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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. The last time I stopped shaving, we went on a 7 game winning streak.
  2. QUOTE(WSoxMatt @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 11:39 AM) Last night the Cubs game was called in the bottom of the 9th with 2 outs and the bases loaded after a 58 moinute rain delay. What ever happened to it refers back to the last completed inning, meaning DLee would get credit for his 43rd HR and the Cards would get credit for the shutout. I was always under the assumtion that the game had to end after a full inning or a half inning if the home team eas winning. Can anyone shed some light on this with facts not I think so's 4.11 The score of a regulation game is the total number of runs scored by each team at the moment the game ends. (a) The game ends when the visiting team completes its half of the ninth inning if the home team is ahead. (B) The game ends when the ninth inning is completed, if the visiting team is ahead. © If the home team scores the winning run in its half of the ninth inning (or its half of an extra inning after a tie), the game ends immediately when the winning run is scored. EXCEPTION: If the last batter in a game hits a home run out of the playing field, the batter runner and all runners on base are permitted to score, in accordance with the base running rules, and the game ends when the batter runner touches home plate. APPROVED RULING: The batter hits a home run out of the playing field to win the game in the last half of the ninth or an extra inning, but is called out for passing a preceding runner. The game ends immediately when the winning run is scored. (d) A called game ends at the moment the umpire terminates play. EXCEPTION: If the game is called while an inning is in progress and before it is completed, the game becomes a SUSPENDED game in each of the following situations: (1) The visiting team has scored one or more runs to tie the score and the home team has not scored; (2) The visiting team has scored one or more runs to take the lead and the home team has not tied the score or retaken the lead. National Association Leagues may also adopt the following rules for suspended games in addition to 4.11 (d) (1) & (2) above. (If adopted by a National Association League, Rule 4.10 © (d) & (e) would not apply to their games.): (3) The game has not become a regulation game (4 1/2 innings with the home team ahead, or 5 innings with the visiting club ahead or tied). (4) Any regulation game tied at the point play is stopped because of weather, curfew or other reason. (5) If a game is suspended before it becomes a regulation game, and is continued prior to another regularly scheduled game, the regularly scheduled game will be limited to seven innings. (6) If a game is suspended after it is a regulation game, and is continued prior to another regularly scheduled game, the regularly scheduled game will be a nine inning game. EXCEPTION: The above sections (3), (4), (5) & (6) will not apply to the last scheduled game between the two teams during the championship season, or League Playoffs. Any suspended game not completed prior to the last scheduled game between the two teams during the championship season, will become a called game.
  3. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 11:24 AM) Im probably in the minority on this one but there was a guest on CNBC that made a great point yesterday. The government needs to get out of the business of subsidizing airlines. Its clear that the legacy carriers such as Delta, AMR and UAL with their bloated business models can't hack it in this environment. Instead of the feds turning the major airlines into a flying version of Amtrack ( which these subsidies are essentially doing ), let consolidation and market forces weed out the weak. In the end everyone would be better off. Nuke, you and I may disagree on what is considered a subsidy to the airlines (do you count building an airport?), but overall we're in complete agreement for once...the 2nd "bailout" package that the government gave to the airlines after 9/11 was complete garbage, and I think the first one was too much money as well (the day Congress passed the first post-911 airline bailout, one of the airlines immediately ordered like 7 new jumbo jets with the money).
  4. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 11:20 AM) If the team misses the playoffs, here would be my plans after the season and I am not joking. Some might refer to this as the Cleveland model for rebuilding. Trade Jose Contreras and Orlando Hernandez for prospects Let Paul Konerko, Frank Thomas and Carl Everett go via free agency Trade Damaso Marte or release him Resign Jon Garland to a long term deal Resign AJ Pierzynski Trade Jermaine Dye for prospects, put Brian Anderson full-time in RF Find a decent third baseman You've left us with only 4 starting pitchers. And an even worse offense than we've got this year.
  5. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 11:32 AM) I doubt it. Garcia gave up like 1 hit last time against Santana and still ended up losing. That's why you play the games...every single game is different.
  6. QUOTE(captain54 @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 11:05 AM) The Sox are basically in the predicament they are in because the Indians have played lights out for the last couple of months....and all of the breaks that went their way in the first half are now turning the other way.. Welcome to SoxTalk!
  7. So, I'm not in the mood to give this its own thread...but did anyone else think Bush's collar looked quite odd during his speech last night...like he didn't have it buttoned properly and 1 side was longer than the other? Maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me...take a look:
  8. QUOTE(retro1983hat @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 10:44 AM) Rookie of the Year ... Ozzie won't even let Iguchi start on our team. Iguchi wouldnt' have won even if Ozzie gave him the start all 162 games. Cano and Street have gotten so much more press coverage, Iguchi would have to challenge for the triple crown to get people's attention. Well, I guess the good news on this front is that Boston is falling off a bit as well...the Yankees are a measly 1.5 games behind them now.
  9. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Sep 15, 2005 -> 09:52 PM) I'm back in my July Soxtalk "clothes" hoping we have more July-like results from here on out. I'm following your lead on this one.
  10. QUOTE(alexgtp @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 10:34 AM) Why is this even being discussed? He is a catalyst and he is still hitting. It's being discussed because he is 12/24 since the AS break in stolen bases and is not doing the job in left field. If he fixed both of those problems, then instantly the complaints would disappear.
  11. QUOTE(knightni @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 10:26 AM) I think that after next year, we can forget about the Twins and focus more on the Indians.. again. I don't think that, with the pitching the Twinkies have throughout their organization, they're going to be out of our hair for a long time. Also, Mauer and Morneau are simply going to keep getting better too, and they're going to be up north for quite a while. But that pitching staff is going to carry them to at least .500 for a long time. The question will be...how many other holes out there will they be able to plug in their lineup?
