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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 21, 2005 -> 10:13 AM) Assuming there's no way he's on roids now, he sure hit that homer a far way last night. In a way, I wish people would stop bashing everything he does, and just enjoy that they're seeing one of the greatest players ever on the field. Given that it's impossible to test for several substances, including HGH, using the MLB's testing program, I would say your first assumption cannot be taken as a given. Secondly...have there really been any studies that show how rapidly muscle tissue or other abilities decay after steroid use ends, if a person keeps up strenuous muscle-maintenance activities like lifting weights, etc.? Somehow I doubt it - you'd need subjects who have used steroids in the first place to do the research on.
  2. My worry out of those numbers is Garcia. While his career high is 238, it's been years since he's done that. He's already at his high in innings over the last 3 years, if memory serves (too lazy to go back and look again, did it a week ago)
  3. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Sep 21, 2005 -> 11:25 AM) A billion here, a billion there, pretty soon you're talking about some real money. :rolly Well, the CPA that we originally stuck in there can't account for roughly $10 billion of what they were given.
  4. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Sep 21, 2005 -> 11:23 AM) It was a shame Roberts took a page out of the "Ruth Bader Ginsburg book of nomination testimony" Just remember this...the person who suggested to President Clinton that Ginsburg was a justice that would be easily confirmed by the Congress was Orrin Hatch.
  5. Man alive, I'm constantly amazed at how much luckier Members of the Senate are than the rest of us in the stock Market. I mean, what are the odds that Bill Frist would suddenly decide to sell all of his shares in the hospital company his family owns, right before the stock price tumbled 15%? He must have a Rally Crede giving him stock tips.
  6. I didn't see anyone else having posted this, and I think it's fairly important, so here it is. Simon Wiesenthal, the man probably most famous for capturing Adolf Eichmann (the architect of the Nazi's effort to exterminate the Jews) died earlier this week at the age of 96. During his life, he helped track down and capture over 1000 former Nazis and bring them to justice. A Holocaust survivor himself, he was a tireless advocate working to prevent people from forgetting what was done to the Jews by the Nazis. The link above is a massive obituary. Learn more about him.
  7. QUOTE(White Sox Josh @ Sep 21, 2005 -> 09:23 AM) yeah I think he is comparable to both. More so to Maddux though. He just needs to get the same strike zone Maddux gets
  8. Here's another question...how many times have y'all watched the replay of it over the MLB Media player today?
  9. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Sep 21, 2005 -> 09:14 AM) I'm trying very hard not to be quite that cynical. I've learned from watching these people running this show that it's not worth the effort.
  10. QUOTE(White Sox Josh @ Sep 21, 2005 -> 09:17 AM) Nope neither of them. Greg Maddux. He leads that team in innings pitched, is second in wins, and has started every single game this year. Call me crazy but Maddux also does something else that is key. he keeps his head on straight and doesn't blow up when something goes wrong. Maddux has been their most consistent pitcher this year. And if you had to pick the pitcher on the Sox staff who's stuff most resembles that of a young Greg Maddux...(possibly throwing with a different arm)...who would that be?
  11. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 21, 2005 -> 09:00 AM) The White Sox just have to keep on winning games. The Yankees are on a roll, and they still have a ton of games against an awful Orioles team. It definitely doesn't seem like the Sox will be able to just back themselves into the playoffs. Remember this though...the Yankees or Red Sox are guaranteed to lose at least two more games this season. That's a 4 game series between them at the end of the year? I thought it was 3 games. Hmph, that's very helpful.
  12. QUOTE(White Sox Josh @ Sep 21, 2005 -> 09:14 AM) Zambrano isn't even the best pitcher on that team. Excluding guys with 300+ wins who are down to the final years of their careers...he's the only guy on that staff who can stay healthy.
  13. QUOTE(YASNY @ Sep 21, 2005 -> 09:12 AM) Neither would I, which is the true measure of who is the better pitcher. Also...even if you were able to totally disregard the personality issues with Zambrainless, I still wouldn't trade him for Buehrle.
  14. QUOTE(DonkeyKongerko @ Sep 20, 2005 -> 10:23 PM) I've heard of backing into the playoffs but the Padres have been going backwards almost this entire season. I believe the Giants are roughly 5 games back at this point. And with the miracle of modern chemistry returning to their lineup...they're not out of it yet.
  15. QUOTE(YASNY @ Sep 21, 2005 -> 09:11 AM) Which begs the question ... Would you trade Buehrle for Zambrano? Not a chance in Hell.
