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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(rudylaw @ Sep 23, 2005 -> 10:36 AM) Maybe BMAC can show MB and Freddie a few things to help them not suck so bad lately. Obviously BMAC knows something they don't. Throw strikes. Move inside and out. Don't tip your change.
  2. By the way...yesterday, you saw exactly why I didn't want to even think about trading this kid. We've got him for like 6+ years in the rotation for a hell of a lot less than he's worth. He's got a chance to make us forget all of this "Is Buehrle an ace" talk next year, because we'll have another one.
  3. QUOTE(jasonxctf @ Sep 23, 2005 -> 10:44 AM) For the way he talks on the air, I would have thought he would have better numbers than these. Bob Uecker.
  4. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Sep 23, 2005 -> 10:56 AM) ^^^ If Frank is able to play baseball, I want it to be here. If he signs a contract this offseason, I will take what meager earnings I have (grad student earning power, joy) and immediately buy a #35 jersey. That will be my contribution to keeping him.
  5. Wait, did you just say that the Strike was minor compared to this? Are you being serious?
  6. Even if this collapse finishes the way it looks like it will...you can still count me among the group who wants to see the big man back next season. If nothing else...if he can stay healthy enough to make a run towards 500, that will put fans in the seats...something we may very well need a lot of help with after this. Plus...we're going to have to pay him $3.5 million anyway, why not try to get some sort of service out of it?
  7. Again, I'll ask the question...what have we come to when the only savior we can imagine is Joe Borchard? Seriously...I want him to play too.
  8. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2005 @ Sep 23, 2005 -> 01:24 AM) The Bulls are super f***in deep now. Assuming we sign Curry, our starting 5 will pretty much be what it was last year. Curry, Davis, Deng, Hinrich, Duhon. I'm assuming that's what it would be, atleast to start the season. The bench would consist of Gordon, Chandler, Nocioni, Harrington, Allen, Songalia, Badsen, who I think will be awesome, Pargo, with Griffin and Pike on the IL? I also wouldn't be surprised to see Antonio Davis traded sometime around the trade deadline. Personally, I would actually prefer to have the starting lineup change from last year...Going with Curry and Chandler both in it to start off (the ol' Twin Towers formula for which they were originally drafted), Deng, Hinrich moving back to point guard, and give Gordon a shot at starting. Hinrich still strikes me as a more natural point guard, and I want him to get more minutes at that spot this year. Duhon could be excellent as a backup.
  9. QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ Sep 23, 2005 -> 10:10 AM) Heard on Boers and Bernstein the other day Congress is also talking to players he's played with to confirm he did steroids before the hearing so they can nail him with perjury charges They're trying to do so...but I don't think they will. We're almost certain the positive test happened after Palmeiro had already testified. Despite the long appeals process in baseball, it doesn't last 4 months. In other words, there's no way to prove that Palmeiro used the stuff before he testified. That creates reasonable doubt, which would mean a conviction was impossible. Unless they can find multiple witnesses who are themselves willing to say they shot up with Palmeiro in the months before he testified before Congress, they won't be able to prove their case. There's nothing in the test that would be able to date when he used the stuff. I think the best we may be able to hope for is either a public release of those documents or a second public Congressional hearing involving Palmeiro...which would be a delight to watch, wouldn't it?
  10. By the way...I really like what Matt Yglesias has to say about this poll.
  11. QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Sep 23, 2005 -> 10:25 AM) Yah I totally agree, I was laughing throughout that clip. I can't wait to see how The Colbert Report does in satirizing these guys.
  12. QUOTE(Steff @ Sep 23, 2005 -> 10:19 AM) IMO, based on the moral grounds it would be given more weight then a case over a CC membership. That's why I see no comparison. I understand the "legal" course... but in a country where you can become a millionare for spilling coffee on yourself... I would test the waters with a case like this. As for the Klingons... watch out.. I'm pretty sure there ARE a few here. I don't want to get into the whole McDonald's case here, so I hope no one else will reply to this, but in my opinion, using that as a metaphor for a judicial system out of control simply shows a complete misunderstanding of the facts of that case.
