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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Sep 14, 2005 -> 09:10 AM) Wild Pitches=Pitchers fault Passed Balls=cathers fault I actually agree with you here that you can't blame the Wild Pitches on AJ as much as you can Jose's forkball, but I do have to disagree with you when you present it as that simple. If a pitcher throws a pitch in the dirt, but the catcher is out of position on it and it goes to the backstop, it will be a wild pitch. Why? Because it was in the dirt. That doesn't in any way mean that the catcher shouldn't have caught the thing. A passed ball happens when a pitcher throws a ball that is well within the reach of the catcher and there's no remote excuse for him not catching it...and the catcher misses it anyway. In other words, if the ball going to the backstop has any component at all of fault going to the pitcher, it will be a wild pitch. A truly great catcher at stopping pitches will prevent a huge number of wild pitches just because he keeps the ball in front of him. That doesn't mean that if the ball had gotten past the catcher, it would have been scored a passed ball.
  2. QUOTE(WSoxMatt @ Sep 14, 2005 -> 09:23 AM) Maybe Ozzie is setting him up to fail, Johan Santana is pitching Saturday and you know hew well we hit him!!! Responding to the sarcasm with seriousness...this could be a real way of testing El Duque too...we've all been told, and I've repeated, that El Duque is a big-game pitcher. We've seen it a couple times this year where he stepped up and stopped losing skids. He's supposed to do well with the pressure on. Well Duque...the pressure is on. You need to perform well this start to keep a starting job.
  3. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Sep 14, 2005 -> 06:54 AM) Congressman uses National Guard to check on house Interestingly enough, that same Congressman had his homes in New Orleans and D.C. Raided by the Feds as part of some sort of criminal investigation, the details of which we still don't know. Supposedly, from the house he retrieved: Anyone want to engage in idle speculation about the backstory here?
  4. By the way...it's now sounding even worse out there...a full dozen nearly-simulatenous explosions...and I think we all know by now who's calling card the simultaneous blast is.
  5. QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Sep 14, 2005 -> 06:53 AM) Do you think this stuff will ever start in the US? Not the suicide bombings, but the kidnappings and such. I suspect that if that happens, then the profiling will kick in full force and anybody of possible descent will suddenly become suspect and the refugee camps set-up during WWII for the Japanese would surface again, but for people of Middle Eastern descent, just to save all of them. Well, there is a decent portion of the right wing that is already calling for exactly that. (Michelle Malkin). The only question is whether or not the remaining Supreme Court justices would allow it.
  6. QUOTE(Steff @ Sep 14, 2005 -> 08:44 AM) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9337631/ So I guess the hospitals will also be charged. :headshake So if people did die because of the delayed federal response, and the President says "He takes responsibility" for that poor response...shouldn't there be involuntary manslaughter charges a-comin'? I mean, the man just confessed! How does one do half-sarcasm in color?
  7. I think the real key to this whole debate is that Ruth hit his 714 home runs on some mixture of beer and hot dogs. I want to see what happens to today's players when we take them off of the performance-enhancing drugs and put them back on the performance-hindering drugs of yesteryear.
  8. QUOTE(WSoxMatt @ Sep 13, 2005 -> 05:42 PM) As of 10 minutes ago, Tarp on, still raining but I have the sound down so no idea when they are aiming to start!! Thanks, that's what I wanted to know...probably take them at least 20-30 minutes to get things ready once they take the tarp off.
  9. QUOTE(CYGarland @ Sep 13, 2005 -> 05:41 PM) Still delayed, but not sure for how long. Is it still raining? Have they taken the tarp off yet?
  10. Can anyone give me an update on whether or not they're getting ready for baseball in KC? Tarp still on, etc.?
  11. QUOTE(Pauly8509CWS @ Sep 13, 2005 -> 01:39 PM) I would love to have Bob Uecker announce Sox games. Seriously...how many baseball fans are there in existence who see a pitch fly way the heck away from the plate and don't mutter to themselves "Just a bit outside", a-la Uecker in Major League
  12. QUOTE(WSoxMatt @ Sep 13, 2005 -> 05:35 PM) Now the Lights go out in Cleveland, Id bet $100 Wedge shut em off LOL Official game anyway, 8 light standards gone black!!! Please God...let this be a metaphor for Cleveland's season....
  13. QUOTE(Beastly @ Sep 13, 2005 -> 04:38 PM) I'd start McCarthy. I know he has barely reached the minimum of pitching in the regular season, but its a good risk involved if you win, pushing Buehrle back a day with Garcia and then Hernandez starting if needed. I'm sorry...but taking a kid who has pitched basically 3 good games in his entire big league career and suddenly deciding he can handle game 1 of the playoffs type-pressure just strikes me as an amazingly large risk.
