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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Sep 22, 2005 -> 10:00 AM) Good news from Masters Blog NOAA is running a similar story. Let's just hope this doesn't discourage people from evacuating.
  2. QUOTE(Wiredawg1 @ Sep 22, 2005 -> 09:41 AM) Let him try that s*** again, and Guerhle will be digging Pronk's foot out of his ass. Any way you slice it, that was a s***ty thing to do, and i'm fairly sure he knows what will happen to his happy ass if he tries it again. I can't believe people condone s*** like that in MLB. It wasn't on purpose when Mark hit him. And I agree with you that doing it again would be a very s***ty thing to do. I don't mind when people get hit or when people get hit in retaliation, but headhunting is not something that should be condoned.
  3. Posted without comment from me.
  4. QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 22, 2005 -> 09:29 AM) Jim I remember a long ago comment by my HS Bio Teacher that every organism pollutes their environment to the point that it is inhabitable. Is that accurate? "Every mammal instinctively develops an equilibrium with its surroundings but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and you multiply until every natural resource is consumed. There is another creature on this planet that operates the same way. A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. And we, are the cure." -Agent Smith.
  5. QUOTE(SnB @ Sep 22, 2005 -> 09:34 AM) i haven't read or seen much about this one, but mya ccy proffesor mentioned that she heard gas prices might be around $5/gal, by the end of the weekend, true? Here's CNN saying it could hit that. The fact is...no one really knows what sort of damage it'll do until it passes. If it comes ashore with the full Category 5 force and bears down on all of those refineries in Houston (which probably weren't built to withstand the strength of a Category 5) and also dismantles even more of the offshore oil platforms, then $5 a gallon might not be out of the question. My instints tell me that a few areas might push $4 in the worst case scenario, but I personally doubt $5 until I actually see it.
  6. QUOTE(DonkeyKongerko @ Sep 22, 2005 -> 08:52 AM) I was merely addressing the conclusions drawn in the article which really require a few logical leaps for me to make the same attributions they make. The correlation of rising sea temperatures and storm strength is strongly evidenced, but the degree of correlation is largely left up to the interpretation of a reader. By the end of the article, nothing is proven and it is concluded that the evidence only "strongly suggests" that "hurricanes tend to become more destructive." The problem is that people, and I don't mean to single out Balta, will throw out a blog link like this with such conclusions and add their own summary based on assumptions that the article proved something beyond a reasonable doubt. I'm glad to see progress is being made on the matter, but what action am I supposed to take when the scientific community remains so divided on a particular issue? Actually, I put that specific link up because it doesn't attempt to insist that any of these hurricanes are directly related to global warming. However, the discussion was on the question of whether or not 2 hurricanes this size in any particular year is something unprecedented. My point in response is that while it may be unprecedented now, given the forcing of climate change that we've already created...in our lifetimes, this sort of event, with multiple gigantic hurricanes in a single season, may become shockingly commonplace.
  7. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Sep 22, 2005 -> 09:27 AM) An interesting read from February in the Houston Chronicle on what to expect if a Cat 4/5 hurricane hit Houston/Galveston http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/m...politan/3046592 Eerily similar to the way the Times-Picayune was running pieces 3 years ago saying that those levees were going to break.
  8. God that was an absolute humanitarian disaster when it was up and runniing.
  9. Underachieved. ARow; already mentionned. Uribe; already mentionned. Man we were spoiled with his first 2 months last season. Crede: this dude should be hitting with a higher average. When he gets going, he can hit .350 for a month. If he could just hit .250 when he gets cold, instead of 1 for 20, he'd be hitting nearly .300 on the year. Everett; was fine until this last month or so where his average has plummetted. And aside from ARow, the person who has most disappointed me with the bat is: AJ Pierzynski. I would rather have the .300 hitter version of AJ with 10 home runs than the .255 version of AJ with 19 home runs. Man, what happened to that obnoxious guy from Minnesota who just piled up the hits?
