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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. Wow, didn't expect to see this one. Remember that courthouse shooting rampage earlier in the year, where the guy shot a bunch of people and escaped, then took a woman hostage and she managed to convince him to give up by telling him about Jesus? Yeah....funny story....(Via the AP)
  2. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Sep 27, 2005 -> 02:47 PM) I hope Ozuna's start is a result of Crede's back needing a break. Why else would you take the hottest hitter out of the line up?? If anything Ozuna should be playing for Uribe. Read 1 page back. There's now a Rally Baby!
  3. Somehow, I doubt Carl listens to anyone.
  4. I don't have a clue what makes you say Iguchi isn't hitting like he was earlier this season. Yeah he's not hitting .340 like he was to start the year, but he certainly isn't having problems in September. AVG OBP SLG OPS .296 .341 .407 .748
  5. And Fathom, that also ignores the fact that all 3 of those guys should be better offensive players than they have been this year. Just to toss that in...each one of them should be better than they have been (Ditto AJ). Not just talking historical production...mainly just in terms of potential ability and what we've seen those guys do in stretches.
  6. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 27, 2005 -> 02:23 PM) Everyone can relax.....Everett is in the lineup!!!!! The Sun Times suggested this was Everett's last chance day.
  7. While we do have multiple viable options, I'm not sure that they're a.) within 18 months of being MLB Ready, and b.) not going to be busy replacing other outfield spots. Remember...of the 3 outfielders we have right now, I believe Dye's contract is up the soonest (save Everett). In other words, just for free agent reasons, he'll need replaced first. (and the odds are his injury history may well catch up with him next season too). That takes up 1 viable option. Secondly...Podsednik is still a fairly big question mark, in that if he can't steal bases, he's pretty much useless as a leadoff hitter and a detriment to our lineup. Rowand right now is the least of our concerns in the outfield. If someone offers something ridiculously good for him, sure I'd take it, but we're going to have other holes to fill in the outfield before we need to worry about Rowand.
  8. Wow, this one is so amazingly sneaky I'm quite surprised I even caught it. They literally buried it. Earlier in the Iraq debacle, the funds for the war were appropriated exclusively in the form of supplemental appropriations that Congress passed. This was useful politically, in that it allowed the government to claim reduced figures for the true budget deficit during the year (since the supplementals weren't part of the normal budgeting process), and they also gave Bush the occasional "I voted for the bill before I voted against it" from Kerry, which we all know played perfectly into Rove's hand. Now it seems that the Republicans have decided things are going so bad in Iraq, they don't want to risk the public scrutiny that comes with a separate appropriation for Iraq and Afghanistan. They're quite literally burying another $50 billion supplemental into a normal defense spending bill. This $50 billion would push the total amount appropriated by Congress for the wars to over $400 billion since the invasion of Iraq started.
  9. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Sep 27, 2005 -> 01:42 PM) that was the year he almost hit .400, no? Yes.
  10. QUOTE(Randar68 @ Sep 27, 2005 -> 12:58 PM) Rowand is 27 years old.... Please see this link and tell me again what the outlier is... The outlier seems to me to be the 2002 season, the only season during which his OPS was more than 100 points away from his career average. His .742 OPS this season is also a fair amount lower than his career average, and even lower than his 2003 number.
  11. Balta1701

    94.7 the Zone

    QUOTE(Chisoxrd5 @ Sep 27, 2005 -> 01:08 PM) Agreed...it got too Guns and Rosesey for me...The Zone never really had an identity. At first they were Q101 the 2nd, then they went hard rock, then they went 80's-90's rock and now they gone... Last time I was in that city I thoroughly enjoyed the Zone...I thought their play lists and rotations were better than the ones on Q101, and that they played less of the incredibly crappy rock that was being put out these days. Plus, they had a much better lineup of DJ's than Q101.
  12. QUOTE(IndplsSoxFan @ Sep 27, 2005 -> 01:26 PM) What would happen if Cle, Bos, & NYY finished with the same record. How does MLB settle who's in and who's out? A 1 game playoff for the AL east, & then the loser play another 1 game playoff for the wildcard?? Assuming that the Sox win the central! More details here.