  13. You know, I watched the clip of that Donahue interview on O'Reilly, and while I was moderately impressed that he held his ground as O'Reilly got pissed off, I didn't think he made his points particularly well at all. He didn't challenge O'Reilly on any of the "Facts" of the case, and he didn't make his argument in any really effective way. It became just 2 loudmouths shouting at each other. Just not my cup of tea.
  14. QUOTE(Steff @ Sep 23, 2005 -> 10:12 AM) Sorry Mike.. but a CC Membership or entrance to the Boy Scouts, IMO, doesn't even come close to being a justifiable comparison. Just remember, when he makes that comparison, he's not saying that the comparison holds on moral grounds. He's saying it holds on legal grounds. Morally...would most people, even Christians, say its wrong to punish children for the actions of their parents? I'd say a huge majority would agree - I don't think we're Klingons here. But the law in this matter seems settled by the precedent of the case involving the Boy Scouts. As a private organization, the Church can make whatever rules it wants, and can discriminate against whoever it wants. That's built into the right of assembly and the free excercise clause in the constitution.
  15. QUOTE(Mercy! @ Sep 23, 2005 -> 10:10 AM) If I were their lawyers, I'd be checking to see if that "Christian" school gets even one dollar of governement aid - federal, state or local. But you're forgetting...under stated Bush administration policy, it's no longer a problem for organizations that discriminate on these sorts of basis to receive tons of federal funding. Think about the "Faith-based" initiative program...Congress could never agree to it because they could never come up with rules about Discrimination, so Bush jumped over their heads and implemented the program by executive order. There's a reason that I don't give to the Salvation Army when disasters strike.
  16. QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Sep 23, 2005 -> 07:18 AM) You kids are too smart for me. I'm going to go hang with the stoners. This page's resident Geologist welcomes you. (/Bad Pun)
  17. QUOTE(Steff @ Sep 23, 2005 -> 09:56 AM) I agree with you both. But I don't think "legally" matters. A sympathetic jury is all they need... I would like to see them sue. I would like to see this s*** tested. It makes me sick that children are denied an education based on what happens in their personal lives. Actually, yes it does matter legally, because if a conviction were handed down by a sympathetic jury, it's still possible for the school to appeal to higher courts and have the conviction reduced/thrown out. We've also already seen where the Supreme Court sits, and Bush has 2 nominations to play with before this case would ever get that far.
  18. Desperate to get out of Houston? It'll cost ya.
  19. There are rumblings that Congress may decide to do a public release of the documents that MLB handed over to them...if so, we can make sure that the leak of the steroid he was caught using (Winstrol) was actually correct, and then we can start asking Tejada what he injected into Raffy's ass. 1 thing here...Palmeiro will likely never put on an Orioles uniform again, even if he does want to play.
  20. The Trib this morning has another piece of the puzzle on why more buses weren't used to evacuate NOLA earlier. Guess what they find...you guessed it...Frank Stallone...no wait, um, FEMA.
  21. Insiders sold a whopping $100 million in that company's shares in the month before the stock price took the hit.
  22. QUOTE(SoxFanForever @ Sep 22, 2005 -> 09:51 PM) Seen any Marte outings lately? Marte isnt' a finesse pitcher like Takatsu is. When a fastball/curveball pitcher who relies on speed loses control, it's not that shocking. When a guy like Takatsu, who relies entirely on location, loses control, it's quite shocking. Think about guys like Maddux, Jamie Moyer, etc. These guys have incredibly long careers because they rely on location and changing speeds.
  23. QUOTE(Allsox @ Sep 23, 2005 -> 08:48 AM) Tell Ozzie your groin is killing your abilities to steal a base and the team's better off with someone else leading off then you.... If Pod's only running with one leg, he's absolutely worthless to the team....What was the point of pinch hitting him last night since he couldn't steal a base anyway? Because he's a left handed hitter and he can still hit better than most of the lefties on our team. That error that put him on base last night happened entirely because he still has decent speed even if he's hurt...the guy at SS was trying to make the throw before he picked up the ball, and he booted it. It isn't Pods's fault that we went like 0-5 or 0-6 in the last 3 innings with RISP.
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