  12. This one all comes down to 2 stories...2 young quarterbacks against defenses...the Bears defense is almost certainly better than the Lions, but Harrington is also much more experienced than Orton and has better weapons. If you're a lions fan, this is a real good test for Harrington. He has to find a way to get his team into the end zone a couple times. If he can, they'll win the game. If you're a Bears fan...this is another good chance at a win, simply because it's another offense, like Washington's, that you can shut down, and I don't feel Detroit's defense is nearly as solid as Washington.
  13. I wonder how much crossover there is between the "Get the US out of the UN" crowd and the Pat Robertson viewership crowd.
  14. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 10:01 AM) f*** Yeah!!! How stellar would an OF with Hunter and Rowand be? Too bad it will never happen. Sweet Jesus, the ball would never hit the ground.
  15. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 10:09 AM) Instead of someone trying to motivate the team by making saying some vague statement, I'd prefer Ozzie (or anyone, really) to start throwing chairs around in the clubhouse and flipping out and hyping these guys up. Do we know for a fact that he isn't?
  16. QUOTE(TLAK @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 09:24 AM) Its been a great season, and the best is yet to come. Man I pray you're right.
  17. QUOTE(spiderman @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 09:28 AM) I think the collar is tightening around the collective necks of the White Sox players, not no mention that they weren't as good as they played in the 1st half. I strongly disagree with this statement. This team could even have played better in the first half, especially if they could figure out the Oakland enigma. Top to bottom, this is a very good team.
  18. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 09:17 AM) I'd keep Rowand, simply because his defense is light years ahead of Pods. Also, Rowand is able to contribute a lot more than Pods on the offensive end in terms of driving in runs. Rowand has a very managable contract for the next few years, especially compared to other guys in CF like Kotsay. Rowand is a great player to have on your team if he's surrounded by power hitters in RF and LF. I would be with you on this if I were confident in 1 thing...that Brian Anderson could fill in for Podsednik without us losing a lot in terms of play on either offense or defense. Right now, at this point in the season, I'm not. Anderson is going to hopefully be a very good player for us one of these days. But he's probably not there yet. He is hitting .185 in the big leagues thus far. He may very well need a year or two before he can become a solid everyday player - lots of rookies/2nd year guys do. The only reason right now to panic and replace a guy hitting .280+ with a rookie who hasn't proven himself in the big leagues would be a big difference in salary...i.e. if the guy out there was making $10 million a season and you could replace him with a rookie making $400k a year. But with Pods making only $1 million a season, that's not the case either. Next year, I hope that Anderson (and Borchard, if he's still around) will get the chance to play the Timo Perez (or maybe Carl Everett) backup role and really see how he handles the big leagues. They're both relatively cheap in terms of total salary, so they're good guys to have on the bench for that reason alone, and if either one of them can perform, that plays into whether or not you decide to spend the money to resign Pods or pick up the option on Dye.
  19. QUOTE(SoxFanForever @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 09:15 AM) It isn't irony, it is Sox management It isn't Sox management, it's a fractured foot.
  20. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 09:14 AM) I feel you Bias. We all know the situation and the possiblilities, we just don't want to hear it coming from a player's mouth. Of course a player should be aware of possibly losing, but it should be the last thing on your mind. First comes thinking about it, then accepting it and then it sometimes actually happens. The question is this...is Buehrle "accepting" that they might lose, or is he trying to come up with some motivation by realizing they're not playing well, in the hopes that the realization that they're screwing up will help them not lose? I think it's the latter. I don't think he's resigned to losing to them at all, I think he's trying to give the other players the swift kick in the arse that they need.
  21. As far as all press reports right nwo are saying...George W. Bush has placed that veteran of many reconstructions, Karl Rove, in charge of contracting and rebuilding on the Gulf Coast. Yes, I said Karl Rove.
  22. Brian Williams's Blog...
  23. QUOTE(Chisoxrd5 @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 08:48 AM) The point of my thread was more that Scott Podsednik's best is not currently good enough to play a starting corner outfield position on a major league club. I'm not saying I'm right by any means, I was just wondering what everyone elses opinion was on this topic. I think that Scott Podsednik's best right now is still plenty good to earn him a starting spot on a major league ballclub...he's just not at his best on the basepaths right now, for whatever reason. Almost everything else seems to be clicking for him. Don't forget when you're looking at 2nd half stats that not only did Pods's stolen bases suffer when he got hurt, but he spent a week or two trying to play through the pain and wound up barely getting any hits at all during the stretch. That was right before he went on the DL.
  24. QUOTE(Chisoxrd5 @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 08:36 AM) I would be all for giving Rowand a try in the leadoff spot...btw, this is NOT going to be a popular recommendation on this board. I agree it's not going to be a popular reccomendation. I see 2 different types of leadoff hitters in the league who work very well. First, guys like Podsednik, with speed enough to cause teams headaches by bunting, getting infield hits, slapping the ball places, and causing havoc on the basepaths. The other kind is the kind who is not necessarily as fast, but the kind who gets on base a lot via a high batting average and taking a lot of walks. This guy works because even though he's not distracting the pitcher as much, he's always on base for whatever boppers the team has behind him. Rowand is a moderately fast hitter, but he fits into neither of these categories. He's a .280 hitter this year who doesn't take many walks, doesn't cause problems on the basepath, doesn't take enough pitches to let the people behind him see what the pitcher is throwing, and he would probably end up scoring less runs than Podsednik in the 1 hole.
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