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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Sep 19, 2005 -> 09:09 AM) All of those thousands dead, still have not materialized. So far there are only 579 dead officially in New Orleans. Also they are estimating only 40% of the city under water now. They are estimating that the water will be pumped out by the end of the month, maybe even sooner. The difficulty in evaluating the casualty tolls right now is that we really don't know how much of the city has actually been searched, and if so, how many bodies have actually been policed up. For example, we saw just last week an example of a unit with instructions to simply mark houses that may contain bodies, with the intention of coming back to police them up later. Anywho...hopefully the lack of bodies is a positive sign.
  2. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Sep 19, 2005 -> 08:25 AM) To be honest, I have zero expectations that NK will abandon their nuke program. I am sure that one of the involved countries bribed Il to say that they were going to comply, since that has pretty much been their MO for negotiations all along. They scream and yell about needing to have this program for energy and defense, and then when someone offers them oil and/or food, they take the offer. I have some possible hope that NK will actually abandon their nuke program this time...if the U.S. and its allies actually hold up their end of the bargain. Don't forget this 1 minor detail about the Carter arranged agreement in 94...as part of that deal, the U.S. was to provide the North with 2 light water nuclear reactors for power generation (light water reactors being much more difficult to use in nuclear weapons construction). In exchange, the North was to shut down their older, Soviet-Style reactors, that generate byproducts easily usable in nuclear weapons. But, the moment that the funding for those reactors got to the Republican Congress...the Republicans killed the funding for it. In other words, we agreed to provide them 2 reactors in exchange for them giving up their nuclear program...and then we decided not to give them the reactors. Might the North Koreans have resumed their weapons work anyway if we had given them the reactors? They may very well have done so. But they were not the first side to breech the terms of that agreement.
  3. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Sep 19, 2005 -> 07:33 AM) Not that the enemies of Bush would ever admit it. From all press reports, I think I feel it is safe to say that this is the single biggest "correct" decision in diplomacy that the Bush Administration has made in their entire 5 years in office. By a long shot. North Korea's main demand was basically a simple one; tell us you won't attack us and we'll drop the nuclear program, as long as it's a guaranteed agreement. For the last several years, the Bush Administration was publically unwilling to even agree to this demand, despite the fact that a.) it's a simple demand, b.) we'd never attack them anyway because they have Seoul held hostage to their artillery, and c.) we don't have a viable offensive army any more. When I read that we finally flip-flopped on that negotiating position, I could not have been happier. That 1 single policy shift may potentially save a million American lives. I couldn't believe we were holding out on that point from the start of the negotiations, and I was hoping against hope that the Bushes would make the right choice and offer them a non-agression pact. There's no rational reason not to do so. Beyond that main point, it was simply a matter of figuring out ways to organize power agreements between the 2 Koreas.
  4. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Sep 19, 2005 -> 06:05 AM) Well, if we trade Texas, it would be for a pitcher, a solid one. JC's value is pretty high right now. They need to move a piece to get a good arm, and they know it. They have needed to move a piece to get a good arm for a couple years now, and each year they've chosen not to do it. This year they even traded away a pitcher to get another bat. It would be very smart of them to talk to someone like Chicago or Minnesota about grabbing one of their young bats, but thus far they've just been unwilling to do it. I think they're just scared about trading any player the fans like for pitching and having it blow up in their face. Plus, my money says Soriano is the first one to move from that team out of anyone.
  5. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Sep 19, 2005 -> 07:25 AM) Eh, I don't know about that. I tend to think that he'd have a great run while he faced most AL teams for the first time. Something like Clement had for a while in Boston. A new pitcher with great stuff facing teams that have hardly ever seen him could have been very tough to beat. Burnett right now is doing exactly what he's done his whole career. Right around the trading deadline he was unbeatable...now he's getting beaten around. Moving leagues does not change who a pitcher is. AJ Burnett is a clone of Kerry Wood. He has dominating stuff at times, but at other times he just gets knocked around. He doesn't seem to learn from his mistakes. And every time he goes up, he comes just as far back down. There's no reason to assume that somehow switching leagues or teams would make him a totally different pitcher in 2 months.
  6. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Sep 19, 2005 -> 07:31 AM) Last time I checked, his era is 3.21. If he was really getting bombed every outing, I'm sure his era would be much higher than that. Wouldn't it? That is quite a bit up from his low point in the season however, which was back in June I think. He was over half a point lower than that. And when you have an ERA under 1 for the month of June...evne if you're pitching poorly, it's gonna take it a while to come back up.
  7. I hope someone casually posts Howry's words on a bulletin board somewhere in that locker room.
  8. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Sep 19, 2005 -> 06:26 AM) I was gonna post the same thing he's saying, but I figured I'd get ripped. Who would you rather face in the 1st round Anaheim or Boston? I've said this all year: I do NOT fear the East and I'll stand by that. When the Sox are playing their best baseball...getting good performances from their starting pitchers, bullpen, and getting some timely hitting/manufacturing runs, I don't fear a single team in baseball. When the Sox aren't playing their best baseball...when their starters either don't have control or can't get outs, when the defense lets us down, and when the offense falls unconscious...I'm afraid of the Royals.
