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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(Middle Buffalo @ Sep 24, 2005 -> 09:52 PM) Not sure, but he's a helluva good 4th starter. His stuff is so nasty. Some guys, you watch them and think, I could hit that (when you clearly could not), but JC's ball moves soooo much. If he can keep pitching with an idea of where the ball is going, I don't see why he can't be an ace. Garcia, on the other hand, is not an ace (though he has the stuff) because he doesn't show up ready to pitch every game. If he can get through the first 3 innings.... A big if. Jose does this for a whole season...yeah...Ace. Then again...BMac does this for a whole season...yeah...Ace. Then again...Jon takes his May and repeats it for a whole season...yeah....Ace. Then again...Mark takes his June and repeats it for a whole season...wow. I swear to God...you think this year's pitching staff was something special...if they hold those 4 together plus Freddo next year...wow.
  2. QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ Sep 24, 2005 -> 07:02 PM) CONGRATULATIONS! That's awesome!!!!!!! I'm happy for you! Don't congratulate me yet...these olivine crystals I've been analyzing have found more than 1 way to screw me up this summer... I think I've teased out the numbers I need though. I hope.
  3. QUOTE(HeGone! @ Sep 24, 2005 -> 07:04 PM) Our question has been answered! Great job tonight by Freddy and all the guys! WAY TO GO SOX! I'm still angry at him for the performances against K.C. and Cleveland. He helped his case today. He didn't seal it yet.
  4. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Sep 24, 2005 -> 06:45 PM) Thome is a name I have a feeling we are going to be hearing alot about this off-season. The Phillies would be idiots to hold on to both Howard and Thome now. On the other hand...until Thome proves he's healthy...he has basicalyl no value to anybody.
  5. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 24, 2005 -> 06:44 PM) I heard yesterday Nomar won't sign to play 3b. I bet there's a way to convince him...>$$$ Anywho...I wouldn't want Nomar anywhere. Geoff Blum would wind up being our version of Neifi Perez.
  6. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 24, 2005 -> 06:41 PM) It's not like the Sox play in a pitcher's park. And as for Thome, I've heard the Phillies will pick up between 33 and 50 pct of his deal. You'd have to make sure he's healthy though. He isn't. Even if he says he is. We're better off going with Thomas...he'd be cheaper than Thome and just as injury prone.
  7. I think the playoff starters should all depend on how people do in the next 2 starts. Freddo did the job today. He just raised his chances of a playoff start. MB is on the hill tomorrow. If he gets his mechanics together and shuts these bastards down, and then they both repeat that next start, then the question marks will disappear, and I'll agree that BMac should be in relief. But if Mark or Freddy are lit up again in their next start, and BMac throws another pair of great games in clutch situations (BMac is on the line for our last game of the season btw)...then I think you have to go with the kid. Freddy and Mark, and a little bit Jon too....have to earn their starts in the playoffs right now. I don't care if the kid's a rookie...if the vets aren't performing, they shouldn't pitch.
  8. QUOTE(Felix @ Sep 24, 2005 -> 06:37 PM) Im not saying we should offer him 18 million off the bat, but if LAAAAAA does offer $15/5, then yea, I would go $18m. That would be the worst contract in White Sox history.
  9. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 24, 2005 -> 06:37 PM) So on the road, he's Joe Crede all the time? (Screams in terror)
  10. Freddy Garcia...we missed you! White Sox offense not swinging for the fences on every pitch, stringing hits together, and putting pressure on the defense...man oh man did we miss you guys. Tadahito with the great game. Finish these bastards off Tomorrow Mark. Let's turn this into a winning streak.
  11. That was an enjoyable way to spend 2.5 hours on a saturday.
  12. I Love how ARow was sprinting over there thinking the left fielder wasn't going to get to the ball, then he had to duck behind the guy in better throwing position.
  13. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 24, 2005 -> 06:30 PM) Felix...Hank's had a bad season, yet you don't think he can improve next year? I see in another thread that you mention Rowand will be back to form next year? Blalock is a much more dangerous hitter than Rowand at a position that we're definitely lacking a big time hitter. I'd rather have Dunn though. "Can" improve does not mean "Will" improve. Remember, there may always be a reason why anyone has taken a step back this year. What a play by B.A.!!!!
  14. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 24, 2005 -> 06:29 PM) It all matters what we want to do with Duque. If we're forced to start him, Contreras's value will never be higher than it is this offseason. Some teams will think he's the ace they've been looking for, and with one year left on his deal, he's not a huge risk. It also matters what happens this October...if we march through a few rounds and Jose steps up as big as he has been of late...then would you want to be the one who takes a piece out of a pitching staff that could have 5 15 game winners next year?
  15. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 24, 2005 -> 06:25 PM) Maybe you get rid of PK, find a solid offensive 1b like Overbay or Tracy, and save some money in order to get a DH that can hit above .250. Getting rid of PK gives this team a lot of flexibility. I'm still on the Contreras and Marte for Dunn or Blalock bandwagon. The big question is...by downgrading offensively at 1b, given whatever the salary differences are, can we grab someone who can make up for the offense elsewhere? Also...how much will it cost us to make a trade for someone like Overbay or Tracy? If the cost comes out prohibitively large, then we're left with Gload. And while I like Gload...I don't knwo if he's the answer right now. Here's what I think...I think Konerko's status next year should depend entirely on how far we get in the playoffs. We go out in round 1 (or the unthinkable happens)...and if he chokes with the bat at the time, then maybe we let him walk. Paulie steps it up big time in October and carries this team through a couple rounds...then sign that SOB.
  16. QUOTE(CYGarland @ Sep 24, 2005 -> 06:24 PM) I might go as high as 4/50. But thats it I bet you just outlined the amount Paulie will be paid next year....no matter who does it. B.A. coming up for Podsie, nice.
  17. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 24, 2005 -> 06:22 PM) I'd offer PK 3/36, and if he said no, I'd wish him well and look to make a trade for a 1b. Would you do 4/48?
  18. QUOTE(Felix @ Sep 24, 2005 -> 06:22 PM) I think Rollins for $40 over 5 years is worse. I'm sure we could come up with a few worse ones. Renteria looks pretty bad right now...Beltre, J.D. Drew...personally I think ARod's is terrible, so are a bunch of the ones the Yankee Vets got.
  19. QUOTE(CYGarland @ Sep 24, 2005 -> 06:21 PM) I wouldn't pay him more than 12 per. period I think if we open with that as an offer...we'll probably hold onto him.
  20. QUOTE(CYGarland @ Sep 24, 2005 -> 06:19 PM) I know. But w/ this lead, this late, there's no reason for him to be in there anymore I agree 100% with you...just pointing out that hopefully no harm was being done.
  21. Nice play Uribe. Ozzie...if you send Freddy out for the 9th...
  22. QUOTE(Felix @ Sep 24, 2005 -> 06:16 PM) Yes. I'd be willing to give Konerko up to ~$18 million, but past that, im not sure about it. He adds some sort of fear to our lineup, something Tracy, Overbay, or Gload dont do. He is the rock of the lineup, and I see no reason to be stingy in paying him. H. Christ. I don't think I'd pay that for Manny right now.
  23. QUOTE(CYGarland @ Sep 24, 2005 -> 06:14 PM) Why is Freddy still in there?? He started this inning with 89 pitches thrown. I'd have taken him out, but at least it's not an insane number yet.
  24. USC takes a 17-13 lead (assuming they make the extra point)
  25. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 24, 2005 -> 06:12 PM) Iguchi has a very quiet 12 game hitting streak. Jimmy Rollins has a 29 game hit streak now. That 4-4 wasn't very quiet today.
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