  13. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 27, 2005 -> 12:58 PM) Unlike the Jays and Orioles, the Tigers have a very talented lineup. They're much more competitive than those two AL East teams are. And yet...we were beaten for the most part by Brandon Inge.
  14. Teixeira will not be traded. Let me say that again....Texas has needed to move a bat for pitching forever, and they have chosen not to do so. They have plenty of bats, but none nearly as good as Teixeira. They know this. They have needed to move Soriano for a while now, and haven't done so. If you offered Texas our entire starting rotation, they might give up Teixeira. But they will not move him for Garland.
  15. QUOTE(WSoxMatt @ Sep 27, 2005 -> 12:30 PM) Red Sox PACKED the House for a 1pm Eastern game!!! SOLD OUT AND THEY ARE ALL THERE!!! They also won a world series last year...have no competition for fans in that area...and have a ballpark that probably already counts as a historic landmark.
  16. I don't think we're saying we need him...I think we're saying that when he's playing well he's useful. We have 2 possibly decent backup options in B.A. and Borchard right now. But I don't think that either one of them is as useful as a Carl Everett when Everett is playing well. Only problem...of course, is that Everett isn't playing well at all.
  17. I think Pods has also substantially increased his value compared to 2004...coming off a .290 season insteads of a .240 season could very well do that. But, for that to happen...2 things would have to happen. 1. B.A. would truly have to be ready. And not just ready in the Jeremy Reed...needs a couple of months to even start to develop at the big league level...but ready to come up and challenge for the ROY award ready. 2. We'd need to figure out who's going to hit in the leadoff spot. Again, I'll contend we either need someone with a lot of speed or someone with a very high OBP in order to set the team up to generate runs before whatever middle of the order we have next year comes up. I don't see anyone else in our lineup who can do that.
  18. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Sep 27, 2005 -> 10:39 AM) It always makes me wonder, how do we know that we actually got the right guy? This guy goes by 3 seperate names that can be broken down into smaller names that can be pinned on anyone. I hope we got the right guy, but how would I actually know? But the military would never lie!
  19. Of course she's a radical...which is one of the reasons I don't personally want to follow her cause...it's a cute story, but I disagree with her on too many topics. But then again...it's fully within her rights as an American to be stupid, to advocate stupid policies, and to do so very loudly and very obnoxiously. And well, if that op-ed wants to complain about how the media isn't giving full coverage to how crazy some of her views are, let's go back and see how much coverage the media gave to how insane Bushco's statements about the Iraqi WMD were before the war.
  20. Damn man, the headline made me think we got Zarqawi. This is just another one of those guys with 30 people in line to replace him.
  21. Ordered from Amazon like a month ago. Don't have time to run to a store today...but that's what Amazon is for.
  22. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 27, 2005 -> 10:21 AM) I just hope that if McCarthy doesn't have a superhuman game, that people don't start bashing him. He's been pitching tremendous lately, but it's not realistic to expect another 7-0 or 8-1 out of him. We need to start scoring 5 runs each game. Especially against Tigers pitching...we should be doing so. If anyone starts bashing Brandon...I'm gonna sit here and point at those games with Texas, Boston, and Minnesota, then cover my ears and start yelling loudly in order to not listen to the response. This is one case I'm gonna be damn stubborn. This kid is going to be great. And I have a real good feeling about the kid going tonight.
  23. QUOTE(robinventura23 @ Sep 27, 2005 -> 10:16 AM) I hope it'll be wrapped up by then. I'm hoping Contreras would pitch Game 1, if we make it. Also, why would Ozzie summon his starters from the bullpen? Does he not have faith in his bullpen after what they've done all year? Do we have a better left hander in the bullpen than Mark Buehrle? No offense to Neal of course...but you give me the choice between those 2 and I'll take Mark every time. And Hi Damaso! Plus, there's the added issue of long relief...you just don't want some guys pitching 3+ innings. Jenks for example...he can do it and do it well...but you just don't want to waste him if a game is close/tied late and there's a threat of extra innings. Carl needs a day off. If not a couple. Hopefully either he'll pull it together tonight or the break will help. He can be real useful in the playoffs...just not as a strikeout victim.
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