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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(the People's Champ @ Sep 26, 2005 -> 01:13 PM) Damn I just checked to see if that would be Freddy's turn in the rotation, but it isn't. Would have been nice cause you know how FG do during day games on the road Oh well, he is pitching the last game in Detroit which also happens to be a day game, so hopefully that means MONEY If we were to wrap everything up in a neat little package beforehand, I wouldn't be surprised at all if someone like El Duque were to get a start in Cleveland just so as to give the others extra rest.
  2. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Sep 26, 2005 -> 01:05 PM) BTW, there is no reason to take A-row out of the 3 spot in the order. He will thrive there. He has been our best hitter with RISP this year, and that's the definiton of the 3 hole when you hit behind Iguchi and Pods. I just worry about the amount of times he swings and misses/strikes out being a problem sitting in front of Konerko.
  3. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Sep 26, 2005 -> 01:21 PM) I think I can honestly say that when the playoffs roll around I won't be on here much, especially during the games. I need full concentration on the game, can't afford to have outside interference from any of you Let the spam continue to roll in, it's mighty entertaining. I've got a nice little place set up on my coffee table to place my laptop right in front of the TV. Although...I do need to get some audio files of Hawk saying "He Gawn" and "You can put it on the board" so as to allow for me to recreate the full experience of the game. And yes, I need to get a f***ing life. Live long and prosper.
  4. Here's the web page from CREW with the actual report. Go read for yourself.
  5. Well, this would certainly give me a lot more reason to tune into Angels games. And it would make it far more bearable when the Sox play the Angels, since out here they always Broadcast the Angels announcers over the DirecTV feed no matter who they're playing.
  6. Either way...I'm going to be in Death Valley that day...so I'm just gonna hope we clinch before we leave. Otherwise I'll be running out of my tent with my transistor radio screaming "The White Sox win the pennant!" over and over at about 10:30 that night.
  7. Balta1701

    England Guilty.

    Ah conflicted emotions. Man does she ever deserve prison. Man do her superiors, who are using her as a scapegoat, ever deserve prison as well.
  8. Good work to all those with the servers. Thanks for the hard work.
  9. Would you dislike her methods as much if you agreed with her?
  10. Um...that's a political scientist with way too much time on his hands.
  11. Don't forget...that's 40 of the 100 currently serving senators...I bet if you went in and looked at the numbers of Senators that had retired recently but were still employed...they'd all be making in the high 6 to 7 figures per year.
  12. I thought at the beginning of the year that the Wolverines were hugely overrated and overconfident. They earned this.
  13. On the other hand Tex...weigh the amount you might lose by not having control of your personal portfolio to the amounts you might stand to gain through that govenrment service... Lobbying contracts after you retire, business contacts that help you find incredibly high paying positions, the lecture circuit, etc.
  14. Man, thanks for telling us now, Mr. Chairman...only 4 years after you endorsed the tax cuts which created over 1/2 of the current hole in our budget deficit. CNN
  15. The head of the SEC, former Representative Christopher Cox is recusing himself from any investigation into Frist.
  16. Big Jon...let's just take care of business up there. Sit em down, and let's get on our way to next week.
  17. Actually...I think the idea behind that was to do a list of other people, since CREW had spent so much time on Delay.
  18. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Sep 25, 2005 -> 10:43 PM) I'm not going to stick up for Dr. Babbs in any way, shape or form. But I do need to point out a sleight-of-hand by Drudge in play here that is showing up with increasing frequency. The initial assertion was that more intense AND more frequent tropical storm systems can be expected if current warming trends continue. Drudge (or wherever this originated) then rattled off a litany of intense storms occurring over the last 60 years, but he declined to take on the frequency issue. If you're wondering why, just take a look at the level of tropical activity over the past 15 years. Whether it's an upswing in activity as part of a natural long-term cyclic phenomenon, or whether something else is going on, the last 15 years have been rocking in the tropics. Ron Brownstein wrote about this topic this morning...it's a good intro primer if anyoen is interested.
  19. Well, at least J.P. Losman can now take his time developing, because the Bills won't be making much noise this year. Takeo Spikes is out for the year.
  20. Let's see...35,000 times 6....let's add roughly another 210,000 to that before this year wraps up. (Assuming we sweep all 3 series). JR...the better we get...the more of us come.
  21. If you tear down the goalposts after beating "Death Spiral Dave"'s team...there's something wrong with you. I still like the Purdue solution...after that run to the Rose Bowl with Brees...they had their engineering department redesign the goalposts. They haven't come down since.
  22. So here's the 1 thing I can't figure out about today. When you're the Steelers, and you're on the 3 yard line of the Patriots with 1:30 left in the game...and the team sitting on the opposite side of the field from you has Tom Brady at Quarterback...why the Hell would you run a play to get into the end zone on the first play? I swear, we see this at least 10 times per year. You're playing against a very good team that is totally out of time outs, you've got the ball near the end zone, and you score the touchdown to tie/take a small lead with like a minute or two left in the game. You can get off like 5 plays or more with 30 seconds left in the game. Why the Hell wouldn't you take the ball, give it to your running back, have him slam into the line 1 or 2 times and run the clock down so that Tom Brady doesn't get the ball back? It beats teams every damn week it seems.
  23. Of course the word "Choke" isn't in our vocabulary. Every time Ozzie says, it the folks on Sportscenter think he's saying that we're not a "Joke".
  24. On the other hand...if we play Anaheim...I can get tickets...and get a Rally Crede into the Big A...hmmm....
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