  16. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Sep 20, 2005 -> 07:18 PM) I just don't feel this is the thread to be bumped at the moment. This isn't on Buehrle, we all knew Buehrle was done at that point of time. Some reason Ozzie didn't know though. Buehrle had thrown 103 pitches when he came out for the 7th. Pitch 108 left the ballpark. Everyone should have known what was coming. Cotts should have been out there to start the inning. With Clifford backing him up. You make an Ace throw 103 hard pitches in 6 innings against a good hitting team, and then throw him out there for the 7th, you're asking for trouble. Mark gave us a quality start last night, and that's what we needed from him. Ozzie killed off that quality start.
  17. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Sep 21, 2005 -> 08:00 AM) This tells me that the guy must be pretty stand up because he's getting bi-partisan support, except from dickheads like Sen. Reid. and Barbara "b****" Boxer. Just because they have different standards for when to vote for or against a particular nominee doesn't mean that they're dickheads. Leahy is willing to vote for a guy who he disagrees with on a lot of issues, probably because he's convinced voting against Roberts will not do anything to get a better nominee out of Bush. Reid is not, possibly because he wants to send a message to Bush that the next pick needs to also be fairly moderate. Also...is that not a personal attack? If that's not getting edited, then can I restart using my angry nicknames about our governor out here? (Gov. A**-grabber and so forth)
  18. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Sep 21, 2005 -> 04:23 AM) Sounds like an enormous amount of internal corruption that US military oversight either missed outright or turned a blind eye to for the sake of perceived expediency. Or because they were in on it.
  19. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 21, 2005 -> 09:01 AM) Or just a big f***ing asteroid in the sky. Hopefully Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck can save us! Happily...with most of those, at this point we'll have a few decades worth of warning before they hit. At least the ones that can do real, major damage.
  20. QUOTE(Rex Hudler @ Sep 20, 2005 -> 10:17 PM) In all honesty, that is how I have viewed this from the beginning. In some situations, no amount of preparedness can assure orderly execution of the plan. Sometimes, situations are so big, that chaos naturally ensues. The remarkable thing about this post is that it illustrates exactly why a well-run FEMA is such a necessity. In any disaster the scale of Katrina or larger, there is going to be a nearly complete breakdown of any order that can be provided by local and state authorities. They are simply going to be overwhelmed. Policemen may lose their homes, they may even be killed. People with guns will start doing stupid things. Communication lines may be cut. Supply lines may be cut. Evacuees will be competing with looters for space on the roads. Hospitals may be damaged or even out of commission. Doctors will spend days doing black trioge (done at the airport in NOLA for about 1 week after the storm). This is where FEMA, if run properly, can be vital. FEMA can marshall the resources of the Federal government, which simply cannot be matched by any state or local authority. They can bring in resources from outside the disaster area. But most important of all...they can give orders that everyone will listen to, because those orders are coming basically from the President. They can give orders to the Guard, the military, the local law enforcement, relief agencies, and everything else. That's why a working FEMA should be such a priority...it's job should be to be a voice cutting through the confusion.
  21. QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 20, 2005 -> 09:46 PM) I was just thinking, in all this talk about readiness to respond, has anyone considered that some disasters are on a scale that we could never be ready for? Maybe we can't make every situation come out happy for everyone. Maybe there truly isn't anything we can do to stop every conceivable catastrophe from happening. The magnitude 9+ earthquake in the Pacific Northwest (directly under Seattle and Portland) and associated tsunami (last one 300+ years ago killed people in Japan) which is entirely possible at any time would be on that scale. Another Earthquake on the New Madrid fault line, right in the middle of the Ohio Valley, would do the same, since there's been basically no preparation for it. One of those could critically damage Chicago. And then of course, there's the ol' terrorist with a fission device.
  22. Jon Garland...your table is ready. Big man...basically since this year started, I've thought of you as the #2 pitcher on this staff. You ever want to hear the word "Ace" attached to your name? Tonight's the night you can earn it. Sit those mutherf*ckers down. Go get em big man.
  23. QUOTE(bighurt2719 @ Sep 21, 2005 -> 06:38 AM) i think jenks is great too...but he has given up leads two nights in a row. maybe he needs a few games to chill out? Jenks has also been let down by the other people on the team 2 nights in a row. We don't need Crede at all tonight if Aaron Rowand does his job in center field. We don't have any trouble at all last night if Marte doesn't walk a guy.
  24. If you ever do this again...and see Crede anywhere on the field...the correct response is this: "We're not worthy! We're not worthy! We're not worthy!"
  25. If you had any doubt as to how much fight this team had left in it...or how much heart it had...these last 5 games should have fully erased it.
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