make it 16.
  12. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Oct 5, 2005 -> 06:55 PM) Boston fans on SoSH now complaining about the Cell. I love it. Yeah...if we were in Boston...how many of Konerko's fly outs would have cleared that wall?
  13. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Oct 5, 2005 -> 06:52 PM) You do realize it's a White Sox board, right? I still don't get who told you we wanted a red sox fan's point of view. Oh give him a break Sleepy...as long as people are polite and realize theyr'e in hostile territory I don't care who posts here.
  14. QUOTE(fathom @ Oct 5, 2005 -> 06:51 PM) Jenks fastball was a little slower cause he seemed to be cutting it. A lot of his pitches were just cutting in on the lefty. Seriously though, Jenks has done that all year...he loses like 2 mph in his 2nd inning...that's one of the reasons why the Sox made him into a relief pitcher I believe I read somewhere. But hey, if they're moving, so much the better. 96 mph cutter? Ouch.
  15. You know...we only had a couple 5 run innings all f***ing year...it took us until late June in Colorado for us to get our first 1. We've had 2 in 2 days. And remember back in early September when we had that streak of about a month and a half where we never came back from more than 2 down? BOO YEAH!!!
  16. QUOTE(redandwhite @ Oct 5, 2005 -> 06:45 PM) Couldn't ask for anything more out of Graffanino after the botched Uribe grounder. Jenks was down from a consistent 98 in the 8th to 95 in the 9th, he was hittable. Damon, Renteria both just looked terrible. For the third straight year on the brink of elimination. Congratulations and good luck.. atleast to the people on this board who arent jackasses. Jenks usually does that...he loses like 2 mph in his 2nd inning but he still has good power...he can kick it up to 96 or 97 for 1 or 2 pitches if he needs to but he holds it steady at 95 or above.
  17. Freddo...It's on the road...it's the afternoon...It's a gigantic game. Go get em. I won't be around this weekend, so make sure you finish it off so that I can run screaming out of my tent at 11:00 p.m. with a tiny transistor radio in hand when I hear the score.
  18. And now...the best road team in baseball will go...on the road.
  20. Bobby! The Gooch! 1 game from the ALCS! 101 down, 9 to go.
  21. Jenks should be in through Olerud and Graffy...if anyoen gets on before Damon, then put in Neal, if not, leave in the big guy.
  22. That was a 29 pitch inning for Wells. He has now thrown 76. The pitch counts have totally flipped these last 2 innings...Wells has thrown nearly 50, and Buehlre has thrown 11 in the last 2. Totals: 76 Wells, 68 Buehrle, through 5.
  23. Thank you Jesus/Allah/Buddha/Iguchi. Oh, and Thanks to the Rally Selig too. Put the commish in the booth with Rooney and Farmer ALL THE f***ING TIME.
  24. I'm having the exact same problem...I ordered a sox T shirt from MLB.com 15 minutes after we clinched, got a note saying it was out of stock, and have not heard from them since.
  25. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Oct 5, 2005 -> 10:11 AM) It seems like everyone's pissed off at the choice. That means she probably really is the best woman for the job. Either that, or she's so horrifically unqualified that it actually did piss everyone off.
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