  10. I think Podsednik was just about right until he got hurt. He was basically hitting his career average, with his career OBP, with slightly reduced power numbers, and a ton of speed. I was expecting him to steal at least 70 this year. The last 2 months have been horrid for Pods because of that damn injury.
  11. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 21, 2005 -> 10:01 PM) Overachieving compared to previous results and what was expected. Even if Garland and Contreras had the stuff, they've still had years much better than we would have expected. Not here, as far as I'm concerned, this is exactly what I expected from both of them. Minus Garland's difficulties in the last month or two. In a drunken stupor earlier this spring, before I was at this site, i was saying those 2 would have great years and you could put it in the book. Garland has had this coming for a long time, and so has Contreras. The thing I couldn't predict was our bullpen. I was still impressed with Marte and Takatsu to start the year. Oops.
  12. The latest tracks are starting to narrow it down...the best guess path has moved a bit back to the north as opposed to earlier today...right now it's back over Galveston and Houston. NOAA
  13. I'll take the whole list minus Garland and Contreras. Depending on your definition of overachieving. If you're talking about doing better than we thought they'd do, then your list is correct. If you're talking about doing better than they should have done this year...then you have to leave Garland and Contreras off, because they have done this year EXACTLY what those guys should be doing based on their talent. Cotts is close in there too.
  14. Brandon...now here's the key...when you're facing the Twins...just picture the Red Sox lineup, and blow them the f*** away. Go get em Kiddo.
  15. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 21, 2005 -> 09:43 PM) Is it me, or do the Sox give up a lot of insurance runs in the 8th inning compared to the amount of insurance runs they get in close games? Is it just me, or did the team that was scoring so many 1st inning runs earlier in the season suddenly forget how to score before the other team?
  16. QUOTE(redandwhite @ Sep 21, 2005 -> 09:21 PM) I'm not going to scour through 60+ pages, what are everyones thoughts on Ozzie not getting Marte up in time to pull Garland in the Hafner at-bat? I think that in general we were pretty unhappy about the fac tthat Ozzie left Garland in with 105 pitches, but most of us didn't want Marte in with 2 men on.
  17. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Sep 21, 2005 -> 09:04 PM) Well its going to get ugly for the offense. Lets see if they have any balls. We face Santana tomorrow night. Then Cy Lohse who f***ed us up last time. Then we face Radke and then our course the 4 horseman of death for the white sox offense, Lefty, never seen before, good change, wild (Liriano) I believe Minny flipped their rotation aroudn and Radke is no longer pitching on Saturday
  18. We will get 1 tomorrow off of Santana. I'm hopeful. Still.
  19. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 21, 2005 -> 08:21 PM) Yep, and it's not like the Sox will get relegated from the majors. There will be a 2006 season, no matter what the outcome of this season is. well...Selig has talked about contraction for the Twins and Expos before...
  20. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 21, 2005 -> 08:01 PM) And I told you the next day that it was pointless to not post in the gamethreads, as that's where all the conversation took place on games where we lost (since there's no losers thread). I do think it's so great of you to show up in here and pick out one post of mine to critcize it. The sad thing is that I had just got done telling someone not to lose hope. Why don't you do yourself a favor and just put me on ignore? I do love how I seem to be your punching bag, as you didn't have much of a problem with me until the Sox began this epic collapse? Seriously guys, Fathom and I disagree on quite a bit, maybe more than most of you guys and Fathom, and we both post here a lot, but you don't see me getting pissed off at him like this. Please everyone, let's just keep this civil. Even if the team falls apart, it's much more fun for everyone if we're not barking at each other.
  21. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 21, 2005 -> 07:52 PM) He pitched solid, but 7-5 isn't "very well". Again...the question is whether or not you blame the pitcher when they're left in against a power hitter after throwing 105 pitches (same deal as 103 last night)
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