  9. QUOTE(retro1983hat @ Sep 19, 2005 -> 07:25 AM) My prediction: Monday - 32000 Tuesday - 24000 Wednesday - 27000 I also want guys like Freddie and Burehle to shut the F up about attendance. Last I checked, those guys were getting rocked in the second half, causing this series to even be important. Your job is to pitch, not comment on the psyches of Sox fans. If this team is worried about attendence right now...as opposed to say...winning the 3 biggest ballgames we've played this year...well, you figure out what they deserve on yoru own.
  10. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Sep 18, 2005 -> 06:53 PM) As Yogi Berra said, 90% of the game is half mental.......or something like that. The Sox need their swagger back. This Cleveland team is 3-10 aganst us. I don't care how much has changed in the last month, we OWN this team. We need to remember that and quit reading the press clippings. It's a 2 week season now. Half this game is 90% mental.
  11. Balta1701

    Is this OK?

    QUOTE(winodj @ Sep 18, 2005 -> 05:43 PM) I really enjoyed my time in Boy Scouts. I wish I could still be a part of the organization as an adult and help give back for all that it gave me as a kid. Register to be a merit badge counseler. It doesn't take very much time at all, and you can still help out. Beyond that, if you have more time available, I'm sure you could find a troop in need of an assistant scoutmaster.
  12. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Sep 18, 2005 -> 06:39 PM) I wanna be there so bad but I can't be. I think I'm just going to quit school. I still intend to keep my promise to be there for 1 game if they make it far enough into October. It will probably cost me $1000, but it will be worth it.
  13. El Duque might not even deserve a playoff spot...depending on how many pitchers we carry. Mark Jon Freddy Jose BMac (long relief) Clifford You can't Focking see that Hermy Cotts Marte Vizcaino -that adds up to 11 pitchers, which is what I believe most teams carry into the playoffs since they only have to push 4 starters. I bet we could find some takers for El Duque in the offseason, simply because the free agent market this offseason is going to be so thin. If not, he's not a horrid option in long relief early next year, and then we can try to move him at the AS break. It would be nice to free up part of his contract though.
  14. QUOTE(winodj @ Sep 18, 2005 -> 06:26 PM) Magic Number is 11 4 wins against Cleveland put the magic number down to 3. 3 wins against everyone else put the magic number down to 0. That would be enough. 6 wins against Cleveland put the magic number down to -1.
  15. QUOTE(farmteam @ Sep 18, 2005 -> 02:45 PM) That's impossible, there are dinosaurs in Flintstones. But they're living alongside humans...so I bet that's at least almost ok.
  16. You know, I'm not even sure I agree with that...I can't really think of any single stretch in this season where Everett has carried us. He's won us ballgames, he's had decent stretches where he's been useful, but even when he's been hitting well, he's only been 1 piece in a machine. Konerko? He's carried this team for a period. Uribe...check. Dye? Check. Podsednik? Yeah, back in May, him and Iguchi. Crede? Check...2 weeks back in April. But Everett...when he gets going he's steady, but not a monster.
  17. Brett Favre just became the 3rd quarterback in NFL history to pass for 50,000 yards, joining Marino and Elway.
  18. All I need to know is that our pitching lineup for this series is Garcia, Buehrle, Garland. Just saying those 3 names in a row makes me feel a lot better. Go get em boys. It's your show.
  19. QUOTE(TribeFanfromCanton @ Sep 18, 2005 -> 02:25 PM) Thanks for the welcome.... should be a hell of a series.... Will Buehrle be in the roatation for the home series? Would rather face him in Cleveland personally... GO TRIBE!!!! Buehrle should be due to pitch game 2, barring anything obnoxious going wrong with people's arms. It should be Garcia, Buehrle, Garland, in this 3 game set. And that's who I'd want going, to the letter. Even given what Jose has done in the 2nd half, those are the 3 guys I want pitching this series.
  20. Cleveland..."You're standing on the tracks and the train's coming through".
  21. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 18, 2005 -> 08:57 AM) If the Sox continue to slump and not make the playoffs, I think it's safe to say that PK won't be back. If that's the case, then I don't want to see Everett and Thomas brought back. Rather, a new batch of players could be brought in with that freed up money. Personally...my plan as it stands now (subject to revision depending on future events) would involve either picking up Everett's option and trading him or just letting him walk, also shopping Dye around for prospects now that he's had a fully healthy season, taking Timo Perez out into the middle of Montana and driving off when we stop the car so that he can use the bathroom... Then, give Anderson a shot in right field/Center field, give Borchard a shot at the Everett DH/outfield backup role just because we've invested so much time and money in him, and figure out a way to keep #35 on this team in the 3rd roster spot. This team needs to get younger and it needs to get younger soon. Otherwise we won't have the money to keep guys like Buehrle and Garland around.
  22. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 18, 2005 -> 01:46 PM) Dusty's letting Zambrano throw over 120 pitches into the 9th inning for absolutely no reason. I wouldn't say no reason...there have been rumors that he might be interested in managing the Dodgers.
  23. By the way...with what's looming tomorrow, I almost don't even think it's worth pointing out, but we picked up a game on both Boston and New York today.
  24. Freddy...we gave up a lot to get you. We're paying you a lot of money. Tomorrow...you get to show us you're more than worth it. Go get em boys. It's gut check time. You want this division? You proved to me this weekend you wanted it. Now it's time to earn it. Go get em.
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