  14. QUOTE(beck72 @ Sep 13, 2005 -> 04:51 PM) I was wondering who BMac would replace before this Marte development. I was thinking Viz. but either way, BMac would look really good in the bullpen in the playoffs. Having a solid guy who could be ready to log 2, 3 innings at a time [El Duque scares me coming out of the pen] might be key in the playoffs, so the entire pen isn't used up. Personally, I am more a fan of having a guy there who can come in during the 8th inning of a tie ballgame and wind up getting the win in the 14th without blowing apart our bullpen.
  15. We got somethin' we both know it We don't talk too much about it Yeah it ain't no real big secret all the same Somehow we get around it Listen it don't really matter to me baby You believe what you want to believe You see you don't have to live like a refugee Somewhere, somehow somebody Must have kicked you around some Tell me why you wanna lay there And revel in your abandon Listen it don't make no difference to me baby Everybody's had to fight to be free You see you don't have to live like a refugee Now baby you don't have to live like a refugee Baby we ain't the first I'm sure a lot of other lover's been burned Right now this seems real to you But it's one of those things You gotta feel to be true Somewhere, somehow somebody Must have kicked you around some Who knows, maybe you were kidnapped Tied up, taken away and held for ransom It don't really matter to me Everybody's had to fight to be free You see you don't have to live like a refugee I said you don't have to live like a refugee -Tom Petty.
  16. So now that Bush is saying "He takes responsibility" for Federal failures...does that amount to a confession?
  17. While most radiological devices aren't going to be strong enough to hurt anyone, that doesn't mean they can't do damage...if you were living or working in downtown chicago, and you heard there was a dirty bomb set off there but the government said it was safe, would you still want to go to work there? A dirty bomb plays on 2 things...large-scale panic (and the hopes that it hurts people) and 2, the irrational fear of the word "nuclear" that has been drilled inot most Americans.
  18. QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Sep 13, 2005 -> 03:28 PM) http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,13...1779057,00.html election on a Sunday? Makes a lot more sense than running it on a Tuesday...at least people are off of work. Are they allowed to set up polling places at churches in Germany? That'd be another useful piece.
  19. QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Sep 13, 2005 -> 03:26 PM) I don't mind the show but I don't think it comes close to being as good as 24. Saying something isn't as good as 24 isn't saying much. Almost nothing comes close to 24. It's like saying "well, he'd make a better president than Bush." (Note...if you are a Republican reading this message, please replace the word "Bush" with the word "Clinton". Thank you, and have a nice day)
  20. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Sep 13, 2005 -> 04:10 PM) be nice -- it's the twins jersey that's scaring you. Actually, the grin on AJ's face is what scares me. Eek!
  21. QUOTE(SoxFanForever @ Sep 13, 2005 -> 03:27 PM) I am frightened beyond the capacity for rational thought. I believe he actually said terrified, not frightened.
  22. See, now this would be a perfect time for an icon of a smiley being beaten with a broom.
  23. QUOTE(Middle Buffalo @ Sep 13, 2005 -> 11:17 AM) What will the response be if a terrorist/group of terrorists walk into downtown Chicago and set off suitcases of "dirty" nuclear bombs or biological weapons? . This hurricane and it's aftermath was predicted years ago, and, still, the response by all levels of government was slow and weak. Does anyone have faith that the response will be better to an unpredictable attack/natural disaster? I don't. You think you're concern, you're not the one sitting a few tens of miles from a really big crack in the ground. I decided to double my stockpile of drinking water after Katrina, just in case we get stuck in a similar boat where the government can't get the water back running.
  24. QUOTE(SoxPhan7 @ Sep 13, 2005 -> 09:24 AM) I have been watching it. It is very enjoyable and it definitely reminds me of 24. Everything that happens is so prefectly coincidental. That adds to the excitement. I am not so sure of the acting of the main character though, he seems like kind of a tool. He is def not jack Bauer. Presumably by "The Main character" you mean the guy playing Michael, the guy trying to break out of the prison...who's name interestingly enough comes 2nd in the credits, behind the name of the guy playing the brother on death row. I believe I like the way he's playing Michael...with a bit of a sense of detachment to him, always managing to seem cool and calculated. It's been effective thus far.
  25. QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Sep 13, 2005 -> 10:40 AM) http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050913/ap_on_...a_washington_14 2 points. 1. There is a massive difference between saying "I take responsibility for this" and actually taking responsibility and doing something about it. Bush has said he has taken responsibility for several things...and then changed nothing in terms of policy or the people working under him. Only time will tell if he actually takes responsibility for anything here, or if he'll just keep passing the buck. 2. Read this one: Did the President of the United States just dodge a question on whether or not we're capable of dealing with a terrorist attack 4 years after 9/11? And I thought John Kerry was the one who was soft on terrorism.
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